Labour is leaving millions of claimants in a state of anxiety as it reveals that it is looking at the responses to the Conservative’s green paper on PIP which suggested, amongst other things, the possibility of paying the benefit as vouchers rather than cash.

The Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

The consultation period for the Green Paper ended on 22 July and we know that many of our readers took part and are desperate to know the outcome.

Liberal Democrat peer Baroness Thomas of Winchester tabled a question for the DWP in the House of Lords:

“To ask His Majesty's Government whether they have any plans to change the personal independence payment assessment.”

Yesterday, the answer came from Baroness Sherlock, the DWP minister in the House of Lords:

“We will be engaging with the responses people have made to the previous government's consultation on Personal Independence Payment, which closed on Monday 22 July.

“We want to thank the many people who invested their time in responding.

“We will be considering our own approach to social security in due course.”

The response by Baroness Sherlock makes it seem unlikely that there will be any official statement on PIP changes before the parliamentary summer recess, which lasts from 30 July until 2 September.

However, the House of Commons goes into recess again for the party conference season from 13 September until 6 October.

So, there is a real possibility that PIP claimants will be left without any news for several months.

Written questions by MPs to the secretary of state about the PIP consultation and about WCA changes have yet to receive answers.  We suspect that any responses will simply be stalling ones, but we’ll keep readers posted if we learn anything more.



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    B · 1 months ago
    Let's make life harder for people on pip. Places can accept vouchers but they sony have to which make people on worse off as they don't have to pay for things and have vouchers no one wants to take. It not just affects people on pip but also people who may have to accept them ie small businesses won't stay open for long, taxi drivers won't be able to pay upkeep for their car.
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    Yas · 1 months ago
    How many have use large proportion of their pip to pay basic utility bills & food cos ESA does not cost the basic monthly housing costs, I am one of many who rely on pip to help pay my bills and what left over from pip is used for things to my disability issues 2nd after biasic housing, utility and food bills are paid.
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    Jon · 1 months ago
    This new labour government has no compassion for disabled people and they may as well be called Tories in my book. Thinking on it. How would they like it if they had to go through all these benefit changes. I didn't vote for them or other party's because they are all the same and only think of themselves. Rob from the poor give to the rich, I think universal credit should be scrapped and this voucher idea be thrown in a large Bin.
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      Anon · 25 days ago
      @Jon UC needs fixing, i agree with the voucher idea needs to go in the bin. 
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      Bon · 1 months ago
      @Jon Someone finally talking sense.  I totally agree with everything you have said
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    Lynne · 1 months ago
    If they take pip for vouchers I won't manage, I only have one choice left.
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    Brian Marriott · 1 months ago
    Pip should be left as it is how can u pay for a mobility car with voucher that will never work out 
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      Jon · 16 days ago
      @Terence I used to love those blue disability cars from the 70s and 80s would love to drive and own one who cares if people laugh at you
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      Terence · 1 months ago
      @Brian Marriott They will start producing those light blue disabiliy cars like they did in the 70s an d we will be issued one with our blue badges
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    nordman · 1 months ago
    Please write to your MP and ask he/she to oppose reform of PIP.
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    From Yorkshire · 1 months ago
    What good is vouchers when I have to pay my carers cash. The government need to shake their heads n live in the real world. Giving vouchers costs more more as thay have to be printed send out. 
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    Tony · 1 months ago
    This is all to do to save money 💰 but it's always the poor that suffer 
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    Tan · 1 months ago
    If pip changes payments to vouchers, it's giving people on pip a label letting everyone know that there on pip.
    And it will course a lot of suicides. 
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    Read this dwp · 1 months ago
    Hi if they change pip they should cut mp money to vouchers like use that is fair in my eyes but really they let that happen because everyone in the common with kick off over paid not fair 
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      Liam · 12 days ago
      @Anon Only the big businesses will probably take them. No local small shops, butchers, corner shops etc. An would you be able buy thing's off the internet with a voucher. Only place's like Tesco, Argos etc so they benefit. Would you be able do anything. I have severe epilepsy, anxiety, depression, paranoia. Have tried go back work an thing's went worse with my condition.
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      Anon · 25 days ago
      @Read this dwp If there making people on pip have voucher, every single benefit outside pip should be given vouchers. 

      Personally have bad anxiety about this but as other side this is not going to happen over night. 

      Think there likely going to make small changes to pip. 

      Labour already pissed off every disabled person, likely everyone else if they put tax up. 

      They likely going to make small changes and no major ones this year. 
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    Linda Jones · 1 months ago
    My son suffers with mental health and this is making him so much worse. He hasn't slept very well since and is extreamly worried about this so called voucher catalogue system. His depression has worsened and I as his mother an extreamly worried about what this is doing to him.

    They haven't thought about the consequences that this will cause those with mental health issues. 
    Plus surely this will cost more  issuing and printing vouchers, catalogues etc where is the money coming from to produce them. 
    This is taking everyone's rights to how they spend the money that helps them away from them it's all about control. 
    If labour bring this in I will never ever vote for them again as along with others 
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    Cazz · 1 months ago
    Pip vouchers will cripple those who need it most. What the government is forgetting is that pip money can go toward utility bills through equipment that needs charging or constant supply. We also buy ourselves equipment to make life easier. And it goes on taxis to Dr's or hospital appointments. They have not considered what people who are disabled have to face, they never have and I doubt ever will. Disabled people who are lucky enough to get around using mobility aides have gained independence back from these but we still face challenges when it comes to public transport, the state of pavements, the fact that dropped curbs are normal to high for us to use, or at ridiculous angles. The pain of travelling in a wheelchair or small mobility scooter being jostled constantly because our councils don't have the money to fix what broken properly. The rumble strips in my town are the bain of my life, they were put in originally to stop people stealing trolleys, they don't work for that purpose and hurt like hell.
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    Neal · 1 months ago
    Kendall announced that she wanted the DWP to move from being “a department for welfare” to becoming “a genuine department for work. Does Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Kendall's statement mean transferring all those who cannot work like retired or disabled people to the charity trustees one day? Under the pretext that social care is a shameful thing against a human being and must be abolished, like eliminating a disease, the patient must be killed to get rid of the disease. This is happening in our country, where 15% of the population of the Kingdom own 80% of its wealth, and 85% of the remaining population of the Kingdom own only 20% of its wealth. Successive governments use devious and deceptive methods to convince people that what they are doing is good for everyone and not a shooting at social justice. They only back down when people's opposition is strong enough, then they back down from their shameful decisions against the people.
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    Rocco · 1 months ago
    I never vote Labour again if they change pip for voucher 
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      Anon · 25 days ago
      @Rocco Lib dem next then since Ed Davey wouldn't actual do this because of his son and understanding people with pip need it. 
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      William · 1 months ago
      @Rocco I agree, I am disabled and near retirement age
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      Paul burdett · 1 months ago
      @Rocco You get what you asked for pip will not change best but now they add tax tax they sed this would happen me my vote was con not labour as for black hole rubbish just to make you pay the work class all ways loose 
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      Lou · 1 months ago
      @Rocco It was Conservative who started this
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      Neal · 1 months ago
      @Rocco It's not enough my friend, the best plan is to protest and let your voice echoing for rallying others against these injustices. Your opposition and rejection will make the government go backwards, and if you do not oppose the train of anti-social projects, it will certainly crush us.
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    Mike · 1 months ago
    I find it outrageous that this proposed plan to give us vouchers will  force us to be told where we can shop.

    My pip payment covers the cost of having a motability vehicle, and any remaining money goes into my bank,to help pay bills,
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    CarolK · 1 months ago
    Sometimes I wonder if Kendall won't actually do anything, and all this fearmongering in the press is just to win support from Tories. I mean, if they actually wanted to do something it would have been in the King's Speech? But now we're looking at 2026 before anything could be brought in, if it even is. 
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      A · 1 months ago
      @CarolK You're wrong to think so. FYI, they've said that they're going to produce a white paper setting out their welfare reform in Autumn, which if voted for, will become a legislative act.
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    Ange · 1 months ago
    I can't believe that they're even considering this voucher and grant scheme.  In my opinion after speaking to some disabled friends and carers it will lead to a lot more people committing suicide , as they just won't be able to cope without the money . A lot of people are struggling now as it is . Let's hope Labour doesn't go ahead with this ridiculous idea . 
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    Michael Victor G · 1 months ago
    How can it be 'Personal Independence ' if it does not give you the ability to choose how to use the benefit ! It will not allow any independence at all........ Another move to state control on one already compromised quality of life.

    They would be better tackling the employment discrimination that continues to exist by recruiting employers !  If you disclose a disability it's taken as a negative by employers !  
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    Mary · 1 months ago
    Would never vote Labour again if they go ahead with pip change never
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      boris1 · 1 months ago
      @lesley lesley  no those who voted Liebour assumed they would be compassionate towards the disabled community.   I never for one second ever assumed that Under Starmer and his bunch of muppet show party.
      Thanks for the suggestion but meditation is NOT needed.
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      lesley · 1 months ago
      @lesley Hey boris1, we never saw this coming. Don't believe in that old adage, so it's all my fault is it? I am sure that you are just as worried as we all are otherwise you would not be reading these posts. Take it easy and be kind and supportive to everyone. I suggest a bit of meditation.
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      boris1 · 1 months ago
      @lesley You reap what you sow unfortunately.
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      lesley · 1 months ago
      @Mary We were conned! I shall never vote for them again either.