Well over 100,000 people have signed petitions objecting to legislation, currently in the House of Lords, which will allow the DWP to snoop on claimants’ bank accounts.  In addition, the UK Information Commissioner has challenged the way the law has been drafted.

Benefits and Work readers who are unhappy at the plans may wish to sign one or more of the petitions.  Especially as, the more smoothly these laws are passed, the more emboldened the DWP will be to move onto laws giving it powers of arrest, search and seizure and the right to impose massive fines without going anywhere near a court.

The petition on the Organise site headed “Prevent the DWP from scrutinising disabled people’s bank accounts” has attracted almost 80,000 signatures.

Stop the Government from spying on all of our bank accounts” on the 38 Degrees site has over 33,000 signatures.

Do not introduce regular bank account checks for benefit claimants” on the parliament website has just under 16,000 signatures so far.

John Edwards, the UK Information Commissioner at the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has written to the Times suggesting that the current wording of the bill too loose.  This will not prevent it passing into law, but it may give claimants some additional protections.

Edwards wrote:

“Proposed powers to allow the government to inspect people’s bank accounts to reduce benefit fraud raise questions as to society’s appetite for potentially intrusive measures to reduce a problem that costs the country billions of pounds.

 “As is so often the case, the answer lies in proportionality. The law must be sufficiently clear to give people an adequate indication of the conditions and circumstances in which the authorities can use such measures. And there must be safeguards to protect people.

 “Key to assessing proportionality are questions such as ‘Will the proposed intervention work?’, ‘Will it produce high numbers of false positives?’ and ‘Are there more or equally effective mechanisms available that do not involve the same level of intrusion?’”

 “As the data regulator, my office continues to work with the Department for Work and Pensions on this, in particular on whether the proposal is sufficiently tightly drafted.”

The DWP snuck in the new powers as amendments to the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill.  There was no consultation, no opportunity for discussion and no chance to explore alternatives.

If they are successful in getting the current measures through with little opposition, it seems likely that the government will use the same tactics to allow the DWP to acquire the power to arrest claimants, search homes, seize property and impose huge fines without ever going to court.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 28 days ago
    It's a political manoeuvre for division, blame the poorest for all the country' ills. If the same applied to the rich [OOPS offshore private secure bank accounts ] the nation would claw back billions not the 1% of benefit claimants. Its a national disgrace to put the poorest members of society under the microscope and allow the wealthy including political leaders to get away with their safe LEGAL money laundering because that's what it is. So move the goalposts for the DWP while all the time keep stringent rules to allow others to squirrel away billions. Parliament Hang your heads in shame.
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    · 1 months ago
    Absolutely disgusting as like so many people that have commented l had an heath assessment with dwp had already had NHS scans serious knee injury and arthritis on knee went to health assessment didn't look at my knee never took into consideration any medical facts would not tell me there or then the outcome that l knew when left the appointment what the decision was going to be. And surprise surprise two weeks later fit to work. Absoulte joke and in 2022  l managed to eventually get on ADL and now there trying to change the rules again' basically demonizing people who are disabled and trying to make us look like wee are taking of tax payers and like wee are scum. Hopefully the hight courts stop this bank snopping and disabilty cuts as its a breach on human right full stop. 
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    · 8 months ago
    And they are still snooping into disabled peoples accounts using fear-they have done it to me last week and are calling me tomorrow to explain my account when i have every right to my pip which is not considered income and had every right to cost of living payment last year. I challenged them saying i should not have my privacy invaded without proof i committed fraud when i have not committed fraud but they disregard it and snooped into my bank account regardless
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    · 9 months ago
    Disgusting, do we live in a communist state? It certainly feels like it. Unless they have concrete proof that someone is , not being honest, they have no rights to delve in to the  private bank account of my 91 year old step dad , who has only just given up working, due to being immobile.and who fought for our country. 
    He's never been on benefits either 
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    · 1 years ago
    The Organise petition is at 91,000 signatures. At 100,000 they will present it to parliment. If you're afraid to sign any of the petitions, please don't be. If anyone is ever punished for using their voice to speak out against this kind of tyranny, it is a violation of our human rights. Politicians work for us, and this seems to have been forgotten by the current government.

    The Big Brother Watch/38 Degrees petition is also worth signing. These organisations both have a good track record of affecting real change in government policies, and if you are at all worried about your data being used against you in signing petitions, check out the Big Brother Watch website for tools you can use to protect yourself, and your data.

    B&W has 110,000 subscribers. If half us signed and shared each of these petitions, we can stop this before it becomes the Orwellian nightmare it looks like it will become. DWP police force and all:

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    · 1 years ago
    Everyone got sign the petitions 
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    · 1 years ago
    Worrying that anybody but you has access to your bank account. Not very secure then is it?
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    State Penso is NOT a benefit~!  Pensioners with just their sztate pension and no benefits ought never to have their bank accountt inspected this is morfally and ethically WRONG
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @Vee I think it's because there are rules around claiming the state pension, such as pensioners who retire abroad, which must be declared 
      Also, people who only have a state pension often do get other benefits which are means tested e.g. council tax reduction. Housing benefit and pension credit.

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    · 1 years ago
    The DWP should be made to seek permission from a Judge before looking into bank accounts. It's an erosion of our privacy and freedom.
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    · 1 years ago
    The DWP, aren't competent at their job. I mean look how many mistakes they make with peoples money and it's had to pay thousands of back pay to claimants..
    Talk about invasion and breach of privacy.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    A lot of the problem with signing these is one they are not readily available out there 
    2 people are worried about signing incase the dwp gets tgere name from the petition and 3 I always thought that they giveremnt only looked at petitions that where linked to parliament website and that one only has 16 thousand signatures so may be we should all be signing that one and maybe tgere should be more publicity around them making people know that one day tgey will be claiming some form of benefit even if its only state pension its still a benefit
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      · 1 years ago
      @Vee at 15 i was at school
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      · 1 years ago
      @Ash6f Staqte pension is NOT a benefit.  I paid in for it all my working life from age 15 till 62.5
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      · 1 years ago
      @Ash6f Yes, I agree.The government petition hasn't got alot of signatures because people are reluctant to sign as they think with all the powers DWP claim to have, they will be able to trace it back to whoever has signed it. People need to be aware this will affect everyone at some point, even if they're not claiming any benefits at the moment, it will affect them in the future when they claim their state pension.

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    · 1 years ago
    Open Rights are also campaigning against this
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      · 1 years ago
      @Joe Come on people. Start signing and sharing this petition. This one says it only needs 5000  signatures  and already has nearly 2000 signatures, so will be achievable.
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    · 1 years ago
    The government response to the petition is a load of bull, I'm not convinced and I don't trust them. They have downplayed in their response, to stop people making alot of noise about this and hoping to get this bill passed quickly and quietly. The bill is quite long and there was alot of amendments and additions snuck in at the last minute. In their response, they haven't addressed, the power to arrest people, seize property and impose huge fines. Powers to include other people linked to claiments bank accounts, like ex partners, children even landlords. Monitor how people are spending their money. These are just a few not mentioned in their response. Their saying it would only impact a few people whose account is flagged up for fraud. If they going to monitor how claimants are spending their money, surely that means all claiments will be affected. They have invested alot of money and time with the expensive software system, hiring extra staff, to make this happen, they will make sure the bill gets passed at any cost. Algorithms makes mistakes, as we all know from the post office scandel, and innocent people will be hauled up and interrogated.
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    · 1 years ago
    "Although down by 10% in 2022-23, £8.3bn was overpaid in fraud and error last year in the benefit system" 
    But how much was fraud, and how much was error? Without this information we cannot know whether "estimated saving to the exchequer of up to £600m by 2028/29 " if achieved, would be most of the fraud, a little of the fraud or anywhere in between. And it would be easy for DWP to try to infer that most of it was fraud, even though THEY are responsible for the error portion, not the claimants.
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    · 1 years ago
    I have just signed the petition, but the petitions numbers are very low ..19,597, that's a long way of the 100,000 signatures needed.

    C'mon people sigh the petition for heavens sake.

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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    The Government has given a response to the Government petition. It's not reassuring....
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    · 1 years ago
    As parents and carers we already suffer for our children, and are impacted by a lifetime of worry, now to be threatened to be criminals or unfairly sanctioned? The very number of successfully appealed claims demonstrates the systems are flawed and biased.
    It’s the massive foreign fraudsters who occasionally get caught where resources should be concentrated. 
    Taking a million to task does not send the same message as 10 x 100,000!
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    · 1 years ago
    When they introduced that we had to inform them of going on holiday I rang DWP to clarify the rules and mention I was going away for 3 weeks. My PIP claim was terminated as of the day my holiday ended. I rang and asked why and was told I was a temporary resident and that I could make a new claim. I pointed out that I had always lived in UK except for military service and I was a pensioner who had only been on holiday for less than the 4 weeks permitted and the 12 weeks in total for the year.  They kept repeating I could reapply. I know as a pensioner I would not be able to!
    I had just had a soft touch review and been awarded ongoing up to 10 years. The stress this caused and the time on phone calls was unimaginable! I made them retract in writing that my review was back to my one awarded as they kept sending letter without a date on!
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    · 1 years ago
    I've had similar to this had my benefit stopped I also got housing benefit was called into local fraud section at the job centre they had already gone into my bank accounts and said I was hiding a bank accounts I didn't know what they were talking about gave me account numbers with my solicitor insistent.  I phone my bank up they were not my accounts, one was my ex's account which over 10+ years ago was joint account and I took my name off the others were my nieces bank account which I seconded for them to open for their savings when they were tiny. They then stopped my benefit for several years until I got a reassessment and they had back date my benefits to they stop date but DWP they said they couldnt back date that far and they gave me three months back date which I had to fight again meanwhile I was made homeless lost all my furniture and was moving from one sofa to an other even slept in a garage. In the end we won thanks to my solicitor. The DWP should not have any powers because they cannot be TRUSTED ever they ruin lives.
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      · 1 years ago
      @J. Blackhurst Wow that's terrible. Very scary people the DWP, when thye've got their claws into you. Was that a local solicitor or did s/he take on clients nationwide? Would you be allowed to give his/her name out on this site? Planning ahead, just in case.
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      · 1 years ago
      @J. Blackhurst Absolutely vile! That's disgusting to say the least. Bless you. X

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