Labour is leaving millions of claimants in a state of anxiety as it reveals that it is looking at the responses to the Conservative’s green paper on PIP which suggested, amongst other things, the possibility of paying the benefit as vouchers rather than cash.

The Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

The consultation period for the Green Paper ended on 22 July and we know that many of our readers took part and are desperate to know the outcome.

Liberal Democrat peer Baroness Thomas of Winchester tabled a question for the DWP in the House of Lords:

“To ask His Majesty's Government whether they have any plans to change the personal independence payment assessment.”

Yesterday, the answer came from Baroness Sherlock, the DWP minister in the House of Lords:

“We will be engaging with the responses people have made to the previous government's consultation on Personal Independence Payment, which closed on Monday 22 July.

“We want to thank the many people who invested their time in responding.

“We will be considering our own approach to social security in due course.”

The response by Baroness Sherlock makes it seem unlikely that there will be any official statement on PIP changes before the parliamentary summer recess, which lasts from 30 July until 2 September.

However, the House of Commons goes into recess again for the party conference season from 13 September until 6 October.

So, there is a real possibility that PIP claimants will be left without any news for several months.

Written questions by MPs to the secretary of state about the PIP consultation and about WCA changes have yet to receive answers.  We suspect that any responses will simply be stalling ones, but we’ll keep readers posted if we learn anything more.



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    Human rights · 1 months ago
    14 years of institutional abuse and harassment and hate, mind games and the United Nations raptor been involved and the Tory government dragged to New York UN to answer to 2 counts of breaking international law on human rights against the disabled in uk . And this previous government leaving people in to destitute and deaths caused by 14 years of hell. And Mel strides planned Green paper, has been deliberately pushed out , because he knew the Tory’s was going to lose the General Election. To still leave his and the Tory’s mark after they are long gone , just to exstend the pain and suffering and misery and mental health, with a longer timeline into labours rain , and after voting labour. The labour government still keep this evil system of institutionalised disgrimation and pain and determination deterioration the peoples health and well-being ongoing on a jog Off for some holiday recess disgusting behaviour by labour.
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    big willie Williams the 3rd · 1 months ago
    this is a joke only reason laber got back in was people on benefits voting  against the benefits shake up it was hard enough getting on the benefits I have to be told vouchers are coming in to play if am disabled not by choice I should be able to spend my money by choice smh pfffft
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    J fisher · 1 months ago
    That is a stupid idea. My son needs that money to live his life. He is severely disabled, don't know who comes up with these ideas .things are hard enough without making them worse. 
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      Linda c · 18 days ago
      @J fisher And they say we will have to put receipts in to claim money back but where do we get that money from in the first place if they’ve taken PIP away ?
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      mrfibro · 1 months ago
      @J fisher The morons who come up with these ideas, are generally people who have privileged lives, and have never had any hardship or disabilities at all.  They can't seem to out fathom out why disabled people need PIP money.
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    Adie · 1 months ago
    I can't leave my home due to life long chronic ocd!!
    How's food vouchers going to help??
    Its ridiculous the old and the disabled always gets hit hard financially!!
    Like we plan to be disabled or to get old!! Please leave us alone!!
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    Sue · 1 months ago
    My PIP pays for my Carers as I’m disabled.  With this development my anxiety levels are hitting an all time high.  I seriously
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    Gute · 1 months ago
    What does it mean
    Travel voucher 
    Food voucher 
    Gas and electricity voucher 
    Clothes voucher 
    And more bibs and bobs
    I am actually impressed 
    Because it will give more money 
    That way...
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      Ben T · 24 days ago
      @Brian Marriott But how will vouchers pay for gas, electricity, food, internet and rent? Do those with more mental health based issues not still have these outgoings?
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      kim · 26 days ago
      @mrfibro Very, but do you think this government gives a dam I don't

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      Lauren wood · 27 days ago
      @Gute No it would only be for carers disabled appliances or home improvement grants 
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      mrfibro · 1 months ago
      @Brian Marriott How humiliating would that be to shop with vouchers.  
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      Anon · 1 months ago
      @Anon Exactly, and judging by how people are reacting, and then there's all the disability groups and laws protecting disabled people, it would be a sh** storm if they tried to push this forward.
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    Dave · 1 months ago
    Well if that's the case why don't the government get their wages paid in vouchers because the government can commit fraud and get away with it without getting prosecuted. What do they spend their money on so why can't they get paid in vouchers because at least we ain't Commiting fraud like the government do they should be paid in vouchers. 
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    Carl craddock · 1 months ago
    Most likely cost more to pay pay in vouchers than cash.. Can see a black market opening for selling vouchers for less than their face value. Which in the UK the long run would probably save more money than using preapproved stores. 
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      Anon · 25 days ago
      @mrfibro This is going going to cost them millions of pounds to set up, design and everything thing.

      After all that is done, they need to her shops on board and alot of places will refuse to do this or charge higher prices. 

      Along with they would have to do some form of online system to use these. 

      I can see labour getting major back lash from this along with likely human right evolved. 
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      Anon · 25 days ago
      @Carl craddock There was another country who did voucher style scheme at one point and black market did happen.

      My understanding they dropped the system. 

      It's a stupid system and labour just going to get them self more hate from disabled community. 

      They pledge all this help while there is other problems with the system getting any free mental health is w joke. 

      Voucher is just pure embarrassment and i would rather go volunteer out in Ukraine and risk my own life then be given vouchers and be embarrassed to use them. 

      Would at least be treated better then current government who want to just punish disabled. 
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      mrfibro · 1 months ago
      @Carl craddock More likely vouchers will be commissioned by the Royal Mint.

      The cost to design, setup, implement, and maintain such a scheme is going to cost hundreds of millions of pounds.

      Labour is moaning about the Tories spending poke like there's no 2morrow.  But labours only doing the same.
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    Si · 1 months ago
    Scrapping pip is so stupid if you can't use public transport and have to plan a journey to the letter and you have a full time carer.
    The way disabled people are being treated is so wrong in so many ways.
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    Mik · 1 months ago
    My best guess is pip will become means tested, and/ or  taxable. The voucher thing is totally rediculous. I don’t think Motability will be impacted, it’s a real success.
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      cc · 1 months ago
      Vouchers probably wont be happening, its a distraction thats taken all the focus.

      Given what was done with the winter fuel allowance, I think they are probably considering means testing, with a potential adjustment to the assessment process.
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      mrfibro · 1 months ago
      @Mik If it's to be taxable, then PIP rates need to go up.  Junior Doctors 22% pay rise, and there's been some talk about the Junior Doctors are not too happy with that.  Because labour more likely will put up taxes.  Meaning their 22% pay rise will be deflated.

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      Anon · 1 months ago
      @Mik Of course it will,if they take it off people with a meagre 16k in savings and that's nothing these days motorbility will have half the clients they had before,if those people then gad to go out and buy a car,say 10k then they'd be eligible again for pip,what a load of hassle and a load of rubbish ,the time wasted and the trouble trying to get pip back after a reduction in savings, it's unworkable 
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    Margaret · 1 months ago
    Margaret. Cannot understand why the government want to bring in a voucher scheme instead of PIPs. People who cannot walk to far such as myself depend on a car. As I did not qualify for mobility I have to pay for insurance, petrol, servicing, taxing, repairs and m.o.t. cannot see garages accepting vouchers for these items. If I did not have a car I would have to pay for taxis again because I cannot stand for too long again buses won't accept vouchers. Energy firms need to have a voucher scheme in place. Vouchers are a ridiculous idea. I am now getting state pension but because of rise in pension I am paying more in tax than the pay rise. People who have worked all their lives and paid taxes seem to be always at the blunt end of these ideas. Government need to understand everyone's needs are different and would cost more to put on place. This would involve employing extra staff again costing more. Are you really thinking about the implications to your impractical suggestion. MPs need to be given basic money to live on and see how they like it. Cut MPs expenses and you would have a lot of extra money.
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      mrfibro · 1 months ago
      @Margaret Maybe labour going to say, if your on high mobility rate, then you get vouchers.  If not your snookered.
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    PHIL · 1 months ago
    Why not scrap the assessment system and instead means test on each condition the person has and how severe that condition is and simply get a GP report for this. I've applied for ADHD, Autism and Anxiety and depression and Bi Polar 5 times in 6 years and every time I've been turned down for different stupid reasons. 
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      Anon · 25 days ago
      @PHIL Doctors have already come out and told the government they don't have time to do what you have just said.

      They would have to hire a completely specialist team for this and that would just cost them more money. 

      The idea going to cost them more then it saves. 
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      Anonymous · 1 months ago
      @Anon Exactly. I have a rare condition and my money helps me to het the treatments that are not offered in the nhs and see my consultant in London. This is £550 ro see him plus travel for myself and my husband. 
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      Anon2 · 1 months ago
      @Louise Owen Yes and they are told to reject 40% of claims apparently 
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      Louise Owen · 1 months ago
      @Anon PIP doesn't call people up for more assessments - the Assessors do. 
      The Assessors are a totally independent company. 
      They make their money by calling people up and doing assessments. See the problem here? ...
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      Anon · 1 months ago
      @PHIL Not only does this sound incredibly unfair as conditions affect different people in various ways and it's therefore impossible to put a price tag on them, it just wouldn't be cost effective because you would need a larger workforce to make this kind of thing work. Something which I can't imagine DWP spending money on.

      Ironically, reducing the number of assessments and not calling up people who are obviously not going to improve for reassessment would actually save DWP money in terms of manpower and time but we all know they'd never concede to giving out lifetime awards because they'll deem that as letting money walk out of the door.

      I am sorry to hear you've been turned down repeatedly, however. It sounds like you need to appeal. PIP assessments are not decided by your assessor but by some bigwig behind a desk with no medical knowledge ultimately. If you go to tribunal, you'll at least get somebody who will take your medical evidence more seriously. Best of luck.
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    Anan · 1 months ago
    Well,all I can say is they gave just taken payments off pensioners,now you have to be on benefits and 80 th get winter fuel allowance, so I can't see them not following through with completely decimating the pip system, now the question is when? How soon and how we're going to be hit
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      Henry · 1 months ago
      @Anan Not too sure they will decimate it. There's a big backlash going on and not sure they'd want to go that much further for now 
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      S brown · 1 months ago
      @Anan You don't have to be 80 to get the winter fuel allowance.  You just get £100 more if you're that age.   I don't think the voucher scheme will go ahead for PIP - it would be too difficult. Many of us rely on taxis, for example, because we don't drive and can't use public transport.  That's never going to work with vouchers, because there are so many taxi firms across the country.  And how could they work it, anyway?  Only give vouchers for taxis within a certain number of miles?  If not, we could book a holiday halfway across the country and go there by taxi fully paid!  It would be a nightmare.  
      My guess is that it might remain monthly payments but means tested instead.  THat said, is that going to save much money when many on PIP get Universal Credit or ESA anyway?  But how much would it cost to implement a new scheme with vouchers?  Fourteen years on from the announcement of UC, and there's still most of us on ESA who haven't been transferred over.  Any savings a new system might make for the public coffers will probably cost too much money to set up.   The best way to reduce the benefits bill is to get hospital waiting lists down so that those who are "temporarily ill or disabled" are healthy again and no longer need to claim.  
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    Anon · 1 months ago
    Just read a report that includes a quote from Stephen Timms - the Minister of State for Social Security and Disability - who states that the consultation got over 16,000 responses:

    Here's hoping that it's enough to paint a clear enough picture of how devastating these proposals would be if they're implemented. Though Timms also echoed the same sentiment as Baroness Sherlock, he emphasises that the proposals were drawn up by the previous government and that Labour are considering "their own approach":

    "The proposals in this Green Paper were developed by the previous government. We will be considering our own approach to social security in due course.”

    The lack of transparency obviously isn't reassuring for me or most people here but here's hoping that Labour's "own approach" includes staying far away from the idea of changing PIP's cash system. It's worth noting that the consultation was about PIP and its process as a whole, not just about the proposed payment changes so there's probably other things regarding PIP that Labour feel is worth looking into before they go forward with anything. Fingers crossed, everyone.
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      Anon · 25 days ago
      @Elsa Sadly this was never main line news or anything that is why limited number of poeple replied. 
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      Marcus · 1 months ago
      @Mr Ben I too learned about the consultation period TODAY, a few days after it CLOSED.  I get lower rate on both parts, due to autism spectrum.  I am in work (as a teacher) but there have been occasions where I have received gentle warnings (not disciplinaries thank God) due to my appearance.  As a result, I now pay for someone to do cleaning and laundry for me, as domestic duties is something I struggle with as part of the autism.  I don't cook (I actually 'blew up' a kitchen once - long story short a can of condensed milk exploded, covering the place in boiling hot caramel.  No one was injured luckily), as my absent-mindedness (from autism) means I can lose focus on extended tasks.   The college canteen is actually providing me with frozen meals I can microwave at home - but this comes at an increased food cost, but much better quality than supermarket meals.

      I also do drive, but if I have to go anywhere new for an appointment, I NEED to travel the route IN ADVANCE, otherwise I will not allow enough time to find it / get lost along the way.

      How would a vouchers scheme work for me?  I really don't think it could...

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      Mr Ben · 1 months ago
      @Elsa not everyone was notified.. I only heard about this pathetic voucher scheme after the door was close.. I'm probably 1 in several tens of thousands. 

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      Anon · 1 months ago
      @Anon That’ll be a hard scenario for Labour to sell to me. I personally really doubt people who are happy to be fed lies by the media like spoiled piglets would have the enthusiasm to fill out the consultation. It wasn’t exactly something that could be filled out in so many minutes and if not filling it out gets the same result as saying these new proposals are a good idea, why bother? 

      I feel most of these responses will say they hate the idea and adequately explain why. If there were millions upon millions of responses, I could see your point but a number that low? I’m skeptical. 
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      Elsa · 1 months ago
      @Anon Depressing that only 16,000 replied. I replied. We need to be heard.
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    Dickdasterdly · 1 months ago
    They think pip is just for things directly related to a disability.But it gives us the ability to buy Christmas and birthday presents,and when it’s my turn to buy a McDonalds I can and that’s rare usually my family picks up the bill obviously uber I don’t go out.But other than that we aren’t living in the lap of Luxury we or I don’t go on holidays.I basically never leave my house.But this not being able to afford the basics…and in gods honest truth this would make me feel even more suicidal that I do already,I’m already teetering on the edge.My whole family besides me voted labour with the thought they would protect esa pip,and most definitely wouldn’t go after pensioners.My elderly mom works and takes care of me.Since she got to state pension age she still works 25-30 hours a week and her tax has doubled now she doesn’t get the winter fuel payments she relied on absolutely shocking and scandalous.So disappointed by sir starmer prime minister.Please reconsider
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    Lynsey · 1 months ago
    I wish I had the mental capability to deal with any of this, I'm burnt out enough as it is
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      Kerry · 1 months ago
      @Lynsey It's so annoying, they don't realise the stress it puts on people, especially the ones already suffering with panic and anxiety related mental health issues.
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    Anon · 1 months ago
    People here really need to please stop saying Reeves/Kendall have most certainly said this and that about "cutting" welfare without linking a credible source that isn't built on pure speculation (i.e. outlets presenting the voucher scheme as a definite when it's still in the proposal stage and always has been). All you're doing is spreading misinformation and scaring people.

    Announcing a date for a Budget is NOT the same as announcing that they're cutting welfare. That defeats the object of setting a date and working out finances towards it. Labour haven't said a word yet about cutting welfare. Any previous estimates on what would be cut from welfare were presented by the previous Tory government, who are no longer in power.
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      S brown · 1 months ago
      @Anon This is true.  The only comment they have made is about getting people back into work - and they have already said a number of times that the best way to reduce disability or health DWP benefits is by reducing waiting lists for things like hip or knee replacements, and by getting a mental health service that actually functions.  To show how bad it's got, I got counselling on the NHS within 5 weeks in 2011.  In 2022, the waiting list for 18 months.  
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    ElHlis · 1 months ago
    As the government seems to be looking for ways to save money, I believe the council tax bands, which currently go up to H, should be extended, perhaps up to band T. For example, my house is in Band E but is worth £550,000, and there are properties worth millions that are under-taxed.

    Additionally, why doesn't the UK government charge foreign visitors a tax or visa fee, like the US ESTA system? This could generate more revenue and would be a fairer approach than targeting vulnerable people
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      Paul Jones · 1 months ago
      @ElHlis I totally understand your frustration with the councils tax bands I fully agree with you why should someone living in say Mayfair in London in say a £25 Million apartment only be in H band.

      I fully understand that they have paid stamp duty tax.
      I fully understand that they have worked hard for their money.

      But hard working people on lower wages also work hard and may live in a property as yourself say in £500,000 property.

      It doesn’t justify with a £20 billion government black hole cutting back on the lowest paid workers.

      Tax the privileged that can afford to pay a decent portion for their local council tax with higher bands for the Millionaire properties in the UK 

      To reduce the cuts to public services and restore the NHS & police & nurse's and doctors & firemen to their levels before the Conservatives cut the levels when they were in power.

      The government need to address this issue asap rather than taking way the pensioners winter heating payments for those who especially with breathing problems on low pensions who wouldn’t be able to get help from the pension credit due to being just over the threshold say by £100 

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    Brian Marriott · 1 months ago
    Leave pip as it is 
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      julie · 1 months ago
      @Brian Marriott Please leave pip alone people will suffer and poverty is bad enuf without doin this please have a heart and leave it alone people rely on this payment?
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    Lorna Wilson · 1 months ago
    Well, they've raided the pensioners already, as the most vulnerable in society, and less of us vote so we will probably be next!
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      S brown · 1 months ago
      @Lorna Wilson I think there is a big issue with pensioners, though, because many don't know about the benefits that they can claim, whether council tax reductions, housing benefit, or attendance allowance.  And the latter works like PIP - a tricky questionaire intended to trip people up.  AgeUK offer to help people fill the forms in, but most peolpe don't know that, and when they get rejected they just give up and don't appeal or try again.    
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      Welshval · 1 months ago
      @Anon Agree- it's remarkable how both parties seem to find money for wars 
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      Louise Owen · 1 months ago
      @lesley And?
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      lesley · 1 months ago
      Hi Anon, I have always said, "while they are giving the money to me, they have less to spend on nuclear arms".  Know someone who works for Babcocks International, they make the Polaris missile.
      Looks at all the money that is wasted on that. Babcocks got fingers in every pie. They even used to do tree management for schools.  Unbelievable what they are into and us poor benefit claimants terrifed that we are going to have our benefits cut. I agree with you about "a slap in the face". We need more help, not less!

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      Anon · 1 months ago
      @Lorna Wilson To go with what Lesley said, if said pensioners are on benefits and fall under the savings/capital threshold, they're still entitled to Winter Fuel Payments. It's small comfort but it's something at least.

      Personally, I think it's a bit of a slap in the face after Labour pledged to continue sending weapons to Ukraine. "If we don't have the money, we can't sustain it" seems to apply to everything except giving money to other countries!