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My Story Falure to dsiclose medical Improvement

  • Survivor
15 years 2 months ago #14281 by Survivor
Ron, I'm sorry to read that this is still going on. I suppose that part of my interest is selfish because I keep wondering if it couldn't happen to me because of my CAB work. However, it is all reminiscent of what happened to a friend of mine in respect of different benefits. Having severe and enduring mental illness and not having contributions, she was on income support. The DWP suspected that she was not entitled and it took a whole year before they accepted that she was not cheating. It doesn't take a year to check the facts, it takes a year to let go when you're not prepared to change your mind once you suspect something.

I just hope this all gets sorted fast for you.

BTW, when I had a problem with my benefits not long ago, my MP wrote to the DWP and the letter that came back appeared to be from a team dedicated to dealing with MP correspondance. I don't know if it actually was, or if they just put that on the letter to make the MP think he was being taken seriously, though.

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  • Ron22
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15 years 2 months ago - 15 years 2 months ago #14313 by Ron22
Thanks for that. This is fact has been going on since mid 2006! It makes me tired and weary as you can imagine and has ground me down. How I am suppose to recover with all this craxyness I don't know. I had to stop working (even though I am still employed ie the contract has not been terminated) but it makes me wonder whether I will ever get myself out of this cycle. It is no wonder I have become so paranoid to some extent. There is a perception of course that my profession is one where indivduals get paid lots which is far from the truth with legal aid as it is. In fact I was entitled to Tax Credits whilst working albeit CTC.

Let me just tell you another little story which I have posted on this forum elsewhere which is when I applied for ESA I was advised to apply for Industrial Injury benefit. I wasn't too bothered or hopeful but duly did.

I was sent for the usual medical. Well the first medical was cancelled and I received the cancellation letter the same day as the medical was due.

However the second medical was arranged and I saw the Doctor. Wasn't very optimistic I have to say. Turned out to be the same Doctor who did the ESA medical about two weeks later which turned out ok.

Hadn't heard anything since October.

Well today received a letter to say they have lost my medical report. It seems that the DWP did not receive it and ATOS don't keep a copy! So they want me to go to another medical.

What incompetence! Doesn't surprise me though. Is it any wonder that this has occured with all this.

Yes I do understand your concerns in relation to your CAB work. One of my jobs of course which is in issue was when I was employed by the CAB. I worked at home giving advice by telephone and attended the Bureau one day a week. Well the position adopted is that even this is incompatable with my health problems. They seem unable to understand the difference between mental health issues and intellect. Yes I have concentration problems but it turns out that is from dyslexia and dysprxia. I didn't know this until 2009 when as a result of all this I had a report prepared by an Educational Psychologist.

Anyhow its late so I will disappear with the above comments.
Last edit: 15 years 2 months ago by Crazydiamond. Reason: Incorporated duplicate post (in bold print)

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  • LittleBluePenguin
15 years 2 months ago #14346 by LittleBluePenguin
Replied by LittleBluePenguin on topic Re:My Story Falure to dsiclose medical Improveme
With regard to the domestic violence issue, there are a number of cases where men have been killed by violent and abusive female partners.

I have a friends I have known for many years in a similar situation who won't leave a)because of the kids and b)his wife has all but convinced him he's a hideous human being who'll be alone forever if he leaves her and it's all his fault that she is violent towards him.

I've had him land at my door crying and bleeding, the poor man is a mass of scars. Women DO do these things, it may be little or no consolation to you, but there are people out here who know it happens and the damage it does.

I hope you get this sorted out. The DWP have no damned idea what some of us have to live with and if they did the decisions would be made by the ones who don't care.

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  • Survivor
15 years 2 months ago #14350 by Survivor
Ron - I tried to respond to your comment about the difference between mental health issues and intellect, but I kept deleting it. Sometimes I want to scream at the whole world "you don't think that someone with no arms can't walk, so why do you think that if one bit of my mind doesn't work, none of it does?" Mind you, maybe some of the Atos doctors think that if you can walk, they can take it for granted that you do have arms.

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  • Ron22
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15 years 2 months ago #14351 by Ron22
Thanks LittleBluePenguin for the comments about Domestic Violence. The sort of things you describe sounds exactly like me. I did of course finally get rid of my abusive partner but it left all the scars and with me still suffering. I am moving forward in terms of the NHS treatment but still at the re-assessment stage. Xmas has caused a sudden stop but it restarts next week.

When I went to the first Tribunal there were extensive written statements including my own which addressed the issue and yet in the decision the Tribunal referred to the 'nagging of my then wife'. Well if that was nagging I would hate to think what would be required for something more! I did get an all woman Tribunal which I found not to be at all sympathetic. Thankfully that decision was quashed.

Thanks for all your support anyhow.

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  • Ron22
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15 years 2 months ago #14352 by Ron22

Ron - I tried to respond to your comment about the difference between mental health issues and intellect, but I kept deleting it. Sometimes I want to scream at the whole world "you don't think that someone with no arms can't walk, so why do you think that if one bit of my mind doesn't work, none of it does?" Mind you, maybe some of the Atos doctors think that if you can walk, they can take it for granted that you do have arms.

Hello Survivor

Yes I know exactly what you mean. I have suffered from depression for some years originally from the 1980s when my mum died. I was able to sort of cope but I am told with me its the cumulative effect of life and the final aspect with my former wife that caused me to have the PTSD.

As you can see the first job in the cycle which I startef in 2003 was with the CAB so in some ways I understand where you are coming from in terms of your concerns. Mind you I have probably been much too radically in my approach in challenging governmental departments that haven't helped. However I have always had the motto to help the oppressed and under privileged and in fact any minority class.. Probably my downfall.

In a lot of ways I wished I had never heard of DLA because I wouldn't be facing this on going scenario.

On a final note I received a letter today about my income support claim. It took them 9 months to make a decision and have offered me £100 compensation. so that's equivalent to £2.56 per week.

Take care.

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