The £299 third Cost of Living Payment will be paid to 8 million eligible households on means-tested benefits between Tuesday 6 February and Thursday 22 February 2024, the DWP has announced.

To be eligible for the Cost of Living Payment, you need to have been entitled to a payment for a qualifying benefit between 13 November and 12 December 2023, or payment for an assessment period, ending between these dates.

The full list of benefit recipients that qualify for the third Cost of Living Payment are those who are eligible and receive at least one of the following: 

  • Universal Credit; 
  • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance; 
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance; 
  • Income Support; 
  • Working Tax Credit; 
  • Child Tax Credit; 
  • Pension Credit 

You need to have been entitled to a payment of a qualifying benefit as follows:  

For Universal Credit, payment for an assessment period ending between 13 November 2023 to 12 December 2023 

For all other DWP means-tested benefits, payment in respect of any day between 13 November 2023 to 12 December 2023 

For tax credits-only customers, a payment of tax credits in respect of any day in the period 13 November 2023 to 12 December 2023 or later be paid in respect of any day in this period 

Those on DWP benefits other than Universal Credit who are entitled to less than 10 pence and meet all other qualifying criteria but who do not receive a benefit payment, will still receive a Cost of Living Payment. 

There’s more details on the website


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    My claim for universal credit started on the 12th December will I still get the cost of living payment
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    · 1 years ago
    Imy claim started on the 6th of December would I be entitled to the payment 
    I also received and advance during the period

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    · 1 years ago
    I haven't had mine yet? I got the other payments. I am on PIP and ESA so do not know what has gone wrong this time? Anybody else not recieved it yet?
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    · 1 years ago
    I was given my migration letter and switched from tax credits to UC and my first assessment period was 16th Nov until 15th December so I thought I should qualify. But I have received no text or letter. Surely its not fair that if I don't qualify as I was on tax credits which qualifies normally. Does anyone know if I can get it? 
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      · 1 years ago
      Hey I just saw this info online, hope this helps?:

      "However, those who have moved over to Universal Credit after the qualifying period will be paid by HMRC instead. They'll be given their £299 payment between 16 February and 22 February instead" 

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      · 1 years ago
      @Han I think I saw someone with similar situation ask this to HMRC customer support on Twitter (X) and they advised they would be entitled. It maybe worth either asking in the journal bit of your new UC claim online for clarity or the support page on twitter? Fingers crossed you do get this. May end up getting it at the later stage possibley whilst they process further payments?
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    · 1 years ago
    How about an assessment period of 22Nov - 21Dec 2023, that's not eligible, right?
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    · 1 years ago
    I didn't get it but yet I was in receipt of uc on 27th November so the qualifying period don't mean nothing u have to be on uc for some time which in my view is outrageous as everyone has different circumstances and its not far on people that have just fallen out of work and need to sort all there bills out but they don't mind giving money to drug users!!!!!!! Always seems to be the case with this government. It is really bad. 
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    · 1 years ago
    Hi there, if I had an award of benefits between my assessment period of 1st -31st December does this mean I do qualify for the 3rd cost of living payment? Or is it only benefits actually paid physically to myself between 13Nov- 12th Dec as my previous assessment period was 1st November -30th November and I had a nil award for that month due to having back pay in November
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @Sara I can't seem to get a clear answer regarding it online, but as I haven't had the text that a lot of others seem to be getting i'm guessing I won't be eligible 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Reedy I am too waiting on the same as you as I had a back payment from work that also made me get 0 November but was awarded 1st dec-31st 
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    · 1 years ago
    I still don’t understand why people receiving Contribution-based ESA, which I think is means-tested, do not receive these particular Cost of Living payments. What makes our circumstances, financial or health, different to those receiving Income-related ESA who automatically receive the 3 x £299 C of L payments? I once read that people on CB ESA  don’t receive the extra help that IR ESA claimants receive as they’re more able to find other financial help/work than those in receipt of IR ESA. I’m not sure how we’re supposed to do that considering our health issues can be exactly the same. Out of the two types of ESA, IR is the one which automatically qualifies for these extra payments, which would suggest that the DWP think those on CB ESA don’t need this extra help and can find it elsewhere. Please can anyone explain why?
    Thank you.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Bunty. Hi Bunty
      I find this very strange too, I'm in the same situation as you. I can't work either but still don't get CoL payment. I think there should be a legal case for discrimination!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @Liz Hi Liz,
      Thank you for your reply. After an assessment, I was transferred from Incapacity Benefit onto ESA Contribution Based when IB was discontinued many years ago. I had worked for 10 years before becoming ill and subsequently disabled, but at the time had - and still have - no savings. So, I’m not sure why I was moved onto Contribution Based ESA instead of IR ESA. 
      please don’t reply if you would prefer not to, but I just wondered about the reason that the DWP changed your ESA from CB to IR? 

      Many thanks.

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      · 1 years ago
      @John Hi John,
      I’m disabled and receive DLA. Not yet been reassessed for PIP. But receiving ESA Contribution Based means I don’t receive the Cost of Living payments received by claimants on ESA Income Related. I have a friend who receives ESA IR and DLA and receives the full Cost of Living payments. I’m just unsure why those receiving ESA CB don’t receive them. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Bunty Don’t you get PIP if your disabled 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Bunty. Hi Bunty,
      I'll start by saying that I totally agree with you. I used to be on contribution based ESA after being on SSP for several months, now I am on income based ESA. If I remember rightly the contribution based ESA is slightly more money than income based. But certainly not anywhere close to being enough to make up the difference with the cost of living payments.
      I really don't understand how they decide who can and who can't have the help 
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    · 1 years ago
    Any UC payment of 1p or above between the dates in article will qualify
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    · 1 years ago
    Once again no help for people on PIP or Carers Allowance 
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      · 1 years ago
      @PiecesofFormerMeAreBroken Dear Piecesofformermearebroken - please speak to someone about how you feel and your suicidal thoughts. There is help out there but i know its not always easy to know where to look nor have the mental headspace to deal with it. You state you have no internet - can I ask how you accessed this Forum? I am not criticising but if you could use the same means to access help for your Debt or mental health it is a positive start to a better future for you. You could start with your local library who will have a list of local resources/charities that can help. Have you spoken to your GP about a referral to the Foodbank - that would at least make sure you get regular nourishment which in turn helps low mood etc. You can call the Samaritans at any time of day or night for someone to talk to and for help. I dont know what has caused your spiral into debt and if you have any health issues but there are Help groups that are specific to various illnesses/injuries that can help even if just advising you where to go to next. I dont know what part of the country you are in but your GP surgery may have access to a Social Prescriber who can support you looking for help etc. Please please value your life however broken it feels right now. You are worth it .
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      · 1 years ago
      @Kath Pip and carers allowance if paid together is more than those on Ir esa receive. Those on cb esa supposedly have saving over 1600/16000 can't remember which and I may be way off with both amounts, regardless cb esa claimants will have stated at some point when making their esa claim that they had savings over a certain amount. And it an amount that ir esa claimants did not have when they first started their claim and why they were put onto ir esa. And also why ir claimants receive cost of living payments. How many of you on cb esa have a tv licence, home internet, home phone, expensive mobile, a vehicle to drive, have holidays, own own home? I am on ir esa and have none of that/those. I have almost nothing and can't afford to eat, pay my bills, heat my rented home, it is one or the other and I end up with bank fines and certain bills going unpaid because I simply can't afford to live a normal life. Those costs of living payments are life saving, I am fearful very fearful of them stopping. My life is absolutely awful and filled constantly with not only health stress but massive financial very aging stress that leaves me waking most days with thoughts of hanging myself. I don't have credit cards nor loans, I simply have no money! I did used to have home internet and a tv licence but had to stop the tv licence and home internet cut off because I cant afford to pay it with costs of living having increased. I am in massive debt to that internet provider and potentially with another company also because eating and heating were more important given my health issues. I doubt even in death I will have peace and stability, only further hell! If any of you on cb esa don't have savings anymore, then speak to the dwp and ask to be changed onto ir esa. Though you probably are better off staying on cb based esa as longer term you will be better off on that. Guess though it depends how much you all receive and how often you get paid your cb esa.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Kath This really drives me made I'm in the same boat.x
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    · 1 years ago
    That's interesting. I'm on sick leave at the moment after surgery on my foot at the beginning of Oct. I'm claiming UC as I'm only on ssp. I'm not sure when I'll be back at work but I don't know if I'd get this payment. Any information would be appreciated 

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