The DWP has today officially confirmed that PIP claims awaiting a review will be automatically extended by ‘up to 12 months’, as Benefits and Work revealed at the beginning of this month.

The official confirmation came in the latest edition of the DWP newsletter, Touchbase.

The full text of the announcement is as follows:

“This month we have started automatically extending existing PIP claims awaiting review by up to 12 months. This will happen 35 days before the award end date. 

“The extension provides greater certainty for claimants and in particular help with continuing to access other support, e.g. a blue badge for parking. 

“From 31 October, a letter will be sent automatically to claimants confirming continuing entitlement for up to 12 months. Until then, we will update claimants by text message that their award reviews have been extended and will remain in payment.

“Anyone needing written confirmation before 31 October can contact the helpline on 0800 121 4433 and we will issue a notification of entitlement. Otherwise, claimants do not need to contact us unless their circumstances change. 

“In line with our usual process, we may review claims before their new end date and if so, will write to claimants to inform them. PIP payments will be received as normal until we complete the review of a claim. If we have not completed the review by the extended award date, we may extend the end date of the PIP award again and will write to claimants to tell them about this. 

“Please share this information within your organisations.”


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    I get pip until June next year but will it stop
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    · 2 years ago
    Does autism qualify for Pip? My appointee already is waiting on the AR1 response, but has been dx ADHD and has been advised to take the ASD assessment. Therfore this is likely a adult female with an extremely late diagnosis (30s) which explains the root cause of all the issues mentally and physically that qualified them for pip to begin with after a nervous breakdown. Please don't offer advice to report changes as the assessments are not complete. I wonder because - if PIP decided they are no longer a viable candidate + reject the AR1, I now have a 2nd possible upcoming diagnosis as to why this candidate is way they are and its lifelong as likely they were never able to live without aids, help and support and doing so had implicated their health mentally and physically. 

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    · 2 years ago
    PIP rang me up 27/10/22. My award 'had' initially been extended to February 23. I received a review form in April this year! I filled it in as best I could. I have now been awarded PIP until 2025, but they will contact me after October 2024. I didn't realise I was talking to the decision maker during the call. 
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    · 2 years ago
    Will pip be asking for people to complete another review form after the extended 12 months 
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    · 2 years ago
    I have not had any response I applied in June 2021 still no response. My husband has to help as my  help is health is getting worse. My husband help with dressing my mobility is getting worse. 
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    · 2 years ago
    My Community Law adviser has told me that she knows of people still waiting from July 2021 having returned their reassessment forms & still no update regarding face to face etc. I sent mine in January (I think) 2022, so she has advised me not to worry.
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    · 2 years ago
    I had a text msg from PIP on the 20th of September telling me I had a video appointment with one of their health professionals at 9am on the 2nd of November,13 days time from the 20/10/22.
    I am getting more and more anxious as each day passes.My spine is in a degenerative state with discs obliterated,bulging and split which gives me endless pain.I also have C.O.P.D.
    The damage to my spine was caused by many years of hard graft in building and construction.I enjoyed every year of it.As for my C.O.P.D. that was entirely my own doing.
    When they announced that they were going to extend P.I.P. for 12 months I thought that's what would happen with my claim.I am really not looking forward to this video assessment but I am looking forward to posting here how I got on.
    You all take care out there and stay safe.

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    · 2 years ago
    All very well extending it but it’s affected how long my renewed blue badge lasts now …. Instead of usual 3 yrs I only get it for a year because of date of there extended time. I filled in my review form in feb 😡
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    · 2 years ago
    I’ve been waiting a year for a soft touch review 
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    · 2 years ago
    I got my assessment pushed back from January 23 to October.  I wrote to them over 6 weeks ago told them that I have yet another disc out in lower spine , arthritis in hips too and awaiting hospital appt . Also asked what will happen about my blue badge and disability car tax , sent recorded delivery so they can’t deny receipt if the letter but no response whatsoever as of yet 
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    · 2 years ago
    I find it so stress full and what does stress do it makes my condition worse osteoarthritis in the spine , not sleeping feeling depressed please get your act together it’s just one vicious circle your in then before you know it another review form comes in again to go through it again.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Jax Exactly this! When will they finally 'get it'?!
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    · 2 years ago
    I received my PIp renewal form and was booked into CAB to help fill it in. As we all know it's just such a stressful process.

    A week before my appointment, I had to go to the Doctor's. I have suspected cancer. The Dr arranged a two-week referral to the hospital.

    I was and am in great distress. There was no way I could deal with my pip form. My biopsy appointment was the day after the CAB appointment.

    I rang DWP to  ask them to defer my reassessment (as I read in the previous newsletter about the pip reassessment delay) 

    I was transferred to another department. The Man I spoke to asked me to just put my Doctors details, my details and sign the form. I didn't answer any of the questions.

    So, I did as he said. My friend posted my form. I have had a text confirming they have my form etc...

    As I type, I am still awaiting my biopsy results.

    I know most of us fear the DWP and the mere thought of them, brings on anxiety and panic. I can't cope mentally with the DWP. 

    However, I thought I have nothing to lose by ringing them. They could only say, no. 

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    · 2 years ago
    They have had my completed review form over a year now. Had 2 texts in may and july stating they will continue to pay me until its reviewed. No official extensions just the 2 vague texts. Its a total mess and i have no idea when it will happen. If they fail me i will not be able to afford to live. They have no idea , nor care, how much the stress affects us and adds to health problems from multiple chronic illnesses. 
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    · 2 years ago
    Do we know if this happens if you've recieved & returned your review form, or does this only apply to people still waiting to begin the review process? My form was accepted 6 months before the end date but as I am expecting them to reduce or refuse it, it would be goid to know how much longer I've got...
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      · 2 years ago
      @MrFibro Thanks. My award was raised last time, although mostly they just reinstated the mobility they had removed the previous time... I am expecting my award to go down again because well, it's always on the cards isn't it? I wonder if those who have their awards reduced or removed will get extentions? It would be interesting to get a breakdown of who they get round to assessing & who they make wait...
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      · 2 years ago
      @Aw Hi AW,

      I sent in my pip review form about 18 months ago.

      Not heard a peep all except to txt messages saying, bla bla bla.

      So as the dwp have said all claimants pips will be extended for a further 12 mths.  Thats how i have understood it.  And you may get reviewed before the 12 month extension date !  or you may get further extended.

      As i have read that it's all due to new claimants especially as in regards to the pandemic, hence millions of more people putting in pip claims.

      My attitude is this i believe my awards should be raised from low pip to high pip rates on both care and mobility.

      But at least im getting paid of dwp, so i'll just keep waiting until they eventually get round to me.  Obviously would had been nice to have had it all done n dusted.  But it's the way the mop flops.

      We just gotta all just be patient.  I was hoping this would be the same for  the WCA Assessments, wca's are the worst evil of the 2.  

      Good luck to all.

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