There are not yet any signs that the DWP intend to postpone the forced migration of income-related employment and support allowance (irESA) claimants to universal credit (UC), due to start this month.

The migration of ESA claimants had been pushed back to 2028 by the Conservatives, but in April of this year the DWP announced that the move would begin in September 2024, with all affected claimants being sent a migration notice by December 2025.

There had been hopes that an incoming Labour government might delay the move again, given the fears raised by organisations such as Citizens Advice that  irESA claimants are a “potentially highly vulnerable group” and that it is essential that better safeguards are put in place before migration begins.

Yet all the signs are that Labour is not listening, possibly more interested in the potential £5 billion to be saved by moving claimants sooner rather than later.

The September edition of Touchbase, the DWP’s newsletter, reveals that the department considers that the “correct level of support is in place to safely move customers over to UC”.  The article claims that:

“In some instances DWP has either delayed the issue of a Migration Notice, or cancelled the Migration Notice until any needed support was in place. DWP is now ready to notify (and in some cases re-notify) households receiving tax credits that need to safely move to Universal Credit before tax credits close in April 2025.”     

Whilst this item refers to tax credit claimants, there seems a strong possibility that the DWP will argue that similar support is now in place for ESA claimants as well.

In addition, the DWP updated its “Move to Universal Credit if you get a Migration Notice letter” page on 30 August to include confirmation that “claimants who are moving to Universal Credit from Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) without a break do not need to provide fit notes if they meet the listed criteria.”

The page itself explains that:

If you have been receiving Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), you will not need to provide medical evidence such as fit notes, or have a Work Capability Assessment (WCA) if all of the following apply:

  • you move from ESA to Universal Credit without a break
  • you have already completed a WCA
  • you were in the ‘support group’ or ‘work-related activity’ group in ESA when you made your claim to Universal Credit

You may need to have another assessment if your WCA is due for a review or your condition changes.

If you were providing medical evidence on ESA before you moved, you will still need to provide medical evidence on Universal Credit until you get a WCA decision.

 So, at this stage, everything points to the DWP sticking to its schedule for moving ESA claimants onto UC.  However, we have not yet heard from any readers in receipt of ESA that they have received a migration notice.  Please let us know if you do.

UPDATE  06.09.24

We have now heard from a number of readers receiving irESA who have been sent their migration notice.  However, these are likely to be claimants who are in receipt of child tax credit as well as irESA.  For these claimants the migration date is from July 2024 onwards, whereas for irESA only (or with housing benefit) claimants, the move date is still "From Autumn 2024 (TBC)" according to the UC Move government website.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    End of jan 2025 and I still haven't received a migration notice. called ESA and they didn't know how to find out anything and told me to call universal credit. called them and they didn't know and told me ESA might. It is very scary. And to just say it'll be five weeks but its ok we'll carry on your payments for 2 weeks is laughable. How to I get any electric or gas for the other 3 weeks? Do i sit in the dark and cold? I voted Labour for the first time ever  because of UC worries and lack of caring by the elite. Turns out Labour don't care either. I thought they hated UC. Not anymore it seems. How are people to go for even 3 weeks without heating, lighting or food? And its only 3 if they follow through with a 2 week run on. 
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    · 4 months ago
    Its horrendous. I migrated and verified me and my child online.yesterday and my advance amount is 500 less than I should get. Within 2 minutes of applying I was sent a job centre appointment to accept commitments despite me being agrophobic and being in support group for 9 years! Where are the reasonable adjustments for disabled people it's inhumane. I've left a journal not and asked can I accept the commitments via video call or telephone. Why do they insist on ill people attending job centres. Whole thing is a farce and needs to be paused before they harm anymore esa support group claimants. There is zero support for us moving over and they are treating us as job seekers. I also see my transitional protection isn't added yet nor is my limited capability which I should have automatically due to being in support group. I also have to pay my rent our the advance which leaves me 500 short. 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Adama Apparently the DWP admin is jumbled & just gets auto triggered, seems to be happening to a lot /all? ese migration claims - but if you message them & ask could they please check that your claim file has had 'LCWRA' added, that should then cancel the Job-centre appointments. 
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    · 5 months ago
    What do they mean by without a break?
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    · 5 months ago
    I migrated over and they have not stuck the the money protection rule and I've dropped from my usual to alot more down I don't know how to go about sorting everything out they fob me off everytime I ring 
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    · 5 months ago
    For those who are worried about proving medical evidence for transfer to UC.  From what I can see, you don't have to.  I did a practise run of the application, to be more familiar with it when the time comes, and you don't have to provide medical evidence.  You do have to provide proof of identity, but that doesn't have to be photo ID.  It can be evidence from your housing authority, if you rent, birth certificate, utility bills, or other things.  I'm just going to send all of the above and over do it rather than not provide enough.  But as this is not an assessment but a transfer to UC, no medical evidence appears to be needed.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 6 months ago
    I receive income related ESA and HB , I can't help but be concerned by all the changes.  We are told of the backlog on all claims and how long it will take to catch-up. Somewhere along the line and can see this getting extremely messy and confusing.  Plus everyone having to apply on line, I struggle with at the best of times, is it possible for the IT system to overload? I do everything on my phone, it's old and now does it's own thing. Its all getting to much far to much.
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    · 6 months ago
    There seems to be a lot of confusion about when ESA  income related with HB will start getting notified. Had letter from my local council in Nottingham which states it will be from Jan 2025  it's very worrying that there are a lot of people who will struggle to make a claim online. Due to either not having access to internet at home or able to go in person to such place like citizens advice. Was told u can make a claim online. But what do u do if u want to provide medical evidence.   There isn't enough support out there to help everyone.  This government don't give a monkeys.   
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 6 months ago
      @Bob Bob, at least your council’s contacted you, & as you know the rules can change at any time.  Unless they’re leaving us all hanging, the gov website still says autumn. 

      They’ve intentionally done this online thing to make it impossible for the most vulnerable to claim.  

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 6 months ago
      @Bob It began in September , you can expect to be asked to apply for UC between now and December 2025
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    · 6 months ago
    Anyone know whats to happen with long term DLA people, will they be transferred to pip and any idea when?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 6 months ago
      @P I believe it will eventually, but they're backlogged with new claims, so it probably won't bother you anytime soon. Once you get the letter you have two weeks to apply.
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    · 6 months ago
    Hard for me to hunt replies but your welcome hope it helps. 

    That's the easiest way to work out your ESA payment if you're struggling to know if your on Contributions or Income Related. 

    If you get a £10 Christmas Bonus paid, then your ESA is Contribution-related. If you don't get paid the Christmas Bonus, then your ESA is income-related. But you can be Contribution related with an Income related top up.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 5 months ago
      @Jas What happens if you get Contribution esa ,plus a top up of income related Esa & Housing Benefit ?
      Will i be asked to migrate & would i be one of the last to be contacted  
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 6 months ago
      @A.Nudder I've numerous lifelong health conditions @A.Nudder I honestly do not mind about the ten pounds. I've given more to charity a great many times. Including birthday money. Always ppl or animals worse off. Thanks.
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      · 6 months ago
      @The Dogmother Better losing a tenner than all your least you've still got the lions share which I'm sure you deserve.
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      · 6 months ago
      @Anon Ok cheers.
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      · 6 months ago
      @A.nudder Not according to the government website, only contributions based ESA should get it. It is paid to people on pip and some other benefits.
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    · 6 months ago
    Haven't really been on here in a few days..not sure how long,I lose track.
    Been reading a lot of your comments. Some are very informative . But can I ask this, I've heard if you have an expired Passport it's useless as photographic ID for Uc,is this true,? Even though it can still be used as voting I.D
    I only ever had mine for ID purposes,as I've never been abroad and I'm not permitted to drive because of health reasons, I was refused a provisional licence years ago,which I wanted for ID only before I got the passport.
    Anyone know for sure? TIA.

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 6 months ago
    Re esa current award letter - isn't that the one dwp issues showing adjusted payments each new tax year? I don't think 'current award letter' means the decision on your claim, just the most recent update on the amount you're getting.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Jas My brother gets the £10 Christmas bonus on ESA, and also the Disability Income Guarantee. Am I correct in thinking he’s receiving contribution based ESA or is it income-related because of the DIG? Thanks in advance. 
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      · 6 months ago
      @Bud I don’t have my original award letter either - my last wca was about 12 years ago too. It does say on the yearly letter I’m in the support group so hopefully that will be ok
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 6 months ago
      @Michael Oh no!  It’s been 12 years, I accidentally shredded the award letter.  Hoped it would be OK, seeing as we get the entitlement letter every year 🤔
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 6 months ago
      @Frances The award letter is the communication you received when you were awarded ESA and which group you are in, support or work-related. I appreciate this may be 5, 6 or 7 years old, since they stopped blanket reviewing everybody, but that still remains your award letter for the renumeration you recieve. 

      The government website states you do NOT need to provide a fit note if the following applies:-

      * you move from ESA to Universal Credit without a break

      *you have already completed a WCA

      *you were in the ‘support group’ or ‘work-related activity’ group in ESA when you made your claim to Universal Credit 

      So in effect, you need to show that you are in the support group or work-related group and/or completed a WCA at some point. You initial award letter shows that information whereas your annual uprating letter only shows the financial changes. I genuinly cannot remember if it refers to what group you are in as I never, ever receive my annual letter!

      If you still feel worried, simply upload both. You can scan them both and upload as one document. They wait for your claim information from ESA anyway, so it will be verified what you currently recieve and which group you are in.

      Just a little advice, during the wait period, you may notice your journal asks you ti upload a fit note. You DO NOT need to do this. If you have provided the award letter or evidence of which esa group you are in, simply q
      Regulation 19 provides that a claimant may be treated as having limited capability for work, or limited capability for work and work-related activity, for the purposes of an award of universal credit, if they were previously entitled to the work-related activity component, or the support component, of old style ESA

      Hope this helps.

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 6 months ago
      @Frances Yes just tells you any new rates and breakdown of payments now. If you get a £10 Christmas bonus then your ESA is contribution related if you don't get the Christmas bonus then your ESA is income-related. Or contribution with a income related top up. Disability Income Guarantee.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 6 months ago
    Baffled as to why they are giving so little information - it’s just adding to the confusion and causing unnecessary stress. 

    As I’ve said on other threads - we have unreliable post so it would be good to have an update with postcodes on the DWP website to at least know when we can expect the letter. 
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      · 6 months ago
      @Old Mother Liz Kendall is going to be grilled in Parliament by MPs during a ministerial questions on 7th October. The topic is proposed welfare reforms.
      If she gives any insightful answers is a different matter but we might get a bit of an idea of her plans.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 6 months ago
    I get Income Related ESA - Support Group.
    I haven't had a migration letter yet, but for some reason today I was sent another copy of the letter that I received back in March informing me of the annual change in the amount I get paid - bit strange...
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 6 months ago
      @wightrider I got one of those 'repeat' notifications back in July and then didn't hear anything from them again (at least so far...).

      Nobody knows exactly what's happening, and as usual the DWP are choosing to keep those of us at the sharp end of it uninformed. A few months ago the timetable was for those on irESA *with Housing Benefit* to migrate before those on irESA *without* HB (I'm irESA Support Group, but no HB as another member of the household pays the rent), but now they seem to have shifted the goalposts on that, too.
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    · 6 months ago
    I am on housing benefit and pension credit.  The merger of the two to "housing credit" was not supposed to take place until 2028/29.  I heard on the news today that housing benefit/pension credit merger will also be brought forward.  Wonder how it will happen, will us penioners on pension credit get migration letters?  Yes I agree P it is all confusing and worrying.
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      · 6 months ago
      Thank you Jace, forgot to explain properly.  Am in a council flat, so do no get Local Housing Allowance. Get housing benefit from local authority.  Well I think that's where it comes from, not sure.  It seems to be automatic.  Can't even remember how I got it in the first place.  I probably went to the local town hall and they sorted it out for me.
      That's an idea, perhaps I will go one day soon and check with the housing benefit section at the town hall, wherever that it these day.  The council closes one door opens another.  No wonder some of us are in such a muddle.
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      · 6 months ago
      @lesley Lesley, will be left alone as someone of pension age cannot legally apply for Universal Credit so your current payments will continue through Local Housing Allowance and DWP so no future change hope it helps.
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    · 6 months ago
    Hi, does anyone know what is happening with people on long term ESA (CB) and dla only?  Will they be transferred over to UC as well?  It's all very confusing and worrying.
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      · 6 months ago
      @Jas Thanks Jas,  do you know anything about what's happening about long term DLA people.  Will I be moved over to pip, and if so when will this be?  
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      · 6 months ago
      @Jas Jas, thank you so much for taking the time to explain this and sadly, as mine is income related, i will be moving to universal credit 🥹🥲🫣
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      · 6 months ago
      @P. That remains outside of Universal Credit only anything income related is moving to UC if that's all you have then you will stay as you are. 
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      · 6 months ago
      @HRH You are on the newest version of ESA already and if you are on Contributions based have paid National Insurance contribution UC remains outside of UC but if part of it is income only related then that's what is moving. You will be fine. No change.
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      · 6 months ago
      @P. i read on the move to universal credit website that if uou claim new style employment support allowance (C) you will not be asked to move to universal credit BUT i dont know what they mean by nw style as different websites claim it started in 2017 or 19 or 2023
      please help
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    · 6 months ago
    Received my ESA migration letter 8th August. I'm on irESA support group. 

    Opened it, read the subject and the date and had to put it away again. It makes me feel sick. 
    Having lost pip before and having to go through to pre tribunal to get it back, my confidence in the system is next to none. ☹️

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      · 5 months ago
      @Michael Thanks for your help 
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      · 5 months ago
      @John I was on irESA and I got my migration notice in July. I did also claim child tax credits so I think this is why I was in the group to migrate, do yoy get child tax also? I made the change 4 weeks ago and it's been very frightening. My first payment is in one week. All I can say is, they pressure for fit notes. Do not give them one. You have lcwra to protect you so ignore their request as giving them a fit note could trigger a new assessment. I simply sent them a message on the online portal telling them I am in the support group of esa therefore I won't provide a fit note as im not required to. This was asked of me for a week but then ESA confirmed my support group status and my uc claim was updated to "you don't have work commitments" 
      It is worrying and the 5 weeks draws on and on... but there is an end in sight so try not to worry.... best to take the plunge now instead of worrying and staying put on esa for the next 3 months. 😀 
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      · 6 months ago
      @Michael if i need another letter stating my award i can ask for that from esa people?
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      · 6 months ago
      @wibblum The thread is referring to migration, not a 'new claim' (although in effect it is)

      People migrating on LWCRA do not need to show further evidence.
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      · 6 months ago
      @Aw I believe I have a right to respond to this accusation so hope the moderator does not remove my comment.

      I take offence at been accused of "working for the DWP" - I was simply giving you ACCURATE advice.

      Everybody has access to the Internet now. Please don't use that old chestnut. 

      Thety accept a debit card as ID, so yes, everybody has one of those.

      You are wrong, you DO NOT have an initiall interview. You are being completely insincere and giving out unnecessarily worrying information which is incorrect. YOU are intentionally creating anxiety to others by doing this. It is all done online.. All you need is your ID, a copy of your award letters, and to be able to answer basic questions. The very reason they do this is to actually show sensitivity towards those that struggle with communication. 

      It is your behaviour that is shocking and unnecessary when all I'm trying to do is give out accurate advice so people feel less worried.
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    · 6 months ago
    So we have some people who have had migration letters this week? If that's the case, the theory that IR ESA would be the last to migrate, with it most likely being from next year is debunked. DWP really aren't keen to give an info on this, are they!
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    · 6 months ago
    I  am on ESA  but contributory based      Are they  going to migrate us eventually  and will we get means tested  if they  do ? 
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    · 6 months ago
    One of the drawbacks of being on UC is that you would have to keep checking what they call "your journal", as those work coaches would keep interacting with you via this, even if you're in LCWRA or support group. In addition, as soon as the recommended review time for reassessment is reached they would ask you to bring fit notes and at the same time look for work and all the paraphernalia that goes along with.  While when on ESA, you're safe from jobcentres and their ferocious so-called work coaches, and reassessment review time would only come from the DWP and not a so-called work coach incentivised to monitor you. 
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      · 6 months ago
      @mrfibro No, he hasn't been lucky. They won't contact you if you are on LWCA because they don't need to. That applies for everybody.

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      · 6 months ago
      @C And in theory everyone with LCWRA should be left alone under UC unless they have a change of circumstances or DWP requirements or other issues then it should be quiet.
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      · 6 months ago
      @C Most people, if not everyone now on the ESA Support group, have the LCWRA on their files. In 2018, they assessed everyone again and added the. This meets the Criteria as they have a Limited Capability for Work Related Activity (LCWRA), which was meant on the green paper back then under Damien Green. Nobody in the support group would be pointlessly assessed again.

      The breakdown comes from ESA and UC talking to each other Left hand and Right and poorly trained staff that think they know better. Was you ever on ESA or just a UC claim.
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      · 6 months ago
      @Michael And that right there is the problem. People like you who have no understanding of how an apparent simple task can be a HUGE burden on someone who is ill, particularly mentally ill. I can't just "log in once a month" without obsessing about worrying about accidentally missing a message, getting sanctioned, having sleepless nights for days or weeks before the task is due, having a panic attack during the process, vomiting/fainted from the trauma of having to deal with the existential fear of engaging with an organisation and a process that with one small error or a vindictive or ignorant work coach can threaten my very existence.

      There's a reason why people in the support group have to left alone.
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      · 6 months ago
      @Michael Let’s hope this is the case for us all Michael.  I was thinking maybe it depends on how much of a bastard your work coach is.  Sorry folks, I really don’t mean to put a damper on things, but I think we’ve all spoken to that person out of Bread at one time or another. 
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    · 6 months ago

    Regardless of you haven't had an assessment for years your status moves across, yes you will get messages telling you you need fit notes ignore them. Until ESA confirms your status with UC quote Regulation 19 and write on your journal currently in LCW or LCWRA and wait it takes time.

    Regulation 19 provides that a claimant may be treated as having limited capability for work, or limited capability for work and work-related activity, for the purposes of an award of universal credit, if they were previously entitled to the work-related activity component, or the support component, of old style ESA.

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