re medical coming up
- teabag
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- teabag
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- bro58
teabag wrote: hi I've decided to send SAR but where do I send it to the office dealing with my claim?
Hi tb,
Yes, you can send it to The Benefits Office dealing with your claim.
You should also write on the front of the envelope " Data Protection Act 1998" ( Subject Access Request for information)
Put you name and address on the back.
Sending Documents to the DWP or ATOS
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- teabag
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- teabag
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- bro58
teabag wrote: hi Have received my letter saying in the support group, have also a copy of the medical report done by nurse but events in this report are not entirely what happened altho not appealing against my ESA result I am going to appeal DLa decision not to award anything if I dispute this report for DLa will effect my ESA decision/ do u think
Great news tb !!!!!

Did your ESA Medical Report contain the prognosis of your SG award, (expected length before reassessment) ?
Did it also state how you gained entry to The SG ?
In some respects ESA has a stricter qualifying criteria than DLA , e.g. ESA Mobilising includes the use of a manual wheel chair unaided, DLA is purely a walking test.
Therefore, if there where any positive elements in The ESA Med Report that you feel would support your DLA Appeal, then you could cite these positive elements.
Appealing your DLA award should not have any effect on your ESA SG award.
See :
DLA Guides
Appeals FAQ’s
DM Guide :
Disability Rights UK Factsheet - Appeals and reconsiderations
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