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ESA & NHS Dental treatment (proof of entitlement)
- SaneInside
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I'm currently receiving ESA Support Group (income related) and have been getting NHS dentist treatment. Each time I visit the dentist they ask for proof of my entitlement to free treatment, an exemption certificate is often mentioned by the secretary but in the past when I've phoned the DWP they say no such thing exists for benefit claimants and to just fill out the form with my NI number. I've done this many times before and there has never been a problem.
I was just wondering what proof can I use? They're getting quite strict about it now and it's making me feel like they think I'm conning them or something. If I show them my benefit award letter they look at the date and express concern that it could be out of date & might not be good enough.
It's getting really embarrassing for me, first having to say I'm exempt and then trying to explain what benefit I'm getting, showing proof and it not being accepted all in front of a waiting room full of people

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- Gordon
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- Posts: 51287
Your annual ESA Entitlement letter should be sufficient proof of your entitlement to free dental care.
The Exemption certificate is issued to people who do not qualify for a free treatment through another mechanism and have a low income.
If you weren't entitled they would have chased you for payment long ago.
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- Gordon
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- Posts: 51287
Your annual ESA Entitlement letter should be sufficient proof of your entitlement to free dental care.
The Exemption certificate is issued to people who do not qualify for a free treatment through another mechanism and have a low income.
If you weren't entitled they would have chased you for payment long ago.
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- Jo
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- Gordon
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- Posts: 51287
Jo wrote: Hi , I've been claiming ESA for 15 months income related and support group. I have a pre payment NHS prescription card which costs £10.40 a month and also have been paying for dentist which has been 3 visits at £45 ish per visit. I was told that because it's income related ESA I don't qualify for free health care , prescription and dental?? Have I been informed wrong and can I claim any money back?!
The rules are slightly different across each of the four countries but as far as I am aware Income Related ESA is a qualifying benefit for free prescriptions and dental care in each one.
You will have to contact the relevant bodies for where you live in regard to a re-payment of the fees you have paid.
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- MrFibro
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- Posts: 360
Sorry to but in I read your post @ sam.
I always used the hc2 excemption certificate form.
I enclose a link for your attention .
kind regards
You can also obtain the form from any job centres reception desk,
Or apply online, or as i used to do phone NHS up and get them to send you out an application form.
I used them for years, but now i just show what gordon suggested proof of i get IR ESA
Hope it may help
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