The DWP failed to make any checks before they cut off payments to a 38 year old claimant who subsequently died and was left undiscovered in her flat for more than three years, a pre-inquest hearing has been told.

Laura Winham had schizophrenia and had been sectioned under the Mental Health Act in the past.  Her family were no longer able to have contact with her because, as a result of her condition, she believed that they were trying to harm her.

Because of this, Laura was entirely dependent on her social housing provider and other welfare services to ensure her safety.

In 2014, Laura’s housing association contacted local mental health services to say that she had “untreated mental health issues” and was very thin and isolated.  No action was taken.

In 2016, the DWP contacted Laura to say that she was being transferred from DLA to PIP and that she had to apply for PIP or her DLA would stop.

Laura failed to respond and, after several written reminders, her DLA was stopped.  In spite of Laura having a severe mental illness and very clearly being a vulnerable person, no attempt was made by the DWP to check on her wellbeing or her ability to take part in the transfer process before her money was cut off.

Lauras gas was subsequently disconnected for failure to pay the bill.

Police visited the flat over a minor issue in 2017 and reported to social services that she was neglecting herself, had little food, no working phone and no contact with local care agencies.

Social services subsequently tried to phone Laura, even though they had been told there was no working phone, and then simply sent her a list of local food banks.

In May 2021, Laura’s body was discovered after her family visited to tell her of the death of her father and looked through the letterbox.  The police found her mummified and skeletal body when they forced entry.  There were unopened bills from creditors and markings on the calendar which stopped in November 2017. 

One of the last ones read “I need help”.

Laura’s family say that all the services that were involved in Laura’s case let her down:

“Everybody who was in contact with Laura and had a duty to her at some stage simply wiped their hands of her and forgot her. She was abandoned and left to die.”

They say they are sharing their story “because we do not want any other families to suffer in this way.”

The DWP were far from the only agency that let Laura down.  But they are an extremely large, well-resourced agency with no excuse for cutting off a vulnerable claimant’s money simply because they were unable to manage a transfer process aimed at reducing the benefits bill.

The cut in income almost certainly contributed to Laura’s isolation through the loss of her phone and increased her difficulties with self-care because she could not pay for basic necessities such as gas.

No doubt the DWP will claim that systems have now been put in place to ensure that such a tragedy could never occur again.  Claimants who depend on he DWP will know that nothing could be further from the truth.

Laura’s inquest is being held in April.

You can read the full story in the Guardian.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    A government that just doesn't care about vulnerable people !! Just hate these Tories !!
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    · 2 years ago
    Jesus Christ. What is going on? It's awful for her and her family. This government is a disgrace to humanity 
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    · 2 years ago
    I also have paranoid schizophrenia n was given a grilling by capita for 3 n half hours to get my Pip awarded despite the woman having documented evidence of my condition... Thank God my sister was with me or I would nt have coped. The capita woman lied about me in feedback she gave to dwp causing me further paranoia. I do not understand why we have such an awful system. My sympathies to poor Lauras family
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    In this day and age it is totally unacceptable that these vulnerable people fall through the cracks in the care system.
    The DWP is unfit for purpose and a law unto itself.
    Someones head should roll for this.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    I feel sorry for the family's loss, but what I don't understand is why nobody went to check on her for 3 years, it doesn't sound right to me, she must have had some sort of cares or social worker who keep a check on her 
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    · 2 years ago
    This is a disgrace. l myself never received the food parcels l was meant to through the pandemic and my  being told not to leave home. l filled in the Government Web Page and as advised l e-mailed
    my doctors surgery to tell them too. l regularly e-mailed Boris Johnson and did not get anyone come back to me. l was extremely lucky to not die, l went down to under a size 10 from a size 16 . We day by day appear to be becoming worse than many third world countries. l feel sure there must be many cases not yet come to light.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Diana smith I had exactly the same experience. I live in a remote village and during lockdown public transport was cut completely so getting to any food bank or social service was impossible. I lost 10kg but when I had my health assessment, the woman barely took notice and on the report lied stating I was a picky eater and prefer to have microwave meals (I honestly do NOT!) as I live alone (basically making out I’m a lazy cow who can’t be bothered to cook for myself 😤). I wrote to my local MP, and to the DWP Indipendent Commissioner, in the end it was the local counsellor who came to the rescue and pushed the DWP to pay my benefits. Had he not intervened I was about to be evicted as of course all benefits are stopped. There are still times I’ve had no choice than get a can of beans using the ‘five fingered discount’ method and to get to medical appointments I’ve travelled without a ticket, signed and ticked the exemption box on prescriptions. I would never ever do anything like that and I am embarrassed to admit it however I also contemplated getting caught in order to let the press know what horror and degrading lifestyle we are subjected to. Sorry for the rant. I wish you all the best and hope things are looking up 🔝
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    These stories are so sad and worrying, I can't believe that our people can be treated like this in this day and age what's going on our country is going backward in time, and nobody wants to help, I believe in what goes around comes around the people who don't give a shit will need help one day and I hope all this comes flooding back to them
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Disgraceful condolences to the family
    I feel that this will happen to me too i am very suicidal and just waiting for my old dog with cancer to die and i won't be long after, i wonder how long it will take my body when i have no visitors  
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @sickandtired Dear sickandtired please reach out to someone. It made me so sad to see your feeling so depressed. You don’t say what age group you are in but there are many communities and clubs, people you can reach out to that you wouldn’t have to feel so alone. Can you not set up a Facebook account and see what is going on in your area, or please phone the Samaritans and they maybe able to point you in the right direction. I know if your a certain age like me ( in my 60s) you can ring Age Uk who are really lovely and can put you in contact with a phone friend etc. I don’t know what part of the country you live but I’m based in East Sussex and there’s a fantastic company called Possibility People and they work with people with all disabilities and have days out and events. Maybe see if they have something similar in your area. There are people out there that don’t see people for days in the same situation as you who would love you as a friend. Also ask your GP if their are any groups that you can join in your local area. Please take care and remember that their is still people in this world that care. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @sickandtired When your dear dog passes,  get another dog.  So many are in desperate need of loving homes.  I so understand how you feel. I did that,  but a cat,  oh and a fox I befriended,  keeps me going.

       Without, I would feel the same.    I'm assuming there is no one you can reach out to or trust.  Hold on ,keep holding on
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @sickandtired Please try hard not to think this way as difficult as that may sound. I have been in your shoes. Do you have no family who support you? Do you have a support worker or a cpn that visits? Feeling as low as you are feeling, please please contact your local mental health services. Stand firm even if it means begging to be allocated a health worker. Please do not do anything to harm yourself. You are a human being and your life is valuable even if you don't feel this way right now. Sadly a huge number of areas are under funded under the banner of mental health services, adult social care. Just rung them and ring them and ring them again, make your demands to be seen. It is a case of 'he who shouts loudest lasts longest'. You are too important to cause yourself harm and you look in the mirror and tell yourself once a day, 20 times a day, a hundred times a day, most of all believe in your self. You can do this. Sending big hugs, Jeannie X 
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      · 2 years ago
      @sickandtired Sickandtired I'm so sorry you feel this way it's just awful I have felt this way years ago so alone and down. Please please reach out to someone don't suffer this alone.Are they're any mental health day centres you could attend for  company, and someone to talk to. What about churches? I will pray for you. God bless🙏💕
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    You say in your post that her benefits were stopped but on the news it said that her housing benefit was continuing to be paid, which is strange if all her other benefits had been stopped.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Mandy It didn't say all her benefits, it says DLA.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Mandy Hi Mandy, I think it was the disability allowance being transferred to pip that was the issue so all her other benefits such as esa, housing benefit would have continued to be paid. I wonder if the DWP will be demanding the social housing organization pay back all the rent. If poor Laura had been dead for 3 years as stated in the story, she wouldn't have been entitled to any benefits. It will amount to quite a few thousand pounds I'm guessing, so a small justice for Laura. This story has really affected and uoset me. It's tragic.
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    · 2 years ago
    I found my own son, who has the same diagnosis, cowering in a dark bunker room, no mental health support, MH team had discharged with no meds, no message to GP or parent, no follow up. He wouldnt go out for food or electricity.MH services had moved him out of borough and binned him. No investigation by MH trust despite formal complaints and he was taken by the police and put in a private prison for 4 months on remand in the same conditions, no phone calls and no money, no visitation allowed even on his birthday. He was abused in prison and came out 3 stone lighter. RIP beautiful girl. This country was not good enough for you or for any of our vulnerable loved ones. Someone needs to tell these stories because our seriously ill children are treated like trash and they are dying of neglect. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @picola That's a pure disgrace. Shame on them.
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      · 2 years ago
      @picola It saddens me deeply that this is the way our social security system (a supposed safety net) is treating the most vulnerable in society.  My thoughts and prayers with you all.  
      Thanking you for sharing these posts- it means a great deal.
      Peace & Prayers 
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    · 2 years ago
    There will only be word salad from the DWP  vis. Sorry ,our thoughts ,we will do better ect ect there are NO people working at the DWP with any empathy consideration kindness or regard for their fellow humans ,as shown by this shocking disgraceful  tragic case that let down Laura so totally ,the same can be said for the social services ,the whole system is rotten to the core with corruption apathy and gross laziness because yet again more government employees are working from home doing next to nothing 
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    · 2 years ago
    A shocking GROSS DELERICTION OF DUTY with Laura being neglected by all the agencies involved in her care. An uncaring attitude from couldn't care less and lazy agencies. Sadly an all too prevalent attitude today towards people with mental health issues. I sincerely hope that heads will roll folowing the inquest. A desparate and extremely sad story.
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    · 2 years ago
    Absolutely shocking treatment towards a young vulnerable woman and the Council should also be ashamed because how was her rent being paid, DWP are a disgrace they just do not care at all.
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    · 2 years ago
    Laura I'm so sorry you received no help and hope you have found some peace xx .....everything will be ok now the government are giving 'us' mental health ambulances! Who is going to call, drive and man them; and what they are going to do with us, mental health hospital or unit....I don't think so, even my gp is trying to send us to Mind, poor Laura, EVERYBODY let her down, and DWP Well what can I say

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    · 2 years ago
    I felt quite sick with horror and sadness on hearing this story. I am aged 70 with a vulnerable son who has schizophrenia and Tourette Syndrome and who lives alone, many miles from me. I have spent years helping him to fight his corner, taking on all his benefits reviews and on occasion complaints to his Health Trust. Only last year I spent a year fighting (and winning at Recon stage), an assessor and the DWP who thought it was OK to cut his highest level of Daily Living to nothing, plunging him into debt and severe anxiety. 

    I now fear what could happen to him when I am gone. He would struggle with all of the above. He does have 2 brothers, but they also live far from him, and maintain minimal contact at present.... a situation which I can only hope would change if I am gone. 

    Over the past few years, apart from the DWP issue above, he has been discharged by his Community Mental Health Team by letter, and without his agreement, despite having had their input over much of his adult life. An appeal to return to them came to nothing. He does have a GP but she is so part time it's almost impossible to see her, and he barely leaves his flat anyway. He no longer has a social worker as that was cut after the last Direct Payments review. 

    The only ray of light is that he has Direct Payments and 28 hours a week of care and support - something which I helped him fight for some years ago when I discovered how the Health Trust had failed him. However, if that person he employs decides to go elsewhere, then my son would struggle to appoint someone else himself. This is the madness of a system that thinks someone so vulnerable can manage to be an employer when they would be likely to relapse at the stress of change......when he previously had an abusive carer, the system did not know what to do other than to refer him to the legal team via his insurance - which he had to navigate alone. 

    So yes, a whole system which is failing people and so easy to fall through the cracks when people are just digitised numbers on a screen, and not treated with dignity as human beings. I won't even go much into the politics of this, but a Government that is happy to shrink pretty much all of the support structures in this country by lack of investment since they have been in power, and yet reward those individuals who already have more than they need. clearly doesn't care too much about the consequences
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    · 2 years ago
    I can well understand the above happening especially in london and greater London. I have CRPS which is complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Now I go through periods of flare ups which can completely incapacitate Me, now I will lie there maybe days may go into a couple of weeks and nobody knocks or asks My son if Im ok because they haven't seen Me. When did neighbours stop checking on each other or seeing if they can help and trust me I am between people who are in professions that are supposed to be there for general public. Is it not time that areas had an inter agency team and I mean one that had some people drom each agency in rhat were there to follow up on those no reply letters and no showa at appointments, juat to make sure rhose people are safe and most of all well. Im sure rhe money can be found very ea. /

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    · 2 years ago
    This is a disaster. And not only this, they are leaving people hours to wait for ambulance, refusing them ambulance and telling the : call 111. Even you are suffering from several hours vomiting they don’t care. We are all in danger from this government. Rest in peace Laura! Now the government has to sleep in peace for saving Laura’s money.
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      · 2 years ago
      @scott 💯correct
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      · 2 years ago
      @Nshabani what has this comment got to do with a young lady that passed because DWP "could not be bothered" after all they were at the top of the tree and could have phoned her doctor because she was a vulnerable person,the doctor would note that no pills were despensed so therefore ask the police to investiate.
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    · 2 years ago
    Where were the mental health services? no doubt owing to government cuts
    she had no CPN? I know many people with severe mental illness who have had their CPN
    taken away and only have a gp
    for support,and what use are they? This sad case goes right to the heart of a sick society
    obsessed with greed and lack of care.WE all know which political party did this.How many more vulnerable folk are out there ,who have had
    their benefits cut?
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      · 2 years ago
      @Liz It was difficult for the family Liz because Laura's paranoia meant that any approach from them hurt her more. That would probably even have gone for them chasing the MH "services" because the ones I know of would lack the tact not to mention they were checking because of a prompt from family.
      So sorry you and others have been deprived of your CPNs. My OH was left with not even a CPN after a terrifying 3 week inpatient stay so I do empathise. It is also not fair to vulnerable people that the police do not have better resources. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @red You're spot on. I've no cpn just told you're managing well. So patronising that u just get fed up and stop ringing them. I attend a mental health day centre and the ward manager is as cold as a block of ice. Very few care. God help poor Laura she didn't stand a chance. Her family are protesting now but they should have kept an eye out for her. Bit late crying now💔
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      · 2 years ago
      @red DWP should be disbanded with all urgency,not fit for purpose...this is the same agency that IDS controlled and loved to take money away for the poor,the tories are vile and the sooner people join together and get them out the better.   
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    · 2 years ago
    Absolutely Despicable and Disgusting - it is so saddening to read all this. Hardly surprising from a Conservative Government who couldn't give a Toss about your average Joe Bloggs or Jane Doe. Hope Sunak and his uncompassionate cronies get kicked out at the next Election. A decade or two on the opposite benches will do them a world of good.
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    · 2 years ago
    ABSOLUTELY devastating story  but not a surprise as this system is devoid of ANY decent human treatment much of the time   , rest in peace dear girl , my thoughts are with her family x

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