Completed and returned the dreaded PIP review form and had a super speedy result.
Posted the form first class recorded on the 6th of March and it arrived on the 8th. A letter was sent out on the 9th of the decision to award me the same standard rate I have been on for mobility and I've been awarded the enhanced rate for daily living. I was previously on the lower rate for daily living.
I haven't recieved my letter yet. An amount of 30 odd pounds was in my bank account from PIP this morning so I telephoned DWP/PIP and was told over the phone.
This has taken away so much anxiety of the dreaded brown envelope.
I will have a closer look at scores etc when the letter does arrive, last time I was just one point away from higher rate mobility but decided not to pursue a MR as the anxiety of it would have been too much.
Lastly, a big thank you as always to this site, the moderators and contributors who all do an amazing job with the resources. Thank you.
Best of luck to everyone awaiting their decisions x