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Letter from Customer Compliance Officer
- John
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14 years 8 months ago - 14 years 8 months ago #21926 by John
Letter from Customer Compliance Officer was created by John
I have recieved a letter from a customer compliance officer asking me to attend at my local jobcentre in order to 'discuss a question thet has arisen concerning your claim to benefit' has anybody else recieved one of these and if so should i be worried? she is asking me to bring ID, current bank statement, specific savings account and details of all income (there isn't any apart from my dla and income support).
Last edit: 14 years 8 months ago by Jim Allison BSc, Inst LE, MBIM; MA (Consumer Protection & Social Welfare Law). Reason: Corrected typo.
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- Gareth56
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14 years 8 months ago #21928 by Gareth56
Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
Replied by Gareth56 on topic Re:Letter feom Customer Compliance Officer
Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
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- lainie
14 years 8 months ago #22106 by lainie
Replied by lainie on topic Re:Letter feom Customer Compliance Officer
Sorry to be a bit gloomy, but my Customer Compliance visit after a letter from them was because I had been 'informed' on and there was a question of me fraudulently receiving benefit. I was, of course, completely exonerated, but was left with the distinct impression that they were now 'watching me'. Regarding your letter, because it requires you to visit them with information and evidence about your income and your bank statements etc , it seems to me that they are expecting some sort of financial fraud. I wish you all the best, the lady I saw was very pleasant and polite, but it was still a fraud visit, even though called compliance. Best wishes, Lainie
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- Jim Allison BSc, Inst LE, MBIM; MA (Consumer Protection & Social Welfare Law)
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14 years 8 months ago #22199 by Jim Allison BSc, Inst LE, MBIM; MA (Consumer Protection & Social Welfare Law)
PLEASE READ THE SPOTLIGHTS AREA OF THE FORUM REGULARLY, OTHERWISE YOU MAY MISS OUT ON IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
Replied by Jim Allison BSc, Inst LE, MBIM; MA (Consumer Protection & Social Welfare Law) on topic Re:Letter feom Customer Compliance Officer
Hi Lainie,
Customer Compliance Officers (CCO) have many roles, including checking out calls made anonymously about possible fraud, but they are not part of the fraud team. Fraud Officers call you in for interview under caution which is recorded and you're provided with a copy. They may also visit without warning.
CCO's also carry out routine visits to check that claimants are receiving all benefits to which they may be entitled, and as a result many receive increases in benefit, or are advised to make a claim for benefit (s) they would qualify for.
Despite having had MS, chronic asthma, bronchiectasis and poly osteoarthritis, I received a letter last weekend to inform me that a CCO would call on me today.
It turned out that one of my neighbours had anonymously reported me saying I was renovating our flat and been carrying bags of sand and cement. My flat is only 15 years old and is in excellent order.
Like yours, the CCO was a lovely lady and after about 15-20 minutes she advised me that she accepted that this was a malicious call as I'm a wheelchair user. She wrote a short statement which she asked me to sign and I was informed that that was the end of the matter.
However, the whole episode has upset my wife and I so much, and I'm sure you must have felt the same.
Hope you're feeling better now.
Best wishes.
Customer Compliance Officers (CCO) have many roles, including checking out calls made anonymously about possible fraud, but they are not part of the fraud team. Fraud Officers call you in for interview under caution which is recorded and you're provided with a copy. They may also visit without warning.
CCO's also carry out routine visits to check that claimants are receiving all benefits to which they may be entitled, and as a result many receive increases in benefit, or are advised to make a claim for benefit (s) they would qualify for.
Despite having had MS, chronic asthma, bronchiectasis and poly osteoarthritis, I received a letter last weekend to inform me that a CCO would call on me today.
It turned out that one of my neighbours had anonymously reported me saying I was renovating our flat and been carrying bags of sand and cement. My flat is only 15 years old and is in excellent order.
Like yours, the CCO was a lovely lady and after about 15-20 minutes she advised me that she accepted that this was a malicious call as I'm a wheelchair user. She wrote a short statement which she asked me to sign and I was informed that that was the end of the matter.
However, the whole episode has upset my wife and I so much, and I'm sure you must have felt the same.
Hope you're feeling better now.
Best wishes.
PLEASE READ THE SPOTLIGHTS AREA OF THE FORUM REGULARLY, OTHERWISE YOU MAY MISS OUT ON IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
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- lainie
14 years 8 months ago #22212 by lainie
Replied by lainie on topic Re:Letter feom Customer Compliance Officer
Thanks very much for your kind reply, Jim, and sorry to hear that you were 'snitched' on too. It does make you lose your faith in human nature rather, and I am sure you are checking each time you manage to make it out of the door, just like me. How horrid some people can be, and yet there are so many more, like yourself, who are kind and thoughtful. Please tell your wife that the uncomfortable feeling does wear off a bit with time. I think false 'snitchers' should be named and shamed! With very best wishes, Lainie
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- Jeff1
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14 years 8 months ago #22213 by Jeff1
Replied by Jeff1 on topic Re:Letter feom Customer Compliance Officer
Hi Jima 1, I am not suprised that pat is upset it just beggers belief the things that are going on at the moment. The media turn the people against the sick and disabled. Disability is not always visible to people, although in your case it is ie Wheelchair user. It just goes to show the kind of society we have. I have made quite a few statements to the human equalities(as per steves post, time to turn the tables). About being called a scrounger i have also contacted my MP. In the present climate neighbours think if you are not working you must be fiddling, They dont see your pain or how many tablets you have to take every day.I hope that pat is ok. Best Wishes
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