The cost of individual appeals has quadrupled to over £1,000 each since 2013, a justice minister revealed this week. But for the DWP appeals are still a massive money saver.

If you’ve ever wondered how much your PIP or WCA appeal might be costing, we can now put a rough figure on it thank to a written answer to a parliamentary question.

According to justice minister Rachel Maclean, the average cost of a social security appeal has gone up from £257 in 2013 to £1,091 in 2022.

However, the total cost of all social security appeals over the same period has fallen from £140 million to £101 million a year.

The reason for the fall in cost is the introduction of mandatory reconsiderations. 

The vast majority of mandatory reconsiderations are unsuccessful, but most claimants are so ground down by the process that they do not go on to appeal, few realising that their chances of success are as high as 70% at a tribunal.

As a result of this cruel con trick, appeal numbers have been slashed from 543,609 in 2013-14 down to 91,690 in 2021-22.

And whilst £100 million for the appeals that still do happen might sound like a lot of money, the DWP have two reasons to be cheerful.

Firstly, they aren’t meeting the costs, the ministry of justice is.

But secondly, and much more importantly, from the government’s point of view it is money very well spent.  Because for every claimant who successfully challenges their unfair benefits decision, there will be many more who simply accept it and give up - not realising that they would have been likely to win.

If just 16,000 claimants who should have got an award of PIP standard rate daily living component for two years are unfairly given nothing and don’t appeal, then the money saved is over £100 million.

In reality, it is clear from the fall in appeal rates since the introduction of mandatory reconsiderations that not tens but hundreds of thousands of  claimants are unfairly refused awards and fail to make a challenge.

So unfair decision making decision making is very profitable indeed for the government, even if they have to pay out 100 million a year in tribunal costs.

You can see the full stats for appeal costs on the parliament website


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    My partner and I who are both disabled have had our two payments, yesterday 30th September. 
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    · 2 years ago
    I also recieved my sons £150 on the 28/9/20. After fighting for 7 months and 2 weeks before court dwp caved in and have now awarded my son high rate care which he should have been given right from when I first applied in November last year.  I also intend to appeal again for mobility as he gets no mobility. I've heard and read soo many conflicting statements regarding  whether or nor under 5s can get mobility or not. I've read online that they can but a lot of people say they can't.  Anyone going through an appeal my advice is to keep mentally strong as they want you to break down and quit . Also bombard them with evidence I sent 74 pages through and had more to send before they changed their mind and closed my case abruptly . 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Got my £150 today 30/09/22
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    I got my £150 today 30tb September 
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    · 2 years ago
    😥🙏Hi. I don't normally comment but I think people should know what DWP have and are doing to me. It took me 2 mandatory reconsiderations, two further assessments, still refused, so  I took to tribunal to get DLA originally. When it changed to PIP, it took me over a year to re-apply and be reviewed, only to result in PIP from DLA higher rate mobility and standard rate care to be reduced and awarded less, put on Standard rate mobility and care. My health has over the past few years deteriorated seriously since, I rang DWP and had to inform them and was told they had to do an intermediate review (like a new claim) because they threatened me of losing my PIP for not disclosing new conditions and serious illness. They gave me 3 weeks to do this. I complied and sent relevant documentation, even copies of my medical records from Drs of which they asked. My condition, health, mental state, mobility, care is a lot worse. I have suffered two more collapsed discs that are impinging my thecal sac, loss of sensation from waist down affecting internal organs, which all resulted in hospitalisation many times, then I suffered a heart attack with the extreme stress, severe pain, DWP, paperwork, assessments, plus personal physical and mental abuse by a narcissistic EX who killed my dog, overwhelmed, over-stressed, anxious and am in constant pain trying to manage on my own whilst still being harassed by abusive narcissistic EX partner involving the Police and Abuse services. I have just received my letter telling me "nothings changed" and my award has remained the same, on the Standard lower rate!! I am incensed by this, I cannot cope with this alone, how can they say "nothings changed" when discs are impinging my thecal sac and having a heart attack, stent fitted, am exhausted, mentally physically emotionally and cannot possibly face fighting their decision knowing what it will involve and do to me. I am alone and do not know what to do, I have no help, my family live too far away, no friends, (ex made sure of that!) and no strength to fight this, I feel I am being deliberately sent over the edge by the DWP, they know I have not got the strength to cope with the stress that they are causing and adding to, to fight or disagree with their decision and ask for another review, so I have lost a lot of money and other benefits because of them. I cannot take anymore and do not know what to do. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. DWP are literally killing me! I have not received my £150 either!!
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      · 2 years ago
      Carole I hear you lovely. I've been there too so I do understand both DWP and Narcisist Abuse side.  The best I can say is, contact Refuge or Women's Aid and see if they can advise or support you to get through this.  The extra problem we have is, we have already been gaslighted by our ex so we doubt our own reality is reality very easily still when truth is, it is completely just as we see it and very real.  I too found the whole DWP processes fetched every inch of the ex's gaslighting back, with doubt being cast wrongly on our very real medical evidence . Don't allow them to stop you seeking what is rightly yours to access.  Not easily said or done I know, especially when on your own with nobody around you.  I agree, try your MP, some are more helpful than others but you can but try.  Ask your GP for copy of your medical records, there is no longer a charge for this and there may be many nuggets in there that you can use in your evidence including DWP requests for info from your hospital teams or GP from your other claims, showing they already have that evidence.  I have similar health problems and disabilities so know how hard going life is on your own without the constant fight for benefits on top of it.  If you use social media there's a wonderful self supportive community on FB which is totally free (unlike some who say they are and turn out wanting charges for full access on their website) and I hope the mods here won't take this post down for sharing or if they need to do just remove the name ... UK M.E. & Chronic Illness Benefits Advice Group.  They are really supportive people and many there, like me, are also long timers on here too.  Also see if you can find any MH Advocacy in your area like a local Mind, or TotalVoice- VoiceAbility or CloverLeaf Advocacy for some examples as they too may be able to support you through this.  Or try citizens advice, but it's the human support you need for you from living in Narc Abuse, to try keep you strong, and that the advocacies may be able to help with.  My £150 is also missing in action!  I wish you 'enough' , good luck x
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      · 2 years ago
      @Carole Please go to your mp. Gather forensic evidence of abuse to enhance your mental health assessment. Please keep going with fighting this. I too suffered narcissistic abuse for decades. That impinges on your ability to fight anything. Please assess the DWP reasoning and apply coercive control to their actions. You will see you can fight this. I wish you all the best. You can do this. 
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    · 2 years ago
    I went to court for my unfit for work appeal and the DWP didn't turn up!
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    · 2 years ago
    As with myself most people who receive any award know that to appeal can result in getting nothing and yes by going for an M R you may get a  better award my councillor could not understand why I repeatedly said no after I lost my higher mobility award I was too tired and drained to fight on.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Carole Get a welfare officer to help you , you’ll find them at your local council 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Mike Hi Mike. I know how you feel. I too have lost my higher rate mobility and care components from DLA to PIP. Ive suffered serious deterioration in health conditions, took over a year to reapply for DLA to PIP. Had to inform DWP of latest serious deterioration in health (2 more collapsed discs impinging my thecal sac and 2020, had heart attack, had to inform them, they told me they had to do an intermediate review and just received response,  they said "nothings changed" and awarded me Standard rate on both components. "Nothings changed"? Like you and so many others, I am too exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally to fight them or appeal and they know it. Ive been there many times to get DLA, then PIP now this, a reduction in award whilst health deteriorates and I provided all the medical records, been to MR and tribunals, but to them "nothings changed"!
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Hi, I got my £150 today, 28/9/22. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Both my sons who are on PIP and ESA received their £150 this week. One payment received on 26th Sept and the other 27th Sept.
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    · 2 years ago
    How can we shout this from the rooftops so more people are not bullied and conned out of much needed support? As ever big thanks to B&W for putting this up.

     I don't do social media but would appeal to any reader who does, to plaster it all over. And contact local papers if you can with your story and how it fits into this.
    And maybe come back here to say, eg ' I got a front page piece in the Bloggsville Times which has 50,000 readers'
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    · 2 years ago
    My PIP mandatory reconsideration was successful. I suspect they just knew they'd lose the appeal so caved.
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