The DWP have today lost a major High Court battle over changes to the work capability assessment (WCA) which may have serious implications for the Labour  government’s plans for benefit reforms.

In September 2023, the Conservative government launched an eight week consultation on a variety of possible changes to the WCA.  The proposals were presented as a way to help more disabled claimants into work.

In November 2023, the government published its response to the consultation and set out changes to the activities and descriptors in the WCA which would make it harder for new claimants to be found to have limited capability for work-related activity.

The Office for Budget Responsibility only then revealed that whilst 450,000 new claimants would be over £400 a month worse off as a result of the changes, just 15,400 would find jobs by 2029.  In other words almost 97% of those affected would be worse off.

Disability campaigner Ellen Clifford launched a judicial review of the consultation last year, on the grounds that people talking part were not given enough information to provide an informed response, but were instead misled into believing that the changes were about helping people into work.

Today, the High Court found in Ellen’s favour, ruling that “the Claimant has surmounted the substantial hurdle of establishing that the consultation was so unfair as to be unlawful.”

The judge found that the consultation was unlawful on three grounds:

1. The DWP failed to adequately explain the proposals.  The judge agreed with Ellen that “bearing in mind the audience for the consultation, it was not made adequately clear that the legislative proposals for the affected groups were to replace voluntary work related activity with compulsory work related activity, and to reduce the income of a large number of claimants.”

2.  The DWP failed to explain adequately the rationale for making the proposals.  The judge agreed with Ellen that saving money rather than getting people into work was the main reason for the changes.

3.  The DWP failed to provide sufficient time for consultees to respond.  The judge agreed with Ellen that 8 weeks was too short a time for a consultation, given that “These were proposals which, in particular, could potentially drive vulnerable people into poverty as well as adversely affecting disabled people and substantial risk claimants who have mental health conditions and suicide ideation.”

In summing up, the Judge held that any single one of these grounds, let alone all three, would have been sufficient for the consultation to be so unfair as to be ruled unlawful. 

The judgement relates to Conservative proposals for the WCA, whilst Labour said they would be producing their own plans for benefits changes. Yet when Ellen’s case came to court, Labour fought hard to try to defeat it.

Because, the reality is that losing this case means that Labour will have to be honest about their proposals in the Spring, if they still intend to produce a green paper.

They will have to give clear information about the reasons for any changes, the number of people who are likely to be worse off and how much they are going to lose out by.  And they will have to give disabled claimants sufficient time to consult with professionals if they need to, before responding.

Being open and honest about what they are doing is something the DWP have avoided for many years, so this ruling will be a major blow.

You can download the full 42 page judgement in Clifford v SSWP from this link.

You can be sure that DWP ministers have already done so and are reading it with growing dismay.

Congratulations to Ellen Clifford on her courageous fight and genuinely important victory.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 27 days ago
    Thank you and well done to Ellen Clifford, Disability Campaigner.  I completed the consultation.  I am starting to regret voting for Labour; although I wanted the Tories out.  I don't know how they expect people to get better (Whom have conditions where they can potentially get better) when the treatment and support available for mental health and/or psychological difficuties and related mind body chronic illness is so grossly inadequate on the NHS.  You basically have to wait until you have signficantly deteriorated e.g. Years before you are offered the appropriate treatment e.g. In-depth psychotherapy and it is too little too late.   
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    · 1 months ago
    The current red tories in power are a 1 term government who will become increasingly hated because of their austerity measures. Disabled people need to join up with the unions and other groups to fight Labour's attack on disabled people. I am working on getting my union to actively participate in this struggle.
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    · 1 months ago
    I find it hard to believe how far right the present so called Labour government has become. I had hoped that we would finally after 14 awful years of Tory misrule,incompetence,corruption and vindictiveness get a government that would build a better fairer society that doesn't  blame and attack the poorest and most vulnerable sections of society.
    How terribly wrong I was there is absolutely no difference between the present government and the previous Tory government. Nothing as improved no changes are imminent to actually tax the super wealthy only the poorest get hammered.
    The government unbelievably continues to blame benefit claimants for the state of the country. Always the same they can't sort anything else so they turn their focus on us the poor and disabled repeatedly telling the same lies. We'll get tough on them it will be good for them.
    The latest idea of returning the Tory plans to rig the WCA to get thousands off benefits is a prime example. They might reword it but it will be as bad.
    It's shocking that a Labour government is determined to drive through Tory policies.
    Politicians built the society we live in, or rather wrecked it and it shows no sign of improvement.
    In my experience none of these ideas actually work but cause people immense anxiety,stress and hardship or worse.
    Personally I have spent the last year waiting for my pip award to be reviewed. Almost a full year of anxiety to basically end up with the same award which of course if you appeal you can lose everything stay the same or rarely awarded a higher level.
    I was also advised by a Dial advisor that if your conditions or needs have changed since your last full assessment even the smallest reported change will often trigger a full reassessment including the awful medical assessment and the risk of losing any award you have got.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Arthur AGE 61 democractic sochialist . unite untion member . WAS labour supporter  40 yrs .  YEP  i now have life long disabilty . DID  uc50  = (LCWRA) .    I  payed 42 yrs class1 ni / tax (paye) . Certainly not fit for / work . Yep ur very right sir  Labour 2024 , keir , racheal swung labour central , right . Dont represent  working class , oap, s disabled  people now mr/ mrs avg now .  2025 .  . 
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    · 1 months ago
    Would it not b better to increase benefits so people can spend more which would boost the economy imo
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      @Michael Reid It's the old working class and disabled that are keeping the economy going because if they have any money they spend while the governments have allowed the  gap between poor and Rich  to get  ridicules . it needs to be brought down it's time for the rich to pay instead us  so your comment spot on 
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    · 1 months ago
    This labour party believe they are above the law and public opinion, both of which have highlighted the cruel stupidity dished out by the previous conservative government. (WCA) and the withdrawal of Winter Fuel Allowance to pensioners only receiving the State Pension (SP).  Those now receiving Pension Credit are way better off than those only receiving SP - another 2 tier (Kier) induced outcome. And don't get me started on the WASPIE debacle.  The electorate will not forget. I hope that their dictatorship will never again be voted for.      
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    · 1 months ago
    Excellent Ellen, well done!
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    · 1 months ago
    And here was me thinking the Labour party was going to protect the sick and vulnerable. They are actually a hundred times worse.
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    · 1 months ago
    Hi it took me 4yr to get my pip back in high court strand they lied and gave false statements I got 11.000. Justice Stephen son. Got it through azx charity Victoria 😇
    Andy grant 
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    · 1 months ago
    Well done Ellen and thank you from all of us with silent voices but echo your work for us all
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    · 1 months ago
    Oh and WELL DONE ELLEN 👍👍👍👍
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    · 1 months ago
    Well Reeves we can remove you lot if you don't prove your worth to us and remember you have a constituency and the same applies to the rest of you.
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    · 1 months ago
    This is what happens when they borrow so much money for other things that are not for the British people. Then, they make everyone suffer for their mistakes. Why should the pensioners suffer and why should those of disability suffer...because they are the easiest of targets and if you look back through time at other countries and their position on these groups of people, they treated them with contempt, just like the labour, conservatives, libdems and the green parties. There is a mass of unemployed fit and healthy 20 somethings and they aren't being pushed into more poverty. Its bad enough that there are a mass of green taxes on our domestic fuel bills, I wasn't in debt until the green tax, now, I'm in debt and struggling so badly its ridiculous. 

    Vouchers or a payback system isn't going to work for those on disability just won't work, some of us use our disability (no mobility part, and I know I need it but its been refused twice) to purchase a vehicle as a necessity not a luxury, won't be able to do that if they bring in that system....which would make me housebound at 56 years old! 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Andrew You couldn’t have said it better as I know during a programme on BBC 2 whereby a former worker for DWP he was a huge whistleblower and said we are easy targets!!!
      About time all this was stopped - maybe we would all take the government to court for purposely omitting their plans for pensioners & disabled from their manifesto!!!
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    · 1 months ago
    I am Autistic and claim benefits, these reforms disturb me. Governments of any party are so cruel to us disabled people and it needs to stop. I hope this ruling can be a positive start to a change, I am optimistic but also wary. I suppose we will have to wait and see how this pans out, but I do expect more opposition to any reforms set to be made. We can win if we stand together and pushback against the government.
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    · 1 months ago
    Thank you Ellen Clifford for being a voice amongst the darkness for all of us disabled people here in the UK. xx
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    · 1 months ago
    Dwp and governments don't like it up em mr manwaring
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      · 1 months ago
      @Gibbo Won't make the slightest difference, if anything it will make the government more likely to double down.
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    · 1 months ago
    The current Labour government were effectively defending the Tory behaviour..
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    · 1 months ago
    Where would we be without these marvellous people from B&W and Ellen and her team for their courage,  knowledge and tremendous hard work on our behalf. Along with all the other disability rights activists out there. 
    A great victory. Stay positive and together let's keep up the fight, we have to. Positive thoughts bring about positive actions. Together we stand, divided we fall. Good wishes to you all and stay strong.
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    · 1 months ago
    Thanks very much for all your good efforts to everyone in the case
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    · 1 months ago
    Well,it gives us more time,if that's all it does,more time equals continued payments for us a while longer before the shit hits the fan,unfortunately it's still going to hit the fan but it helps 
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    · 1 months ago
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      · 1 months ago
      @Johanna Hi Johanna.  I know it's easy for me to say but please try not to worry. My friend was on ESA( support group) and PIP because of chronic mental health issues. He was dreading the switch to universal credit but so far it's all been straightforward. He had to go into the jobcentre with proof of ID and said it was no problem. But take someone with you if can. Just for moral support
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      · 1 months ago
      @Holly Hi am so worried about migration etc. I'm on pip and old style esa. I'm on medication 4 life because of my childhood abuses. Borderline personality disorder, tbcptsd and ocd and anxiety and panic disorders. Am hoping this ruling will be meaning this migration stuff won't go ahead?