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DLA questions (quite long!)

15 years 2 days ago #17729 by adr41n
DLA questions (quite long!) was created by adr41n

I'm using my dad's log in user to view this website, and I'm impressed with all of the information but I'm finding it hard to take it all in, so I hope you don't mind me asking a few questions that have probably been answered several times over.

I'm a little confused. I've already claimed for the disabled living allowance, and I received the lowest rate in mobility and care, meaning I get 37 pounds and 80 pence a week. I've never had a job before. I was excited at the prospect of having my own money, but I've quickly come to realise it's not enough to help me with my payments. I'm 20 years of age, and I have developed a fear of going outside on my own. If I go outside, I have to have a family member present- I've completely lost my independance and I haven't seen any of my friends for over a year now. I'm relying on my parents to care for me, but they don't have the funds to keep helping me out with things like online courses etc. It makes me feel terrible that my parents, who are also on benefits, have to pay for their child who should me more than cpable of taking care of herself easily and efficiently, however, due to my mental state I'm unable to help myself at all.

I was at university for a year, and that was what triggered the fear of being alone; the year began fine, but half way through I began to struggle and had found myself literally crying over the thought of simply walking to the shops on my own, and the possibility of meeting someone I might have known was heartbreaking. The added stess of discovering that my dad had lost his job and that my mum had both lost her job and had been diagnosed with MS made my life completely fall apart. I was far away from my family, living in Southampton whilst they resided in outer London, and there was no way for me to get home (I couldn't use the train because the thought scared me beyond belief), so I felt stranded in my own dormitory. This was my first time away from home and all in all I found the experience very daunting and I now find it very hard to cope with the life outside of this house.

The reason I'm writing all of this is so that you know my situation and everything that's going on with me- I'm much more articulate online than I am in person, as I find it hard to speak to new people and I even have a fear of talking on the phone with strangers. I have been prescribed with Prozac, and whilst it's helping, I'm obviously still suffering with a lot of problems. I want to try and start taking short courses so I can begin to build myself up again, but we as a family simply don't have enough money- so this is where my question (finally) comes in!

I have been on the DLA for longer than a month, though I barely notice time at all as I am right now. I was wondering if there was any way I could appeal against this decision and ask for more money, because this amount is making it harder to cope due to the fact that it's there, but it's simply not enough.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I know it's very long! I'd appreciate any feedback.

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15 years 2 days ago #17732 by Crazydiamond
Replied by Crazydiamond on topic Re:DLA questions (quite long!)
adr41n wrote:


I'm using my dad's log in user to view this website, and I'm impressed with all of the information but I'm finding it hard to take it all in, so I hope you don't mind me asking a few questions that have probably been answered several times over.

I'm a little confused. I've already claimed for the disabled living allowance, and I received the lowest rate in mobility and care, meaning I get 37 pounds and 80 pence a week. I've never had a job before. I was excited at the prospect of having my own money, but I've quickly come to realise it's not enough to help me with my payments. I'm 20 years of age, and I have developed a fear of going outside on my own. If I go outside, I have to have a family member present- I've completely lost my independance and I haven't seen any of my friends for over a year now. I'm relying on my parents to care for me, but they don't have the funds to keep helping me out with things like online courses etc. It makes me feel terrible that my parents, who are also on benefits, have to pay for their child who should me more than cpable of taking care of herself easily and efficiently, however, due to my mental state I'm unable to help myself at all.

I was at university for a year, and that was what triggered the fear of being alone; the year began fine, but half way through I began to struggle and had found myself literally crying over the thought of simply walking to the shops on my own, and the possibility of meeting someone I might have known was heartbreaking. The added stess of discovering that my dad had lost his job and that my mum had both lost her job and had been diagnosed with MS made my life completely fall apart. I was far away from my family, living in Southampton whilst they resided in outer London, and there was no way for me to get home (I couldn't use the train because the thought scared me beyond belief), so I felt stranded in my own dormitory. This was my first time away from home and all in all I found the experience very daunting and I now find it very hard to cope with the life outside of this house.

The reason I'm writing all of this is so that you know my situation and everything that's going on with me- I'm much more articulate online than I am in person, as I find it hard to speak to new people and I even have a fear of talking on the phone with strangers. I have been prescribed with Prozac, and whilst it's helping, I'm obviously still suffering with a lot of problems. I want to try and start taking short courses so I can begin to build myself up again, but we as a family simply don't have enough money- so this is where my question (finally) comes in!

I have been on the DLA for longer than a month, though I barely notice time at all as I am right now. I was wondering if there was any way I could appeal against this decision and ask for more money, because this amount is making it harder to cope due to the fact that it's there, but it's simply not enough.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I know it's very long! I'd appreciate any feedback.

Do you claim either Income Support, Incapacity Benefit or Employment and Support Allowance?

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15 years 2 days ago #17733 by adr41n
Replied by adr41n on topic Re:DLA questions (quite long!)
I've claimed ESA, but nothing has come out of it so far (they say they lost my doctor's note!). I'm waiting to receive another one to send now.

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15 years 2 days ago #17735 by Crazydiamond
Replied by Crazydiamond on topic Re:DLA questions (quite long!)
adr41n wrote:

I've claimed ESA, but nothing has come out of it so far (they say they lost my doctor's note!). I'm waiting to receive another one to send now.

I would certainly pursue your ESA claim and ensure you receive your full entitlement. The fact that the DWP have lost your doctor's note is totally unacceptable, especially if it has delayed your payments.

Insofar as your DLA award arises, if you receive any award of DLA and challenge the decision, there is always a risk that your award could be reduced or stopped altogether, rather than increased.

It is rare for people's awards to be reduced or lost in this way, but it does happen. So, as you have an existing award, it is always very valuable to get an opinion from a welfare rights worker if you possibly can, before going ahead with a challenge.

Hopes this helps?

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15 years 2 days ago #17736 by adr41n
Replied by adr41n on topic Re:DLA questions (quite long!)
It does help, thank you very much for your quick reply. Do you have any idea how to get in touch with a welfare rights worker? Somewhere online, preferably, considering the problems I have.

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15 years 2 days ago #17743 by Crazydiamond
Replied by Crazydiamond on topic Re:DLA questions (quite long!)
adr41n wrote:

It does help, thank you very much for your quick reply. Do you have any idea how to get in touch with a welfare rights worker? Somewhere online, preferably, considering the problems I have.

If you need specific benefits advice, you can download the 12 page guide to getting help with your benefits.

Alternatively, try the agencies below.

Community Legal Advice helpline 0845 345 4 345
Free advice on a range of subjects, including welfare benefits, if you are eligible for Legal Help. More details from: www.communitylegaladvice.org.uk

Disability Information Advice Lines
Visit the DIAL UK website at: www.dialuk.info to find out if you have a DIAL in your area – there are around 120 in the UK. DIALs are staffed by disabled people and offer free telephone advice on benefits for disabled people, people with long-term health conditions and carers.

Citizens’ Advice Bureaux (CAB)
To find your local bureau look under Citizens Advice Bureau in your phone book. You can also find details of your nearest bureaux, including ones with a welfare benefits specialist, at: www.citizensadvice.org.uk

Citizens Advice Scotland
To find your nearest bureau, look under Citizens Advice Bureau in your phone book or visit the CAS website at: www.cas.org.uk

Advice Northern Ireland
To find your local independent advice centre in Northern Ireland, visit: www.adviceni.net

Law Centres
Contact details of your nearest Law Centre, where you may be able to get free advice and representation at appeals, are available from the Law Centres Federation website at: www.lawcentres.org.uk

Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems

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