Therese Coffey was yesterday promoted to health secretary and deputy prime minister, leaving the DWP in the hands of former minister for disabled people, Chloe Smith.  Coffey leaves behind her a department even more dysfunctional and distrusted than the one she inherited.

At just one day short of three years, Coffey has been the longest serving secretary of state for work and pensions since Ian Duncan Smith, who managed almost six years, ending in March 2016.

Unlike IDS, however, Coffey brought no campaigning zeal for reform to the post.  Whilst that is probably just as well, what she did bring was as pernicious in its own way.

Under Coffey we have seen the DWP retreat into obsessive and pointless secrecy and an ugly determination to avoid paying benefits at every possible opportunity.

Her compulsive secrecy and the way it undermines trust was highlighted by the work and pensions committee’s ultimately failed attempt to get Coffey to release nine reports the DWP has refused to publish, sometimes even after saying they would.

The most notable of these avoidances may have been the refusal to pay the £20 universal credit uplift to legacy benefits claimants on the spurious grounds that the software couldn’t cope with the change.

But there have been many other occasions during Coffey’s tenure when the courts have found that the DWP has got the law wrong and claimants have been underpaid as a result.  On each occasion the response of the DWP has been to drag their feet and, when a LEAP exercise has been set up to identify underpaid claimants, repay only a tiny fraction of those who are eligible.

Only last week we reported on the DWP’s refusal to follow a recommendation by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) to contact over 100,000 ESA claimants who are owed compensation totalling many millions for DWP errors.

Instead, claimants will have to somehow discover for themselves that they have been ripped-off and then figure out how to try to get what they are entitled to.

Standards of service at the DWP have also plummeted under Coffey.  PIP fresh claims are taking five months to process, PIP reviews are now so far behind that automatic 12 month extensions are being granted and trying to get through to the DWP on the telephone is now something that requires days of effort.

If Coffey takes the same determination to harm those she should be helping and to shroud every issue in secrecy to her new role, then the rest of the country will get a taste of the same misery that claimants have endured these last three years.

Meanwhile, Coffey’s replacement Chloe Smith was only appointed to the post of Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work in September 2021.  Born in 1982, she became the youngest sitting MP when she won her seat in 2009.

Her voting record on benefits is as might be expected.  She has never voted in favour of paying higher benefits to sick and disabled claimants and, when she has been present to vote, always voted for reductions in spending on welfare benefits.

In July of this year she committed herself to ‘urgently investigating’ alleged assessment tricks used by PIP and WCA assessors, after they were raised by MPs at a meeting of the work and pensions committee.

Unsurprisingly we have heard nothing more on the matter.

It seems unlikely that there will be any significant change it the way the DWP is run under the new secretary of state, though there will perhaps be rather less karaoke and booze on the premises.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    My local MP and I'm struggling to find a single positive word for her. Suffice to say we have had the worst mental health trust for 10 years, in special measures for most of that and one of the worst performing ambulance trusts as well. Done nothing about it. Turned up for the opening of a food bank and how she had the gall to smile for the camera when her government created the need for one in the first place I don't know. A disabled person working for the DWP who had problems because they refused to make reasonable adjustments asked for help, she refused.
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    · 2 years ago
    How is it possible that the person who gets the job is always against the very people that they are supposed to support. If the best person for the job happened to be sympathetic to claimants but also pledged to root out any fraudulent claims they still would not be chosen.
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    · 2 years ago
    The problem with not being able to get through to DWP and delays is that your motability can be delayed and hence your housebound.
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    · 2 years ago
    The winter of discontent will seem like the summer of 76 compared to what's coming! With high price rises! Inflation! Energy hikes! And a dwp that operates like MI5 the future for the sick and disabled looks bleak! " Chloe smith is another silent but deadly minister just like coffey. We need to protest like nothing seen before hundreds of thousands of us if not millions and we need to do it now! Any organisers out there need to get off their bk sides and Co. Ordinate the biggest demostration of the sick and disabled..EVER SEEN Until we do NOTHING WILL CHANGE 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Sicknick 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 We are treated like criminals at tribunals. I had 3 the second I became that angry with the way I was being questioned, nothing about my disability but how I was going to get out of the court house if there was a fire. We were on the first floor. I argued disability tribunals shouldn’t be held unless on the ground floor and they were trying to trick people, I boiled and told them all they had blood on their hands. I got another tribunal later and thank goodness I was successful. I later heard they tried that trick with everyone. 
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    · 2 years ago
    Smith is a waste of space, just like all the nasty tory party.   Nothing new here just a swap of a another bad apple.  DWP has the knack of only having secretary of states for works, and pensions, to be someone who is holding a cricket bat in the hand, and constantly non-stop battering a defenseless soft ball laid on the ground into smithereens lol.

    This chloe smith will want to make her mark at the helm of the DWP  whereby of having no empathy at all towards claimants.  It's an engine running on the same dirty oil, which never gets cleaned if you get my drift.
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    · 2 years ago
    Please can someone explain what is meant by 'PIP reviews are behind'? I have received my review pack a full 14 months before my award was due to end and only 22 months since the last decision. Does this mean I am an exception or do you mean that the actual assessment might still be montha or even years away? I feel very worried that I have been singled out for fast tracking to reverse the previous award in Dec 2020 which reversed their previous decision to atrip me of the mobility element. Very worried they might remove my SDP & then force me onto UC without TP.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Mandy Same here.
      I have bipolar/anxiety/panic attacks.

      I'm hoping the claim does not get dragged out; anxious every day!

      Hence up at 2am.

      I'm dreading another in-person assessment. Which I may have to do because I have had further physical diagnoses in the past year. 
      Functional Neurological Disorder
      Increased back/hip pain
      6x more likely to have a heart attack

      So, yeah, could do without this hanging over me too.

      Good luck

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Aw I have received my Pip review too.
      I was only asssed in 2020 as well.
      My Blue badge expires in May 2023.
      So they have done my review VERY EARLY TOO.
      causing me stress...
      Good luck with your review.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Aw Decisions are behind. They still send out the paperwork. I was given an extension to this August just past and then a few days later I got the review pack, which I had to return by Oct 21st last year. I have been waiting ever since then for a decision. So this is what they mean by reviews are behind, and no you have not been singled out. Don't delay getting your paperwork back though, even if it might take them a year or more to actually look at.
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    · 2 years ago
    Let’s hope the NHS kick back hard if Coffey employs the same tricks she used when at the Dwp. As their (NHS) profile is so much higher in the media, she may not find a carpet big enough to sweep her mistakes under.
    Here’s hoping 🤞 
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      · 2 years ago
      @lesley Yes, all the best Lesley - I'm sure it will all go ok.  I had this same operation 7 years ago for a 10cm cyst on my ovary and it is worrying, I thought it was the end for me with very little support from family, but it all went fine and the scar healed very quickly. I didn't even need any painkillers afterwards. And the wait to see if it is malignant or not is worrying but they are 99% of the time benign which is good to remember. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @lesley Good luck Lesley.
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      · 2 years ago
      @lesley Progress, was just telephoned, on a Sunday morning, with a date for my operation, two weeks time. Now here is hoping it does not get cancelled.

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      · 2 years ago
      @Pat Sadly, she won't care, and the only way to improve things now will be to privatise everything that hasn't been privatised already .... Penny Mordaunt let it slip when she was campaigning to be leader that their 'plan for the NHS and Social Care' was based on insurance and they hadn't managed as yet to do the huge amount of work it was going to take to sort it out - just awful
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      Well said Pat.  Am awaiting an operation to have my ovaries and fallopian tubes out. A cyst on an ovary that has grown in size over the last few years and started to grow "nodules"

      It was only picked up "incidentally".

      Even now it is taking longer than antipitated to get a date for my op.  My anxiety levels have sky rocketed.   Have they forgotten me?  Will I hear this side of Christmas or in the New Year.
      Will the cyst turn "cancerous" ?  So far it is not cancerous but could become so. Just want to get the operation done.

      Would not like like to rely on Karaoke Coffey to make any decisions about my health.

      I agree, "no carpet big enough"!

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