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- ESA, PIP and DLA Queries and Results
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- Jim Allison BSc, Inst LE, MBIM; MA (Consumer Protection & Social Welfare Law)
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15 years 2 months ago - 13 years 5 months ago #14189 by Jim Allison BSc, Inst LE, MBIM; MA (Consumer Protection & Social Welfare Law)
PLEASE READ THE SPOTLIGHTS AREA OF THE FORUM REGULARLY, OTHERWISE YOU MAY MISS OUT ON IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
DWP ABBREVIATIONS & SOURCES OF MEDICAL EVIDENCE was created by Jim Allison BSc, Inst LE, MBIM; MA (Consumer Protection & Social Welfare Law)
AA Attendance Allowance
BDO Benefit Delivery Office
BDC Benefit Delivery Centre.
BEL Benefit Enquiry Line
BL Budgeting Loan
CA Carer's Allowance
CAA Constant Attendance Allowance
CAB Citizens Advice Bureaux
CB Child Benefit
CBEP Child Benefit Extension Period
CCG Community Care Grant
CL Crisis Loan
CLA Community Legal Advice {formerly Community Legal Services. CLS)
CMS Customer Management System (DWP system for computerised processing of benefit claims.( Will also be used by LAs for HB/CTB )
CPAG Child Poverty Action Group
CPN Community Psychiatric Nurse.
CTC Child Tax Credit
CTB Council Tax Benefit
CWP Cold Weather Payment
DBC Disability Benefits Centre
DBU Disability Benefits Unit
DDA Disability Discrimination Act
DEA Disability Employment Advisor
DfES Department for Education and Skills
DHP discretionary housing payment
DIAL Disability Information and Advice Line
DLA Disability Living Allowance
Components are:-
HRC Higher Rate Care
MRC Middle Rate Care
LRC Lower Rate Care
HRM Higher Rate Mobility
LRM Lower Rate Mobility
DH Disability Handbook (used by DM's and tribunal members to help assess DLA claims)
DM Decision Maker ( formerly Adjudication Officer)
DMG Decision Makers Guide
DP Disability Premium
DQPM Disability Qualified Panel Member (DLA Tribunals)
DSA Disabled Students' Allowance
DSS Department of Social Security (now DWP)
DWP Department of Work and Pensions
EEA European Economic Area
EEC European Economic Community
EDP Enhanced Disability Premium
EMP Examining Medical Practitioner
ESA Employment and Support Allowance ( replaced IB for new claimants from 27 October 2008) With ESA there are two types of allowance. Contribution based (CB) and Income Based (IB). More HERE
FQPM Financially Qualified Panel Member (Appeals Tribunal, sits only on cases involving overpayment of benefit0
GB Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales)
GL24 The form used if you want to appeal a benefit decision.
GP General Practitioner
HB Housing Benefit
HCP Healthcare Professional.
HMRC Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs (formerly Inland Revenue)
HRP Home Responsibilities Protection
HRT Habitual Residence Test
IAP Intensive Activity Period
IB50 the form you fill in to assess whether you are incapable of work, for benefit purposes.
IB Incapacity Benefit
IDB Industrial Death Benefit
IIDB industrial injuries disablement benefit
ILF Independent Living Fund
IR Inland Revenue
IS Income Support
JSA Job Seekers Allowance, this is actually 2 benefits,
JSAIB Job Seekers Allowance Income Based (means-tested)
JSACB Jobs Seekers Allowance Contribution Based (based on NI Record).
LIMA Logic Integrated Medical Assessment ( a computer based medical for IB claimants used by Atos doctors and other health care professionals who do medicals
e.g. nurses)
LQPM Legally Qualified Panel Member (Appeal Tribunals, would be the panel chairman)
MA Maternity Allowance
MQPM Medically Qualified Panel Member (Appeal Tribunals)
NHS National Health Service
NI National Insurance
NIC National Insurance Contributions
NINO National Insurance Number
PAYE Pay as you earn
PC Pension Credit, there are 2 parts to this,
PCSC Pension Credit Savings Credit
PCGC Pension Credit Guarantee Credit (basically IS for the over 60s)
PCA Personal Capability Assessment
PIW Period of Incapacity for Work
PO Presenting Officer (the DM who attends a tribunal, if one does attend, they don't always)
PS Pension Service
RA Retirement Allowance
REA Reduced Earnings Allowance
Reg Regulation in a set of Regulations
RPP Right Payments Programme
S2P Second State Pension
SP State Pension
SDA Severe Disablement Allowance
SDP Severe Disability Premium
SERPS State Earnings Related Pension Scheme
SF Social Fund
SOR Statement Of Reasons (Detailed Information on how a benefits decision was reached)
SAP Statutory Adoption Pay
SMP Statutory Maternity Pay
SPP Statutory Paternity Pay
SSP Statutory Sick Pay
TS Tribunals Service
UK United Kingdom (Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man)
WCA Work Capability Assessment (replaces PCA for ESA Claimants)
WFP Winter Fuel Payment
WRA Work Related Activity. (Training, education, work placements and health improvement tasks,which will be part of the ESA claim conditions for most claimants)
WRAC Work-related activity component.
WRAG Work-related activity group.
WRO/A Welfare Rights Officer or Adviser.
WTC Working Tax Credit
WP Widows Pension
WPA Widowed Parent's Allowance
Service Personnel and Veteran Agency Terms: (formerly Veteran's Agency)
SPVA Service Personnel and Veterans Agency (formerly known as VA Veterans Agency)
WPS - War Pension Scheme
WP - War Pension(er) or
WDP - War Disablement Pension(er)
VA&PC - Veterans Advisory & Pensions Committee
WPMS - War Pensioners Mobility Supplement
WPCAA - War Pensioners Constant Attendance Allowance
ALSO - Allowance for Lowered Standard of Occupation
UNSUPP - Unemployability Supplement
CA - Comforts Allowance or Clothing Allowance
ESDA - Exceptionally Severe Disability Allowance
SDOA - Severe Disablement Occupational Allowance
AA - Age Allowance
TA - Treatment Allowance
PtTA- Part-time Treatment Allowance
1stTT - First Tier Tribunal
WW - War Widow(er)
AFPS75 - Armed Forces Pension Scheme 1975
AFPS05 - Armed Forces Pension Scheme 2005
AFCS - Armed Forces Compensation Scheme
GIP- Guaranteed income Payment
PIC - Principal Invaliding Condition
SIP - Service invaliding Pension
SAP - Service Attributable Pension
DAP - Discretionary Awards Panel
DAAP - Discretionary Awards Appeal Panel
Originally compiled by Moderator jima1 and Ted H, with additions by debbie Moderator of Youreable and B & W member and jima1. Information on war pensions etc. provided by Moderator pete17971.
See also Abbreviations used by
DWP Medical Examiners
Sources of evidence the DWP can use when deciding benefit claims.
A-Z Sources of Evidence
If you feel we've missed anything, or made an error, please let us know using the PM facility and we'll amend the list . Further additions may be added when necessary also
Hope you find these of help.
pp Moderating Team.
Crazydiamond, bro58, Jima1, Steve Donnison, pete17971, Survivor, pata1 , Derek4, Gordon , michaelg
AA Attendance Allowance
BDO Benefit Delivery Office
BDC Benefit Delivery Centre.
BEL Benefit Enquiry Line
BL Budgeting Loan
CA Carer's Allowance
CAA Constant Attendance Allowance
CAB Citizens Advice Bureaux
CB Child Benefit
CBEP Child Benefit Extension Period
CCG Community Care Grant
CL Crisis Loan
CLA Community Legal Advice {formerly Community Legal Services. CLS)
CMS Customer Management System (DWP system for computerised processing of benefit claims.( Will also be used by LAs for HB/CTB )
CPAG Child Poverty Action Group
CPN Community Psychiatric Nurse.
CTC Child Tax Credit
CTB Council Tax Benefit
CWP Cold Weather Payment
DBC Disability Benefits Centre
DBU Disability Benefits Unit
DDA Disability Discrimination Act
DEA Disability Employment Advisor
DfES Department for Education and Skills
DHP discretionary housing payment
DIAL Disability Information and Advice Line
DLA Disability Living Allowance
Components are:-
HRC Higher Rate Care
MRC Middle Rate Care
LRC Lower Rate Care
HRM Higher Rate Mobility
LRM Lower Rate Mobility
DH Disability Handbook (used by DM's and tribunal members to help assess DLA claims)
DM Decision Maker ( formerly Adjudication Officer)
DMG Decision Makers Guide
DP Disability Premium
DQPM Disability Qualified Panel Member (DLA Tribunals)
DSA Disabled Students' Allowance
DSS Department of Social Security (now DWP)
DWP Department of Work and Pensions
EEA European Economic Area
EEC European Economic Community
EDP Enhanced Disability Premium
EMP Examining Medical Practitioner
ESA Employment and Support Allowance ( replaced IB for new claimants from 27 October 2008) With ESA there are two types of allowance. Contribution based (CB) and Income Based (IB). More HERE
FQPM Financially Qualified Panel Member (Appeals Tribunal, sits only on cases involving overpayment of benefit0
GB Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales)
GL24 The form used if you want to appeal a benefit decision.
GP General Practitioner
HB Housing Benefit
HCP Healthcare Professional.
HMRC Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs (formerly Inland Revenue)
HRP Home Responsibilities Protection
HRT Habitual Residence Test
IAP Intensive Activity Period
IB50 the form you fill in to assess whether you are incapable of work, for benefit purposes.
IB Incapacity Benefit
IDB Industrial Death Benefit
IIDB industrial injuries disablement benefit
ILF Independent Living Fund
IR Inland Revenue
IS Income Support
JSA Job Seekers Allowance, this is actually 2 benefits,
JSAIB Job Seekers Allowance Income Based (means-tested)
JSACB Jobs Seekers Allowance Contribution Based (based on NI Record).
LIMA Logic Integrated Medical Assessment ( a computer based medical for IB claimants used by Atos doctors and other health care professionals who do medicals
e.g. nurses)
LQPM Legally Qualified Panel Member (Appeal Tribunals, would be the panel chairman)
MA Maternity Allowance
MQPM Medically Qualified Panel Member (Appeal Tribunals)
NHS National Health Service
NI National Insurance
NIC National Insurance Contributions
NINO National Insurance Number
PAYE Pay as you earn
PC Pension Credit, there are 2 parts to this,
PCSC Pension Credit Savings Credit
PCGC Pension Credit Guarantee Credit (basically IS for the over 60s)
PCA Personal Capability Assessment
PIW Period of Incapacity for Work
PO Presenting Officer (the DM who attends a tribunal, if one does attend, they don't always)
PS Pension Service
RA Retirement Allowance
REA Reduced Earnings Allowance
Reg Regulation in a set of Regulations
RPP Right Payments Programme
S2P Second State Pension
SP State Pension
SDA Severe Disablement Allowance
SDP Severe Disability Premium
SERPS State Earnings Related Pension Scheme
SF Social Fund
SOR Statement Of Reasons (Detailed Information on how a benefits decision was reached)
SAP Statutory Adoption Pay
SMP Statutory Maternity Pay
SPP Statutory Paternity Pay
SSP Statutory Sick Pay
TS Tribunals Service
UK United Kingdom (Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man)
WCA Work Capability Assessment (replaces PCA for ESA Claimants)
WFP Winter Fuel Payment
WRA Work Related Activity. (Training, education, work placements and health improvement tasks,which will be part of the ESA claim conditions for most claimants)
WRAC Work-related activity component.
WRAG Work-related activity group.
WRO/A Welfare Rights Officer or Adviser.
WTC Working Tax Credit
WP Widows Pension
WPA Widowed Parent's Allowance
Service Personnel and Veteran Agency Terms: (formerly Veteran's Agency)
SPVA Service Personnel and Veterans Agency (formerly known as VA Veterans Agency)
WPS - War Pension Scheme
WP - War Pension(er) or
WDP - War Disablement Pension(er)
VA&PC - Veterans Advisory & Pensions Committee
WPMS - War Pensioners Mobility Supplement
WPCAA - War Pensioners Constant Attendance Allowance
ALSO - Allowance for Lowered Standard of Occupation
UNSUPP - Unemployability Supplement
CA - Comforts Allowance or Clothing Allowance
ESDA - Exceptionally Severe Disability Allowance
SDOA - Severe Disablement Occupational Allowance
AA - Age Allowance
TA - Treatment Allowance
PtTA- Part-time Treatment Allowance
1stTT - First Tier Tribunal
WW - War Widow(er)
AFPS75 - Armed Forces Pension Scheme 1975
AFPS05 - Armed Forces Pension Scheme 2005
AFCS - Armed Forces Compensation Scheme
GIP- Guaranteed income Payment
PIC - Principal Invaliding Condition
SIP - Service invaliding Pension
SAP - Service Attributable Pension
DAP - Discretionary Awards Panel
DAAP - Discretionary Awards Appeal Panel
Originally compiled by Moderator jima1 and Ted H, with additions by debbie Moderator of Youreable and B & W member and jima1. Information on war pensions etc. provided by Moderator pete17971.
See also Abbreviations used by
DWP Medical Examiners
Sources of evidence the DWP can use when deciding benefit claims.
A-Z Sources of Evidence
If you feel we've missed anything, or made an error, please let us know using the PM facility and we'll amend the list . Further additions may be added when necessary also
Hope you find these of help.
pp Moderating Team.
Crazydiamond, bro58, Jima1, Steve Donnison, pete17971, Survivor, pata1 , Derek4, Gordon , michaelg
PLEASE READ THE SPOTLIGHTS AREA OF THE FORUM REGULARLY, OTHERWISE YOU MAY MISS OUT ON IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
Last edit: 13 years 5 months ago by .
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- Jim Allison BSc, Inst LE, MBIM; MA (Consumer Protection & Social Welfare Law)
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- Posts: 2076
15 years 3 weeks ago #16383 by Jim Allison BSc, Inst LE, MBIM; MA (Consumer Protection & Social Welfare Law)
PLEASE READ THE SPOTLIGHTS AREA OF THE FORUM REGULARLY, OTHERWISE YOU MAY MISS OUT ON IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
Replied by Jim Allison BSc, Inst LE, MBIM; MA (Consumer Protection & Social Welfare Law) on topic Re:DWP ABBREVIATIONS & SOURCES OF MEDICAL EVIDENCE
Updated to include Abbreviations used by DWP Medical Examiners 25/02/10
PLEASE READ THE SPOTLIGHTS AREA OF THE FORUM REGULARLY, OTHERWISE YOU MAY MISS OUT ON IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
The topic has been locked.
- pete17971
14 years 4 months ago #36117 by pete17971
War Pensions Abbreviations updated to reflect the demise of War Pension Committees (WPC) being replaced with the reformatted Veterans Advisory & Pensions Committees (VA&PC) which now have a very much broader remit in dealing with veterans affairs.
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- Jim Allison BSc, Inst LE, MBIM; MA (Consumer Protection & Social Welfare Law)
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- Posts: 2076
14 years 2 months ago - 14 years 2 months ago #42341 by Jim Allison BSc, Inst LE, MBIM; MA (Consumer Protection & Social Welfare Law)
PLEASE READ THE SPOTLIGHTS AREA OF THE FORUM REGULARLY, OTHERWISE YOU MAY MISS OUT ON IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
Replied by Jim Allison BSc, Inst LE, MBIM; MA (Consumer Protection & Social Welfare Law) on topic Re:DWP ABBREVIATIONS & SOURCES OF MEDICAL EVIDENCE
Updated information on ESA, to explain about contribution based and incme based ESA.
7 January 2011.
7 January 2011.
PLEASE READ THE SPOTLIGHTS AREA OF THE FORUM REGULARLY, OTHERWISE YOU MAY MISS OUT ON IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
Last edit: 14 years 2 months ago by .
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Moderators: Gordon, Gary, BIS, Catherine, Wendy, Kelly, greekqueen, peter, Katherine, Super User, Chris, David