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- When to inform of improvement in condition.
When to inform of improvement in condition.
- Bad Back Bill
- Topic Author
just a few questions:-
At what point does one inform the DWP of improvement in condition in relation to DLA mobility claims.
Is it as soon as its possible to surpass the descriptors as laid down in their regulations without pain or discomfort?
Or as soon as You can surpass the descriptors on a regular basis without pain or discomfort?
Finally what length of time being able to surpass mobility descriptors without pain or discomfort is regarded as reasonable to ensure medical treatment has been successful prior to informing the DWP?
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- pete17971
Hi All,
just a few questions:-
At what point does one inform the DWP of improvement in condition in relation to DLA mobility claims.
Is it as soon as its possible to surpass the descriptors as laid down in their regulations without pain or discomfort?
Or as soon as You can surpass the descriptors on a regular basis without pain or discomfort?
Finally what length of time being able to surpass mobility descriptors without pain or discomfort is regarded as reasonable to ensure medical treatment has been successful prior to informing the DWP?
Hi Bill,
There is no 'set time' to report to the DWP. It is really once you become aware of a change of circumstance (better or worse) as opposed to a general day to day fluctuation.
Post Edit - though in this day and age it could be prudent to err on the side of caution if there is any doubt.
If you look in the guide called 'Changes of Circumstance for people claiming Disability Living Allowance' near the top of this page:
it explains when the DWP should be informed or not as the case maybe.
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- pata1
Looking at your screen name 'Bad Back Bill', presumably you have back problems ?
As a retired nurse with a 'bad back' myself, it's often the case that there will be an improvement for a while, but often it reoccurs without warning.
I'd read the guide as Pete suggested, the only ones who can decide whether or not your condition has improved to the extent that you report a change in circumstances is yourself and any doctor or Consultant treating you.
Best wishes.

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- Bad Back Bill
- Topic Author
convalescence and fluctuation of condition seem to be the key words however,the explanation provided certainly raises the point of individual interpretation in relation to the time scale required to convalesce.
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- Bad Back Bill
- Topic Author
yes back problems two operations within 16mths last one seems to be successful however, even My Consultant and GP will not commit to statements in relation to long term success so I suppose any report of improvement is down to me.
I know what You mean one can improve and then the back goes again this is exactly what happened after My first operation lasted about six mths before return of symptoms, but I was not in receipt of DLA at that time.
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- originaldave

some problems do have times documented when one would expect to be better or how long you shopuld wait before they would count you as being better
for example certain fits stop you driving if you go to the DVLA site and look at the medical section it tells you how long for each type of fit before they would count you as being ok
its not of course the scale dla use but it gives you an idea of time scale
with regards back operations most of them will have been studied by some other doctor and papers wrote on it, so your local libary will have internet access to university research papers
start with NHS Choices then move onto NICE
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