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14 years 2 months ago #41963 by Sandra
SCARED OF LOOSING MY DLA was created by Sandra
hi i am new to posting here but i was awarded dla high rate mobility and middle rate care and is up for renewal soon filling in the form in about 6 months time this year. i am nearly wheelchair bound out of the house and my daughter is my carer and i have to be pushed as i can not push myself between one thing and another health wise. i have lower back compression in L4 AND L5 and it compresses the nerves in my legs and hips so i can not walk far at all and i get very breathless there for i need help with most things to try and lead a "normal" life as im in consent pain with this plus i have a hole load of other things AF,HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE,THYROID PROBLEMS,ENLARGED HEART ETC. i really on my daughter and the dla to help me keep my car as i need this so i can get around. yes i drive and its the only thing i have left as i enjoy it but as i have said to to the dla i drive with my feet not legs. my daughter does nearly everything for me like bathing,washing,cooking,dressing,at night,getting me up and helping to bed,going out etc.i also have urge thing that need to pee and pee now and because of my mobility problems do not always make it to the loo or it it is too late when we find one and this can happen at home so i need help to get "sorted" again. i just so anxious about loosing this and with the cuts the govermeant are doing and everything. i would not cope without this money and would loose everything. i keeping think about and my daughter as we had to fight very had hard to get this as i was awarded high rate mobility and low rate care with out having to fill in the forms again but because i ask for a revision they put a limit of two years. just some advise would be great and any people who are fearing the same.

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14 years 2 months ago - 14 years 2 months ago #42058 by Crazydiamond
Replied by Crazydiamond on topic Re:SCARED OF LOOSING MY DLA
Unfortunately as the details of the proposed Personal Independence Payment designed to replace DLA are non-existent at the present time, nobody really knows what will happen to DLA when this is introduced in 2013. The only real crumb of comfort that can be offered is that it is at least two years away, and a lot can happen between now and then. At present, the proposed change has just passed the public consultation stage.

I will stick my neck out however and forecast that when the migration of existing IB claimants commences in April, the whole system will go into meltdown, particularly with an inevitable increase in the number of appeals against adverse ESA decisions. This may very well impact on the introduction of the PIP, which at the very least will be subject to delay, primarily because it is the identical twin brother of the much maligned ESA, and the DWP can't even cope with new claims, let alone the migration of existing IB claimants to the allowance!

Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
Last edit: 14 years 2 months ago by Crazydiamond.

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  • originaldave
14 years 2 months ago #42071 by originaldave
Replied by originaldave on topic Re:SCARED OF LOOSING MY DLA
Crazydiamond wrote:

Unfortunately as the details of the proposed Personal Independence Payment designed to replace DLA are non-existent at the present time, nobody really knows what will happen to DLA when this is introduced in 2013. The only real crumb of comfort that can be offered is that it is at least two years away, and a lot can happen between now and then. At present, the proposed change has just passed the public consultation stage.

I will stick my neck out however and forecast that when the migration of existing IB claimants commences in April, the whole system will go into meltdown, particularly with an inevitable increase in the number of appeals against adverse ESA decisions. This may very well impact on the introduction of the PIP, which at the very least will be subject to delay, primarily because it is the identical twin brother of the much maligned ESA, and the DWP can't even cope with new claims, let alone the migration of existing IB claimants to the allowance!

No need to stick your neck out its a dead cert that once they start trying to move 10,000 a week from IB things will go pear shape

even it only 1,000 a week appeal thats a lot of appeales and my money is on over half being unhappy

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14 years 2 months ago #42119 by Sandra
Replied by Sandra on topic Re:SCARED OF LOOSING MY DLA
the hole dwp cant not cope at all and i agree it will meltdown at some point. my daughter is appealing her failed esa claim even though 6 months ago she passed and nothing has changed. i myself is still on ib. i really hope this pip does not come in as how do the goverment know what help you need as they only get a snap shot of peoples daily living in a medical,tribunal and on a form and do they really care,no its all about saving money and making people like us suffer because we can not get the help we need.

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  • realfaithuk
14 years 2 months ago - 14 years 2 months ago #42163 by realfaithuk
Replied by realfaithuk on topic Re:SCARED OF LOOSING MY DLA
Well using one finger to type this, i now have reduce in mobity and need 3 carers a day to do all my care needs and in now nhs loan powered wheelchair and now help on truma related disabitiy of effects of horror crimes.

i suffering from and this yr new digonis of serve mental health daily inpactt of not able to understand or stuff , really shock , and i have to pretend i ok in my mind, to cope facing the day. my cats were the only thing in my life, helpping my mind, and life, whne carers feeding them too, etc, also long wait for other operations on knee and right shoulder,

left non use of arim after miiror in soke and told my nhs staff come to my come to provide long term phio, say will be long term and my brain not sending signles to make it work, then lose of feeling to in left leg foot and knee, so not able to walk at all, indoor use of powered chair and when carer take me out to get my money food , and not at resently or soon, when i due in hosptail for more tests scans and then teeth operation ,

then needs to move for health reasons for a home for ful wheelchair acess to, and very very , concerned , if i apply to dla of reduce in mobilty and care needs, and new serve mental health labels i been given, and not bale to cope in group threatment, or male drs or in hosptails or gps etc or carers, or repair staff for my renting flat. told mobity may come back , but long way off,

but mental health disbaliy is lifelong and what with all cuts in nhs/hosuing benfits/ and dla and income support, the adivce speaking up chairty worker, saying i sould be able to get high rate care mobtiy, i have all the reports medical and yet, so concerned if i try, i will lose the low rate, i had a lwayer in 08 , mess up my claim then and lost the serve etra benfit for mental health and midle rate dla care and mobity,

since 09 car ran me down is why i am in the wheel chair and all xrays reports also now, resenlty in nov 2010. rushed into local hosptail lost right arm movement to, and shows up needing a shoulder operation and new talblets now , which blocks the pain , other wise no arm to use, so , trying to work out a new nhs hsoptail to do knee op and shoulder, but high risk to cuting the nerves during the operations, so i a mess in health and no fmaily or any contacts to full back on, when the new dwp changes hits, and what when or if i do take on this new home, find i cant cover the council rent , due to cuts backs in hosuing benfits

, i still waiting form y communty care report from july 2010, now mths delay, got lawyer in pub;lic law , get this, but local adultcare serivces cuts to in help in transport for diabled people like me, to acess reipte serivces and day centre, a privte care company is paid from council the money for my care, as i cant to the peronal buget, way of drect payments and plans and handling my own affirs this way, i suggle as it is to remmber to do weekly bugyet planning as it is , and my skills i lost, cause of crimes effects, real bad, do if froced to work, whom would inpoly me, will my medical complex disbailies and even if online one finger type work,

when spelling wrtting skills need updating and i not got the abbity to relearn , til lsuch time , my mental health and mobity ill health inproves, so wonder,,,, how will dwp new prposed asessment, asessment me, and being no time when i inprove either? so then due small amount of cica some point, from the crime effects, and this i asked here before wil dwp want to claim back since 02 , what they paid in disbaliy benfitd, under thier cru department, by the time lawyer take thier cut 30% i be left will lttile to, they trying for if crime did not happenen, if i did go to get a job, working out min wage , wages per yr since the crime till my older age of retirement, but cica, staff not trianed in understanding privte medical reports and life long effects of ptsd, and wonder will this to just complex , things,

if when lawyer , with cica , deals with the working out this part of my cica application, will this inpact, on new dwp , changes of one benfit, and i really not at present able to deal with cica or laywer, asked for etra time, to deal with cica case, cause on sudden reducetion in health, so i not quite sure on how all this needs to be adresss or what to do or stay as i am ? if anyone is bale to underdtand this long post, i welcome any help and thoughts on this , many thanks
Last edit: 14 years 2 months ago by Jim Allison BSc, Inst LE, MBIM; MA (Consumer Protection & Social Welfare Law). Reason: Attempted to paragraph, as single batch of text is difficult to read online.

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  • Jim Allison BSc, Inst LE, MBIM; MA (Consumer Protection & Social Welfare Law)
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14 years 2 months ago #42168 by Jim Allison BSc, Inst LE, MBIM; MA (Consumer Protection & Social Welfare Law)
Replied by Jim Allison BSc, Inst LE, MBIM; MA (Consumer Protection & Social Welfare Law) on topic Re:SCARED OF LOOSING MY DLA

I appreciate that you're typing with one finger, and I've attempted to put it into paragraphs, to make it easier to read online.

However, your problems appear to be very complex, and as moderators we cannot give advice on individual claims.

See Why can’t you answer a question about my specific claim?

You need face to face advice from a benefits adviser, your local CAB should be able to help you. If not Community Legal Advice should be able to put you in touch with an adviser in your local area.

Sorry that I cannot be of more help.

Good Luck.


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