Whilst we still have no definite start date for the process, the comments sections of Benefits and Work articles on ESA to UC migration have been filled with readers’ fears and uncertainties.

We already have a 28 page members guide to ESA to UC migration.  But as a result of the many issues raised we have now supplemented this with an 11 page collection of answers to FAQs for members, which we hope covers most of the main issues that have been raised.

The FAQs cover:

Managed migration

  • Will managed migration affect me?
  • How will I know when I have to move to Universal Credit?
  • Do I have to wait for managed migration?
  • I don’t want to move to UC – can I appeal?
  • Will managed migration affect my PIP and other payments?

Making a claim

  • What if I can’t claim by the deadline on my migration notice?
  • I’ve missed my managed migration deadline, and I didn’t ask for an extension beforehand – what can I do?
  • How do I make my claim for UC?  Do I have to talk to someone on the phone?
  • Will I have to explain how my health conditions affect me on the UC application?
  • Will I have to provide a fit note or prove I am unfit for work if I am moving to UC from ESA?
  • Will I have to go to the Jobcentre to show them my ID?
  • What happens if I don’t have any photo ID?
  • Will I have to go to the Jobcentre to verify my identity?
  • Who can help me make a claim?

The amount of UC

  • Will I get the same amount of money as I did on ESA?
  • When will I know how much UC I will receive?
  • My first payment is lower than I was getting from legacy benefits – what should I do?

Requirements whist receiving UC

  • I have already had a Work Capability Assessment for ESA – will I need another one?
  • Do I have to agree a claimant commitment?
  • Do I have to attend in person to sign my claimant commitment?
  • Will I have a work coach if I am in the support group?
  • Will I have a work coach if I was in the ESA work-related activity group?
  • I am an appointee for someone who was claiming Income-related ESA – what does managed migration mean for me?

The document includes all the health condition related questions you will be asked and has detailed examples of how your UC, including the transitional element, is worked out.

We’ll be adding to this document over the coming months as more issues are raised by readers.

Members can download the ESA to UC Managed Migration FAQs from the ESA/UC guides page.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 days ago
    My son did not have his housing benefit paid during the transition to UC. He paid it himself with difficulty, using savings.   The DWP now states they do not backdate HB so he will not have his money reimbursed.  Is this right?
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    · 7 days ago
    Hi I filled in my migration form with great stress I am now working asi only had last week to do itmyfault as it was so daunting that I’ve been left a wreck after already suffering severe anti social and psychological problems as in suffering with ACROPHOBIA and anxiety problems plus a lot of other issues` but anyway my mum helped me out who also suffers from a lot of these and other things we pushed the blue claim button thinking and praying thanks to god that the nightmare was at an ends,a when we saw a couple of other things flash up which was after my lain had  been pushed large blue CLAIM BUTTON we logged out so fast, thankfully it had all come to an ends as I’d or we had pushed  the CLAIM BUTTONthis will be okay won’t it I’ve been thinking and worrying that I nee to go back into the nightmare again but an sure that  I can’t possibly do this I have looked at what I should do but it’s causing. Me  as her mum so much stress my  self harm levels are through the roof. Is there  must be when you have pushed the blue CLAIM BUTTON , this has logged the claim hasn’t it’s.  Thanks if anyone can help it would be so nice of you .
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    · 17 days ago
    I am seeking legal advice as I believe this entire process is in breach of the equality act 2010. There is no migration since there is no transfer. There is a five week loss of income only buffered by the automatic ESA two week over payment which happens irrespective of a new claim. We are being treated as new claimants whilst being existing claimants. This places disabled people with at a socio-economic disadvantage on disability grounds. There has been no risk or impact assessment, in fact the discovery period was never completed and non of the failures were ever addressed. I’ve taken it to my MP and their in-house barrister is looking over my case and another constituents. I recommend others do the same. My MP is looking for cross party support to challenge this in the house of commons. 
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      · 8 days ago
      @SeekingAletheia Hi, did they contact you via post email or phone, it should be a pretty straightforward process, they can call doctors ,check references, id, but it shouldn't be a new application process like they are treating it, the support of our local MP's is key, if they are nice they will contact them personally if they do injustice. 
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    · 23 days ago
    Hi guys I just got my dreaded migration letter, I get support group ESA, PIP, and advanced disability payment, and the claim deadline is the 5th May. I am thinking of waiting until my last payment of 28th of April, as they said my payments for ESA & Housing will be stopping 2 weeks after my claim is made. So I should leave it to the last moment? As I I know from experience that anything can happen, and for them to put me in the dump over any complications, I need to drag this out as much as possible? I have all my paperwork, medical evidence but my doctors just recently closed and just been moved elsewhere my main doctor is still the same luckily as she also got moved to the new place, but this is a “change of circumstances” so this could be a complication? 
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    · 27 days ago
    I've had my UC reduced because they say i'm in receipt of ESA, but I'm not and have never been so.
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    · 1 months ago
    Hello I've just recently moved to universal credit from esa. My partner currently receives carer's allowance which she has been getting every week. I'm just wondering does that stop now 🤔 or will that carry on weekly? My monthly payment is going to be split into 2 payments instead of being a full monthly payment. So I'm guessing carer's allowance will stay weekly as it's a separate benefit from universal credit anyway? My partner is due carer's again Monday 10th January so that should go in fine? Any advice would be appreciated and thank you on advance.
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      · 19 days ago
      @Bobby Your partner should still get carers allowance paid weekly but they deduct your carers allowance off your uc £1 for £1 and then you should also get a caring element added onto your uc there is a uc advice page on google called uc essentials that gives alot of information about uc 
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    · 1 months ago
    ...The online journal says that their records show I'm not receiving ESA, but I am? It just says I need to contact the office to tell them I'm getting Universal Credit & to update their records, but they already removed me & sent a letter. Does anyone know how this will affect benefits or if this is covered in the guide? None of the headings indicate as much, but idk if the longer guide might cover it.
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      · 1 months ago
      @H It says in my online journal that I'm not receiving ESA either but I am or was, I don't know if it just means you're not anymore as the next payment will be UC?
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    · 1 months ago
    I have until the 14th March until mine, but it's consistently on my mind.. does anyone know if I have to fill in health conditions on universal credit form, or just tick it. As I've heard it will trigger an assessment. So confused, migration from old style ESA before April 2017. All my appointments have been done over the phone with my current work coach
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      · 27 days ago
      @Kris Can I use an expired passport and birth certificate on the universal credit claim? Also is it possible to ask for phone id appointment do you know? As all my appointments have been done over the phone instead of attending job centre 
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      · 1 months ago
      @George No medical  assessment or need to provide documentation you just get moved over to UC but you mite need to go into the Jobcentre to provided proof of who you are?. After applying for UC online .
      After that they will give you a date when you’re UC decision will be online to view in the journal with the breakdown of what is you’re payment off them. They will not give you any indication what the payment will be before hand either. Hope this helps 
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      · 1 months ago
      @H Hi. So I would just do my claim normal tick the health box and type in my health conditions? Going to do mine around about the 12th march, I have until the 14th March 
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      · 1 months ago
      @George You just need to say if you have a health condition - if you're migrating, you shouldn't have to have another assessment.
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    · 1 months ago
    Is there a guide for how to work this site? I'm not very good at this sort of thing. I've got here at last. Computer illiterate l suppose. 
    I've had more stress with not being able to find the info l need than the stress of worrying about not being able to help my daughter with the online application for Support Group ESA to UC Migration. She's severely dyslexic, ADHD, other SPeLDs, like number problems (probably dyscalculia), with memory problems and associated anxiety, she also has an ASD diagnosis. She also has severe astma and a bad back. Her lQ is 118/120 though which tends to make problems of it's own. She's everso cynical and difficult to motivate. I don't know how to work the rotten computer,and she can't read so how are we supposed to do this Journal thing? She won't remember to keep looking at it either.  
    In the end of the day we're terrified to begin the on

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    · 1 months ago
    I received my Migration notice before Xmas 2024.  I'm migrating from ESA SG.  I filled in the UC claim online but had to go to the Job Centre to provide I.D.  I was told I had no commitments as migrating from the Support Group.  Was also told to contact the local council to inform them of the move to UC, anyway the council called me and I think the rent part is sorted.  I thought everything ran smoothly until today when I received a letter about CB New Style ESA saying they will be calling me for an appointment asking how my disability affects me and provide medical evidence.  I had no idea I was being migrated to that also, it's the first I'd heard about it.  This is now affecting my mental health considerably with the thought of having to have some untrained person tell me I can or can't have the benefit.  From what I understand, I can't have the benefit as I've never worked in my life due to my illness.  So I don't know what's going on there.  Can anyone shed some light on this please.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Steve Hi Steve it's horrid isn't it. These people really don't understand how we feel Inside with our mental health mine is through the roof dreading when I get my first uc statement which is the 15th Feb gey my first uc payment the 19th Feb I'm just hoping my esa support group and esa contribution goes on my uc payment I'm also on high rate pip for daily living and standard moblity on pip hope all goes well for u to 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Steve New Style ESA is national insurance credit based, unlike the old ESA which was for both income based and national insurance credit based. So if you do not have contributions paid it could be a problem, hopefully their DWP have been paying your NI Credits (NIC) whilst on benefits. You can check your NIC on the GOV.UK website.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Lesley Thanks for your reply Lesley.  My mental health goes through the roof as soon as I see a DWP letter.  I'm hoping to contact my GP tomorrow to let him know the situation and I could do with some extra support at the moment, be it medication or talking therapies etc.  Hope it all works out for you.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Steve I'm exactly the same as u I got that letter to about new style esa but Bern told its nothing to worry as uc will know what u got of esa support group but for the last few days uc couldn't verify my housing costs with my landlord thank god all sorted out today I suffer badly with mental health and anxiety amongst other disabilities I have it's so anxious provoking x
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      · 1 months ago
      @Carole I agree this whole thing is a nightmare.  I've been told on another forum that they are just standard letters and should work out ok when they communicate with each other.  Fingers crossed I don't have to see anyone to explain my situation as I always feel guilty for being ill.  I just hope the 19th Feb gets here with no incident and my money goes through with no problem.  Hope all goes well with your son.
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    · 1 months ago
    can any show me how or 
    where do you use the immigration reference moving from ESA to UC
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    · 2 months ago
    Has anyone migrated over from old style ESA wrag group? If soo how easy was it?? Also does anyone know if I have a work coach at my local job centre now for my ESA, will I still keep the same work coach? As she knows about my health conditions etc...
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      · 14 days ago
      @Colin I've been in wrag group for years now. At least 12 years or more. Maybe I should have appealed for support group when I first got put in wrag group 
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      · 19 days ago
      @George If you have health issues you should probably be in the support group which means you don’t need a coach and would be paid disability premium as well. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @James h Ok no problem thanks. Might phone the job centre and speak to my current work coach now. See what she says. Surely my new work coach will be to see all my appointments have been done over the phone in the past. Also I'm sure she can verify my ID over phone instead of attending job centre to verify 
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      · 2 months ago
      @George @George I’m due to migrate to uc 1st march it’s a very old esa income wrag claim from 2018 I’ve not been to job centre for 6 years now because of Covid and backlogs etc I don’t think you will have the same work coach but follow my next update on here around beginning of march 
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    · 2 months ago
    Just filled in UC form for my husband, migrating from HB and ESA Support group. I'm my husband's full time carer, do I have to supply a 'fit note'
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    · 2 months ago
    I'm in the process of migration from ESA support group and housing benefit to UC. I explained. to universal credit I was worried about the rent they assured me it would be ok housing benefit paid extra 2 weeks and it would be backdated. I get my housing association saying there are 53 weeks this year and I have to pay a week's rent that UC don't cover. Nobody from UC has explained this to me they are also saying I'm now in arrears but the UC should be backdated to the date I made my claim to cover the rent? Housing association are demanding I pay arrears which I don't think I will even have when the payment is sorted out. I'm very concerned and confused by it all I have quite severe mental health issues and nobody is helping they both insist they are not allowed to communicate with each other as it's a breach of privacy. I don't get any money until 2nd January I have no idea what is going on.
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      · 2 months ago
      @Caroline Why are they telling people there are 53 weeks when it's just one extra day? 
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    · 4 months ago
    I am 64yrs old and I am on ESA in SUpport group for illness that stops me working. I am married to my 70yr old husband who gets basic state pension and a teeny tiny pension from his old employer.
    I have read that we have to apply for UC.  We dont get any other benefits.  Yet when I try these calculators it states we arent entitled to UC.  I have read that its because i am still classed as working age but I have MS and in pain and fall over alot. I cant get employment even though im trying due to being scared with all the reports in the news.  What income we have between us only just covers the rent.   What do we do.  I am due to retire march 2027 when i am 66.5yrs old.  i dont understand any of this benefit business.  paid in 47 yrs worth of NI stamp. its causing me resltless nights
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    · 5 months ago
    I have had to migrate to UC and my first payment is on the 29th October. However my ESA and Housing Benefit have already stopped meaning I will have a shortfall of just under £900! The only option appears to be applying for an advanced payment which I will need to pay back monthly. Is this standard???
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    · 5 months ago
    I'm transgender, my name with DWP is different than name on passport, will this be an issue? Thanks
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      · 5 months ago
      @MelanieL Wouldn't have thought there would be an issue
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      · 5 months ago
      @MelanieL What ID document(s) did you provide to the DWP when you made your claim to them?
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    · 5 months ago
    I started my migration on the 24/09/24, I've received no contact from them despite me needing to confirm my identity, I've even left notes in my journal. It says 2 - 3 days on the page after you submit the claim.
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    · 5 months ago
    Is there anyone who gets Income-related ESA and is on the SG who has received a Migration Notice letter? Please say the outcome.
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      · 21 days ago
      I have and all panic stations hit me a few days ago. In misery at nearly 62 and I can't see how this UC benefit is tailored to the needs of Support Group people. I've been in the SG for 12 years! My working career ended nearly 20 years ago - after 9 and a half weeks, then fired for reasons directly connected to my disability.

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      · 4 months ago
      @Ah I have had one identity check appointment. But now they are interviewing me on the phone on November 5th to get me to agree to comityments to do with new style esa
      I'm confused myself as I was on income related esa. I don't know what's going on. 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Ah My husband, had an industrial accident, which resulted in a brain injury, and 10 hours of surgery, he was on incapacity benefit and DLA, both of the benefits changed, one to ESA, the other to PIP, so after 24 years of being unable to work, one phone call last year, of some muppet, saying that he is eligible, for some kind of employment, also he was refused PIP, again some young woman, who could hardly do her own job, and was heard asking someone else, who was in her presence, she had no clue, decided he was not eligible, so know , they have stopped his money and told to claim U.C. which he has to attend work focus interviews, wait a month for any sort of money, and will get £60 a week less money, what an utter con and mess, no wonder there are so many people living on the bread line and streets, and with severe mental health, to tell someone after 24 years, there is nothing wrong with him, due to 2 yes, no questions, over the phone, amounts to a crime
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      · 5 months ago
      @Ah I attended my first appointment at Jobcentre from ESA support to UC absolutely sick with angst. I feared the worst especially as I applied soon after the letter.  I had an advisor who was so sympathetic and reassuring,  I nearly cried.  He just explained I would get monthly payments and I had such weight off my mind. There was no work commitments due to support group migration. 
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      · 5 months ago
      @Ah Received migration notice
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    · 5 months ago
    The government Move to Universal Credit website has changed the dates for esa and esa with hb. Where it previously said from Autumn 2024, TBC, it now says from September 2024.

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