The DWP has confirmed in its latest personal independence payment (PIP) statistical release that many planned award reviews are on hold, but that claimants will continue to receive their current level of benefit until a review takes place.

In the DWP’s latest PIP Official Statistics to January 2022, published yesterday, the DWP admitted that planned reviews of PIP awards that were given for a fixed period are not all taking place because staff are working on “other parts of the process” instead.

“Planned award reviews are currently on hold in some cases which frees up resource to process registrations in other parts of the process but delays clearances for the award reviews themselves.”

In fact, the number of new claims is up 20% compared to November to January of last year.  So, a deluge of new claims is the “other part of the process” that staff are working on instead.  The bottleneck appears to be primarily in getting claimants assessed by Capita and Atos (IAS).

However, in the same document, the DWP do confirm that claimants who are waiting for their award to be reviewed will continue to receive PIP at the same rate.

“Any PIP claim where an award review is waiting to be processed continues to receive their pre-review level of benefit. Customers whose needs have changed and who are awaiting a review may instead register a change of circumstance.”

The confirmation that awards will continue in payment will come as a great relief to many thousands of claimants who have been left in a state of anxiety and uncertainty by a lack of news from the DWP about their award review.

PIP ward reviews backlog set to last

There are now over a third of a million (340,000) new claims ‘in progress’, meaning that they have yet to be completed and are probably mostly waiting for an assessment.

Waiting times for decisions on new claims have gone up from 19 weeks a year ago, to 22 weeks now.  Of this, most of the wait is for an assessment, up from 15 weeks a year ago to 17 weeks now.

Given the size of this backlog and the effect of the pandemic on people’s physical and mental health, which means new claim numbers are likely to remain very high, there seems little chance of Capita and Atos getting on top of things any time soon.

So, claimants awaiting a planned PIP review may be waiting a long time yet.

You can read the full PIP statistics to January 2022 here.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 7 months ago
    Waiting 8 months now....
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    · 11 months ago
    I am still waiting my pip review from October my pip stop in june
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    · 11 months ago
    My daughters pip review was returned and received by them 5th Dec 2023 and she is still waiting . She cant get her car tax deduction as she now is out of date with pip even though still being paid.  Does any organisation know why this is so long.  No point calling they dont know 
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    · 1 years ago
    Hi, my husband pip has been stopped from February 2024 , in January he received less than half amount, because we were away more than 4 weeks, we told them before to go, when we came back in November 2023 a letter was there from DWP  that your pip is ending on January 3rd,2024, call us before to renew your claim, my husband rang on 7th December 2023, it took about 2 hours that lady assessed my husband on phone and said will send a review form to fill in and returned us,  didn’t get any form since then, i rang many times and the answer is the case manager will ring you but not any  call received from them , i rang today again finally case manager spoke to me said your husband was away more than 4weeks, will not give you pip award until 2026, you don’t need to do anything , everything thing is on the record , anyone can explain why this happened. Thanks
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    · 1 years ago
    Our pip is being reviewed but we need to order our next car how do we do this 
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    · 1 years ago
    Hi I have not heard from my pip review since September I know they are taking a long time. What happens when my bus pass runs out before.
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    · 1 years ago
    My PIP claim was awarded until September 2024 why have received a review form in February 2024 to be completed by the end of February - can anyone advise me thanks
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      · 1 years ago
      @Heather Law Hi Heather, my PIP was awarded until February 2024 but I was sent a review which had to be completed by July 2023.  I completed it and my deadline has now passed but the PIP has been extended for a further 12 months pending review.  It seems that a lot of people are experiencing similar issues.
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    · 1 years ago
    I send a review form in April 2021, On 10th May got a telephone assessment, and on 30th June 2023 got a text message from DWP, your PIP review is complete you should receive your decision letter in 2 weeks, today 17th June 2023 I receive no letter no text, let see if they send my payment on Wednesday on 19th June 2023, they are making me sicker with text message and no answer... I am waiting for like 2 years for this review, if they don't give me new PIP for 10 years I taking them to court, is crazy lost my disabled badge coz Council was asking for PIP letter I had no letter, all got expired 
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      · 1 years ago
      @D.K I turn 66 in September my pip is up for review in October do you still have to apply 
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    · 1 years ago
    Sent my review back beginning of november 2020. Had 2 txts since in feb and may saying they have my form and will continue to recieve pip whilst waiting. It runs out in sept so starting to get a bit edgy now. Not very fair me thinks
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    · 1 years ago
    Sent review form in Jan 2023, had a text last week saying they still have my form, received a letter yesterday saying they are extending it for 1 year due to the backlog.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Countyfan Hi there any new additional ailment you have,you have to do a new claim form this happened to me,I put my renwal in on 3rd of Dec la st year & have only yesterday had my PIP Reward review,
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @S Exactly same with me. My original PIP claim was due to expire, last week. Apparently form I filled in, is in one of 20 bags of mail-they've logged that it was received in Feb 23, though! When I rang to ask what happened when current claim runs out, they said it's been extended to Sep 24. Whilst I was speaking to a member of staff, I informed them of 2 new conditions, I suffer from. Thought they'd just log it on computer. BUT NO-this morning I've received  another assessment form! Now don't know what is happening.....
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    I had a message today about my pip review been waiting since 30th August 2022 when put review form in, and the text message said we have recived your health professional report I havnt seen or had a telephone zoom from capita does anyone knows what this mean worrying me please can anyone explain 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Nei I was waiting 11 months for my PIP review,got my phone assesment yesterday
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      · 1 years ago
      @Nei It sounds like they're talking about some evidence you have submitted or that they have acquired and not an assessment you have had.
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    · 1 years ago
    My husband has been waiting for a PIP review since September last year his Award end date being October 2022, he has had a number of texts the last one yesterday saying they are still processing his claim, he may have been getting his payments but it is causing him extreme anxiety.  His blue badge runs out in July and they won’t renew it without a current Award end date which obviously we haven’t got, what are we supposed to do could anyone give advice, I have tried on numerous occasions to contact DWP without success
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      · 1 years ago
      @Jo Thank you for adding comments, I have same situation wondering what to do about blue badge until I read your comments 😁👍
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      · 1 years ago
      @Julie Millis I had this with my blue badge. My award was due to run out in May 23 and I was only given the 1 year extension a week or two before it ran out. When it ran out as proof I sent my initial pip assessment from 3 years ago as well as the letter that confirmed my award had been extended. My local council accepted this and renewed my badge for a year. Not ideal but at least it means I have. If I’ve needed any proof of pip for anything this is what I do and so far everywhere’s excepted it. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Julie Millis You can get a blue badge through your council
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    · 1 years ago
    I have been waiting a long time for reply on review ok said they would continue paying but what happens to Motability car when up in August has need 12 months to get new contract?  And Blue badge scheme 
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    · 1 years ago
    Had Telephone assessment in March,Had a letter through saying they've got all information needed,,Does anybody know how long it takes after receiving the letter? 
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    · 1 years ago
    I finally had my PIP telephone assessment last week, sixteen months after I filled in the form. In all that time I wasn't given any information about the process or what was supposed to happen next.  They have told me I will have to wait another six weeks for the outcome of my review. They shouldn't be allowed to do this to disabled and vulnerable people, it is torture.
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      · 1 years ago
      @NS Ive just had my renewal assesment telephone call 12 months waiting
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      · 1 years ago
      @Lyn Yes I agree...I have been waiting 6 months for my pip to be reviewed although I am being paid until September 5th 23...I am worrying because I became a state pensioner in January 23 and not sure of anything at present, which is adding to my disability due to the stress of not knowing..They  send texts claiming to be in progress of a decision but then I don't hear of any decision. It's so unfair and so wrong 😭😭
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    · 1 years ago
    I find that very confusing and would probably give them a call if i were you. It might just be a mistake
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    · 1 years ago
    My PIP claim runs out in August 2026 and yet I have received a review today the 12th April 2023 I was only awarded PIP in September 2022 after a tribunal (Second one that I won) what the hell is going on? surely they can't review when there's over three years to go can they??
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      · 1 years ago
      @David they can review any time, but they do send forms 1 year before expired, and they will replay after 2 or 3 years lol
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    · 2 years ago
    I did not receive my pup payment today I had my assessment at the start of February but not had my decision, do payments stop without them giving you a decision 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Karen They shouldn't do but who knows these days ..anything is possible...I'd give them a ring and see what they say...All the Best 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Karen You sure they didnt give you an extension? They should have let you know in writing
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    · 2 years ago
    I've had 2 telephone assessments rescheduled in the last 3 weeks. I suffer from dreadful anxiety and get myself prepared and arrange for someone to be with me for support, for them to call and tell me they are rescheduling my appointment. This has happened twice now. Now they've given me an appointment for 2 weeks time so I've now got more time to stress about it. Do they not realise that doing this to claimants is not good for their mental health at all? Are they actually allowed to reschedule more than once because I know the claimant can only do it once with good reason.? 
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    · 2 years ago
    How long after receiving the text does a person then get their letter for their assessment?
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      · 2 years ago
      @Sarah Hi Sarah, please be careful those text messages as they are might be scam text, to verify it, call them if phone numbers are provided if not, search online their company and find out whether its legitimate information has sent to you.

      In my case, I don't get text or email from the PIP/DWP for renewal or assessment appointments, the DWP/PIP always inform me via letter only and this is the correct way of informing the claimants. I hope this will help.


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