Hi,just a message to say I have transferred from DLA to PIP after a home visit assessment. I didn't request this but never mind.The face to face went reasonably well but as a lot of members probably feel I thought I would loose my award. In fact I went from middle rate care to standard rate care and I was even awarded standard mobility. The letter stated the award was for an on going period to be looked at again in 2029 when I will be 77. I am over the moon about this and it will take a lot of stress away which makes my health problems worse. I would like to thank the site for all the information that has helped me over the years with ESA when I had to give up work because of serious heart problems. I have just renewed my subscription and intend to do so every year for the benefit of other people who may need the site.Once again thanks to everyone at the site.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Porthole Pete, Becky