To say it was all good news would definitely be going too far, but the Autumn statement definitely wasn’t as bad as it could have been for claimants.

More details will need to emerge, but here are some of the main highlights.

Benefits Uprating
Benefits will go up by 10.1% next April, in line with the September 2022 Consumer price Index.  Given the hints that benefits might only rise by 5% in line with wages, this is good news.

But inflation is already running at 11.1% and uprating does not apply until next April, so this is already a real terms cut.

In addition, people on low incomes spend a much larger part of their money on food and energy, which are particular drivers of inflation at present.  So the real rate of inflation for many claimants has been calculated as between 14% and 20%, meaning a very serious cut in income.

In Scotland, where some benefits are devolved, and in Northern Ireland where all benefits are devolved, it will be up to the devolved governments to decide on the level of uprating, though it seems likely they will follow Westminster’s lead.

ESA to UC migration
The government is pushing back the forced migration of claimants from income-related employment and support allowance (ESA) to universal credit (UC) to 2028.  It was due to be completed in 2024, with an impossible target of 2.5 million claimants being moved in that year.

So the fact that it is being delayed is good news.  The downside is that many thousand more claimants will now be subject to ‘natural migration’ because of a change of circumstances and will lose out on the transitional protection that managed migration claimants receive.

Claimants receiving child tax credit are not included in this postponement.

Cost of living payments
There will be more cost of living payments next year.

  • Households on means-tested benefits will get an additional £900 Cost of Living payment in 2023-24.
  • Pensioner households will receive an additional £300 Cost of Living payment.
  • Individuals on disability benefits will receive an additional £150 Disability Cost of Living payment in 2023-24.

These payments will be made on a UK-wide basis.

These additional sums are clearly good news, but they will not be enough to make-up for the increased costs many claimants will be facing.

Benefit cap
The benefit cap will be raised by 10.1% from April 2023.

The cap will be raised from £20,000 to £22,020 for families nationally and from £23,000 to £25,323 in Greater London.

For single adults it will be raised from £13,400 to £14,753 nationally and from £15,410 to £16,967 in Greater London.

You can read the full Autumn statement on the government website


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    So if you are on ESA income based and just claiming housing benefit and not tax credits you won't be asked to change to universal credit till 2028 is that correct I'm confused by it please can anyone clarify 
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    · 2 years ago
    So when is contribution based ESA being migrated ?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @Brecca It's not currently. There is nothing within UC that is contribution based. Contribution based benefits: SP, Cesa and Cjsa have all remained separate. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Can anyone confirm that as I get child tax credits my ESA will move over to UC in 2024. Not 2028? All because I receive child tax credits?? The reason I ask is that I've just started to do some permitted work and this won't be a rule with UC...
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Universal credit I've heard nothing good said about it.. It's a con.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    I recently moved, & have been forced into getting UC, am really not impressed !!!!
    My ESA used to be £887.25 per month, which has now been reduced to income related £509.60 per month, which they take off of the UC, leaving £245.11 
    So 509.60 + 245.11 = £754.71  
    So have been screwed over by £132.54 per month
    Ive spoken to ESA & UC but both are saying they cant do anything more, & as far as they're concerned everything is correct !!

    AS I understand from ESA, ESA is eventually going to cease. and everyone is going onto UC, 
    I can only assume that if they do to everyone what they've done to me, the countries going to be in uproar !!

    I hasten to add, this is almost the figure that I earmark for my gas & electric every month,
    now how do I pay for it !!!!!
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Hello can someone please explain to me, me and my partner are on income related ESA, I'm also claiming carers and my partner gets pip I'm just wondering if because of the delay in managed migration does this mean we will have to do a natural migration or will it stay the same and we can wait till 2028 and have the managed migration as we would be alot worse off if we went with natural migration as we would loose alot of money and we can barely survive with what we have anyways if anyone can help I would appreciate this thank you 
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    · 2 years ago
    It’s actually even worse if you have already been moved to UC because I won’t get any increase because it will be taken out of my transitional Protection payment meaning a huge cut to my finances
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    · 2 years ago
    Confused, I am on Esa in support group, i was told its for life? And It would still be payable when i reach pension age next March. I have now heard the tories have decided NO, it will stop when i get my pension. ? What is the answer please someone, I am  trying to work out my finances.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Christina ESA is never paid after pension age as it’s only till you get state pension.Pip however would still be paid after pension age if you have an award.You especially need to consider the mobility component,as this can’t be claimed after 65 I believe.Could be 66 now.Consider claiming Pip now if not already.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    The date is 30th November and I am yet to receive my £150. I am entitled to PIP (both) and ESA.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Been reading the Feed. Very good. But what happens if you re both (a couple) getting new-style contribution-based ESA? Are we migrating to UC and if so, when?
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Its all very well increasing the money those on UC receive _I have heard nothing to suggest that the minimum income guarantee will be increased (it has not been increased for several years) so unless this additional money is ringfenced the local authority will just take it as a contribution towards care costs.  Does anyone know if there are plans to ringfence it, or increase the MIG please?
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Hi,my name is Annette,at the moment I receive Employment supplementary Benefits, I was told it finishes on Dec 1st 2022 ,Ian sick with worry as I don't know what is going to happen, Could you please give me a bit of advice as to what is going on I have mental health issues,my husband is my full carer he only gets a one off payment every year,please help me Many Thanks
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Annette Brook You need to call DWP today and explain why you don't know what's happening. Hopefully your claim can continue, but make the call now. 
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    · 2 years ago
    I am very worried as I have seen online changes to the age at which people will no longer be able to claim dla my husband is the age group that will not be affected but people under a certain age will not be able to get dla I also get dla but am in the age group that will get changed to pip  also anyone who gets dla now can lease a car if they lose dla then as far as I know that cars are not available to pip claimants
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    · 2 years ago
    A small help. My Partner is disabled and I am her carer as well. It's just the two of us. What we have done as the Winter begins is try to hibernate as much as we can. We bought two 'popcorn' duvet sets ( which are very warm and snuggly, and we just get in there and cuddle up to save some money off the electricity bill. We do not use any heating for the radiators. We have oil fired heating but that is only used to heat the water to do dishes, so we are trying to keep as much oil in the tank as possible. We use two halogen heaters to warm ourselves, and we also use the microwave to cook or heat simple food, or we make sandwiches or leave a bowl of porridge (slow burn energy) in the fridge overnight. We do not use the oven and we avoid using the hob as best we can. We minimise our movements and stay in bed to preserve as much energy as we can, and we wear extra layers of clothing when we are up to maximise heat. 
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      · 2 years ago
      Its not right that in this country anyone has to go with no heating. (or indeed food) I take my hat off to you for pushing back against the horrible situation.

      The only thing is using the microwave uses a lot of energy, perhaps heat things up in the oven/hob as it may well be cheaper.  I could be wrong on this but thought I would put it up for consideration.

      Try to make sure you are getting all the help for the oil costs. Its one of those things that may be sidelined as the main help covers most people but not all.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      Thanks Phil.  I went out and bought a camping gas stove from Argos plus some small gas cannisters.  Was ashamed to tell anyone, but bought them in case of a power cut.
      At least I will have something to heat a can of soup on. Stocked up on batteries for my torches too.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Thank you ! For the education I got be ready this newsletter.  Your valuable work is appreciated.  Information is power.
    Mid Wilts
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Well I'm so pleased for our poor MP's who have no need to worry about their energy bills, because guess who's paying for them 🤔yep, the taxpayers 😡
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    · 2 years ago
    Concerning the ESA to UC migration being delayed to 2028- does this also apply to those not on ESA but claiming legacy benefits- will their migration also be delayed?
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    · 2 years ago
    I hope that, if Labour win the next general election that they will honour the delay of forced migration from ESA to UC. I find this very worrying. The delay allows me to breath a little. I just worry that Labour might have different view on this. 
    As for extra payments next year. I’ve no idea if I qualify. I had no idea if was able to get these COL payments this year. I did so, it seems I quality for that this year.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Bm It’s just becoming impossible to be disabled and function now.I think they delight in causing confusion and doubt,pitting one group against another.Truly shameful.All the best.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Claire They are keeping UC my labour mp informed myself plus it was the last labour goverment who abolished leaving claimants on incapacity benefit and brought in esa and assessments. People have short memory's in this country haha
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      · 2 years ago
      @JustinRUK The delay is a carrot being dangled  until 2028 lol they've secured votes to assure they win next election 
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      · 2 years ago
      @JustinRUK Labour have already stated they will abolish the Universal Credit. Think you will be OK on esa for a good while. 
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    · 2 years ago
    We've missed out on the Warm Home Discount due to PIP no longer being a viable benefit.
    As we are in receipt of Contribution Based ESA (our punishment for working all our lives) we have / will not get any of these government payments.  
    The only help we have and will receive is the £150 each as we both classed as disabled.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Alison That's not correct.  You remain on contributory rate for the whole duration of the claim .  Weather that be 1yr, 10yrs and so on
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      · 2 years ago
      @Vanessa Only if you still continue to satisfy the claiming conditions.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Alison It depends if you are in the Support group.  If you are, the 1 year limit doesn't apply.  You get Contribution ESA for the life of your claim. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Yv You should only be on contribution based ESA for a year then if you have under 16k savings you should go onto income based ESA
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      · 2 years ago
      @Yv I think it must be different in Scotland to qualify for WHD. Core group the same but if on low income you must be claiming an income related benefit PLUS a disability benefit ie PIP. This was the criteria when I applied yesterday through E.On Next. Not all suppliers are the same though and they are allowed to change their criteria each year. 
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    · 2 years ago
    Will the lcwra be increased as well. 
    I have not seen any update on this. 

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