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The difference between voluntary work and a favour

  • linsky
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14 years 8 months ago #23281 by linsky
Can anyone tell me what is construed as voluntary work and doing someone a favour.

Approx 5 years ago, I installed a sattelite dish for a friend. The dish now appears to be in need of a replacement part from what he tells me.

If on one of my good days, I could repair this for him, but he would have to wait for me to decide when I felt up to up.

However, I am in receipt of HRC LRM and IS top up. My friend would prefer to wait for me to assist him as he know that I will only do what is really necessary to the dish, thus keeping any parts he has to replace to a minimum. It would require me climbing a ladder to carry out the repair. Can anyone advise me what the DWP would make of this, if anything if it was brought to their attention.



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  • originaldave
14 years 8 months ago #23283 by originaldave
In this day and age I would not do it, a favour is that a one off help a mate ........voluntary work could be helping in a shop doing the flowers at church they both would be on a rota with you saying how often you could help once a week once a month or more often.

that said you go up a ladder and we might be seeing film of you on the six o clock news as the latest person done for fraud .........regardless of what you get dla for

if the dwp have there way in a few years time the thought of helping someone might be enough to stop benefit ;-)

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  • lainie
14 years 7 months ago #23354 by lainie
Don't do it!!!! i appeared on stage in an amateur dramatic performance for five minutes, for three of which I sat down. I also helped to sew some costumes, sitting at home. For this, some nice person informed the sneaks and snitches line and I had a horrible visit from the Compliance Officer, warning me that any further phone calls would result in a Fraud Officer visit and an interview under caution and a possible criminal charge. so my advice to you is .... don't risk it!!

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14 years 7 months ago #23373 by Jeff1
Hi,lainie, Please may i ask what benefits you were /are claiming. It seems stupid to me that you were reported for that. What do they expect us to do sit or stand still like statues all day and night.

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14 years 7 months ago #23375 by papasmurf
Jeff1 wrote:

What do they expect us to do sit or stand still like statues all day and night.

No they expect us to be behind closed curtains, laid on the sofa watching SKY and drinking weapons strength lager.
(Seriously don't do ANYTHING that could be photographed or filmed and end up on the front page of the Daily Mail.)
The BIG problem we all have is NO-ONE understands what a variable health condition is.

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14 years 7 months ago #23376 by Jeff1
Hi papasmurf, I know what you mean, the bloke the other day who was caught jiving etc, the papers stated that the DLA was meant for people who have to use wheelchairs. We know that is not the case but the media and the general public think if you are not in a wheelchair you are not disabled. (no offence to wheelchair users)

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