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- I faced the Medical.....all by myself.....but ....
I faced the Medical.....all by myself.....but ....
- chills
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Greeted by a very nice receptionist who promptly asked how I had travelled there & if I wanted travel expenses. Waited only about 15mins but in that time got up to help myself to a drink of water and change sitting position.
Very friendly doctor who noted imediately that I was unescorted. After confirming how I had arrived there (I drove then took taxi to their door), proceeded to go through ESA form, with great 'empathy'. By the time we got to the physical examnation, I felt quite comfortable and relaxed. Big mistake to lower my guard. Before I knew what was going on, I was led to the couch, and asked to get on it. Like a fool I did as I was told despite the difficulty & discomfort encountered in doing so. Doc had to assist me as the couch is quite high! For goodness sake, I read about the bl***y couch on B&W before I went!!
having manipulated my lower limbs I was told I did not have arthritis....Hey ?
Also that peripheral neuropathy in feet was 'not significant'... It was then the penny dropped. I had been led into a false sense of security, forgetting that the aim of the medical is for cost cutting measures, not for my well being! By then the process was nearing the end. Doc very keen on whether CBT ( cognitive behavioural therapy) was helping my depression, did i watch tv, walk around supermarket etc, etc. By then I had woken up to reality and was able to give answers that I hope supported my case.
When I left, I got the feeling my difficulty with tasks had been marginalised. I feel like I have tied a noose to my own neck! Just waiting for the drop!
In the meantime, I am gonna do more surfing to take my mind off my non-existent peripheral neuropathy which is keeping me awake!
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- wiscolet
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- Survivor
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- originaldave
what is this couch all about?and how can he possibly say you dont have arthritis without an xray that would prove you do!surely its up to him to PROVE you dont have arthritis and not you to prove you do?i hope all goes in your favour and i wish you well.any tips gratefully recieved.
he does not need an x ray to prove she has whatever she claims.. he is looking at how she moves walks sits climbs gets up sits down bends whatever she has clamed. an xray ct or mri cna show lots but differnt people have differnt problems
he could in fact agree with what ever any other dr says is wrong with her, then say based on what he saw he thinks x y and z
the doctor could start the report she has arthritis but and thats when the problems start

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- papasmurf
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- originaldave
This business of the couch, if the couch is not adjustable in height to accomadate different height patients, then that is deliberate on the part of ATOS and needs complaining about directly to ATOS and CCd to MPs.
reminds me of that very old court case where a builder was in court for damages for bad shoulder.... asked to show how far he could raise his arm did so not very high, then the barrister asked and how high before the accident and the chap put his arm stright up very high

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