Figures released by DWP disability minister Stephen Timms show that claimants who have a face-to-face work capability assessment (WCA) are least likely to be considered to have limited capability for work-related activity (LCWRA) by the assessor.

The figures for 2024 demonstrate that telephone WCAs are still by far the most common, something that has been the case ever since the covid pandemic.

  • 495,500  (69%) of WCAs are telephone.   
  • 89,900  (13%) of WCAs are paper.    
  • 73,600  (10%) of WCAs are face-to-face. 
  • 56,400  (8%) of WCAs are video.    

It is notable that video assessments are now almost as numerous as face-to-face assessments and may well overtake them before long.

In terms of outcomes, paper-based assessments have by far the highest proportion of LCWRA recommendations at 99%.  However, only those most clearly and severely impacted by their condition will have paper-based assessment.

At the other end of the scale, face-to-face assessments end in just over half, 53% of claimants being assessed as having LCWRA.  This compares to 63% for video assessments and 61% for telephone assessments.





















It may not be the case that face-to-face assessments are harsher in themselves. Instead, it may be that the types of condition that the DWP select for a face-to-face assessment are the less severe ones.

And it should also be noted that it is a decision maker, rather than the assessor who makes the final decision on what group a claimant is put in.  Though in the vast majority of cases the decision maker accepts the assessor’s recommendation.

Nonetheless, the statistics are worth bearing in mind if you are considering asking the DWP to change your assessment type as a reasonable adjustment.

You can read the full statement from Stephen Timms here.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 14 hours ago
    its disgraceful. aboloshing the the LCWRA or ESA support group will leave us all  in those groups £5000 a year worse and if they are tightening the PIP eligibilty i could potentially personally lose another £6000 a year so a total of £11000 a year i will be worse off potentially (standard mobility high care for myself). what are we supposed to do?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 hours ago
      @aunt dossy Well don't worry you won't be alone I get ESA contribution based but PIP mobility part only so I could be looking at maybe 3k a year if I am lucky unless I lose enhanced mobility and ESA and then I get just over 1k my council tax is more than that.
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    · 15 hours ago
    I hope the Labour government get wiped out at the next election. Millionaire politicians taking money from the poorest and most vulnerable men, women and children in Britain. Any Labour and opposition MP's with a conscious need to stop this. This in itself will cause poverty add to mental and physical health conditions and ultimately cause unnecessary deaths.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 12 hours ago
      @CJA 1 Labour have a huge majority 
      2 we have first past the post electoral system
      3 the right is split between Conservatives and Reform
      4 The next election will see even greater voter apathy.
      5 Labour will either win, or be the biggest party. You may wish Angela Rayner to succeed Starmer.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 20 hours ago
    If you look at the proposed cuts, abolishing LWRCA rate, making PIP harder to get and potentially adding work conditionality to PIP for under 30s, Labour are going to be enacting far harsher cuts than the Tory-LibDem coalition ever did. Disgusting.

    And all about “getting people back into work” well if you use PIP for workplace assistance and staying in work, you’re screwed. 
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    · 21 hours ago

    £6 billion cuts

    Freezing PIP

    Making PIP much harder to get

     Abolishing the LWRCA rate 
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    · 1 days ago
    Thank god another couple of months time, and i'll be out of this toxic circle of jumping through hoops.  I never ever thought that i'd wish my life away so badly, just to escape from this madness, and now liebour to top it all.

    The only pressure on me will be to keep my 10 year PIP awards going, that's not unless liebour pulls a massive stroke on us all.

    Oh forgot to mention, I will be claiming HB, and also Pension Credit, but they're not an issue, bnot yet any road.

    Good luck to everyone, we will certainly be needing it.
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      · 12 hours ago
      @MrFibro Good luck to you too mrfibro don't leave the forum when you get your pension. your posts are very helpful and informative. As for pip i too hope we're left alone, although you arent so bad you could claim AA. 
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    · 1 days ago

    Just read this on itv news. So if you are disabled and can’t physically work you will be punished. Absolutely atrocious 
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    · 1 days ago
    Some of you may seen this on itv - PIP to be frozen from 2026, very strict eligibility rules (especially for those under 30), even those with the most severe disabilities who are NOT in employment will have conditionality etc. Unable to paste the link bit I'm sure someone will be able to.

    Effectively we're going back to pre-1992.
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    · 1 days ago

    ‘Don’t punish the vulnerable’: Labour MPs uneasy over planned welfare cuts."

    "Labour MPs told the Guardian there were deep concerns within the parliamentary party that the changes would take money from the poorest, which was not what they had entered government to do."

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 14 hours ago
      @Scorpion trouble is starmer has such a massive majority he will threaten the whip on any rebellion threatening suspension etc. just like he did on the two child benefit cap and WFA.
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    · 1 days ago
    Did anyone see ITV News tonight and the segment about the proposed benefit changes which are coming down the line??
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    I saw something on ITV news about the upcoming welfare reform and it suggested that PIP will be made harder to obtain and UC benefit for sick and disabled will be cut bringing it more in line with UC for job seekers. I think unfortunately this sounds like the plan. But don't shoot the messenger, I don't like it at all and it will make us poorer which what their intention seems to be, so it pushes us into work through desperation. Of course it will push some into work as they will struggle to be able to pay the rent and bills, but what about those that can't, how will they (us) make ends meet?!

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    · 1 days ago
    From ITV "Official Reveal" -

    So people are going to be punished for being ill or disabled. Lovely government we have here.
    The radical package of reforms will see:

    £5bn in savings by making it harder to qualify for Personal Independence Payments - a benefit not linked to work that is meant to help people with the additional costs of their disability.

    Further savings by freezing PIP payments next year, so they do not rise with inflation.

    Raising the basic rate for Universal Credit paid to those searching for work, or in work, while cutting the rate for those who are judged as unfit for work.

    A billion pounds of savings ploughed into a major investment for employment support for those who are looking for a job
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    · 1 days ago
    I can only repeat what I was told by a disability expert at Scope.  I have phoned a few times and they repeatedly said by the time they get around to sorting all this out, a lot of us will be too near retirement to bother about. You will only have to see a work coach if you are not on the LCWRA group on UC and you will be transferred to that group if you are on Support group now.  They can introduce new legislation saying everyone has to engage with work coach but it can take a long time for such legislation to go through and be implemented.  We need to avoid making speculations and scaring people into worrying about work coaches when we don't know what is going to happen or how  long it will take.
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      · 11 hours ago
      @aunt dossy Hopefully the legislation for that will take some time to go through too. And  it will be for new claimants only. Universal Credit assessments are way behind so hopefully we will all be given a pass on cuts for some time yet.  We will see.
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      · 14 hours ago
      @axab43 agreed but its not just about work coaches etc. its about making us substantially poorer with these cuts
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    It's been on ITV news about slashing welfare cutting people who can't work money but giving people extra money to look for work this is as bad as it gets 
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    · 1 days ago
    just breaking as the headline news on ITV tonight

    apparently £6 billion of savings , £5 billion of which to make pip harder to qualify for and people on out of work benefits required to look for work to get more money and people on out of work benefits not required to look for work  will lose money.

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    · 1 days ago
    Just seen this article published by one of the media. I am sick and tired over the last 12 years of successive governments targetting people like the sick and disabled . what have we done to deserve this type of treatment. I am in my mid 50's have spinal stenosis and other physical and mental health ailments as well as being autistic. No access to mental health or any community services. It is so sad and see for the government to treat vulnerable people like ourselves and being blamed for the choices that they choose to make. I ask everyone to write to their Local MP or seek legal aid advice and canvass any disability charities that will help us all  to challenge if these proposals are actually being proposed. Yes the benefits system needs changing. A compassionate non judgemental service that is shaped by a combination of both disabled service users, charities. I hope with all my heart that people stand up to the Government to force them to rethink their plans. Im scared I would love to work but to be financially punished for being too ill to work for all of us unable to do so is comprehensively morally wrong. 
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    · 1 days ago
    Does anyone know if the green paper has on it about universal credit and pip merging?
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    · 1 days ago
    It sounds like Labour are rehashing the Tories' "Work Well" which gives those on LCWRA the choice of having tailored support either into training or into work. If it's voluntary then I don't have an issue but I wouldn't trust this government as far as I trusted the Tories.
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    · 1 days ago
    You get better treatment from this government if your doing a life sentence in jail than having a disability or suffering with health and/or mental health conditions.
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      · 1 days ago
      @CJA @CJA Always said it, plus your "evidence " would stand up in your defence  whereas our "Medical evidence " doesn't.
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    · 2 days ago
    The plans will see 1,000 existing Work Coaches deployed in 2025/26 to deliver intensive voluntary support to around 65,000 sick and disabled people - helping them to break down barriers to opportunity, drive growth and unlock the benefits of work.

    This intensive support for people on health-related benefits – including those furthest away from work – will see Work Coaches

    Looks like they are trying to coerce those in LCWRA to see a Work Coach
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      · 1 days ago
      @Harry I'm just wondering if employers are going to swallow all of this liebours codswallop up.

      I mean c'mon whose gonna employ the vast majority of disabled / sick people in the UK.  Were a liability.  Whose going to cough up the billions it will cost to sort out employees places of work to suit their disabilities etc.

      Just a load of knackers all to save a few bob, to spend on you know who, and where.
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      · 1 days ago
      @Harry I think what Liz Kendall keeps calling historical reforms revolve around LCWRA and PIP. Time will tell.
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      · 1 days ago
      @Harry I suspect there will be compulsion to see a work coach and conditionality attached for any out of work benefits, even for those who normally might be deemed too ill to work. It will play well with the able-bodied.
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