The DWP has now denied its own claims that it plans to automate the sanctions process and to allow work coaches to apply sanctions.

A government briefing paper shared by Torsten Bell claimed that:

“Changes to Universal Credit will include . . . Strengthening the application of the Universal Credit sanctions regime. This includes additional training for Jobcentre Work Coaches to ensure they are applying sanctions effectively, including for claimants who do not look for or take up employment, and automating administrative elements of the sanctions process, including sending automated messages to claimants who fail to meet their Work Coach and take active steps to move into work or increase their earnings.”

The news was greeted with dismay by the PCS union, which represents DWP staff, who argued that it represented a “massive attack on claimants” and “a ‘computer says no culture”.

However, the DWP now claim that the only part of the process that will be automated is the sending out of a referral form to claimants who miss a mandatory appointment and that work coaches will not apply sanctions.

Guy Opperman, minister of state for employment at the DWP, was asked by Labour MP Jonathan Ashworth what his Department's training for Work Coaches on sanctions would entail. In a written statement at the end of March he replied that:

“There are no plans to automate either decision making or the application of the sanctions regime which will continue to be undertaken by Work Coaches and Decision Makers. However, we are automating the creation of the referral form for claimants who miss mandatory appointments. The referral form will then be reviewed by the Work Coach and submitted to the Decision Maker to take the ultimate decision, in the normal way.

 “The department is committed to the continuous upskilling of all Work Coaches to ensure a consistent application of sanctions policy and protection of claimants. As with all changes to process that are undertaken, Work Coaches will be provided with guidance and support as required.”

Benefits and Work will keep readers informed about the reality of what is actually happening with sanctions as the truth unfolds over the coming months.


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    · 1 years ago
    I have a telephone interview with a work coach tomorrow.The message says if I don’t attend I will be sanctioned. I will answer the call,but the continual threats does affect my mental health.Every email I receive from the DWP I get the same threats.
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    · 1 years ago
    The news was greeted with dismay by the PCS union, which represents DWP staff, who argued that it represented a “massive attack on claimants” and “a ‘computer says no culture”.

    Because they fear it will put them in the position of the UC claimant and they may fall foul of their own rules once their job is done by a Bot! Please do not try to convince us that DWP staff give even a tiny hint of a flying one about attacking claimants.
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    · 1 years ago
    Really? They are going to use it for our “common good”
    Surprise surprise!
    I am no expert on technology but I learn of new technologies every day
    Such as GPt3 
    and Gpt-4
    and I don’t even use a smart phone still using a 2G mobile.
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      · 1 years ago
      @lesley My granddaughter was sanctioned for 3 months for failing to attend due to mental health issues , her GP gave her a sick note and we put in a mandatory reconsideration which we never heard about , all she was given was her rent nothing at all to pay bills or buy food etc , we get family had to pay - again money saving tactics from DWP 
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