Claimants will get up to £1,350 in cost of living payments in 2023/24, with the timetable for payments now announced by the government.

Over 8 million claimants will get £900 in three payments, whilst 6 million disability benefit will get an additional £150 and 8 million pensioners will get £300 in addition to their winter fuel payments.

The rough timetable for the payments is as follows:

£301 – First Cost of Living Payment – during Spring 2023

£150 – Disability Payment – during Summer 2023

£300 – Second Cost of Living Payment – during Autumn 2023

£300 – Pensioner Payment – during Winter 2023/4

£299 – Third Cost of Living Payment – during Spring 2024

These payments will all be tax-free, will not count towards the benefit cap, and will not have any impact on existing benefit awards.

Households eligible for the £900 cost of living payment will be on one of the following benefits:

  • Universal Credit,
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance,
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance,
  •  Income Support,
  • Working Tax Credit,
  • Child Tax Credit,
  • Pension Credit.

If individuals are eligible they will be paid automatically, and there will be no need to apply.

Claimants who are eligible for any of the Cost of Living Payments and receive tax credits, and no other means-tested benefits, will receive payment from HMRC shortly after DWP payments are issued.

Further details of who will be eligible for the disability payment were not given in the latest statement, but is likely to be people in receipt of one of the following benefits on a yet to be announced date:

  • disability living allowance,
  • personal independence payment,
  • attendance allowance,
  • Scottish disability benefits,
  • armed forces independence payment,
  • constant attendance allowance
  • war pension mobility supplement.

You can read the full cost of living payments statement on the website


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Anyone know the date for spring cost of living payment (£301 I think)? Also payment date of £150 for pip? Thanks in advance 
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    · 2 years ago
    warm home discount.comment on here bout warm home discount. for year with m y energy company till now i have been gettin g this benefit.but now the gov have stopped it for me as they base it on the size and age of your property how many rooms etc i tel 5 days weeks for weeks between 8qm and 6pm to talk to an agent,all i got was agents busy try later.this went on for 5 weeks same thing till the other week the recorded message said as it was changed.....sorry agents busy please try later,yet the previous recorded message said try between 4 and 6pm when we r not so guessed it  still cant get through,enough was enough wrote to whd based in glasgow sent copy of my letter to the pm,no reply from glasgow but pm e mailed back to say it had been passed on to the relevant dept.till now nothing from them. so its one way of them saving money from people who deserve this yet they grant it to others who have large houses etc with less heating and various other factors.Take note on the web sites of gov.age uk/martin lewis,it gives you a list of core 2 for those on pension savings credit,in that list are benefit you should be on to get it,i qualify for 2 .but they still dont observe it,th matter should be challended in a court of law as they just change it mid stream without any prior warning.being a senior citizen with cancer i need my heat on long ,butnow half the day is spent in warm bed as my heat i have tocontrol it so it keeps the bills down.trsut this gov?dont think so .they r a law unto themselves.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @barry wray  I just discovered this week that you now have to apply online for the Warm Home Discount and it refers you to you Local Council, who then pick up the payment.

      When I asked my fuel company about it they said I would get it if I had it last year, and I need not apply, clearly the wrong information. 

      It was literally by chance that I found this out earlier this week (i.e. apply on the .gov site),  when looking for something else entirely. 

      Take a look online Barry. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Does early payment in December of pip affect payments in January?
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    I've been on PIP for several years and have recently begun ESA application just to get my NI paid. I haven't received my Xmas bonus or any other cost of living payments. Am I being thick, or should I be eligible for extra help? 
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    · 2 years ago
    £900?  This is obviously £600 made to seem like more than it is using some "glass half full" logic -- I'm sorry but the glass is half EMPTY.  That spring '24 payment is not _within_ the same year.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Hi am on PIP & I have still NOT received the cost of LIVING PAYMENT for September 2022 & have reported it online. Apparently you can only report the missing payment onceBwhich I did online. Is anyone else in the same boat, & what else can I do about it as it's impossible to get through to DWP. Any advice would be great. My husband got his no problem so if they're running it alphabetically then......
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Susan Are you on any other benefits.  As you need to be on a means tested benefit to get cost of living payment. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Susan I am also on PIP and I haven't received anything either x
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      · 2 years ago
      @Cartherine I live with other people in same flat. Different rooms, diferent households, I received cost of living, flat mate receiving pip did not. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @colin one person household will receive the payment 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    How much do we get with the next cost of living payments 
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    · 2 years ago
    The cost of living help is giving to people on benefit. I am on an ill-health pension that roughly matches the basic benefit level. THis means I have to pay my own council tax, eye test, dentist etc. This makes me worse off than those on benefit. The cost of living support should be for all those on a low income not just those on benefit.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Marie I am the same! A works pension wipes everything out!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Karen Fielder By the time I reach pension age I will be 80 they saw say we are living longer. I do agree but what quality of life do we have even though we are alive and suffering complex and multiple long term illnesses including mental health issues including physical disabilities our lives on a day to day basis is difficult 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Marie Hi Marie I was signed off for nhs ill health pension I am in receipt Pip ESA Universal Credit pays my rent & C tax so will all these benefits stop then when my ill health pension comes through, I am very worried 

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      · 2 years ago
      @Marie Me too! The “contribution based ESA” stops you from getting any other advantages unlike ordinary ESA. That’s the punishment for been forced into early retirement due to ill health. I was retired off at 55 I am now 61 and they have just added another year onto the wait for my state pension!
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      · 2 years ago
      @Marie I agree. I am in much the same position myself. Are you in receipt of PIP? I was informed by A CAB support Worker that I may get a reduction in my Council tax owing to disability, low income and being in receipt of PIP.  I applied to my local Council online and was awarded quite a big reduction. Even if you are not claiming PIP, it may be worth doing anyway.
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    · 2 years ago
    good day to you all. can i just say be aware that this new scheme for warm home discount is not good. they are being very sneaky and stating you must have an (EPC) energy performance certificate. my housing informed me by text that i needed to call the number supplied and book appointment. he darts about checking what number i have all my rads set at, takes photo's of each one, measures the size of the home which makes me laugh. my neighbour lives in exactly the same size bungalow as me and on his certificate it reads 42square metres , mine reads as 51, yet the old certificate reads as 32. all of the houses are of the same size yet read at 43, 44, 46. so straight away bells start to ring in my ears. well my certificate now states that i am not eligible this year, but if i get a letter i may well be !!. so regardless of you being on a low income , having kids under 5 etc, if your certificate says not eligible thats it, bye bye warm home discount. very unfair to any disabled people especially those that find it hard to move about or even bed ridden. apologies for putting this in this section but i feel people need to be aware of this.. have a good day and keep warm 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Topiawitch Contact bbc rip off Britain and they'll sort it out for you. Otherwise contact cab, turn to us welfare officer at your local one stop centre, etc. Hope this helps 👍 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Topiawitch I feel for you so not fair 
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    · 2 years ago
    Why is the last cost of living payment in spring 24 when the first one is spring 23, spring 24 is into the next year , where is the winter cost of living payment 
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    · 2 years ago
    Having been on ESA and PIP (ESA is contributions based) plus getting what has become a small civil Service Pension I get 150 quid only! I go on to my State Pension on the 18th March 2023 after coughing up NI Taxes and SERPS for over 50 years but I doubt whether any other help will be given to me. I've sat all winter with no heating and using a table lamp only at night and cut my grocery bill in half and I'm broke. So please excuse me if I feel ungrateful and slightly miffed at the rabble in Westminsters lack of savvy.

    In the words of Wolfie Smith in Citizen Smith POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Su The CONTRIBUTIONS based ESA stops you from getting most of help offered to WORK RELATED ESA - why?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Colhogan I too have been on ESA (Contributions)and PIP for nearly 15yrs. I also have only had £150 help. Will be 66 March 20th 2024. I'm struggling financially to the degree like many - no heating on, health suffering and NEVER had any savings!!!!!????? So totally confused as to why not getting cost of living help............
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Does anyone understand why people on income related esa get  the £900 but not those on contribution based esa????
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Paulie Income related are the people that have least income. Other people will get help after disabled claimants. Don’t fall into the trap, divide and rule.

      Tory’s got us into this mess, unite and direct your anger at them.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Andre If you are getting PIP now Andre like myself it will continue after you become a pensioner make sure you renew it before you get to pension age, for example, I'm 66 next year and renewed my PIP six months ago my PIP is now ongoing  if you miss out then apply for Attendance Allowance but it doesn't have the mobility component, you'll get housing benefit if you're on either.  If unsure always go to your local Citizens Advice centre they're there to help you Andre.  Good luck 🤞 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Karen Fielder Please Karen, do you know  when I reach state pension, I lose my PIP and ESA including housing benefit? forgive my ignorance on this subject. God Bless you.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Brian There is no clear explanation about if and/or when contribution benefit claimants will be transferred to universal credit?
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      · 2 years ago
      @Paulie I’d like to know that too!
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    · 2 years ago
    Whilst this is good news .  It is NOT the answer . The problem is the Privatisation of Gas, Electricity, Profiteer from these Essential Services, that part of our countries Infrastructure .  The answer is to Control the price of Gas and Electricity, not Dole out Taxpayers money to Privatised Companies, many of whom are Owned by Foreign Interests .  The real Truth is that the Old ,Sick, Disabled and Unemployed are being Used to Launder Taxpayers money into the pockets of Millionaires and Billionaires .  Of course Who will get the Blame for all this money disappearing from the Treasury,  The Old, Sick, Disabled, and the Unemployed , that's who .  However those people are Not the Real Beneficiaries, the Billionaires ARE.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Greg You are right we suffer and left to die they don’t care as we are nothing talk about discrimination and disability rights act 
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    · 2 years ago
    Let's not forget the £150 Warm Home Discount, that many received already but is now being taken away from them through the tories' 'new and improved' eligibilty scheme. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @wibblum I used to get warm home and only found out about changes when did not receive confirmation i would receive payments. They did one of those assessments on my flat and got a D….. with that I’m not entitled anymore to warm home discount after receiving it for last, maybe 5 of more years. This gov treats us like the problem, one of you said they try to divide us so we fight each other, divide to conquer.  it doesn’t matter if you get esa income related or contributions,  pip, dla if there’s anyone still receiving that, pensioners and all others we are all in same boat, receiving below poverty benefits, pensions and in many cases wages, not enough to eat or heat….for them we even don’t deserve what we get. one Tory mp said we could get good nutritious meals of 30p….. they have no clue.  if they could we would all be sent somewhere with low cost of living so they could pay us less and be thank them for that. We should make our voices heard, heard quite loud and get elections as soon as possible to vote them out of office. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Linda I live in a bungalow and get it
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      · 2 years ago
      @wibblum I've have received the WHM discount since it's inception, but this year, because I live in a bungalow that their criteria assess as warm and cosy, I no longer qualify. The fact that when I moved into this bungalow consisting of just 4 rooms it was costing me more to heat than my house consisting of 6 rooms and two floors cost is completely immaterial!
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    · 2 years ago
    Getting £900 is not as it seems as there will be no £400 for everybody as last year, and the price cap is going up £500. So £900-£900 is not a lot!!!
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    · 2 years ago
    Dear Aw, thanks.  Yes it's all very misleading.  Agreed.  They should stick to the facts.  Makes it seem like we are getting £900.  But now you have clarified it and it's £600 and then some more into 2024.  If we are still alive!!! I have just had my 75th birthday and feel like I am on my last knockings.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Maria Nelson Oh my! My heath conditions that ended up with Pip now during covid I got ADHD diagnosis they recommended autism assessment which would make sense if I get the diagnosis why I've been struggling to recover to been struggling with so many depression and chronic health and sensory conditions as well as unable to complete tasks that normal people seem to do. But I used to lask so heavily its what my assessment thinks led to a serious breakdown just before covid. Had it not been for covid however, if have never known I was neurodiverse. If I turn out to be autistic it explains everything but also is sad as I should never have got to this point. Same with you. Thank you for your response as if I get diagnosed I will ask my appointee to get me a ASD coach. My life used to be hard but I used to work and attempt to look after myself though, I was always in and out of work and always sick with ill health. I couldn't see life was worth living after all of it. Finding out I'm neuro diverse has changed everything but at same time if they cut off my PIP,  I'm homeless so then there's no life to live anyway. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Liz Liz, don't look beyond today.
      Or it will make you ill.
      Just one day at a time. 
      All the best. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Liz Yes I lived through that and it put me in the insane asylum for 5 months before they eventually paid me pip they should of paid me for that 14 years followed by underpaying my esa for 3 years which I got back off them. And has given me a protective cushion they can’t touch. It turned out I was also autistic and likely ADHD and they both misdiagnosed my spine and my mh life long and I have worked and served. I have now had to go private for counselling with an autistic councillor who went through similar but said it wasn’t as bad as me. She’s like looking at and talking to myself. The first time in 52-53 years who knows a taste of what I have went through . And I’m still on the rat run now for services and a bungalow so I can actuAlly get a usable bus service . My current service has left at least 6 none driving disabled villagers trying to move because we can’t access services or get to appointments m. I have been suggested to do sociology and an advocacy training scheme but they won’t give me he info until I get the bungalow of which housing screwed up putting me back on the bottom of a list when I updated with my autism and service info. It’s almost like they are doing it deliberately . Still on the waiting list for social services 15 months later. Sill trying to get the adhd assessment and correct treatment. I have spinal disability and OA so I can’t do physical manual work, I can’t do data imput im just not quick enough. My options are councelling ( need to train) or advocacy. But to say to people they are focussing on what we can do when the scope is very limited is totally unrealistic targets for the disabled. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Liz Oh, Yes you'r right I missread the comment. Poor Lesley. I agree with you Liz the cost of living payments are totally a drop in the ocean. To be honest I think we are all being taken for a ride by this Government they could have ptotected us from this huge cost being forced on us with regards to the gas and electricity. People like myself who have a disability and rely on benefits are being degraded and humiliated and left to rot with this punative welfare system. reading your post it really sounds like your going through the mill also. Liz please try and stay strong, I know how much worry and anxiety the welfare system is causing people like us but, we can't let them win! If you are really struggling mentally, just try and focus on each day and reach out to different forums for help wher you can talk to people in the same or a similar boat. I know that mentally waiting on payments and going through a tribunal is so hard, i mean what do you live on, how do you live, i know I'v been there. Stay strong Liz, deffend your rights and go all the way. using this site is also a god send with all the great info and support they offer. Take care, Toya.
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      · 2 years ago
      @toya I believe Lesley is saying that she feels she is on her last knocking as an analogy, a figure of speech to being on her last straw. The end of the road. Which I can only say at 37 that I wish I could offer words of support but the reality is shyte at even my age I don't know how I am going to cope. These small payments offer nothing to balance out the cost of living while also playing absolute mind games with the system that sets everyone up for failure as we wait on their responses... me personally am sick thinking they will make me homeless and will be dead before that would then get sorted out through tribunal because of their backlog. You read it here first. Essentially I wonder just how many deaths they have caused because they will be tipping the scales now. Statistics don't lie and time will tell all. 
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    · 2 years ago
    This is obviously a great help, but it's £600 in 2023 then. Not £900. Just to be clear. How many times will we hear them bang on in parliament & the press about how they're giving us £900 in 2023? Let's stick to the facts!
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      · 1 years ago
      @Gail of course they are, what's wrong with people? you start voting for Labour then you will have something to moan about, not you personally Gail but some of the people on here
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Aw I think they must be working on the “financial year” ie April 2023 to March 2024. 

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