- Posts: 60
- snugglesxxx65
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I would be very grateful if you couuld advise me on the transfer of IB to ESA.
Both myself and husband are in receipt of DLA, hubby on MRC/LRM and myself HRM/LRC both for a indefinite period (what ever that means) he is also in receipt of IB which he as been for the last 6years. The IB is up for renewal September 2011.
My husband suffers with Epilepsy, non Epilepsy seizure disorder and depression.
With is seizures he suffers bowel and bladder movements, for example he lost bladder movement last week 4 times and bowel once.
My question is which group of ESA would my husband be put into? I have looked and read about ESA but it just does not stay in my head (or am i just thick lol).
Both myself and hubby are so stressed about what is happening i carnt remember the last time i didnt think about what the goverment are doing to us all. My head is so full of stress and i cry all the time i'm so stressed, here we go again here come the tears. Sorry to rant.
I have spoken to DWP and they were unable to help me because they themselves dont know what is happening, even the DLA dont know so who does?

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- originaldave
Good Day to you all,
I would be very grateful if you couuld advise me on the transfer of IB to ESA.
Both myself and husband are in receipt of DLA, hubby on MRC/LRM and myself HRM/LRC both for a indefinite period (what ever that means) he is also in receipt of IB which he as been for the last 6years. The IB is up for renewal September 2011.
My husband suffers with Epilepsy, non Epilepsy seizure disorder and depression.
With is seizures he suffers bowel and bladder movements, for example he lost bladder movement last week 4 times and bowel once.
My question is which group of ESA would my husband be put into? I have looked and read about ESA but it just does not stay in my head (or am i just thick lol).
Both myself and hubby are so stressed about what is happening i carnt remember the last time i didnt think about what the goverment are doing to us all. My head is so full of stress and i cry all the time i'm so stressed, here we go again here come the tears. Sorry to rant.
I have spoken to DWP and they were unable to help me because they themselves dont know what is happening, even the DLA dont know so who does?
my reading of the latest propaganda from the DWP is you will both get a review of DLA after 2013 ish

as for the IB the move to ESA will be sometime in future and as he has a review date it might happen then but dont hold your breath that date might slip big time.
which group IMO he should be in support, but that might not happen at review you might have to fight for it
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- pete17971
Good Day to you all,
I would be very grateful if you couuld advise me on the transfer of IB to ESA.
Both myself and husband are in receipt of DLA, hubby on MRC/LRM and myself HRM/LRC both for a indefinite period (what ever that means) he is also in receipt of IB which he as been for the last 6years. The IB is up for renewal September 2011.
My husband suffers with Epilepsy, non Epilepsy seizure disorder and depression.
With is seizures he suffers bowel and bladder movements, for example he lost bladder movement last week 4 times and bowel once.
My question is which group of ESA would my husband be put into? I have looked and read about ESA but it just does not stay in my head (or am i just thick lol).
Both myself and hubby are so stressed about what is happening i carnt remember the last time i didnt think about what the goverment are doing to us all. My head is so full of stress and i cry all the time i'm so stressed, here we go again here come the tears. Sorry to rant.
I have spoken to DWP and they were unable to help me because they themselves dont know what is happening, even the DLA dont know so who does?
If you doa forum search on the word 'migration' there is much information about the transfer from IB to ESA.
Also in the members area there are a lot of guides including a score sheet which may point to which ESA group one may be placed in, however that is as things current stand and it is no certainty as to what will happen in practice.
Sorry we cannot be more specific but if the DWP don't know, then us mortals haven't really a chance seeing how things will actually work in practice.
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- choogle
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This thread itself stems from a DWP Newsroom post on 29 June. The updated info from Oct 2010 has been 'sneaked out on the fly'. I mean I only look at the 29 June post because there's something there that's of specific interest to me.
I think one of the basics was the people's cases would be for review for re-assessment when their IB is naturally due for review.
However, I think there will be people who were previously exempt from review also within the stream (i. I'm in Aberdeen, the trial area, was previously PCA exempt but due for review)
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- snugglesxxx65
- Topic Author
I think i have finaly got it, being reading via Benefits and work information on ESA if i am correct my hubby should score enough point on the LCWA and when he is assest on the LCWRA he should also pass that because a) he passed the LCWA and b) because the loss of bowel and bladder movement due to his seizures!!!!
Anybody out there think i'm wrong please let me know.
I understand that how it stands at the moment this should happen, but the goverment like moving the goal posts dont they.
It as taken me nearly all day to work this one out but i think i got there in the end.

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- originaldave
I think i have finaly got it, being reading via Benefits and work information on ESA if i am correct my hubby should score enough point on the LCWA and when he is assest on the LCWRA he should also pass that because a) he passed the LCWA and b) because the loss of bowel and bladder movement due to his seizures!!!!
Anybody out there think i'm wrong please let me know.
I understand that how it stands at the moment this should happen, but the goverment like moving the goal posts dont they.
It as taken me nearly all day to work this one out but i think i got there in the end.
your getting there the problems come when you dont give them enough information or the information is confuseing this is before they do a bad job of making the choice of which group to put him in,
make sure your gp is up to date on ALL the problems and health issues that he has
your dr sees most people a few times a year for a few mins at a time and when does see you he might write three lines in your records. and any letters from hospital will get a quick glance then filed
any letter from DLA IB or ESA DWP could be filled in by a dr who has never seen you.
so visits to educate and up date your drs is very important, there is nothing wrong with giving them a wake up call and bringing him up to speed when medicals and reviews are due.
one thing you can do with most drs is when you go to see him take a one page A4 letter with uptodate details of all problems he is having
to make sure you get your case across, when you ask to see the dr make the app for any day but monday, as its the day his work load is hard as he has to see all the sick people who could not be seen over the weekend by weekend cover
also ask for a double app tell the surgery you need extra time, if its not monday there is a good chance you will get it if you book in advance
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