What Does Brexit Mean For Claimants Plus DLA to PIP - Almost One In Three Claimants Get Nothing
PIP Appeal Success
“Hi all. Huge thank you needed. Applied for PIP in July 2015, had several atos appointments cancelled finally had my face to face in Oct 2015... My needs are mental health and vary widely. Upshot after 4 weeks waiting awarded 2 points. Did the reconsideration 1 week later same result.
I found this wonderful site and decided to appeal. Using the members guide I sent in a very long appeal…AWARDED 13 points I got the enhanced rate for 3 years from the original date. So nearly a year of back pay due and another 2 years till July 2018. I would not have been able to appeal if it was not for the guides, they made my appeal comprehensive…Thank you so much. Best money ever spent.”
Dear Reader,
There has been only one story in town since the last newsletter – the referendum and its consequences for the UK and the major political parties.
We now know that the vote was for leave, but we know very little else.
We do know that the agreement David Cameron negotiated in February for an emergency brake on in-work benefits for EU migrant workers will no longer happen, nor will the cuts to child benefit which would have reduced payments where the child lives in another country.
In addition, sterling suffered a heavy fall in value, especially against the dollar, which may mean price rises for many basic commodities including food and fuel.
Aside from that, here at Benefits and Work, we are as much in the dark as everyone else.
Will IDS return to the front bench when a new leader of the Conservative party is elected? And if so, will he want his old job back at the DWP?
If sterling continues to decline and businesses cut back on hiring, will this lead to further inflation, a loss of tax revenue and calls for more cuts to benefits in a new wave of post-referendum austerity?
Or will things calm down very quickly, with sterling continuing to bounce back and everything carrying on much the same as it did before last week’s momentous result?
Could things even improve, with politicians deciding that there will be more cash available to spend on claimants once we don't have to pay out for EU membership?
Your guess is very definitely as good as ours, so please leave a comment below our Brexit article.
The percentage of DLA to PIP claimants who get any award at all of PIP has fallen from a high of 80% in March 2014 to 70% in April 2016. That’s almost one in three people who are losing out entirely, with no explanation as to why decisions are becoming harsher.
Meanwhile, the award rate for fresh claims for PIP has plunged even more dramatically. In March 2014 62% of new claimants got an award of PIP, this had fallen to just 42% by April 2016. Again, there is no explanation of why so few awards are being made.
The mandatory reconsideration success rate for DLA to PIP transfers has also plummeted.
In April 2015, the success rate was 42% but by April 2016 only 19.5% of mandatory reconsiderations for DLA to PIP decisions were successful.
By contrast, mandatory reconsideration success rates for fresh PIP claims have stayed relatively stable, though dismally low, rising from 16.6% in April 2015 to 17.2% in April 2016.
With PIP appeal success rates currently standing at 63% and rising, as we reported in the last newsletter, the lesson is clear: mandatory reconsideration is largely just an obstacle to try to wear claimants down before they can appeal.
But for those who can manage to keep on fighting, the chances of success are high.
Good luck,
Steve Donnison
Enhanced care and mobility PIP award
“Just want to say a big thank you for your guide, we got our award and we have enhanced care and mobility. I would like to say to everyone if you are about to make a claim for pip please subscribe to the site and obtain the guides. thank you to everyone who put the guides together.”
Successful ESA & PIP claims
“I was successful in both my ESA + PIP claims following these wonderful guides. I was awarded
Support Group for ESA + Enhanced mobility + Enhanced living component for PIP …Many thanks.”
Give yourself the best possible chance of getting the right ESA, PIP or DLA decision, whether you’re making a claim, renewing an existing award or asking for a reconsideration or appeal.
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Just type the following code into the coupon box when you pay: 54684
Claimants and carers get an annual subscription for £15.96, down from £19.95. Professionals get an annual subscription for £77.60, down from £97.00.
Offer ends midnight Friday
What do you think Brexit will mean for claimants?
As the UK adjusts to the new reality that we are to leave the EU, what difference will this make to claimants?
DLA to PIP mandatory reconsideration success rate halves in a year
Figures released by the DWP this week show that the success rate for disability living allowance (DLA) to personal independence payment (PIP) mandatory reconsiderations has halved over the last year.
30% of DLA to PIP claimants get no award at all
The latest personal independence payment figures released by the DWP this week show a fall in success rates across the board.
GOOD NEWS FROM THE FORUM AND BY EMAILAs always, many thanks to everyone who takes the trouble to post in the forum or email us with news of your success. We know it’s many readers favourite, and most encouraging, bit of the newsletter.
Support Group with no medical
“Just found out that, nearly 6 months after having returned my (reassessment) ESA50, they've kept me in the support group and should not be due another reassessment for 2 years. I can't tell you how relieved I am not to have that hanging over me any longer. Many thanks for the advice and guides which makes such a difference.”
DLA to PIP migration success
“Good afternoon all.. I am pleased to say after my appeal tribunal which I found nerve wracking, I was awarded PIP standard care…Thank you for the help from this site”
PIP success at tribunal & ESA Support Group – thank you
“I am still in shock from finding out yesterday after my tribunal that i I have been awarded standard rate living component . no award for mobility. It was the hardest thing i have ever done …Many times i wanted to stop my fight but so glad I didnt . I am also over the moon after receiving news from ESA that I have been placed in the Support group with out a medical . I have been a member of this site since last summer and used both guides for PIP and ESA . I honestly didnt think I would of been able to do it without your help. This site is brilliant . . Thank you”
PIP success
“I have used your wonderful resources in the past for myself. OH's social worker suggested we claim PIP for him. We had a home visit from DWP person who completed the claim form and we provided her with quite a lot of his hospital letters, and used your guide to answer the questions. The medical went ok but I didn't feel the assessor took account of the effects of fatigue and cognitive problems he suffers. Anyway, much to our surprise , he has been awarded lower rate care for 10 years! .. but we're not complaining, especially knowing we don't have to worry about this for a long time. Thanks again”
ESA yet another medical
“I am so comforted by some of the stories on this site. Despite following the guide and providing lots of information from professionals about the deterioration of my condition I have to go for a medical at the end of this month. However thanks to the information on this site I am ahead of the process administratively and prepared for the next step if I have to appeal. The knowledge that I know what to do if the worst case scenario appears before me has helped lower my anxiety. The information on this site is invaluable and I am so happy for all the people it has helped receive the right result. Thank you to Steve and Holly for doing this for us.”
Finally ESA awarded, Support Group
“Thanks again B&W. Been on contribution based ESA for over a year, I do not get any money now as my year is up, but still waiting for medical assessment. After a lot of toing and froing and quoting things from here, I got a phone call today from a benefits assessor who reassessed my illnesses and how they affect me. He called me back to say they have reconsidered my case and have put me in support group for one year without medical”
“We were both in tears” Enhanced care and mobility until 2026
I completed the DLA to PIP claim form for my partner. Without your guidance, I wouldn't have known where to start, so much has changed in terms of understanding the criteria and how to meet them.
My partner had a Capita home assessment in March and the decision letter came through today. Enhanced care and enhanced mobility, awarded until 2026. We were both in tears at this. It's made such a difference, removed the uncertainty and it's an increase of benefit of over £100 month. I don't know how people manage to make a claim without your guidance. It's invaluable; clear, concise and easy to follow. The requirements are a nightmare, but your examples put each question into plain English and help a claimant to understand how DWP will interpret answers.
Your site is the only one I've come across with honest, impartial and genuinely helpful advice. You're worth every penny of the subscription. I can't thank you enough for the weight that's been lifted today, after all these months of waiting.”
“I am beyond relieved.” Enhanced PIP mobility on appeal
“I had my appeal tribunal today and I won!
Thank you Benefits and Work as your guidance has been invaluable.
I was previously awarded the enhanced daily living award and the standard mobility award.
I appealed the latter as they awarded me zero points for planning a journey and ten points for moving around.
The grounds for my appeal were that I have two disabilities which affect planning a journey. I didn't get the full points for moving around as I could walk 22m with the aid of a stick and wall according to the assessor.
The panel awarded me 10 points for the journey planning and 12 for moving around.
I am beyond relieved. Thank you.”
“thank you a lot..lot...lot” PIP enhanced mobility and care
“I just received a letter from DWP and have been awarded Enhanced rate for Motability and care components for PIP, thanks to your guides. I am so glad and wished I had these guides 6 years earlier when my full disability was reduced to middle rates but any way wont be without these guides in future. Keep up the good work and thank you a lot..lot...lot.”
“the relief was indescribable” PIP enhanced mobility and care
“I just wanted to let you know how grateful i am for all your help manuals and advice on this brilliant site. It has helped me yet again gain a positive result for my benefits.
I had been waiting 11 weeks since my PIP assessment and the dreaded brown envelope arrived. I couldn't believe what i read that i had been awarded the Enhanced Living AND Mobility components! I was prepared thinking i would have to appeal and the relief was indescribable.
Thank you once again!”
“We still quite can't believe it” Child DLA success
“Just wanted to let you all know that my 15yr old sons first ever DLA application has been successful! He just been awarded higher rates for both care & mobility needs! We still quite can't believe it & didn't expect this outcome and in so short a time!
The guides were absolutely indispensable & made a dreadful, heart rendering process that much easier by helping us to see the woods for the trees! Thank you!”
Give yourself the best possible chance of getting the right ESA, PIP or DLA decision, whether you’re making a claim, renewing an existing award or asking for a reconsideration or appeal.
Subscribe now and get instant access to all our guides.
If you’re not already a member, join the Benefits and Work community before midnight on Friday and you can get 20% off the cost of your annual subscription.
Just type the following code into the coupon box when you pay: 54684
Claimants and carers get an annual subscription for £15.96, down from £19.95. Professionals get an annual subscription for £77.60, down from £97.00.
Offer ends midnight Friday
Good luck,
The Office Team
Benefits and Work Publishing Ltd
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