The DWP stand accused of having taken a lesson from ‘kidnappers’ in order to verify universal credit claimants’ addresses, by requiring them to take multiple photos of themselves, including one with them holding a copy of the current day’s local paper.

The Public Interest Law Centre have tweeted an extract from a claimant’s UC online account and suggested that ‘Point 5 is what kidnappers do, which seems appropriate’ .

The extract itself is a list of 5 demands the claimant must meet in order to have their UC claim considered:

Further to today’s phone call. I now require you to provide the following information. If you don’t provide all of the information that we’ve requested your claim will be closed.

1. A photo of your ID card or passport open on the photo page.

2. . A photo of your ID card or passport open on the photo page held next to your face.

3. A photo of you stood outside the front door (open behind you) of the property you live at. Ask someone to take this from the street so that the whole property can be seen.

4. A photo of you stood next to your street sign with you [sic] right hand holding it. Ask someone to take this photo from a few metres away so that the background can be clearly seen.

5. A photo of you holding your local newspaper for the area you live (not a national tabloid newspaper). This should be dated the same day you upload the photo.

As other posters point out there are numerous problems with this approach including: many areas don’t have a local paper anymore, you can’t put your hand on a street sign if it’s halfway up a building, you can’t take a photo of yourself in the front door of your property from the street if you live halfway up a block of flats, you may not know anyone who could take a photo of you and may be unwilling to hand your phone over to strangers.

The bizarre series of instruction appears to be a way of trying to verify a claimant’s identity and address without having them attend an interview.

But many would argue that copies of items such as utility bills and tenancy agreements are as reliable as a series of images that could quite possibly be photoshopped.

We’d be interested to hear from readers who have received unusual requests from the DWP. You can post a comment below the line or use our feedback form.


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    · 2 years ago
    I'm a recent victim of the DWP team asking me to SHOW my face with my passport HOLDING up to my face, I want to ask why as I cannot get the reason why I should do this like a 'criminal'. Are DWP team investigating me for something? I think it is unfair if innocent people have to go through under scrutiny like this.

    This is how they put it...

    "Upload documents

    You must upload the evidence within 14 days. You should not ignore this message. If you do not provide the required verification or contact us on or before DATE it may result in your payment of Universal Credit being suspended, your claim being closed and any overpayment of UC being recovered from you. Upload your passport. Please take a photo of yourself holding the passport next to your face, photo facing forward. Also upload a clear, close-up picture of your passport photo page showing all four corners.
    You need to do this by DATE.

    Click 'done' below when you are finished uploading. Your work coach will not get your documents until you do."
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      · 1 years ago
      @ANONYMOUS... What about door keys the kids doctors document to say they attend same doctor and same for school attendance form pic of bills pic of bank statements tendency agreement! Pass port and hold up. Pic of street pic of door pic of In House birth certificates list goes on Iv been broken into b4 I also av issues with my past an this makes me feel sick oh an 14days to do it an sed I agree to them talking to 3rd parties when I didn’t oh and bills they want pics of like wtf help any1
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      · 2 years ago
      @ANONYMOUS... Alas, I'm going through this 'confirmation of ID' now too. I went to Kenya in March to get married and prepare for my PhD research next year. Unfortunately I ended up getting extremely sick, due to pre-existing chronic conditions, and my 1 month stint ended up being 6 months! They tried to call me in Kenya, but the calls never came through, so my account was suspended. 

      On my return to the UK we spoke again, and I was told to upload the same kind of information, to prove I was back in the UK. I was soon hospitalised, so I never had the chance to get the information for them. 2 weeks later and I'm still in Guy's. My deadline for uploading all documents is today, but fortunately they are willing to accept medical correspondence stating I am in hospital, and then they will extend the deadline.

      It is unfortunate they couldn't just accept a photo of me in bed and or outside the hospital to prove I'me back in the UK. On the 8th I'll be 2 months in arrears and the landlord told me today that they will now be issuing a notice for repossession. I assume that once UC get there photographic evidence from me they will backpay the last two months housing benefit!
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