Many Benefits and Work readers know only too well the misery of spending day after day trying to get through to the DWP on the phone without success. 

There’s more than enough evidence of this in the hundreds of comments below our articles on the subject:

Which DWP number are you struggling to get through on?

0800 121 4433 PIP Enquiry Line

Earlier this month, one of our members contacted us in despair at her inability to communicate with the DWP . 

Jane, (not her real name) a full-time carer had moved house and had tried for three solid months to phone the PIP enquiry line in order to inform them of their change of address.  As she put it, this was something DWP letters told them they must not fail to do ‘on pain of imprisonment’.

Jane made numerous attempts to get through on different days and at different times but without success.  She kept a record of all these attempts. She then sent a registered letter but received no response.

Jane was very concerned not only that she might be accused of failing to declare a change of circumstances, but also that any DWP mail sent to her old address would not be forwarded and their claim might be stopped.

We suggested to Jane that she contact her MP, pointing out just how unfair and distressing such treatment is and would they please contact the DWP themselves as Jane was unable to.

We are quite certain that MPs have their own hotline for the DWP and we know that contacts from MPs are generally treated seriously by the department.

Jane’s MP’s constituency office responded the same day, issuing her with a case number.

A week later, we got an email from Jane saying:

“I’m in shock ! The DWP complaints team have just got back to me and it’s all sorted now. I can’t tell you what a relief that is. I know there’s millions of people struggling with the system at the moment so I really appreciate this, and thank you for the suggestion. Good luck with your work, it’s so necessary.”

It really shouldn’t be so difficult to contact the DWP, especially when you there is a legal requirement for you to do so.

So, we’re suggesting that members consider following Jane’s example.  Keep records of your attempts to contact the DWP and, after you’ve made reasonable attempts to do so, ask your MP’s office to do it for you.

We know that most constituency offices are very busy places and that they deal with a  vast range of problems on behalf of people who are often close to despair.

But we think that the growing impossibility of contacting the DWP not only causes enormous stress and fear, but almost certainly leads to some people losing their benefits and possibly being threatened with legal action.

It’s not an issue that is the subject of campaigns by national charities and the DWP can no doubt produce highly dubious statistics showing how quickly most calls are answered.

So, it really is time that MPs were made aware of how big a problem this has become and that they need to do something about it.

So, if you can’t get through to the DWP, instead of it just being your problem, share it with your MP.

You can find out who your MP is here.

You can then either contact them via the form on the website or Google them to find their constituency office.

We know not all MPs offices will be helpful, so we’d really like to hear from you if you try, or have tried in the past, to get support from your MP in relation to benefits.

Let us know in the comments below.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 hours ago
    I have tried since Tuesday to contact DWP, spend 5 minutes pressing 1, then 2, then 4 then 1 again only to get an engaged dial tone that then cuts you off.  Disgusting.  I'm only trying to change an address for someone.  This service is rubbish and needs to be looked into urgently.
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    · 22 days ago
    Called today! to end my claim ,for income related esa ,for legal private reasons,I waited 26 minutes ,but in the past I've waited longer than that, the automated voice is slightly unnerving, I was shocked I got through before 9am, I recorded what happened on paper,DON'T BOTHER phoning before 8am on the dot, you CAN'T wait to be first in the queue anymore,it cuts you off after a few seconds 
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    · 1 months ago
    Simply can never get through.  This is extremely stressful.
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    · 1 months ago
    I have now been waiting 50 minutes for DWP and have to hang up as cannot cope with the noise of the music. Is there an easier way to contact them ? Email ? Pigeon post ?
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    · 1 months ago
    just emailed my mp i hope she can help as cannot get through to dwp on the phone, with waits of 40 to 90 minutes, makes me ill and have a deadline for a pip assessment. my dwp letter arrived weeks from the printed date on their letter. i have support to fo my assessment forms so need an extension date to get everything ready. i am overwhelmed and absolutely dread these assessments let alone trying to get through or get help. 
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    · 2 months ago
    I tried too get through too DWP all afternoon engaged all that time i think they take it off the hook
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    · 2 months ago
    Hi all I'm so glad it's not just me. I'm terrified that I haven't been able to inform of address change and get into trouble when it is not my fault,  I have literally rang the whole day and the next with no answer to my call.
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    · 4 months ago
    spent a total of 8 hours over the past week trying to get through to Access to Work at DWP.  no one answers at any time of day
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    · 5 months ago
    Tried multiple times on multiple days and am on hold for over an hour before being cut off.
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    · 5 months ago
    I have been on hold an hour and a quarter, called at 4.45, the line closes at 5pm so I'm wondering if it just doesn't boot people off who are waiting and you just sit on hold even though the lines are all closed?
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    · 5 months ago
    Following the General Election on 4 July 2024 this Committee is no longer active. It will become active when it has been reconstituted in the new Parliament.

    We can’t help with individual cases, like problems with your benefits or your pension.

    If you’re having problems with your benefits, a local advice centre such as Citizens Advice may be able to help you. You can use this website to find your local Citizens Advice:

    If you need information and guidance about your pension, you could contact Money Helper who offer free, impartial guidance that's backed by the Government:

    If you have a complaint about a pension scheme provided by your employer or a pension you have set up yourself, the Pensions Ombudsman may be able to investigate:

    With best wishes,

    Work and Pensions Committee team 
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    · 5 months ago
    Here again. 15.10.2024 at 8.05am 3min and line cut after given my details to automated to Telephone: 0800 169 0310 from there on 32 min then cut. Now on my 2nd attempt 16min on hold not cut yet.. I have posted information 20th September with proof of postage but new letter came yesterday demanding same information to be posted yesterday. Obviously I can get up and run (very poorly, can not stay up long enough, live alone)to post office to make copies again stuff they want I already sent. Where has papers lost? Or are they on the pile undone work and they keep sending same thing over and over again?
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    · 5 months ago
    14.10.2024 at 10.55am 49min on hold to Telephone: 0800 169 0310 from there on every 49 min cut off and called back until cut off last 49 min 17.23 and phoned again to be told they close 17.00 hrs but they did not answer for 9 attempts and cut me off all of them after I was on hold that 49min each time. not once got to talk to them.
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    · 5 months ago
    DWP  agent do not pick up. 14th October 2024 I rang 10.55am waited 49min same again 11.44, 12.33, 13.24, 14.14, 15.04hrs each time DWP cuts the call after I waited 49min music and automated thank you for waiting msg.. and i am on hold since 16.00 hrs . 
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    · 5 months ago
    Over and hour no answer this morning. I called bang on 8am… nothing changes. 
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      · 5 months ago
      @Lau 15.10.2024 from 8 am now nearly 10 am keeps cuting me of after 40min . No agent to speak to?
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      · 5 months ago
      @Lau I been waiting and cut off up to now since 10.55 am 6hours coming up and DWP cuts it each time after 49min
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      · 5 months ago
      @Kara I've been on hold for 49 minutes so far
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    · 5 months ago
    I have just recently moved to a new address and I have been calling them the past couple of days just to report a change of address. Now I'm concerned I am going to lose my benefits. The calls have been over an hour and its causing me a great deal of stress.
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    · 6 months ago
    i tried calling esa yesterday. 1 hour and nothing. 22 mins so far :(
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    · 6 months ago
    We have been trying for weeks to get hold of the ESA support line, they keep sending us a request saying the medical certificate we supplied expires on the 12 September 2024 when in fact it is dated until the 6th November 2024. The certificate is just a courtesy along with the medical report for permanent ill health retirement and we have no idea how to proceed without speaking to someone and I have spent over 17 hours on hold on the phone with no one answering.
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    · 7 months ago
    The PIP line automated system is corrupted, doesn't hear or recognise keyboard input, its ridiculous. Then said leave the line but still put me in a queue.
    40 minutes and still waiting, but after reading the reviews considering hanging up.

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