Some legacy benefits claimants in two more towns will shortly receive a forced Migration Notice requiring them to claim universal credit (UC) or face the loss of their benefits, the latest edition of the DWP’s Touchbase newsletter has announced.

From 25 July claimants in Truro and Falmouth will join those in Medway and Bolton as part of the ‘discovery phase’ of the UC migration programme.

Initially the numbers being contacted are likely to be small.  Just 500 are being contacted in Bolton and Medway. 

The legacy benefits affected by the changes are:

Child Tax Credit

Housing Benefit

Income Support

Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)

Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

Working Tax Credit

The DWP has published a page of guidance for claimants who receive a forced Migration Notice.

if you have received a forced Migration Notice, we’d be very interested to hear from you.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 10 months ago
    So it begins. I am furious that they have got away with removing SDP, which is only paid to cover the extra costs of not having a carer so what those of us who don't have one are supposed to do I don't know... My rent goes up by £10-15 every year so for starters I'll lose that, also the lack of uplift. The erosion of my SDP is going to happen very fast. And that's assuming that I can claim UC in the first place, if they try to make me sign a claimant commitment that involves any action at all with threat of sanction then I'm finished. I already struggle to want to live with severe MH problems, I don't want to spent the next 16 yrs in constant stress from the jobcentre threatening me on top of that. I'd rather say goodbye while I still have something left.
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    · 2 years ago
    I am in the process of moving across. I will be about 500 pound worse off. Think it's due to the severe disabilty payment not being paid? Apparently they will make my money up to the amount I now receive but will not give rises until others on same benefits catch up?? Am waiting for confirmation.  We missed out on the money during covid and now are going to lose out again. So so wrong.
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    · 2 years ago
    I have had to move across . 
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    · 2 years ago
    I have received a letter telling me I have to claim UC before October.  Also just completing  a form for PIP although was told over Covid that wouldn't need to apply again until 23? I am on ESA , severe disability and PIP. Am worried about losing money in transfer??
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    · 2 years ago
    I note the Labour Party remains silent as this miserable transfer to Universal Credit continues.
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    · 2 years ago
    Me again they put us on universal credit so the gov can save money up to £100 a month lost and bills are so high this is torture i had no advance pay either so worse off on UC 
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    · 2 years ago
    I am at my wits here i am disabled and was on income related esa i have moved to a bungalow and was force to go on universal credit, i lost £80 a month and have to pay council tax and nhs prescription, i had a letter of fined which i havnt paid, i cant work my arthrits x 2 types, raynaud desease, 2 broken disc, thyroid the list goes on, my GP has sign me off 3.5 years nw am on pip but universal credit dont pay you i recieve £272 a month live on my own and lost all my benefits due to goin and force on universal credit.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Lexi Recommend talking to an expert about what you're entitled to. You should be eligible for council tax support alongside the UC, and if your thyroid condition is lifelong also free prescriptions. If you're signed off from work long term they should also put you on a higher rate of UC, bit it can take some time to get assessed for that. Definitely push for what you're entitled to! 
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    · 2 years ago
    If you go on gov't website it will direct you to entitlement calculator.  I did this I am on legacy and found my money was right.  However on looking at UC I will be £50 a week worse off.  Isn't this ilegal? As this issue was taken to the Supreme Court? Just asking
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      · 2 years ago
      @Gavin Gavin i lost more than that as force on UC i have to pay council tax nhs prescription and more heating bills cost of living, i am willing to go to prison with my medication i dont need crb check anymore so prison will be my home soon.
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    · 2 years ago
    There isn't any credible list with the areas that are next to be moved to u.c from the old benefits  it seems like they pull these area codes out of a hat . I live at York and  want to know when we at York will be moved from esa onto uc but cant find any info on that ; its like the DWP have some sick thrill  with their policies of secrecy. They want claimants to be " open" and forthright yet they are about as open and as forthright as a bank volt .
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    · 2 years ago
    I’m extremely concerned about this forced migration, as a claimant of income related ESA I do not know, and have had no information from the DWP about…
    - Why they are doing this?
    - What do I have to do and what happens if I don’t want to, where’s my right of appeal?
    - Will I be better or worse off?
    - For those who also receive PIP and score points on budgeting issues, has any thought been given to a monthly payment being given instead of a bi-weekly, meaning their issues could be made worse.
    - Are there any changes to the WCA or the “fine print” so to speak. 

    And I think Santa will win the Eurovision Song Contest before the DWP sent out more than a standard, un-personalised letter that deliberately misinforms or uses threatening language to get you to do as they say. 

    I’d like to thank Benefits and Work for giving me the confidence to attack these unfair practices over the years. I am on an award that I am entitled to, and I am satisfied with this but an EXTREMELY concerned with this forced migration. (I don’t deal well with change) But thanks to you guys I’ve been able to translate the DWP forms from gibberish to English, and know what to say and look out for to avoid dodgy practices, of which I have been subject to. (See my other comment)
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      · 2 years ago
      @Doctor Personally, I don’t know why the DWP want to force the change. They have all the information. Including what you get. You should not have to apply. They should move you onto the new system if that’s what they feel. 
      forcing a disabled person to reapply and go through the assessments all over again. Is not only wrong but immoral. Cutting peoples benefits to a lower amount is also wrong. Especially while we have this inflation crunch. Sadly I’m still waiting for the BBC and MPs to tell the truth about Brexit and the real costs to the disabled. 
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    · 2 years ago
    I used to get ESA benefit, My claim was stopped immediately because they stated that they had sent me a medical form, I have not received any medical form and stated this, I have asked for my benefit to be reinstated and they have refused all they keep telling me is to claim Universal Credit as the ESA will be stopping soon. Because I have called constantly they have resent the medical form, I have now sent it back, but they claim they have not received it yet, I have been without money for 5 weeks I am on very strong medication and living on eating chocolate I have in the house. I called again today and have been met with the same thing that I must claim Universal credit. I believe they are deliberately doing this to me as they are forcing me to claim universal credit.  
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      · 2 years ago
      @S Williamson Hi. Iam totally. Concerned  about this uc apparently  they are reducing  benefits  payments by 3%  WHY what gives them the rights to do that. I dont want to go on uc its to much hastle  for one and second they. Doing reductions. Its wrong 

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