The DWP has announced in a bulletin sent to local authorities that it is planning to begin notifying  employment and support (ESA) claimants that they need to move to universal credit (UC) in September 2024, with the aim of notifying everyone affected to make the move by December 2025.

The announcement means that the move is likely to begin before any election takes place.  An incoming government could still put the process on hold if they chose, but clearly there will be considerable resistance from the DWP to yet another change of timetable..  Especially as we revealed earlier this week, the DWP is expecting to save £5 billion due to the high number of claimants who will fail to complete the forced migration from legacy benefits to universal credit.  

The affected claimant will be income-related ESA claimants and also ESA with housing benefit claimants.  Previously, migration of these groups was not scheduled to take place until 2028.

According to the LA Welfare Direct Bulletin:

"On Friday 19 April 2024, the Prime Minister made a speech that included the announcement to accelerate the movement of Employment Support Allowance (ESA) and ESA with HB claimants to UC.

“Many claimants will be better off on UC than legacy benefits and we estimate around half of our ESA and ESA with HB claimants would receive over £100 a month more on UC. Claimants will also be able to benefit from improved work incentives and enhanced labour market support for those who want it.

“Our delivery approach and timelines will be informed by detailed planning and engagement with stakeholders, but our current planning assumption is that we would begin notifying this group in September 2024, with the aim of notifying everyone to make the move by December 2025.

“A new Move to UC communications campaign launched in March 2024 to help prepare claimants with other benefit combinations for their move to UC. The campaign is running nationally and is being delivered through radio, paid search (Google and Bing), outdoor advertising (bus stops and billboards), digital and social media advertising.

“The campaign aims to tackle claimant fear and anxiety about moving to Universal Credit, using the headline ‘Keep things smooth by making the move to Universal Credit’. Advertising also signposts to, which is a new website containing supportive information, real life case studies and advice on how to prepare for the move.”

Members can download our 28 page document “ESA to UC - A guide to migration” which explains the process for migrating to UC and what you can do now to prepare for managed migration.

Many thanks to the Rightsnet website for welfare rights workers for flagging this up.

UPDATE 21 May 2024:  Half ESA claimants will be £100 better off on UC

The DWP confirmed the new migration timetable in the 17 May edition of the departmental newsletter “Touchbase”. 

The newsletter also claimed that half of ESA claimants will be better off as a result of the forced move:

“Many customers will be better off on UC compared to legacy benefits and we estimate around half of our ESA and ESA with Housing Benefit customers would receive over £100 a month more on UC. Customers will also be able to benefit from improved work incentives and enhanced labour market support for those who want it.” 

The timetable was further confirmed in a written ministerial statement by Jo Churchill, DWP minister for employment, on 21 May.  The minister also claimed that the Treasury is providing additional funds to allow the accelerated transfer.  Churchill repeated the claim that around half of ESA claimants will be £100 a month better off on UC.

You can read the ministers statement here.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 days ago
    Can anyone who is on esa and in the support group tell me if they have received this migration letter yet because I am worried that I haven't received it yet 
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    · 9 days ago
    I am on esa and in the support group with very high levels of anxiety and depression and I'm very worried about this as I haven't received a letter yet about this move and with there being deadlines about making the move to universal credit I'm just looking for more clarity about this I heard they were notifing esa claimants in September and I haven't received any letter
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 days ago
    This is the first I heard of this today, and only because my partner had picked up a news article from Birmingham! We're in West Sussex! WTF???
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    I'm in  ESA support group, 
    what the hell is going to happen to me 
    all the information seems a mess
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 16 days ago
      @chris I'm the same as you and I have only just seen this was going to happen I'm in the esa support group and I haven't received a letter yet about the change I'm seeing so much conflicting info about the change when certain groups are supposed to receive this letter I'm confused it all seems a complete mess I don't know when esa support group people are expected to get this letter 
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    · 1 months ago
    does this include newstyle/contributions based esa support group

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    · 1 months ago
    Receiving IR ESA support and tax credits for a 16 year old. I have no HB as a mortgage. When will the migration letter be sent out? Thought was July but still waiting.
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      · 12 hours ago
      @I cannon No, if you are on ESA and in the support group you will receive a Migration Letter, it gives you a 3 month window to apply within, failure to apply will see you lose benefit. 

      You go on to UC Link supplied on your letter, you create a UC account and then you click each individual section in your TO DO LIST and answer the questions honestly. 

      If you have a partner you make sure you include them and from your account you’ll get a code for them to insert on sign up in their own account (and YES they need their own account). Both of you will see your claim merge and both must answer all questions honestly. 

      Once you’ve done all your To Do List you’ll go through a seriously or Yes No questions and a declaration and that will see your claim submitted. 

      You’ll be asked to submit ID if you don’t have 2 items let them know and they will call you in 2-3 days.

      Within a few hours your Jornal will open, you should then enter in their what you’re in receipt of and any difficulties.
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      · 23 days ago
      @I cannon No you have to apply for it.
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      · 25 days ago
      @I cannon No   they guessing they save 5 billion at least on people NOT SEEING NOTIFICATIONS ONLINE AN FAILING TO APPLY 
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      · 28 days ago
      @Anon Are we automatically moved for Esa 
      To UC , when the notification comes through before Dec 2025 ?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      @dmwors Everyone on ESA or ESA with HB are going to be contacted between September 2024 and December 2025.
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    · 1 months ago
    Can you change to uc before you get your letter as it works out better of than Esa. 
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    · 1 months ago
    Originally esa to uc migration was to be paused until 2028/29 then the tories decided to bring this date forward (because they claimed it would save money)but by all accounts migration to uc from esa claimants will be better off(so it would then cost more and not save more).
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      @Cheshire Guy Because they have realised that lots of people aren't claiming UC when they get the migration letter and therefore saving money. 
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    · 1 months ago
    It might be an idea for those happy to do so, to go through the UC checkers online. The DWP expects to save £5 billion from the ESA migration, so ministers comments about 'being better off' are clearly bunk.

    Moreover, UC is done on a household, not individual basis, ESA is the opposite. As such many people will simply not qualify for UC on that basis. Interestingly, people in the same situation as myself, estranged but still living under my partner's roof, are also excluded. 

    This of course is totally illogical. Should my partner decide that they can't afford to keep me, I'll be homeless. Thus liable to claim far more in benefits than I currently am. Doh!
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    I don't understand that is says esa with housing benefit claimants will be moved to UC by September 2024. With everyone being asked to move to Universal credit by 
    Dec 2025? Presumably esa with housing benefit is the last legacy benefits to be moved over anyway? Yet they're saying by September 2024!. So what do they mean by saying notifying everyone by Dec 2025 then?... More clarity needed!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      @Y.C. Every group is going to be contacted from September 2024.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Y.C. There are two types of ESA
      Contribution based (which means you have worked for the relevant years according to when you made your claim) 
      Also Income related ESA, which means that you did not work or dis not earn enough for you to be able to claim ESA contribution based. 
      Esa Cont Based, you can keep your savings even if you have millions and it doea not affect your claim. You can study, it does not affect you claim, you can have a pension and they only take a bit off it. 
      Income related: they take into consideration all your savings and any otber income you have, take off all your pension and you cant study and be on it. 
      That is what I understand of it. 
      UC, I think is an income related benefit, so its like ESA income related. 
      My question is if you get ESA cont based and you are  forced to claim UC, you will most likely lose your pension and get less money from UC. If you have savings of more than 16k, you will get nothing. 
      Maybe I am wrong but that is what I think will happen. 

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    · 2 months ago
    Here's a thought,when you receive your migration notice and you apply to be migrated to UC how are you meant to pay your rent,council tax? I understand that legacy benefits will rollover for 2 weeks but that still leaves 3 weeks that you can't pay rent/council tax.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Cheshire Guy I get my housing benefit paid directly to my landlord. So when I'm moving to UC. I'll ask that my rent element gets paid directly to my landlord as before. Then Phone my landlord to let him know I'm changing to UC and that the 3 weeks arrears will get paid to him as soon as the universal credit starts getting paid.  If the dwp have an issue about paying my landlord the rent directly. Then I'll ask my landlord to contact universal credit to ask that the rent element is paid directly to him. Because it has already been the case for several years without issues. But worth asking dwp about the rent arrears because surely they'll owe us the 3 weeks arrears. But I think housing benefit will be paid for at least another 2 weeks?
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    · 2 months ago
    I've never liked this UC ever since it was piloted, one because its monthly paid, 2 because they take so long to process the claim, 3, because the money seems alot lower than other forms and 4, having to sort your own rent and council tax out.
    That's just the basics, you then come to trying to survive on the little they give you for a month, not 4wks, a full calendar month, it can't be done, no one can live on that little amount and survive, even on the cheapest foods out there.
    Thank goodness for foodbanks, but of course if you're housebound and hardly out of bed and they don't deliver, not really much use, so we really on our partners and kids if we have them, or friends if we have any left, or just end up sleeping the days away as we can't do anything else, as the old CONservative government ended up having your care took away through lack of funding, am hoping Keir Starmer takes a whole different approach and sees how it really is and does something about it 

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    · 3 months ago
    I’m claiming Esa (part CB & IB) in the support group - no hb 

    Will my benefits be migrated to the new style Esa? 

    Or will I have to claim UC and be placed in the LWCG but with no pressure to look for work?!

    I’m so confused, like many and literally don’t feel safe financially. I’m house/bed bound and is extremely sick due to long Covid

    I used to work as NHS Specialist previously ~ caught Covid at work and now I can no longer work. 

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    · 3 months ago
    do we get help with the change as im stressed out with forms , i get esa and hb
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      · 1 months ago
      @mike Hi can i ask how you claim Hosing benifit on ESA as my council have refused to pay mine for the last 5 years resulting in rent arrers and evictions.
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      · 1 months ago
      @mike No sadly, only a UC helpline, and they are not much help half the time, and that's if you are lucky to get though, totally shocking.
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    · 3 months ago
    I'm confused im on esa ,housing benefit and child tax credit ,ive just read they are senfing letters out from 16th July is this true as before it was from September  im panicking massively 
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      · 2 months ago
      @Wanda Wanda. I am also in the support group, Claim HB and get child credits too, and I've received my migration to UC letter today, saying I have until 31st Oct to claim UC online or I will lose any transitional protection payments when my UC is processed.

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      · 3 months ago
      @Wanda Just got mine today 😩
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    · 3 months ago
    MMM I'm confused, on IR-ESA +HB + DLA so looking for letter getting to me in Sept 24, which strangely looking forward too as wanted to move home for last year to more adaptable property but feared the loss of £480 a month for change in circumstance migration. If I have no change in circumstances and am force migrated, does that mean I get a top up (ie no loss migration) as previously suggested and can I move home without jeopardising the topup?  Seems to have gone quiet about the "top up won't be worse off idea" and Job centre won't answer this one. any ideas
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      · 1 months ago
      @Alex It might be worth checking exactly what triggers a change in circumstances. I was advised by the JC and Housing Benefit that a change of address would not trigger a change in circumstances? 
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    · 3 months ago
    I am on legacy HB, I mean the really old version of HB, so I currently get housing benefit thats £150 more than the LHA rates, if there is no transitional protection for housing costs, this migration could make me homeless.  Even then the protection would only be temporary as my rent goes up about triple the rate of inflation every year.
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      · 2 months ago
      @CC Same here my anxiety is through the roof...I cant turn back put my claim in...and worried sick about next month's finances, am I goingvto be able to afford this house I was forced to move to due to no fault eviction section 21 due to my old land lord not wanting to make his property disabled friendly as when I moved there 12 years ago I was a health non wheelchair user.
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    · 4 months ago
    Does anyone know what the current migration timetable is? I can't find an updated one after Sunak's announcement about it in April. I found one in Jan 2024 but that's obviously out of date now. 
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      · 10 days ago
      @Denise I changed a few years ago on JSA and got carers element and on carers allowance 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Ginger K It's still ESA with child tax credits from july, tax credits for working age Pensioners from August, then it says JSA from September, ESA only and ESA with housing benefit at a later date, on the government website, so if we are being pushed from September, then when is JSA being pushed onto it.
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    · 4 months ago
    Just been thinking that now a general election is weeks away,will these migration notice letters still go out-as government dissolution takes place on Thursday 30 May 2024? 
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    · 4 months ago

    I am on IR-ESA with HB.
    When can I expect to be notified to claim for UC?
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      · 10 days ago
      @Denise Not received yet 
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      · 10 days ago
      @Gis Next year or 2024
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      · 1 months ago
      @Gis Why do they say invitations, when they are far from that, we have no choice, we lose our benefits if we don't, so it's not a invitation.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Cheshire Guy You must be joking Stammer's water down tory party,  he hate benefits claimants as much as the Tories.
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      · 2 months ago
      @Gis Honestly thought the new Labour government would of paused all this-silly me.