Labour is to revive the hated Tory plan to force banks to carry out surveillance on claimants’ accounts and give the DWP police type power to search premises and seize possessions.

The Tory provisions were contained in the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill, but this failed to be passed into law before the general election and was therefore scrapped.

Now, however, Labour have announced that they are to include what appear to be very similar provisions in a new Fraud, Error and Debt Bill.

According to the DWP, the new law will give the DWP powers to:

  • Better investigate suspected fraud and new powers of search and seizure so DWP can take greater control investigations into criminal gangs defrauding the taxpayer.
  • Allow DWP to recover debts from individuals who can pay money back but have avoided doing so, bringing greater fairness to debt recoveries.
  • Require banks and financial institutions to share data that may show indications of potential benefit overpayments

The Tory bank surveillance provisions would have forced banks to monitor the accounts of all means-tested benefits claimants and report every time an account went over the capital limit or was used abroad for more than four weeks.

In late 2023, it was estimated that almost 9 million claimants would be caught in the Tory surveillance net, including:

  • 8 million universal credit claimants
  • 6 million employment and support allowance claimants
  • 4 million pension credit claimants

That number is likely to have increased by now, especially with the push to get more people to sign-up for pension credit.

Labour’s new bill will also give the DWP the power to search premises and seize evidence, such as documents, laptops and phones.

The Tory Bill contained similar powers.

It would have allowed designated DWP staff to arrest claimants, search premises and seize any evidence they found without needing to use the police. The DWP said this would put them on a par with HMRC and the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA).

In an attempt to reassure claimants, the DWP today claimed that:

“The Bill will also include safeguarding measures to protect vulnerable customers. Staff will be trained to the highest standards on the appropriate use of any new powers, and we will introduce new oversight and reporting mechanisms, to monitor these new powers. DWP will not have access to people’s bank accounts and will not share their personal information with third parties.”

Labour claim that these powers will only be used against criminal gangs.  But, until we see the text of the bill, we will have no way of knowing whether the law will actually prevent the DWP using their new powers against individual claimants if they so choose.

The outline of the new bill was published today by the DWP to coincide with Kier Starmer’s first speech as prime minister to a Labour party conference.

In his speech, Starmer made only a brief reference to the new bill, saying, “If we want to maintain support for the welfare state, then we will legislate to stop benefit fraud and do everything we can to tackle worklessness.”

Back in April of this year the then prime minister, Rishi Sunak, outlined his plan to give the DWP police powers.  He did this whilst setting out his five point plan for welfare reform in a speech at the right-wing think tank, the Centre for Social justice, founded by Iain Duncan-Smith.

Just five months later, Keir Starmer has announced similar measures, this time in a speech to the Labour party conference.

The other four Sunak points were:

  • The WCA to be made harder to pass
  • GPs no longer to issue fit notes
  • Legacy benefits claimants to move to UC sooner and work requirements to be increased
  • PIP no longer always a cash benefit and fewer people to be eligible

We will now have to wait for Labour’s welfare reform white paper to see whether any of the four remaining points will also be adopted as Labour policy.

An outline of the new Fraud, Error and Debt Bill can be found here.


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    Rik · 1 days ago
    It’s been reported by the Liverpool Echo that Labour are considering an immediate reduction in PIP rates. Along with making it means-tested. Worth nothing this article, specifically makes mention of the increase in people claiming PIP for mental health. I still think that’s the group who will be targeted with vouchers.
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      MJ · 14 hours ago
      @Rik Yeah I know that the rhetoric is on mental health, I'm not disagreeing with that,  but your specific point about this group likely to be targeted with vouchers, what type of vouchers are you referring to, what vouchers are possible? 
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      naheegan · 14 hours ago
      @Alva I agree that quality of goods and services will be poor under a voucher system. Like most businesses, businesses who participate will be focused on profit, not customers.
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      Michael · 23 hours ago
      @Rik However, for clarity, it went on to say:-

      "Naturally, any savings from either changes to eligibility or changes to benefit levels would reduce incomes for health-related benefit recipients. People on disability benefits are more likely to be in poverty and material deprivation than working-age adults in general. Making up the shortfall from any cuts could be extremely challenging for some claimants whose condition prevents them from working and this could have implications for their health."

      This is not an option they will pursue in a million years.
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      Michael · 1 days ago
      @Rik They won't reduce pip rates, not a blanket reduction. They may change how you meet those pip rates, but they will never just reduce the amount paid for all.

      I think it will be more about changing the assessment firm rather than mental health specifically. Of course the changes will intrinsically effect that group, but only upon reassessment- in my opinion.
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      The legend 3-16 · 1 days ago
      @MJ Vouchers it’s like when WW2 was on and vouchers will then have problem with you can only but certain foods . I’m diabetic and I must rat a balanced diet , I’ve had 3 major opps on my back that the made worse that was 2010 and has part of my back opp part 2 was operation on my neck to fix 2 discs and a main tendon in my right shoulder that has been detached for  over 12 year … they forgot about me in reality … now I gotta go through everything from start and it’s because if DWP I ended up with severe depression and anxiety it’s since been proved I have ADHD .. I’m 50 and ADHD was not a thing when I was a kid it was simply naughty boy syndrome …. The DWP hounded my sister who had lost her baby sim in he’s first birthday and many years later her 2: year old daughter took he  red own life because she was getting bullied at school and it was reported …. DWP constantly made her go on assessments ( for ESA she was in longtetm sick because all the grief she went throu ) she took her own life on a Thursday because for 6th time DWP had ATOS assessing ppl Ben she had letters of not just he’d gp but 3 different psychiatrists and many members are f mental health groups they have no empathy she took her life in Thursday unknown to us she had a face to face again with stix and my sister had very bad stutter she had since she was a kid a very very baby stutter snd undef oreassure it was bad sj her daughter always had to go with her .. so she missed this appointment because she was in the morgue but on the Monday ( 2 days after her supposed face to face ) they had got a letter out by the Monday telling her they are cutting her £90 a week esa … they ground her down
      But when we asked for an inquest her doctor had over 20 letters SRNY FROM her GP . And other too mental health professionals all srny to atos dnd DWP . Explaining how sensative this case is and for them to not have her having a face to face every 3 month .. over 20 letters sent to various people to which none were ever replyed to and nothing changed the still hounded her until she herself took her own life …. Th hey didn’t take it any further and was no proof if east causexbyy u slm the face ti face appointments. They did not even send a letter or anything in the way of an apology or sympathy message …. Her go and a mental health worker tok it further then ATOS disappeared and in a freedom of info petted I got of s friend at ybf time my sister took her life , Atos already had 19 suicidal cases against them . The woman that interviewed my sister on 2 occasions for atos was herself mortified how my sister was treated and wrote on her form all these face to face interviews is detrimental to her ill health .. no one replied a few c didn’t even open the emails .. it Dj f mater if it’s tories or labour they all looking for more ways to shaft the underdog .. working class ppl who can not work because if no fault of their own know crackheadsnd smackheadys who are in enhanced rate in both because we’re they been injecting themselves in the legs and now have mobility probs … that is not an illness .. the DWP will just keep grinding people like us down ….. I would go to work tomorrow if I didn’t nrrr crutches ti walk with . I worked all my life Uk until I had bad car accident which seriously damaged my spine and left leg they loom at us like Ed nevef have worked … they not even mental ill health doctors so should not be doing assessments
      Good luck to everyone trying to fight these ppl … because like my sisters lisf 2 small children but they still bombed her with face to face and had been warned but they still drive my sister to take her own life she would never put in for PIP she feared she would have tj Dj more face tj face she only got £90 a week and had tj beg for that 
      This country is on its knees take money out bank put intj sticks snd shares account but dint invest it just leave it hid in your account in ur stocks …. Peace out 3-16 
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    Diceman24 · 1 days ago
    Don’t this government realise that some of us disabled people already work 24/7 365 days a year trying to control our severe progressive conditions listen government of us in the bracket you put us already work my rant over thank you for reading 
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    A · 1 days ago
    "People who claim long-term sickness benefits should be made to look for work if they are able to", says Keir Starmer.

    What does mean," if they are able to"? Hasn't the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) already determined that their health condition or disability limits their ability to work?

    Keir Starmer, Rachel Reeves, and Liz Kendall are nothing but a bunch of cruel dishonest.

    Apart from considering replacing cash payments for PIP with vouchers, I think the plan of the Tories with regard to people with long term health conditions and disabled people. was relatively preferable..
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      Jon · 1 days ago
      @A Better the devil 😈 you know possibly
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      MJ · 1 days ago
      @A Exactly, that is so disingenuous and makes no sense at all unless he saying we are all faking it. Which I think is probably what they think with the rhetoric of "worklessness" he uses, which suggests we aren't long term sick/disabled, we are classed as workless!
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    Labour Out · 1 days ago
    You will find a surprising amount of case being taken to Employment Appeal Tribunals for failure to make reasonable adjustments 

    Once it effects big business (who dictate the running of the country) Labour will drop it

    Can anyone explain to me how this related to people claiming PIP who already work? 
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      Jon · 17 hours ago
      @Rik We might have to tighten our belts
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      Rik · 1 days ago
      @Rik I should add, unless the benefit cap is increased at the same time as making PIP means-tested then it will effectively be a massive cut. So means-testing isn't a small thing, it would mean those who do qualify would receive much less money.
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      Rik · 1 days ago
      @Labour Out Well, if PIP does becomes means-tested very few in work will qualify for it. Effectively making it a semi out of work benefit. It would end decades of support for working disabled people that goes back to John Major’s government. And lose Labour any moral high ground they have left.
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      Matt · 1 days ago
      @Labour Out Don't know but be interested to know as I work and claim both standard care and mobility components (due to maternal Rubella infection - before a vaccine became available)
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    Steve · 1 days ago
    I started to read the comments, got so far and saw a common thread in most, just remember ALL politicians lie, some more than others, Labour are just the latest in the long line of liars that sit in parliament with their snouts in the ‘freebies’ trough, they’ll smile to your face and stab you in the back, they couldn't care less about you, the individual, your just a number, all you can do is remind them you exist, you have a voice and there’s plenty of forums and organisations you make lots of noise through. Annoy your MP, get others to annoy theirs, don’t give in which is what they want. Parliament is full of greasy, sleazy self serving individuals who are out for themselves, we just need to remind them they are there to serve not to master. 
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      ClaudetteN · 22 hours ago
      @Steve Thomas Sowell said 

      "No one will really understand politics until they understand that politicians are not trying to solve our problems. They are trying to solve their own problems—of which getting elected and re-elected are number one and number two. Whatever is number three is far behind"

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    Angela · 1 days ago
    Okay I'm sick I vomit and bowels ain't good either get the runs most days.what barriers to work can they help me with oh wait let's see a nappy and a sick bowl.any managers from Asda for example fancy hiring me I don't smell that bad honest 😉
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      MrFibro · 1 days ago
      @Angela Its exactly the same with urinal incontinence.  Will they have showers on site in the workplace, in a secured private area, so that one can take a shower, dry them self, and then get changed into clean dry fresh clothes.  All this alone takes a long time.  And what about washing & drying the wet clothes.  

      And then you get humilated from 8AM - til clocking off pm by the sarky deadhead colleagues, and the employees.  All taking the piss lol.  Imagine that scenario.

      More likely on most days as your setting off to work, your on public transport and oops you've peed yourself, the humilation starts there, so you go home to shower, to get the urine smell of your body.  Now your late for work, humiliated, embarrassed.

      So you phone in sick, the office humiliater for the sick & disabled people takes the call, and says something on the lines well pack extra clothes 2 lots if you have to, and get back here asap.

      By then you give it another go only to become incontinent for a 3rd time as you just got into work.  More pee taking colleagues and office staff &Co.  All slagging you off, coming the wise cracks, oh he should had gone to LIDL and picked up some nappies etc etc lol.

      Its a terrible terrifying physical  condition of having unpredictable + (predictable) urinal incontinence.  Not only having this also causes severe depression, and other severe mental health issues, which are debilitating in the least.

      {I got into the ESA SG because of this condition, and also from other disabilities.}

      No sane, intelligent person would even think about considering to employ a person with such a condition.  And there's tonnes more claimants with other illnesses, which they cannot possibly hold any form of job down at all period.

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    Lill · 1 days ago
    What labour says and does is a different  story they've gone back on a lot of things they think the UK is in for a bumpy ride so are they they maybe the biggest party that means nothing compared to organisations and the amount of people who won't go down with out getting the changes tied up in the high court activists are joining up with people to argue this if the activists win the government have lost their war on disabled people everyone knows governments have failed in the past with demonising the disabled  . 
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    sk · 1 days ago
    his real persona  now in power is appallingly disappointing to say the least.
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      MJ · 1 days ago
      @Steve The 10 year plan, sounds like something from the Soviet Union! And these X amount of year plans rarely got completed, although it was always pretended that they had been thoroughly accomplished, yet it was always evident that they hadn't, corners cut, serious defects everywhere but nobody would admit it.
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      MrFibro · 1 days ago
      @Steve Clowns to the left of me, and jokers to the right.  Shower of muppets the whole lot.
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      Steve · 1 days ago
      @sk No real surprise, he was a Corbyn supporter when it suited, now he’s changed course (and his clothing supplier). All politicians lie, some more than others, he got your vote now clear off. All his ‘plans’ are 10 year, all he’s doing is consolidating his position and planning the next lies for 5 years time. 
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    Tine · 1 days ago
    I really don't care, I am now 71 and have many disabilities and illnesses.  It is all I can do to keep breathing and existing.  I know I don't have a great deal of time left and I just thank God that I have had a fairly decent life.  Let them do their worst.

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    Eloise · 1 days ago
    Where are all these fantastic and suitable roles that employers are absolutely desperate to give to long term sick people,often with little work history or qualifications? Where are they and why aren't they going to people currently looking for work?
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      Alva · 1 days ago
      @Eloise Exactly! I trained for years to do an able bodied job and half killed myself keeping up in training then was told by my supervisor that I wouldn't cope. Yet many more disabilities and surgeries later I am magically employable? I can't even get volunteer work and the last time I did it was with Scope who ironically were paying ablist managers to be nasty to volunteers with brain injuries! 
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      Alva · 1 days ago
      @MrFibro Exactly. The irony is my partner was in a decent job before social services pulled my care ...
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      Alva · 1 days ago
      @Catriona Basically yes. Where I grew up disabled people had almost as good a chance of finding work as anyone else as there were opportunities -but in former industrial areas you are only a third as likely. Can't see myself working in Asda when I cannot even do my own shopping, or training as a teacher when Social Services wouldn't even let my generation keep our own kids. 
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      MrFibro · 1 days ago
      @Eloise Exactly.  How is one going to be able to take their carer into the workplace like every day or night of the week, or weekends ?

      You couldn't make this lot up if you tried.
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      Catriona · 1 days ago
      @Eloise They're are no jobs just want us deemed fit to work so they can cut benefits and pay job seekers allowance which is cheaper or whatever it's called in UC.
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    Un known · 1 days ago
    No body has mentioned esa contribution based support group
    ????? What do they intend to do about that ?????? Let them try working for a change instead of talking about disabled people let them live there life vouchers who wants them ???? Not disabled people 
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      Rik · 1 days ago
      @Un known CB ESA has been discussed many times on this website! It isn’t being touched, and remain as is.
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    CC · 1 days ago
    Keir has already said he believes there should be no automatic exemption  for looking for work, I feel this has been a long time coming, Labour took a very long time to say it, but to me it was very obvious this was their thinking from the moment Liz Kendall got put in her role.  But still lots of people refused to believe it.  In fact Kendall's predecessor even said a couple of winters back he thinks LCWRA should be changed.
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      Jon · 20 hours ago
      @MrFibro I thought reform were more hard line on benefits
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      wibblum · 1 days ago
      @MrFibro Reform? Don't make me laugh.

      From their manifesto: “Reforms to benefit support and training will help people back into work. ... Employment is critical to improving mental health.” and “All job seekers and those fit to work must find employment within 4 months or accept a job after 2 offers. Otherwise, benefits are withdrawn.”

      Farage: “Welfarism, I’m afraid, is making millions of people lazy. ‘I’m too fat, I’m too stupid, I’m too lazy, I don’t want to get out of bed in the morning. I smoke drugs, give me money … I don’t need to work, the state will provide for me’.”

      The only thing Reform would ever willingly do for the disabled is gleefully finish off any of us who are still left alive after Starmer, Reeves and Kendall are done with us.

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      naheegan · 1 days ago
      @CC I thought the same when Kendall's face showed up. It was like Sadie The Goat shouting 'hoist the colours high'. 
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      MrFibro · 1 days ago
      @JJ True.   Starmer was a snide to corbyn.
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      MrFibro · 1 days ago
      @Jon Does Kendall realize how much this mission of hers, will eventually cost the NHS.

      Come 5 yrs time they will be begging for your vote.    The only way to go next time round is vote reform uk, they deserve a go.  All other parties have proved their worthlessness to the nation.
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    JJ · 1 days ago
    What I see is that Alan Milburn's plans are going to be enacted by Labour, basically disabled and "long term sick" are being placed in the "economically inactive" bracket and that they should liaise with their job centre more often rather than being signed off and not having to liaise with their work coach. 

    Will PIP be safe? Draw your own conclusions on that one.
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      Rik · 1 days ago
      @JJ The Mail is running yet another story about how benefit claimants waste money - and running a poll on whether they should be given American style food stamps instead. I reckon PIP will have vouchers for people with dependency issues; this will be a trojan horse. Also, as Labour is copy tory policy, I expect PIP to become much harder to qualify for.
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    Jaxjax · 1 days ago
    So I don't quite know how to write what I want so hope not makes sense.  
    Currently on high rate pip and esa for fybro.  Adhd. EUPD. Asthma. Anyway...
    Few months ago I had a letter from dwp (compliance officer) who said I had a telephone interview that day ! No warning no reason.  

    A lady phoned me and said ... in 2020 you went over your allotted amount by £80 and you have an isa with £15 in it.  She said HMRC flagged it up (some 4yrs late) 
    I explained covid and I supposed everyone's account exceeded their normal as we couldn't go anywhere.  The isa .. well £15 from years back I'd totally forgotten about.  
    I had to send my statements in and she phoned to say no further action. She was looking for regular payments such as wages or maintenance etc. Obvs there wasn't any.  So I beleive they already are watching our accounts.  They already can and do Investigate.  But I had nothing to had and that showed.  Hope that helps someone whose paniking. 
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      Jon · 1 days ago
      @D Don't they knock a pound off your ESA for every 250 pounds you are over the 6 grand
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      lesley · 1 days ago
      That is true Michael, I was always told that they only know what you tell them
      So as you rightly say, someone had most likely reported the unfortunate claimant.
      Although I am sure it will change with this new bill.
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      D · 1 days ago
      @Jaxjax So what did you go 80 pounds over on ? The 6000 limit in your bank account ? 
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      Michael · 1 days ago
      @Jaxjax If it's from a compliance officer that means somebody has reported you. They do NOT investigate things like that, it has to be flagged.

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    Angel · 1 days ago
    What am I going to do I am not well enough physically or mentally. I just don’t see a future for me
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      Catriona · 1 days ago
      @Harry That's a great idea 💡
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      Harry · 1 days ago
      @Angel Hi Angel 
      Irritate them go to your doctor more often and say,sorry doctor, I'm here more often due to the DWP's new policies that is its seriously worsening my medical condition and significantly affecting my health and wellbeing.

      If you have carers under Social Services ask your doctor to have  new reviews from both Social Services and Occupational Therapist (get a copy of both reports especially your new care plan)
      Remember if your care plan has increased care hours most people who may also be paying privately may now have to get help with the new costs etc

      You can then make an official complaint to them all that this would not occur if the DWP had left you alone and its costing taxpayers more by this  Government using the DWP to implement these heinous measures.

      Finally also complain to your MP that by Implementing these horrendous measures its costing the taxpayer much more for the reasons given above and obviously your health is significantly deteriorating because of them.
      Your sole focus is to manage your health/medical conditions 24/7 definately not look for any work related activities
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    brainbiter · 1 days ago
    So we're to have our bank accounts monitored after all, this time authorised by a party founded supposedly to protect the freedoms and rights of ordinary people, including privacy of course since most authorities locate privacy and freedom in property rights and property includes income. Will we ever grow up? How credulous do we have to be to participate in this charade? Yet every election it's the same on this website: tub-thumping declamations of ' x years of Tory misrule' and a weary trip down memory lane for those who spent their best days at 1980s Labour conferences (and 1960s conferences before that), only for the party to prove itself utterly compliant when in power. This is not a 'right-wing' agenda furthermore. It just suits our enemies to paint it this way. Like all centralising manoeuvres aimed at state control, this is of the left. What's more these things are planned decades in advance. Covid acclimatised us to state interference. Thereafter we all knew where it was heading and, now, where it's going to end. Couldn't we just talk about benefits, or the weather, come the next election and leave the politics and the rhetoric at home?
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    Sunny Dayz · 1 days ago
    Does this include all UK banks and financial institutions? If not is there a list? What about money in foreign savings accounts or held in money transfer services (waiting for better exchange rates)
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      naheegan · 14 hours ago
      A white paper isn't yet published, so we really don't know. But I expect that all accounts that banks will be required to surveille  all accounts that have benefit(s) paid in.

      It might be prudent to only have a bank account for benefit pay ins and necessary standing/debit orders and bills that are paid by bank card, with a float left in to cover unexpected contingencies and overdrafts. The rest to be taken out monthly in cash. Not everyone will be able to do this, but for those who can, it might ease the surveillance stress.
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      Rik · 1 days ago
      @John That list is basically every bank who operates in the UK - I assume we can exclude niche private banks! Those 15 banks also have significant operations across the globe. Along with the use of AI software, wouldn't be difficult to find undeclared money.
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      Rik · 1 days ago
      @Steve If you only have money from the DWP going into your account and nothing else, I doubt your account would be flagged. I was thinking more for those who may have sold an item, been given a gift of money, or who are being helped in some way by family. In those instances, even if you're below the allowed levels, it might be prudent to have it in cash. 
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      Steve · 1 days ago
      @Rik And from whose account do you propose getting your cash ?, the DWP ONLY pay into a bank or (BS) account, all payments/withdrawals leave a digital footprint, they just follow the trail…… welcome to ‘1984’…… 
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      John · 1 days ago

      Page 28. Originally it was only the top 15 banks, but we'll have to wait and see I guess.
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    Harry · 1 days ago
    It's quite clear that heinous Labour are going to target severely disabled benefit claimants in the support group.

    Sickness benefit claimants should look for work - PM

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    Doomed · 1 days ago
     well here I am, I was in hospital yesterday in near tears, telling them if they didn't start fixing me, then I'd be pushed to take that deadly step, rarely an hour in the day without pain, hardly a night with proper sleep, not knowing physically from day to day, hour to hour what I can or cannot do physically, fighting mental battles, pdst covering most areas of my life. 30 years struggle trying to get back on my own two feet. cold and wet basically cripples me, past injuries, fibro etc etc. and all I want to do is be benefit free... no help, I can't be around ppl for mar than an hour or so depending on my situation and their attitudes, cant sit, stand lay down for very long without advers repercussions, now I also fighting muslwastage though lack of activity... learning and focus challenges means cant study... many of you know many of you in the same boat... I felt like they dwp, pip etc, were treating me like a criminal before.. but this new wave, new plans is basically saying "You are guilty until we can prove you guilty and if we can't we'll make it up", next will be " you can buy that but you can't buy that, you can shop here but you cant chop there"... its too much... too much
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      Simon · 20 hours ago
      @JJ Kind of you to say.

      I go into panic mode as well, but I know that "what I am is not my fault" and there is only so much I can do on a daily basis to be more productive. If the system decided to push me too hard, I would fold under the pressure.

      Take it one day at a time - that's all we can do.

      As I have said elsewhere, there are good people working in the system, even at the dreaded DWP - so we have allies, even though they may not always seem that way on the surface.

      At the end of the day, I think most of us don't want to be a financial burden and I am open to practical suggestions and realistic systems of support to help me be a little more productive - but at this time, I can't imagine what that support looks like.

      All the best.
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      JJ · 1 days ago
      @Simon Reading your words on this thread have pepped me up, I'm worried legitimately about these "plans" and I'm worried about my brother who is me times 2 on the "severity of disability" frequency.

      I'm not patronizing or backside kissing, legitimately saying that someone who shares clarity and rational conclusions can do the world of good to others reading who are overcome with worry. 

      So thank you.
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      Simon · 1 days ago
      @Doomed I understand your feelings - I have a similar outlook at times and am alone in my struggles mostly. However, the rational part of my mind understands that we often catastrophise. You aren't guilty of anything - nobody signed a contract prior to birth to have to face a world which is hard on us all, especially with disabilities. I read an interesting book recently called Determined by Professor Robert Sapolsky - if you have the mind for it, worth a read, or at least a listen to his talks on YouTube. These ideas have been useful for me, as I carry such a weight of guilt due to my issues and non-participation in the 9-5 working environment. We are what we are basically.

      Also, we don't fully understand the particulars of the bill yet and this will not be immediately implemented, regardless. They will basically push the burden of responsibility on to the banks who will have to report suspicious activity - then, without prior consent from an account holder, the DWP will be able to access account information.

      As long you don't have a wage going into your account or regular large deposits etc. and do not exceed the allowed thresholds, there is no reason for your account to be flagged and inspected. That's my understanding of what they are looking to do going forward.

      "You are guilty until we can prove you guilty and if we can't we'll make it up"

      Trust me, if this were the case and general policy, law firms would be rubbing their hands together, as there would be mounting cases against the DWP and settlements aplenty for harassment of clients.
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    Cheekyfeet · 1 days ago
    I think when they finally start the transfer of old ESA ir Support Group claimants to UC, I think the claims will automatically be changed to WRAG or a fresh claim (and the Support Group abolished) so all claimants will face some sort of work preparation, (apart from end of life claims) this is only way I can see Devil Starmer's long term sick should look for work mantra playing out, I also think the evil Sanctions regime wil stay a part of the benefits system in some way too. All this from pen pushers who have never lived with a serious illness or severe disability in their lives!
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      Harry · 1 days ago
      @Cheekyfeet I agree cheekyfeet and they'll attempt to get rid of Regulation 19 whereby presently you don't have to engage  with Work Coach for work commitments etc 

      Regulation 19((Transactional Protections 2014)
      provides that a claimant may be treated as having limited capability for work, or limited capability for work and work-related activity, for the purposes of an award of universal credit, if they were previously entitled to the work-related activity component, or the support component, of old style ES

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