The DWP has announced in a bulletin sent to local authorities that it is planning to begin notifying  employment and support (ESA) claimants that they need to move to universal credit (UC) in September 2024, with the aim of notifying everyone affected to make the move by December 2025.

The announcement means that the move is likely to begin before any election takes place.  An incoming government could still put the process on hold if they chose, but clearly there will be considerable resistance from the DWP to yet another change of timetable..  Especially as we revealed earlier this week, the DWP is expecting to save £5 billion due to the high number of claimants who will fail to complete the forced migration from legacy benefits to universal credit.  

The affected claimant will be income-related ESA claimants and also ESA with housing benefit claimants.  Previously, migration of these groups was not scheduled to take place until 2028.

According to the LA Welfare Direct Bulletin:

"On Friday 19 April 2024, the Prime Minister made a speech that included the announcement to accelerate the movement of Employment Support Allowance (ESA) and ESA with HB claimants to UC.

“Many claimants will be better off on UC than legacy benefits and we estimate around half of our ESA and ESA with HB claimants would receive over £100 a month more on UC. Claimants will also be able to benefit from improved work incentives and enhanced labour market support for those who want it.

“Our delivery approach and timelines will be informed by detailed planning and engagement with stakeholders, but our current planning assumption is that we would begin notifying this group in September 2024, with the aim of notifying everyone to make the move by December 2025.

“A new Move to UC communications campaign launched in March 2024 to help prepare claimants with other benefit combinations for their move to UC. The campaign is running nationally and is being delivered through radio, paid search (Google and Bing), outdoor advertising (bus stops and billboards), digital and social media advertising.

“The campaign aims to tackle claimant fear and anxiety about moving to Universal Credit, using the headline ‘Keep things smooth by making the move to Universal Credit’. Advertising also signposts to, which is a new website containing supportive information, real life case studies and advice on how to prepare for the move.”

Members can download our 28 page document “ESA to UC - A guide to migration” which explains the process for migrating to UC and what you can do now to prepare for managed migration.

Many thanks to the Rightsnet website for welfare rights workers for flagging this up.

UPDATE 21 May 2024:  Half ESA claimants will be £100 better off on UC

The DWP confirmed the new migration timetable in the 17 May edition of the departmental newsletter “Touchbase”. 

The newsletter also claimed that half of ESA claimants will be better off as a result of the forced move:

“Many customers will be better off on UC compared to legacy benefits and we estimate around half of our ESA and ESA with Housing Benefit customers would receive over £100 a month more on UC. Customers will also be able to benefit from improved work incentives and enhanced labour market support for those who want it.” 

The timetable was further confirmed in a written ministerial statement by Jo Churchill, DWP minister for employment, on 21 May.  The minister also claimed that the Treasury is providing additional funds to allow the accelerated transfer.  Churchill repeated the claim that around half of ESA claimants will be £100 a month better off on UC.

You can read the ministers statement here.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 months ago
    I would be worse off by over £490 a month on uc than i am ESA am dying of cancer and i have to pay rent gas electric water food transport to and from hospital and doc and dentist . Government only intrest is srewing over the ill , i think they should live on what they give us rather than their Multi million wages it dose not matter who is in power they are all the same
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      · 1 months ago
      @Shaun You get uc sick pay if unfit for work you won’t get normal rate off uc due to being unfit for work 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Shaun Who told you this? 
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      · 2 months ago
      @Shaun Agree I've just lost both my parents to cancer and I too am at risk ,I'm also disabled with chronic pain ,fibromyalgia and spinal degeneration that I also worry could turn to cancer as this is how my dad started with his cancer .
      The government don't care about us sick or those to old to fight , they have given us the dealth NHS not there to help us, and no one from government will help us.
      We have to keep fighting as long as we can.
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      · 3 months ago
      @Shaun You will receive a transditional payment so you will still receive the same money as you do now cancer sucks Lost a great friend to it and family sorry to hear this .
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      · 3 months ago
      @Shaun So sorry you have cancer you won't lose your get TP 
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    · 4 months ago
    I suspect that the real reason for starting the migration early is the present government whos time is nearly up are desperately trying to find something they can point to where they can say they are succeding in tackling fraud and whipping the workshy into shape and employment. This issue will be keep been brought up in the hope of persuading voters to forget the utter failure of every policy our millionaire PM and his cronies came up with. Remember Brexit it will fix everything total failure a shambles.
    These people are willing to do anything including focusing their power on the most vunerable people they can us. In desperation to cling to power and wealth.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 months ago
    The tories have lauded UC perhaps they would like to explain how we are meant to find and fund our weekly rent and CT for several weels while being migrated from ESA/HB to UC? 
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    · 4 months ago
    I myself am on IR ESA SG and HB.How on earth are we expected to go without money,pat rent,pay CT when migrated to UC because a few weeks we don't receive any money while migrating to UC?
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      · 3 months ago
      @Cheshire Guy U will get an extra one off normal payment half way through the 5 weeks which don't need to pay back before get new monthly payment. So basically once you applied for universal credit after receive migration letter you will still get your next normal payment 2 weeks later and then around 3 weeks after that will get a full monthly payment. That extra payment like said doesn't need be repaid because they realise alot people won't be able to cover the 5 week gap hence the extra one off payment. Once received the full month payment though will then just be monthly. 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Cheshire Guy Unfortunately I suspect the wait will be for longer than a few weeks :(
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    · 4 months ago
    As we now know a General Election will take place on July 4th,if as suggested Labour win a majority i wonder what they will do about the migration from ESA to UC?-seeing as the Tories have stated migration notices are going out in Sept 2024.
    It would be nice to think that Labour would give some clarity on their own plans regarding the migration of ESA to UC.
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      · 3 months ago
      @Denise Rubbish.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Tracey Well they will, considering Stammer is a water downed tory, notice how he has never mentioned the sick/disabled, the very people who have been persecuted under the Tories, the very people whose votes he should be begging for, all he ever mentions is the workers, not workers who claim top up benefits, workers who don't, how he will help them, like the Tories he sees benefit claimants as work shy lay abouts, and that goes for the sick/disabled too.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Just Curious They are still migrating tax credits claimants, and there is a high backlog, yet they are still migrating legacy benefits claimants.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Cheshire Guy They will not do anything, it will just carry on under Stammer, sorry to say.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Tracey It is, but there are so many others issues they need to address at the moment. My take on it is, let's see what happens in the next few months. There will be a huge process of adaptation if Labour win - that might mean that all this 'managed migration' might not happen. Look how long it's taken the DWP to meet other deadlines; in fact, they never do meet their own deadlines, they miss them by years. Try not to worry till after the Election.  We will soon know whether Starmer is actually another Blair: a Tory in a red tie... Best wishes 
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    · 4 months ago
    So does anyone know, anything really? I'm even more confused. I'm on income related ESA & in the support group with housing benefit, so not sure when I'll be forced onto Universal Credit. I would like to know where people are getting their information from, because I've scoured the internet & can't find any timetables of this change, apart from it starts in September. I'm very anxious about the whole thing.
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      · 1 months ago
      @A Not if you don't write on your journal that section 19 applys to you, they don't tell us anything, UC will just treat you like a new claimant, told to get a sick note and given a work couch appointment.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Cat Who said that
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      · 1 months ago
      @Cat Then why keep adding to the backlog, keep sending migration letters out, they not doing one group at a time, then making sure everyone in that group has applied, they are just moving onto each group every month, cocking people's claims up, UC don't have a clue.
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      · 2 months ago
      @Sarah Carter I'm the same will we get this extra money straight away as my son had to wait 3 months before he got the Disabled top up. I don't know about anyone else here but I can't afford to wait 5 weeks while they set up my payment and 3 weeks to start getting my ESA surport  element under UC s new name LwRca if that's what is called.
      Anxiety and stress coursing more seizures and my fibromyalgia and chronic pain are been made worse due to this forced move...

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 months ago
      @Wee Jinty I was told this information too, zi recieved my migration order to join U the week my father passed away.
      I carelessly went ahead and used my migration letter information expecting the reference number they put on the letter to help UC understand I was a legendary benefits claimant but I seem to be treated the same as someone who can work and look for husband not counted as my full time carer, no help given...just an appointment booked the same as everyone one else..
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    · 4 months ago
    If they pay half of us £100 more every single month, how can they save £5 billion every year then? The lies and the genocide on us continue !!!!
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      · 4 months ago
      @G I'll lose a lot more than £100 ,a whole lot more. 
      Firstly the delay to 2028 was said to save billions,then a sudden turnaround to say it wouldn't. 
      Mainly ,as I see it, because so many who already were forced onto uc didn't migrate ,and that's where they found the saving, so with that token they are hoping the rest of us will do likewise. Absolutely vile.
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    · 4 months ago
    Well some good news is general election 4 july now and anything that is not in law now can no longer be considered not even in a new parliament they would have to start from scratch to bring any of there evils into law or process so finger crossed the tories will be gone at least it may give us some breathing room 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Ash6f Oh OK so this wasn't put as a law then 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Keith Farrell Ive already written to my local Tory MP about them breaking the law on the United Nations Convention Rights Disabled Persons in the UK.  Just got a "bullshit"  letter back from Mimms Davies, saying they're investing more money than ever into benefits and the disabled.....!!! What a load of crap. Unbelievable , when during COVID they spent 4 billion on "unusable PPE fir the NHS - which they've now decided to burn for 'energy uses'.... Liars the lot of them....!!!!🤬🤬
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      · 4 months ago
      @Ash6f Sadly that is not enough. Because many Tories have joined Labour. So this nonsense will continue. 
      The only way is to force legal charges against the minsters and heads of the DWP for “Corporate Manslaughter “ every single life lost due to DWP someone should be held to account. I for one cannot understand this “we reviewed the case and regret the deaths but we will learn the lessons” that is just nonsense. They don’t learn. Nothing will change because no one gets jail time.
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    · 4 months ago
    ESA contribution based support group, and HB I thought wasn’t moving until 2028? Has that now changed? Confused muchly
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      · 2 months ago
      @Sara I get cb esa support group and hb, got migration letter and went through it yesterday. Now it's asking for fit notes. I get full enhanced pip for both living and mobility, and am on cb esa support group. I'm panicking!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 3 months ago
      @Fibrogirl Yes, that has changed. Rishi Sunak changed his mind and wanted to accelerate it, which is happening. Everyone will be on UC by December 25. The migration will start on September 24. A friend who is also on ESA support group and housing benefit received a letter this morning saying that a migration letter will follow. So labour hasn't changed it.
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      · 3 months ago
      @Fibrogirl Yes
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      · 3 months ago
      @Sara I havent found anything related to transitional protection on housing benefit, in my area LHA rates dont resemble reality, they are about £150 lower than private rentals.  Not surprised HB is at the top of the list as LHA is a huge saving considering its inadequate to cover rents.

      Also why are councils not supplying welfare advisors to people who dont live in a council house?  Thats a form of discrimination.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Fibrogirl Contribution based esa is not going to be migrated, but I think if Housing Benefit is your only income related legacy benefit, the dwp plan is to send you a migration notice from June this year. Try not to worry, you have three months to comply with the notice, plus an extra month's grace if you're struggling, maybe even an extension on that if you give good reason.

      Your support group status should protect you from being required to do any work related activity. There's help from various sources - CAB are very busy but maybe another local advice centre. If you're a council tenant they should have a welfare adviser.
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    · 4 months ago
    Well, the range of comments below shows just what a sh*t show this government has unleashed. Nothing is clear. My understanding so far on a few points:

    Managed migration will not itself trigger a reassessment - claimants will migrate from esa to the same group (ie wrag to lcw, support to lcwra). A reassessment may follow after migration, just as reassessments have always popped up now and again.

    Transitional protection means noone will initially be worse off than on legacy benefits, if they still meet the elegibility, but over time, as uc rates increase, the transitional protection will be reduced, so migrated claimants will not see that increase, so their payments will be essentially frozen until the transitional protection is used up.

    Somewhere in the depths of late night googling I read that if you are close to state pension age you will not be migrated. Can't remember where I saw that, or how close to SP age, sorry, not very helpful - maybe someone has better info on that.

    Despite the government's stated intention re esa migration dates having been brought forward, the timings for esa and esa with housing benefit remain unconfirmed on the Move to UC website. That could be because the dwp cannot foresee the pace of migration for groups scheduled to move in June, July and August. 

    Will the General Election affect the managed migration timetab!e? A Labour government would have to actively intervene to alter that. I think the main influence will be the DWP's capacity to see it through. We just have to hope they don't plough on and issue loads of migration notices then can't process the claims so we're waiting ages for the payments.

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      · 1 months ago
      @keepingitreal But it looks like the DWP are just pressing on like lightning speed anyway.
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      · 4 months ago
      @keepingitreal Thanks for that update.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Josh Bless you, Josh. More from B&W in their most recent news post.
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      · 4 months ago
      @keepingitreal Just want to say thanks to “keepitreal” for taking time to try pull everyone’s concerns and cover them in a simple summary. This article very much took me by surprise very much stressing me and I tried to to look though the data available data It’s clear what a mess it is. Again thanks for your input as it’s very much helped me and do hope it helps others.
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    · 4 months ago
    Does the announcement of a UK General Election on the 4th July 2024 now mean that the speedier rollout of the UC Managed Migration programme will be postponed?
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      · 4 months ago
      @Keith Farrell One big rip off ! 
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      · 4 months ago
      @LJ I won’t be voting Labour either as they’re no better , from what I’ve gathered they’ll be worse than the Tories 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Caroline Yes After the 30 May Parliament will be dissolved, so their legal status will no longer remain inconclusion that the roll out.
      From esa to Universal credit will be paused.
      Until a, the majority government is formed However, if labour do win, they may consider to continue migration phase but ESA Legacy phase out may still be pushed. Packed till 2028 2029 Hopefully
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 months ago
      @Keith Farrell I too have "Pulmonary Sarcoidosis".... It's not a pretty disease , either....... But, the Tories don't give a shit.  Look at all their FU'ps, whilst it was their "watch"..... COVID , Brexit, Post Office Postmasters, Grenfell Towers Fire, NHS being rundown ( until it collapses) I said all this was going to happen if people kept on voting for them .  My only saving grace :- I've NEVER voted for them my whole life.....!!! And glad of it too...
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      · 4 months ago
      @Rainbow Do you really feel this is going to change anything. No one is going to jail for what the post office did to post masters. 
      We were forced to take the AstraZeneca vaccine, now I have Sarcoidosis. Internationally they can be held liable. But here. I can put in for up to £120000 once off payment. But AstraZeneca has a blanket indemnity from the government. If I do get anything I loose disabled esa benefits. In three years I might be cured or dead. So what is the point of continuing. No one gets held liable for their FUs in the U.K. no one is held liable for their abuse of the disabled. 
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    · 4 months ago
    i hate the tories after almost 6 years being sober from alcohol i am really really worried about this esa to uc i hate UC :( i am worried i end up drinking again :( 
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      · 2 months ago
      @guy Please be safe and turn to the lovely people in AA for support before you feel the need, you would help others too. Respect for maintaining your sobriety, it's not easy but very precious. Stay safe, don't let them make you relapse. 
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      · 4 months ago
      @G Try Welfare Rights 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Cathy What online forum please? I am housebound and alone, I cannot go to the CAB for help. They never answer phone or email either.
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      · 4 months ago
      You are stronger than you know my friend. Congratulations on your sobriety, it's a long hard road and you should be proud of yourself. Never forget how far you've come.
      When the time comes seek in person help from CAB, you don't have to go through the migration alone. There's also the forum for online help.
      I believe in you.
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    · 4 months ago
    “A new Move to UC communications campaign launched in March 2024 ..."

    I haven't seen a single thing!!!

    Also, I'm IB-ESA in Support Group. I hadn't been directly assessed since 2012 (always done at the office/paper based). Then last July (2023) I suddenly got the letter saying time to renew - they actually sent me new claim forms, rather than renewal forms! 

    After a few issues, major stress and an investigation by CHDA which states I should never be assessed(!), I finally got my ESA renewed (no assessment)... but what was the point if they are just going to start moving us at the end of the year? Surely it would have been easier to just move me over now, rather than making me go through all the stress again in a few months?
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      · 4 months ago
      @Ross I get mine Ib-esa via paper based the past 15 years or so, after going to f2f assessments 5times before that. 
      I got a reassessment start of this year. Again Paper based. 
      So I've no idea where UC would leave us. But far as I see initially we don't be reassessed upon migrating.
      Further down the line,I've no idea how far I'm sure we will,whether it's paper based, f2f,phone etc remains to be seen. Will they continue in the same vein and PB us ? I sure hope so. I detest the idea of UC. I mean  find the entire thing sickening. Hope you ,I and others will get peace of mind at some point.
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    · 4 months ago
    Sorry, missed something in my comment below.  I looked at the Government website for the move from ESA to UC.  It is still saying on there anyone on ESA or ESA with housing benefit will not be asked to move until a later date.  Has this just not been updated now?  It is all so confusing.
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      · 4 months ago
      @axab43 I'd be very surprised if any esa or esa+h.b were migrated before 2025.
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      · 4 months ago
      @axab43 Transitional protection is a way to keep us quiet so we don't fight their proposals, while it doesn't help disabled people of the future who weren't yet born or are too young to respond to consultations. 
      Similarly if one assessor decides you're not entitled and the next assessor decides you are, you probably lose the protection.
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      · 4 months ago
      @axab43 Transitional means temporary only!
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      · 4 months ago
      @axab43 The "transitional" protection is only temporary, if existing at all !!
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      · 4 months ago
      @The dogmother. We will all be worse off. The clue: the Tories want to save (steal!) £5 billion every year from that!
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    · 4 months ago
    I might have asked this before but am still unsure as to the answer.

    I haven't had an assessment since 2021.  I am currently in the Support Group for ESA.  Does transfer to UC from ESA mean an assessment or just transfer through paperwork?  How does it happen as I am currently housebound and struggle to go outside my own house.
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    · 4 months ago
    This is either a clinically precise plan or another IT firm has just sold the government another few billion pounds worth of unicorn sh*te
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      · 4 months ago
      @Desdamona I guess Infosys bought the DWP just like they "bought" the NHS !
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    · 4 months ago
    I'm rapidly approaching the point at which I will be able to put in my claim for the State Pension.

    So to be honest, I and others like me ought to be left alone to transition from ESA to State Pension without any other nonsense getting in the way.

    Is it remotely possible that the DWP will leave people like me alone?
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      · 4 months ago
      @Simon when fully retired you will no doubt have zero interaction unless they stopped paying your SP.Bet your be glad like many others to see the back of them. I'm so envious.
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    · 4 months ago
    I get £276 + a fortnight on esa on  ucI will be will only get 390 a month  How can thus be right
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      · 2 months ago
      @Julie Their saying this will be topped up but only for a year...from what i can make out. I'm not going to be able to afford to live where I live ,once my child turns 18 regardless of his disability and my own ...

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      · 3 months ago
      @axab43 Until inflation eats at it. I calculated at 2.5% inflation. Your money from uc stays essentially the same for 8+ years while all your bills go up. Only after that 8 years will your uc award go up with upratings every April. No one talks about this and I can’t understand why 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Julie You get extra for having a disability limited capacity for work/work related activity(support group) £416.19 Google universal credit elements it breaks it all down for you 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Julie The Government says you will be on transitional protection, the amount you get now will be protected.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Julie Will you not get transitional protection?
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    · 4 months ago
    Do Benefits & Work plan to update your UC Migration document to cover the new timescales etc ?
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    · 5 months ago
    @Anon, that's Income-related Employment Support Allowance with Child Tax credits, as per original schedule. ESA and ESA with HB tbc. Look at the government Move to Universal Credit site.
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      · 4 months ago
      @ Bob Until the DWP sort out all the backlog of errors they made in past they should not be bringing in any new initiatives 
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      · 4 months ago
      @ Bob @Bob  do you mean that people on income related ESA who are in the support group  are going to be left until last to be migrated to UC? Will it make a difference if you are also getting Housing Benefits.  panic has set in here
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      · 4 months ago
      @Sara Is this where they are starting first ESA with child tax credits or will anyone not be safe . 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Sara Ben told that groups will be split into four leaving those who have extra IE. I support group till last but nothing has been confirmed yet. It's stressful thinking about it though. They are trying to rush everything through.   Probably will know something by June/july
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      · 4 months ago
      @Sara Thank you for making that clear Sara. I at least have some idea of the order of ESA to UC migration having read your post
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