Benefits and Work is still hearing from employment and support allowance (ESA) claimants who are unlawfully being treated as jobseekers when they begin the universal credit (UC) mandatory migration process.  Some are being asked for fit notes and some in the support group are also being required to agree to claimant commitments that go far beyond just an undertaking to inform the DWP of any change of circumstances.

The DWP claimed to have fixed this problem, but it is clearly still happening. At the moment the numbers being migrated are small,  but the point where upwards of 10,000 ESA claimants a week begin to be migrated cannot be far off.

We have updated our ESA to UC Managed Migration FAQs to help members deal with this issue.

We have created a short notice for you to put in your journal at the start of your claim, pointing out that you must not be required to provide fit notes.

And if this doesn’t work, or if you are already past that stage, we have written a formal complaint you can adapt to your circumstances.

We have thrown the kitchen sink at this complaint, because it is vital that the DWP follow the law in the way they treat ESA claimants, many of whom will struggle with the migration process.

We’ve included references to UC Regs 2013, UC Regs 2014, advice for decision makers, the UC claim To Do List and an admission by the director general of the UC team that getting this wrong is severely detrimental to ESA claimants’ health.

It is an admission that may well leave the DWP open to actions for personal injury.

In addition, we explain how to use the claimant commitment cooling-off period to buy yourself more time, though be prepared for your work coach to have never heard of it and to have to give them information about how to find it.

And we stress the importance of accepting even an unfair or unlawful claimant commitment, because refusal will simply lead to your UC claim being completely disallowed.

Instead, we point out that even DWP guidance says that accepting a claimant commitment doesn’t mean that you actually agree with the requirements or that you are committing yourself to carrying them out.

Far better to accept, if you must, and then fight to have the commitment changed afterwards.  Even if you fail to carry out an action that falls within your claimant commitment, the result will be a sanction which you can appeal, rather than the total loss of your UC claim.

We know that for many people, battles like this are beyond their physical and mental resources.  Which is why we are urging those who are able to do so, to involve their MP in any complaint they make, so the DWP cannot keep making these mistakes behind closed doors.

And please keep on letting us know how your mandatory migration is going and we will keep trying to come up with solutions to any problems.

Members can download the latest ESA to UC Managed Migration FAQs from the ESA/UC guides page. The relevant FAQs are:

“Will I have to provide a fit note or prove I am unfit for work if I am moving to UC from ESA?”

“I’m in the support group, but I’ve been asked to provide a fit note and/or to accept a claimant commitment with work-related activities.”

“Can I delay accepting my claimant commitment?”


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 months ago
    I am very worried, firstly I cannot get a 'New Subject' to open in the forum, it says I am not authorised. I received a reminder letter to claim UC under managed migration, I did not receive my first letter they talk about. I am getting help from my carer, but bless him, he is as clueless as me, he is just typing this for me and will do my online thing for UC for me. This reminder letter says I have to apply by 15th Feb 2025. I am worried about when I need to do this, someone said to get transitional payments, you must do this a month before the deadline, which means I have to do it in a couple of days. Also, I am concerned about transitional payments as I get ESA, disability and severe disability premiums. Will these be paid under the transitional payments, or will I be even worse off? Any advice would be greatly received. Thanking you in advance.
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    · 4 months ago

    Today I got my statement for uc and it’s missing the transitional payment that’s usually on there? Rather a large sum too! There’s no explanation on the statement, it’s simply not there, no reason or explanation given as to why? If it had reduced or stopped from what I gather it would either be showing a reduced amount or £0:00 with an explanation as to why? To me it looks like it hasn’t been added to this statement which leads me to ask, are they statements automatically generated or is it done manually each assessment period, if done manually could be simple human error, if automatic could be a technical glitch? 
    This will only be my 4th payment from UC as I’ve recently migrated from IR ESA SUPPORT GROUP! No change in circumstances to warrant it being stopped, everything remains the same income wise. Has anyone else had this happen to them? I’ve popped a note in my journal under the payment section but as it’s a Saturday I know I won’t hear anything back but worth a try? 
    So stressed and anxiety sky high right now so any feedback would be appreciated. 

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      · 4 months ago
      @Jon I called them and they said for some reason it’s been missed off this statement (computer error!) it’s been passed to a case manager to issue the payment and they’ll contact tomorrow by 6pm, whether they do or not I don’t know???? Thanks for checking in and asking. 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Fibro girl Did you sort out your payment
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      · 4 months ago
      @Fibro girl Yes you have done the right thing chasing it up on the journal and payments
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      · 4 months ago
      @Fibro girl Fibro girl, at the top of the page next to the News heading is Forum. Click on that, then you will find New Subject as one of the headings. Click on that then you fill in the subject- Uc problem or whatever- then type in your text as you have done in this News section. It may take a while to be answered but just keep an eye on the forum until your post appears with hopefully some advice from a Mod. Hope you can make sense of what I'm saying, I am SO not tech savvy!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 months ago
      @Jon Very strange isn’t it? Wonder if it’s computer mistake or something? I’m sure I will find out more on Monday when I can actually talk to someone. 
      These things always happen on a weekend don’t they? 
      My first statement didn’t have it on there either, I had to request it. 
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    · 4 months ago

    Beautifully written piece by The guardian writer Frances Ryan.  
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 months ago
      @(No) hope Very true. Her judicial review on the 10th and 11th of next month is vital. I hope she gives the DWP a bloody nose.
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      · 4 months ago
      @CaroA Confirmation right there, that they are  truly a pile of s***. We really do need more Ellen Cliffords, to make a stand against policies that are cruel and unfair and deliberately targeted against the most vulnerable, those without much of a voice, resources, or standing in society to be able to fight back. Just as bad as their predecessors.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 months ago
    This whole migration issue is deeply distressing, and ths 'one size fits all' approach by DWP is unsuitable.  I really don't think this has been worked out at al, and will cause unimaginable distress to so many.  I reach state retirement age next September, so if DWP decide to migrate me before then I'll only be on UC for a very short time, but will have had to undergo the stress of applying for UC and all the hassle that goes with it.  It seems pointless IMO. Plus, what is the point of getting someone like me to sign a work commitment when at 65 years of age, living in an area of high empoyment, and not having been able to work for 10 years I'm hardly likely to be a viable option for potential empoyers? For those of us clsoe to retirement age this is a harsh and pointess exercise.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 months ago
      @Frances Thank you Frances, I have been unable to find any information on this. I did post on the main forum asking if there was any legislation that includes approching state pension age and migration but there seems to be nothing specific.
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      · 4 months ago
      @SkyB My understanding is you won't be asked to migrate if you're within 6 months of state pension age, so maybe you'll escape it.
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      · 4 months ago
      @SkyB Agree SkyB, i'm not far behind you reaching retirement age and as I am on housing benefit also will have to reapply from the housing element of UC back to housing benefit. Having to write notes in your journal telling work coaches what their own legislation is and that no sick note etc is required is just appalling. I suspect many claimants may consider us fortunate we are soon to receive our state pension but this whole business has been detrimental to my health just the same. I feel for all claimants dealing with the upcoming changes and the uncertainty that comes with it. I also receive PIP so there is more to come on that too.
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    · 4 months ago
    Has anyone been able to do the migration entirely online? Id and all that or do they call you in regardless? In which case you have to hope they give you a phone call ifw you beg
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    · 4 months ago
    Does anyone know how often people on the equivalent of the SUpport group on Universal Credit will be assessed once they are on it?  In ESA, they did assessments every few years I remember.  Is this the same with Universal Credit?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 months ago
      @axab43 Good question.

      I think it's more frequently with shorter intervals on UC compared to when you're on ESA. When you're on ESA, other than the system, no one is in charge of your claim and years can elapse before you're called in for a reassessment. While when you're on UC, a creature that's liked by no one calling themselves a work coach is in charge of your claim, and it's unlikely to see years elapsing without being called, as before the end of the second year the work coach would ask you to bring fit notes in and fill in ES50 form or look for work.

      For instance, when I claimed ESA, it took me 8 and a half years to be called for an assessment. If I were on UC, this would have been impossible. as the work coach activates the process. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 months ago
      @James h thank you.  As I'm getting pension in 5 years, I'm just seeing each assessment getting nearer to that.  And there will probably be delays as they will have their hands full, processing everyone who is moving across.  
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      · 4 months ago
      @axab43 axab43  ive had 6 assessments in 25 years for health conditions such as anxiety depression and Asperger’s syndrome I’m only at 50 so a while to go yet and next year 2025 im going to take life day by day because so many changes and updates nowadays I think 5 years before my retirement I will be living my life in a camper van 
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      · 4 months ago
      @James h Thank you for replying.  I have just looked it up and it says between 1 - 3 years, which is better than I thought as I thought it was going to be almost continuous assessment, checking in how you are every week.  I guess we will have to just wait and see.  I retire in 5 years, which seems a lot but hopefully won't be too many more assessments.
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      · 4 months ago
      @axab43 It's difficult to say at the moment, as I think a lot of people have been left in limbo and waiting for forms to arrive, these past few years. The system has been creaking under the weight of new applications and assessments. Things will change next year again, so who knows?

      Best just take it day by day and try not to worry too much about forms turning up and future assessments.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 months ago
    Even though they say migrants moved onto UC get transitional protection I assume the amount you receive SHOULD NOT change:say somebody gets combined £900.00 a month on ESA does this actually translate into the equivalent amount in UC?

    Will it be a fight to get the exact amounts?I take it my MP will be brought into this if it doesn’t?

    I’ve got no time for liars & I just want to be LEFT THE **** ALONE after this:ironically I have been having long term psychotherapy that has been TOTALLY derailed by the shenanigans of the past decade and I will need psychotherapy after this is over!
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    · 4 months ago
    I have just written to my MP because seeing the distress its all ready causing people shows its not working and when its my turn to migrate i know as someone with autism when some jobsworth at the job centre tells me to do something i know its wrong i will probably have a meltdown
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 months ago
      @Lee J "i am reasonable with online stuff its the face to face interaction i'm dreading"

      Same - I overthink "everything" to the point of exhaustion, when it comes to dealing with this kind of scenario.

      I end up writing out complex scripts of potentialities :))

      All the best.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 months ago
      @Sadly Simon Thank you for your kind words i am reasonable with online stuff its the face to face interaction i'm dreading.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Lee J I am Autistic Lee - obviously we are all slightly different, but the process was difficult for me, but I managed to get through it okay in the end and the guy I dealt with at the local Job centre had experience dealing with those of us on the spectrum and was very helpful. They took a hands off approach and also offered to help me go through online forms via the telephone if needs be.

      All I can say is and this is coming from me (the rumination king) ...

      Try your best not to overthink the situation and ask for help when the time comes.
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    · 4 months ago
    Hi, could anyone advise if when being asked to migrate you get any texts to your phone during the migration process, as I’m away from home at the moment, so wouldn’t know if I got a letter. Thanks
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 months ago
      @Mick When they want you to migrate, first they'll send you a letter explaining you what to do. Once you've started the process and have made your claim online, then from this point onward they'll communicate with you via your journal and also phone.

      If you haven't received their letter yet, don't bother keep checking your phone unnecessarily, wait for their letter first.

      Hope this will give you a bit of peace of mind.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Mick You get messages in your UC journal which will ping your mobile phone
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    · 4 months ago
    Went to the job centre today didn't have a problem the member of staff I saw a young lady was clued up about universal credit migration just had to present three forms of identification and was told I didn't have to provide CV or do work related activitys
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      · 2 months ago
      @Jon Jon did you have to accept a new style ESA commitment thing over the phone like 
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      · 4 months ago
      @The Dogmother It's funny how my comment, similar to what others said irks "someone"..  oh dear. The soon to be Christmas spirits alive and well. 😂
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      · 4 months ago
      @Jon I’m glad for you Jon. Makes me feel a bit easier.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Jon Fantastic Jon, that's positive news at last. Good for you. Thanks for sharing your experience.
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      · 4 months ago
      @James h Thanks they told me my payment date but we didn't go into detail about how much I would receive
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    · 4 months ago
    One would expect the migration from "legacy benefits" to UC to be smooth and streamlined but no reading the testimonies below really tells the stressful, anxiety ridden worry about it all. The DWP should look up the word "tact" in a dictionary. 
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    · 4 months ago
    No problem at the job centre just had to show identification they said I was exempt from job search and any work related activities but she just said things are changing all the time and I would just get a courtesy call next week to make sure everything is ok
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    · 4 months ago
    I had my standard identity appointment on November 5th (migrating from IB ESA) only didn't put up a fight about going to the job centre because I was hoping it would just be 20 minutes and done. I was there more than two hours. I was told how | needed to provide fit notes and make a commitment to searching for work. I knew this was wrong form what I had read, I told them so, but they continued as though I was a new claimant searching for work. Luckily the guy I saw was lovely, even if I had no Idea about ESA migration (the woman I saw before was rather patronising) he spoke to someone and found out how I don't need to provide fit notes, but continued to talk about my commitments to search for work. I told him I didn't have to, but to go through it anyway as we'd be there all day. Even though the person I spoke with was lovely, the whole experience was awful and incredibly stressful, there will be people with more severe conditions than me that will go through this, I can only sympathise, as I am still exhausted and in pain 2 days later. 

    i made a journal entry asking for some clarification and was told I would get a call, the call never happened. I really feel like I should make a complaint, but I just want it to be sorted. I hope people have much better experience than I did.
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    · 4 months ago
    Clarifications on the confusion that surrounds the fact that people who're migrating from ESA onto UC are being asked to accept a claimant commitment:

    Whether you're migrating onto UC from ESA or you're simply a fresh jobseeker applying for Universal Credit, the system will automatically recognise and treat you as a jobseeker, and thus it'll prompt you to accept a claimant commitment, job search, interviews/meetings, etc., and you'll remain as a jobseeker on the system until either the ESA sends your details to the relevant system/job centre or you express on your journal or to your work coach that you're migrating from the support group of the ESA and that subsequently your work coach makes an effort and finds this out and confirms it.

    Only is it after the ESA has sent out your details, or your work coach has found it out and confirmed it that you would be exempt from such a work search focussed claimant commitment. Once it has been confirmed that you're in the support group in either ways, you'll be again asked to accept another claimant commitment. This one is just to ask you to accept to inform them if your circumstances have changed later on.

    Therefore, beware you'll always be asked to accept a claimant commitment and you shouldn't be freaking out.

    Hope this helps to clarify the confusion.
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      · 4 months ago
      @A What’s the average time esa support group sends your esa details across usually before first payment ?
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      · 4 months ago
      @Lee J Work coaches rely upon the information provided to them by their system and not a letter that's issued once a year. The letter you're referring to is not updated every month or so. The letter doesn't prove at all that you're still receiving benefits, leave alone the amount of money you're receiving, when you're seeing your work coach. You might have stopped claiming benefits altogether for one reason or another and still be in possession of that letter. 
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      · 4 months ago
      @A This may seem odd but when you go to the job centre for the first time after you have made a new claim for UC couldn't you take the letter we get every year saying what the amount your esa will be as sort of instant proof so that the work coach knows while the system catches up you still use the same NI number just  a thought 
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    · 4 months ago
    Had a awful time the first week of migrating. I was refused reasonable adjustments by the advisor over phone had to fight for first commitments interview to be over phone. Paul my work advisor told me I had to have fit note I refused and quoted regs. He then spoke with his manager and told me I was correct I didn't need one, however my claimant commitment included looking for work for 30 hours a week! And a further work focused interview for 2 weeks time. Despite me explaining I didn't have too he refused to listen and was talking over me and was giving me so much wrong advice I just tried to tell him no I've migrated from support group none of this is required from me. In the end  I had a autistic  meltdown on phone and had to hang up. I then made a complaint through journal and as of Friday my commitments have been changed and don't include work and my further work interviews been cancelled. However I've yet to even recieve an apology for how I was treated by paul and the job centre staff. Absolutely appalling and I'm terrified for other esa claimants yet to migrate. This needs to be paused immediately before anybody comes to harm! Clearly dwp have not thought these migrations through at all. 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Riad Well done Riad, its not easy to stand up to these work coaches. They seem to act like robotic bullies. I agree with you that there is the potential to cause great harm to those who are already sick and vulnerable. Maybe making a complaint to the area Manager about Paul would get their attention. Moderator David on the main forum could supply you with an email address if you posted there. If you really wanted to take it further you could contact your MP, some of them are helpful in these sort of cases I gather.
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    · 4 months ago
    The information should be free are we not supposed to help each other 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Lee J All about the money mate , won't ever get something for nothing .even on here .
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    · 4 months ago
    can anyone tell me how i would recognise the envelope that the esa to UC migration notice is sent in please 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Jon 🙏
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      · 4 months ago
      @HRH It's a brown envelope and the letter is printed universal credit along the top of the page
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    · 4 months ago
    Just had a look on me universal credit journal and as for payments they have me down as a standard claim which is £393 a month and they said that I have health conditions but might need a health assessment to qualify for anymore money guess I will find out tomorrow at my identification interview
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      · 4 months ago
      @A Agree.  And a lady further down this thread said she was terrified and not sure she could handle this process mentally or physically.  Posts such as this which are conflicting and obviously not completely truthful as to what happens, whether intentional or unintentional, can cause a lot more distress to vulnerable people!!!
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      · 4 months ago
      @Jon If you are in the support group you have to be transitioned on the money you are receiving from them.  Posts such as yours are SO triggering for people who have anxiety and mental health conditions.  This is serious and yet it keeps on happening.  Can you just make sure of what you are posting before you do these things?
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      · 4 months ago
      @Jon I’d complain a lot if they tried to force me to do anything. But that’s my way Jon.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Jon There are conflicting informations in what you're posting, whether they're genuine or are designed to scare people!

      How come they're posting payment details on your journal, when you haven't met with them yet for the first time, neither have you provided them with your ID for identification?

      How come did they ask you to upload your CV and the type of work you would like to search for on your journal, when you haven't provided them with your ID, as that's what you said on another thread a couple of days ago?
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      · 4 months ago
      @M shirker Yes they should have had staff training whenever I have stuck my head into the job centre recently it was dead hardly anybody in there plenty of work coaches knocking around though
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    · 4 months ago
    I don't have it in me to fight anymore. I've had 6 assessments in 15 years and everytime I've had to fight at some point during the process, I just can't do it anymore. It's a struggle to stave off bad thoughts on a daily basis, I'm not sure I've got it in me if they mess this up, part of me will deliberately give up trying.
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      · 4 months ago
      @adrian Well said adrian.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Aw AGE  61  Works accident  38 yrs back .  Payed 42 yrs class1 ni/ tax (paye)  . SO  NEW state oap  paid for + any benefits claimed Work caused my disability  . NOW  from april 2024 have 2 nd degenrative changes  mobility issuies , DONE UC50 ,after bit battle , Awarded (LCWRA  ) + claim UC  .  OUR money we paid in over life time work 44 yrs + . PLZ dont give up  we need to stick togher solidarity in bad times . PERSONALLY  IF  u claim ESA , support group , LCWRA .  SIMPLES  we   been passed  Medically unfit for WORK  work realtive activity . BUT  just like last govertnment , NEW govertnment july 2024 , CANT / WANT / EXCEPT this .  KEEP  ur spirits up .   Dont give up . 
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    · 4 months ago
    Where is the note you mentioned we can add 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Shirley Tried to post this yesterday  .the links they said to clink on for the information, you have to pay for the privilege. 😏
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      · 4 months ago
      @Jessie.b Jessie.b, Click on Guides, then ESA/UC, scroll down to ESA to UC migration. 2nd paragraph is ESA to UC Managed migration FAQ'S. Think it comes under Making a claim in the long list of headings.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Shirley Yes im looking for that

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