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Is your benefit just paid in name of IncomeSupport

14 years 2 weeks ago #49504 by A Kaplan
Just had a brainwave earlier when I realised that my benefit is paid in name of Income Support. I thought theyd always paid me my Incapacity Benefit and Income Support together in one lump sum calling it
all IS inerror.

(sorry this has ended up being a bit long I rpomise to keep my messages shorter in future but this is really important and maybe a breakthrough. Please read it all as it's eant to help a lot of gen sick people avoiud having to fuill in the ESA50 form n avoid having to go for a medical.)

Always thought it was silly to call it IS when I thought the largest part of it is IB.

My most recent proof of benefit letter shows my full fortnightly figure as just being under IS the IB column is left blank.

And all my bank staements (ones I've managed to keep hold of lol) show it just as IS and have DWP IS beside each fortnightly amount.

I've rang the CAB for advice on this asking if me and others who just receive IS can be called into examination under the IB to ESA transfer the DWP are about to embartk upon.

They said it looks like I hadnt paid enough contributions in past so therefore was given IS instead of IB.

I used to work so arent lazy but looks like Ihadnt paid enough so was always just on IS instead.

I asked the advisor at the CAB if it was worth challenging the DWP if they call me and others in for examination and maybe just challenge we dont have to fill in their ESA50 form either as we've never received IB just IS and the woman at the CAB said she couldnt inform me before they see the legislation as to whether its a good reason to challenge the DWP on these grounds or go to a lawyer to see if it can be challenged.

She said we can still be tesated on same grounds as whether were fit or not to receive sickness related IS but I said it appears like theyre just tryin to move people from IB so if you dont get IB and it just says IS on proof of benefit letter or bank statements I rhink its unikely with the huge workload theyve got to deal with moving people off IB that theyll contact those of us just on IS although as she said they may not diferentiate and still call those just on IS in too and I said yeah I agreed it woiuldnt surprise me.

But I think this may be a breakthrough and end up being a great relief to other gen sick people like myself that I think they may not call us in because were just on IS when their programme is all about moving people oiff IB and if they do I think its worth challenging by sayng "youre programme is about IB. I've never received it" and worth going toa lawyer / solicitor to see if them asking you to fill in an ESA form and go to their medical is worth challemging on grounds that youve never received IB just IS and you have proof of that with bank statements and with any proof of benefit letters oyu have which if you dont have any are easy to get sent out to show your benefit is just in name of IS if it is just paid as IS.

This is to help everyone that is genuine and hopefully it's a breakthrough which means we dont have to fill in their ESA50 form or go into medical and hopefully will mess up some of their plans.

Take care all th4e best
together we can beat them :cheer:

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  • Survivor
14 years 2 weeks ago #49508 by Survivor
If you're on IS on sickness grounds, you'll be migrated the same as people on IB.

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  • originaldave
14 years 2 weeks ago #49515 by originaldave
If your on just income support wont they not during the move.... move you on to JSA, if you then claim your too sick to work they then of course send you for a medical ?

if as you say your "gen" ill you should be able to pass the medical and if not like the rest who are sick but fail the medical get it on appeal :) have they never asked you for sick notes ?

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14 years 2 weeks ago #49518 by cmarie510
I am currently on IS which will end as of the end of this month. I had to send in ALL the sick notes that I have obtained so far. One year's worth of sick notes - I mean, fit notes.ha. Anyhow, I am thinking on similar lines as Dave. Good luck either way.cmarie510

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14 years 2 weeks ago #49524 by A Kaplan
I've just seen the DWP's pdf file which shows they are testing those who are just receiving IS on the grounds of sickness too.

It's in brackets here's link www.dwp.gov.uk/docs/jcp-eia-ib-reassessment.pdf

Came here to warn folk and give them the info.

Previously all the talk has just been of IB to ESA and most recent news and posts here have just talked about IB and I avoid the news like I'm sure a lot of others do so didnt know this programme included IS too so thought we may escape the form and exam for a bit.

Take acre all best
my thoughts are with everyone B)

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14 years 2 weeks ago #49525 by A Kaplan
Dave wrote:

if as you say your "gen" ill you should be able to pass the medical and if not like the rest who are sick but fail the medical get it on appeal :) have they never asked you for sick notes ?

There are plenty of folk who are gen ill whove been passed by Atos as being capable of work have you not read the news about them.

They are obviously trying to get as many as poss off IB or sickness related IS and onto JSA as poss. SWP managers and Govt ministers don't care if you are gen sick or not (some of staff maybe quite lot who have to carry out this plan will and if we shame them they may refuse to do the work their bosses and government wish them to carry out on their behalf.)

That's obvious by the plans to cut advice budget and scrap legal aid making it harder for us to fight back against them. Dont worry or be too upset by them if we expose them and what the policies are together we can defeat them. :)

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