The latest review form for personal independence payment (PIP), which the DWP began issuing in November 2024, seems designed to encourage claimants to give as little evidence as possible and thus risk losing or reducing their award.

The PIP Award Review or AR1 form, is sent to claimants prior to their award ending to make sure they are still getting the correct rate.

The original idea was that the form would be much shorter and easier to complete, at just 17 pages (excluding explanatory notes)compared to the 38 pages (excluding explanatory notes) of the PIP2 “How Your Disability Affects You” form used for an initial claim.

The original PIP review form focused solely on changes in your needs since you were last awarded PIP. 

In connection with each of the daily living and mobility activities, the original AR1 form asked:

  • Tell us if something has changed and approximately when.
  • Tell us how you manage this activity now, including the use of any aids you use.
  • Tell us about any changes to help you need or the help you get from another person.

The new AR1 form, however, is much more like the form you made your initial claim on.  It is 25 pages long, excluding notes.  For most activities you are now not asked if your condition has changed, but instead:

  • Can you manage this activity safely and without difficulty?
  • Do you need an aid?
  • Do you need prompting?
  • Do you need help from another person?
  • Please tell us why and when these needs began.

We have always advised members to give the same level of detailed and up-to-date evidence in a review form as they did in their original claim and not rely on simply saying “No change”.  So, from that point of view, the new AR1 form fits better with our approach to giving evidence.

However, the PIP2 form gives you a whole A4 page to describe your needs, as well as a page on which there is a more detailed explanation of what is taken into account and a sample answer.

The new AR1 PIP review form, on the other hand provides no examples and only tiny boxes in which to provide evidence.

It is by no means certain that, just because you currently have an award of PIP and your condition is unchanged - or has even deteriorated - that you will still get at least the same award.  Many readers have had to go to tribunal to get their award reinstated after losing it on review. 

And the latest official figures show that over a quarter of claimants are worse off after a review:

  • Award Increased               19%     
  • Award Maintained           55%     
  • Award Decreased             7%        
  • Award Disallowed            19%

So, our advice is never to be restricted by the boxes on a PIP review form, but instead, use as many additional sheets as is necessary to give detailed evidence about your needs.

Our 140 page members’ Guide to PIP Claims and Reviews has been fully updated to take account of the new PIP review form.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 13 days ago
    I did my review on separate A4 sheets, numbered them, made sure to add my details and on the form ticked no changed but asked them to refer to page whatever for the relevant question. I've also asked for a paper based assessment because so far I've received 2 x 5 year awards, there's no changes, plus when I had my ESA review I was given a paper based assessment and moved to SG so I mentioned that as well, they also have a GPFR from my last PIP and one for my last ESA review.

    I'm at 5 months waiting so far, just waiting for an extension letter as my award ends next month.
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    · 1 months ago
    hi can i ask what pages we take of the reform before I send it back thankyou
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    · 1 months ago
    I have received my PIP review what pages do i take of and keep before I send the form back thankyou
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    · 1 months ago
    Can anyone help pls.  My ten year award for PIP is due next year 2026.   However I have this week received a letter from DEP Performance Management Team telling me they will ring me next week 28th January to do a PIP Review to endure I’m receiving the right amount of PIP.  No idea what they will ask and told me I’ve been selected at random ?  Has anyone had any involvement with this department pls ?
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    · 1 months ago
    Can I have some advice please? My pip review is due in April do I have to ring them for the form or do they just send me one ? 
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    · 1 months ago
    Last year they were giving payouts that claimants were entitled to as they wernt paid right amount. It stated that a person would be contacted but I've not been contacted and I'm sure that I was I this category and should of had been contacted. What should I do because this is one of my problems I'm not good with making calls and dealing with situations. 
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    · 2 months ago
    Hi. It must be almost a year now since i had to fill in a form for review of any changes etc and i keep getting texts every few months telling me they are still suffering a backlog but will deal with my form asap so how much longer do you think i might have to wait as it seems to be taking forever and a day? Thank you in advance for any help you can offer me. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Lynne Hi I'm in same position.  Did you find out what to do? Many thanks 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Charlotte I've also been waiting since May 2024 and received the same texts. I became of pension age in the 25th December 2024 I also started getting pension credits but PC stops February bc my original PIP review is in February they are stopping my pension credits and will be re-instated once I have the review of PIP. I don't no what to do now or who to contact as all of my other benefits stopped Dec 25th.....
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    · 2 months ago
    Hi everyone I'm new to the system altogether it is gut wrenching I'm on pip I had a review after giving so much paperwork and xrays the lady was from capita we didn't have a good interview my mental health went through the roof I gave emphasema she said do you always breath like that well yeah I do I'm afraid she said why do you want ppl with you I said because I'm frightened then she didn't want to know anymore I need people with me because it's very rare I go out when I do i need someone with me when I'm out of breath I panick and if I chose which happens when my throat dries out whilst walking so I'm expecting something back .but I do praise u n credits staff as been absolutely fab I've had face to face visits with them they could see I was struggling to get in so they did everything by video or fone calls if someone comes in s proper manner instead of a robot I think you tend to with draw into yourself I did rant over thxscsue x
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    · 2 months ago
    I have been reading many of the posts about filling in PIP & ESA forms.
    The more info you can put down on the forms the better chance you have of success first time. Use more paper & explain in detail, just ensure you put your name & reference number at the top of each additional page. Everything is evidence of your situation, nothing is too trivial to not mention. If it affects your life put it down on paper. List all aids that you use including brain training apps, things like long shoe horns & sock pullers etc.
    List any official self help therapy groups or trials that you are signed up to. Too much info is better than too little. Keep a copy of everything you fill in for future reference. Also keep all hospital & doctors paperwork for proof of your condition. I have a 'long haul' long covid/chronic fatique illness.
    My partner & I did all this for PIP & ESA.
    I was awarded the PIP & ESA first attempt.
    Then after a month or so out of the blue I had phonecalls from DWP asking various things - so out came my copies with all aspects of my illness.
    After answering all the questions I asked why the second review and was just given a basic answer & I then thought no more of it.
    About a month later I received enhanced payments for both PIP & ESA and was moved into the support group for ESA. I didn't prompt for this, I was grateful for any help from DWP.
    I feel had we not given as much info as we did this would not have occurred.
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    · 2 months ago
    I joined a Facebook group about PIP and reviews, found my anxiety levels sky rocket, so removed myself! Also my post about filling in my review form should of read, “photocopy and add consultants letters”!
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    · 2 months ago
    I am just filling in a review form, due in later this month. I am just writing “see attached pg?” and using our previous PIP answers, so far 8 pages attached as adding additional info. These forms always make me nervous, but we shall see! Yet to photocopy a as no add additional consultant's letters. 
    Hope I won’t be penalised for using last forms info, but seems crazy, when the answers remains the same, plus some! 
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    · 2 months ago
    Sadly did mine a year ago assensnet next week making me  worse Alison got mum on end of life loosing plot 
    I did best with it and everyone says assessment means I’ve been rejected my review 
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    · 2 months ago
    I used your training tool and advice to complete my review form, emphasising the ' not reliably' etc.l and aids I wouldn't have considered as such.  I always suspected I should be on the enhanced rates and after using your advice Now have enhanced in both care and mobility. THANKYOU SO MUCH, your advice is now life changing. I've also helped complete my nephews first pip form transfer from DLA, usung what I've learnt. Fingers crossed.
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    · 2 months ago
    I am confused🤔.
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    · 2 months ago
    The things they don't consider for washing and bathing is mind boggling. So it doesn't matter if you can't shave or brush your teeth or cut your nails? 
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      · 2 months ago
      @Nicola Douglas You can put that in, so you give them a clearer picture.
      I send in my reports from the foot hospital. 

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    · 2 months ago
    Thanks everyone on and at this site.
    Just got awarded higher care and full mobility.
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    · 2 months ago
    i get contribution ESA and PIP will i have to move UC can anyone advise from experience
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      · 24 days ago
      @heather billington Hi heather , I also receive cont esa , but because I get housing benefit , I had to migrate to uc , esa payments stayed the same , but no idea if I will also receive anything from uc ( they paid me something towards my rent ) so if you receive housing benefits you will get migration notice 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Sharon I receive contribution based ESA
      And was receiving Housing Benefit

      I had previously tried to get my ESA changed to income related but was met with intransigence and requests for too much information going back 5 years that I found difficult to cope with and it didn't happen 

      I had a letter from UC telling me that my Housing Benefit needed to be migrated to Universal Credit. 
      In November I therefore applied for UC

      I now receive UC once a month, 5 weeks in arrears which effectively gives me £200 income related element plus housing benefit

      I separately still receive contribution based ESA as before every 2 weeks which is shown on the UC payment advice letter as a deduction from the overall UC award calculation. 

      This appears to be easier to manage cash flow wise than having to wait 5 weeks before receiving a full UC amount. 

      To complicate things the UC apparently treats this year as a 52 week year, but my Housing Association who I have to pay the housing benefit to when it appears in my bank account are working this year on a 53 week year! 
      I have repeatedly asked UC to pay the housing benefit element direct to the Housing Association but they just ignore me

      And whereas I used to get Housing Benefit weekly paid direct from my local council to the Housing Association I am now expected to pay my Housing Association so they have a month's rent in advance in my rent account. I have entered into a special arrangement payment plan monthly to separately accumulate the advance rent. 

      So my advice is that your contribution based ESA is not migrated to UC but if you receive Housing Benefit you will at some point get a migration instruction from UC. 
      Don't panic just apply. You will still receive your ESA separately every 2 weeks. And if there is any element of UC you qualify for, it is that that is paid once a month on the same calendar date effectively 5 weeks behind. 
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      · 2 months ago
      @heather billington Hi Heather, they are not moving people on contribution based over to UC.
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      · 2 months ago
      @Michael ihad a completely different experience, i completed every question & was told to bring proof of ID, passport, Utility Bills, bank statements, TO A TELEPHONE ASSESSMENT.  I am unable to cope with telephone appointments which I told them about so contacted my MP and it has been forwarded t the head of DWP
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      · 2 months ago
      @Dozer11 If you are housebound you can have somebody come to your house. He told me that there was a long wait in Liverpool for it therefore first payment would have been delayed. 
       I don't think you'd need to go in to verify if you have active government id on line but I can't be sure. 

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    · 2 months ago
    i am hoping someone can help me on here, i am visualy impaired and i fill in my sons PIP renewal form. there were no boxes to explain changes so even though i put nothing had changed .he was awarded 0 points now i have to appeal and not sure how to go about this ,can anyone help please
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    · 2 months ago
    So I have been successful in my claim for PIP. Years ago, I had no idea of how to approach it and was turned down. The reason I was successful (I have multiple illnesses, both mental and physical) was that I had a benefits advisor helping me. I also did a lot of research. The best thing is read guides and good quality online advice because it helps you too describe your conditions and how they affect you in a manner which elicits points. And attach as much medical evidence as possible. Try and get a good letter written by GP describing all your illnesses and how they impact you. If you don't have all your medical letters you can request your GP service to provide you with your medical records. You can ask for 2 years worth. They normally take a few weeks to do this so get on it as soon as you can. And remember you can keep adding things even after submitting your claim if you are doing it online until you hear from them.
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    · 2 months ago
    Not anything to do with the thread title, I know, but has anyone else noticed that, now we are getting nearer to spring and the likelihood of ever crueller reforms, and thus, the current headlines, that the so-called champion and defender of the disabled and their rights, sir Stephen Timms, goes missing in (in)action? Where is he and what does he do all day?

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