Now that there are four different companies - Capita, Ingeus, Maximus and Serco - providing work capability assessments and PIP assessments, we’d like to hear about your experiences of dealing with them, so that other claimants can know what to expect.

Everything including:

  • are letters from them clear and detailed;
  • can you can get through on the phone,
  • do they offer face-to-face assessments at a nearby and accessible location,
  • can you easily change the date or assessment type,
  • are assessors courteous,
  • are assessments accurate.

Whatever you want to share with us that you think would be of interest to other claimants, you can post in the comments section below.

Remember to tell us which assessment provider you dealt with and whether it was a PIP assessment or a work capability assessment for universal credit or employment and support allowance..

You can post anonymously, but please bear in mind that comments are moderated before being published and they may not be published, or may be edited, if we are concerned they could lead to legal action being taken against us.


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    · 1 months ago
    I've had a needs assessment with Capita. Evey step has been delayed on thier end. For exsample, after my diagnostic assement, I had a letter from Student Finace England saying that Capita would contact me within 3- 5 days - This did not happen and I contacted them. I contacted them on the day I recived the SFE letter and they did not get back to me.

    I had an appointment booked and then cancelled - with poor communication throught the process. One I did have my needs assement a month later I was then confronted with delays and poor communication.
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    · 1 months ago
    I had assessment yesterday by serco , Was  supposed to be Tuesday but assessor was ill, 
    Yesterday’s was supposed to be 2pm
    Rang me at 1.30 assessor was delayed would try to get to me by 3.30pm
    Rang at 2.30pm
    Got another assessor who is able to do mine early at 3pm 
    I was actually very impressed they kept me informed, Lovely assessor rang exactly 3pm
    Apologised again,she  was Really nice , Patient, and understanding, Gave me loads of tips on best aids to use etc , 
    Obviously I don’t know the outcome yet but overall was a positive experience from serco 
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      · 29 days ago
      @Diane i had the same experience .had appointment at 2.30. then called at 1 to say my reviewer was ill they would call at 2 to let me know if someone else could do it..2 they called to say someone else would do the review at 2.30...a young lady called . i found some of the questions a bit odd but no idea of the outcome yet...
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    · 2 months ago
    Serco are horrendous, my 16 year old has to change from DLA to PIP, we submitted all paperwork and got a text last week to say Serco would be assessing. Since then I’ve had constant phone calls from them, they only let it ring once then cut it off, I thought it was a scam call to start with until I looked the number up. I called it back but it says it was them and they’ll call me again. Every day they ring my phone but let it ring only once, I decided to have my phone in my hand and I answered it as soon as it rang, they just cut you straight off. I found the phone number for Serco themselves and called it, a very rude man asked for the NI number, asked what I was calling for then promptly cut me off half way through my sentence. I’ve tried calling several times but they cut me off before I can speak. I’m now worried that they will make a wrong decision and deny my daughter PIP even though she was awarded DLA for life!!! How can they just change it once it’s been awarded for life? This is so stressful it’s making me ill 
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    · 2 months ago
    Serco, is the company responsible for assessing my 16 year old son for PIP. My 16 year old son was born physically disabled and has claimed DLA for several years. As known DLA is now replacing PIP, however the assessment strategy and markers have changed and are not the same. 

    My 16 year old son, not yet being an adult, who has led a very sheltered and non-typical life (many years spent in hospitals, excessively high number of surgeries); who would never have been in a position of having to speak to a stranger about his private health would struggle to convey his needs. Therefore the DWP assessed us both during an in person assessment at our home for me to be made my son’s appointee and to therefore wholly speak on his behalf. 

    The first PIP telephone assessment arranged by Serco at a date of their choosing in Nov 2024 failed. As although I was available and had booked the time off of work, the Serco assessor had called in sick.

    The second PIP telephone assessment was arranged by Serco at a date of their choosing in December 2024, again I arranged time off from work, but this call also failed, as believe it or not, again the Serco assessor had called in sick.

    Today, 6/1/25, the third telephone assessment as arranged by Serco at a date of their choosing, again for which I booked time off of work on first day back after Xmas failed. This time, Serco was in breach of the PIP process and rules as confirmed in the PIP handbook and as FURTHER confirmed by the PIP customer team. As the Serco assessor and their supervisor and also their supervisor (yes 3 people from Serco in total), insisted that my son must be a) present for the call and b) be available to answer any questions they chose to ask him directly.

    If a person is assessed by the DWP and given permission by the DWP to become the claimant’s appointee, then the appointee becomes the voice of the claimant. The Serco personnel were un-trained in this matter and caused great distress.

    Serco did not understand that an official appointee removes the need for the claimant to be present as the PIP handbook clearly states. You would not expect a mentally impaired individual to speak to PIP.

    I was very concerned by this and cannot help thinking that if Serco do not know and are not compliant with this rule and the claimant’s rights, what else are they doing incorrectly procedurally and what does this mean for the decisions that Serco are arriving at without following the correct rules and procedure not to mention the distress they are causing.
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    · 3 months ago
    I have had 2 assessments since Serco took over my area for pip and one for Universal credit lcwra.
    The pip assessment reports sent to the DWP case managers bore little resemblance to what was said, at best missing bits out and at worst completely lying. This has resulted in a change of circumstances reporting a rapid deteriorating condition where the award should have been raised to instead be reduced, and the 2nd, although to complete yet will be denied as it reports no restriction.  Both delivered by nurses. The conversations were strongly controlled by the hps with no room to explain difficulties they did not directly ask about. 
    Reports were full of spelling mistakes and badly written and the justifications for their descriptor choices don't actually say anything. 
     The wca was fine, delivered by a doctor and gave the expected award so I did not feel the need to request the ar for that. 
    On making a complaint it is  said you can complain over the phone, but when i tried to do this if was sent a complaints pack to fill in and send back. Costing money in printing, transcribing the recording of the assessment and postage. 2 months after originally complaining i have still not had can acknowledgement of my composition.

    It is easy to get through on the phone though so I suppose that's something they're doing on at
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    · 3 months ago
    I have 1 and a half hours assessment with Ingeus, the assessor was having issues with the connection, I was disturbed all the time while talking and when received my report he didn’t add anything that I said , the decision was made for 47 minutes. This companies are made to not allow you have PIP and they receive bonuses for that. My assessor was “physiotherapist “ which is nothing with connection with my respiratory conditions and even with my Osteoarthritis.
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    · 3 months ago
    Had a terrible 3 2 amd a half hour assement with serco.. and ofcpurse full of lies and most of it not making sense. I habe complained to dwp and serco
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    · 3 months ago
    Had my assement with serco early October l, awful experience! Requested my report full of mistakes,lies amd barely making sense.. I have made complaints to dwp and serco
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      · 3 months ago
      @Mb @Mb I received a letter on Fri (6 Dec) saying that they will start an investigation that should take 20 working days but if it takes longer then they'll write again and let me know. The date on the letter was 29 Nov so it's taking about a week from letter date to actually receiving it. I'll try to remember to update again when I hear back.
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      · 3 months ago
      @SJ Have you heard bsck?I sent my complaints last Mon.. delivered Tuesday 
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      · 3 months ago
      @Debbie Have you heard back from them?
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      · 3 months ago
      @Debbie Same problem with serco
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      · 3 months ago
      @Debbie Same here! Have you had any acknowledgement of your complaints?
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    · 4 months ago
    I have had my PIP review via Capita and overall I’m pretty disgusted by it all. The fact I scored zero on everything and made out I am a fully functioning person was astounding. This is far from the truth and my life has been turned upside down by Covid and I’m half the person. I once was and suffer utterly debilitating symptoms everyday.  What got me the most is they lied in the assessment about me performing movements for the assessor and reading off a screen when prompted. None of which happened. It was as if all the significant detail I submitted with huge amount of detail information backed up by medical evidence appeared to be worthless. I had to make a complaint additional to the mandatory assessment as to have lied on their assessment is something I cannot just let slip.
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    · 4 months ago
    I had mine from Serco and the lady said do you have a dog and do you have steps up to your house . She ignored how Ménière’s and CPTSD affected my day and asked about Fibro and osteoarthritis which were not on the form . I ended up near suicidal and contacted the Samaritans. 
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    · 5 months ago
    I am hoping I have written this in the right place as I am new to using the internet... .I had my ESA telephone assessment yesterday and I thought the lady was very abrupt and raised her voice when I didn't understand her question a couple of times. Her Canadian/American accent I struggled with now and again so probably my fault...I didn't think my assessment went down well and is playing on my mind.......could someone tell me if these people are working from home because I could distinctly here a vape machine go of twice..if they are working from home maybe they need to get back into the office to have some human contact because this lady seemed to be losing her manners..I had to live in my truck for 2 years so I didn't get covid of my family being high risk but that time has past now.....sorry if there is lots of spelling mistakes with me being dyslexic 
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    · 5 months ago
    I was expecting WCA assessment by phone at 11.50. I never received a call. I suffer terribly with anxiety and depression and as time went on I was in a terrible state. I rang the switchboard and was told not to worry they would chase it up. I was sitting with my phone in hand all day but still no call. I rang again later in day to be told my call would be escalated again. Still no phone call. I was really ill at this point. Next day I phoned again to be told they had tried to contact me 3 times. The switchboard operator then checked my phone number which was wrong. He corrected my number and told me further appointment would be sent out. I still havent received. I have received message from DWP asking for 4 months bank statements and photo ID. I don't know what is going on but this is really getting me even further down.
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    · 5 months ago
    I had a phone assessment on the Thursday the 26th September and it was 2 hours long with a Maximus health professional , she was rude and arrogant, didn't listen to a word i had to say and kept asking the same questions again and again and it was on repeat. half the questions she asked didn't have any relevance to my health condition and was more designed to catch me out and make me look so small, she had a manager on the phone with her who didn't even bother to interrupt until the end when I was very upset. I have raised a complaint but have not even been acknowledged, i have had to phone the DWP to request a copy of my report and so far all i know is that it states i need to be re-assed again in 2 years time, despite having a long term chronic health condition, maximus and the DWP are a joke. 

    At no point was the woman's qualifications even discussed and what role she played previously, she asked about what school i went to despite this being over 25 years ago and any qualifications, not relevant to my MH or Chronic health condition. bad bad. 
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      · 4 months ago
      @RichDDUK I had the same from this company was a Scottish woman called lesley who just didn't listen or ask the right questions she was meant to ask seemed to me she was just crossing the ts and dotting the i's 
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      · 5 months ago
      @RichDDUK @RichDDUk I'd similar experience, but with a pip assessor, a very young nurse, this was my third pip assessment upon being forced over from my indefinite dla. She was passive aggressive,to say the least.
      Asked if I talked on the phone to my mum ,I said no need to she's here every day, I said my sister in law tends to phone calls I don't,  she said well your here on the phone with me now aren't you. I told her I am not permitted to drive and never have been due to my heart conditions, she said so you've no interest in driving. Like my pip reports before this one bore no resemblance to what I said ,on one it said I was 35 and my daughter cared for me, I was 50, I don't have a daughter. I wasn't breathless,she stated,  though I'd to use my inhaler because the more I had to talk the worse my chest felt. I was recovering too from a chest infection so my breathing was bad.
      All this was recorded. They're were at least 19 "discrepancies " and down right twisted lies on my report. How they get away with it is beyond me. My anxiety was through the roof, I'd panic attacks after ,collapsed on the floor and was paranoid for months on end after, never been paranoid in my life. She did that. Anyway, got denied pip went to MR ,won it back. They get away with too much. We have to be truthful but they don't. Even with decades of evidence to back us up .
      We are at their mercy. I'll never forgive them,esp her. Made my life hell. She was the worst to date. Kid less than half my age (this was 2022)  i was 56 then,twisting my words even though it was recorded. Link they sent to retrieve copy didn't work but we didn't let them away with that,we phoned for a physical cd copy,my sister in law had it also on her phone. Listening back to it made me throw up. Almost two hrs of a living Hell. Best of luck to you. 
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    · 5 months ago
    I had an phone assessment last May by a mental health nurse and my PIP was stopped upon MR 3 months later. I fought it by putting in for a tribunal. In January this year the PIP case manager called me to admit no one had actually read any of my evidence until they got the court papers. I got offered higher rate daily allowance, along with lower rate mobility, backpaid till they stopped all my PIP at MR. I made a complaint to the Independent Assessors about her report, which TOTALLY missed out all the evidence submitted, & said I had NO ongowing functional restrictions. Lies! The complaints process has been very slow, & IAS agreed the assessor failed to read most of the evidence. No offer of any compensatio
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    · 5 months ago
    I am 71 with lots of health issues. I often need to use a wheel chair. Why would I have to undergo another check since there is no cure for my conditions? When will we get to live out our last days in peace?
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    · 5 months ago
    My last WCA was in 2019 put in ESA support group not heard anything since. I know when lockdown started there was a backlog and they have caught up a bit but still catching up.  I live in east midlands so don't know who the new WCA provider is now was maximus before might be capita now. 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Bob Hi its Capita for the Midlands and Wales 
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      · 5 months ago
      @Bob @Bob sent me pip forms to fill in (review) during lockdown and then stopped my  pip. I later heard they've weren't supposed to stop it for anyone mid lockdown, as it was too difficult to obtain medical evidence etc during that time. How lucky was I. Stopped it dead. What a struggle to get the extra things I needed to send off for an MR, had to do a paper based tribunal this time instead of a f2f like my first but I won it back again. So my third time i got it back at MR. I dunno why they put us through this repeatedly esp with v long and life long established conditions. It can only be so we give up. 
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    · 5 months ago
    3 years ago when I had my PIP assessment, the person took zero notice of what I said, ignored it all and awarded me nothing. Upon MR, they relented as I said I wanted a tribunal. It shows the DWP are corrupt and deliberately pushing people off PIP or ESA and then throw you a bone to keep you from the Tribunal where you maybe better off. I am sick of the DWP completely, over 20 years I've had hassle from them. 
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      · 2 months ago
      @Thank you The decision maker is highly influenced by the assessment report and places greater weight on this.
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      · 5 months ago
      @The Dogmother People will not be -awarded accordingly based on their conditions for PIP- regardless if an assesor plays down facts because the PIP assessment is a functional assesment not an assesment of what conditions you have or how bad they are.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Thank you The problem is that the DWP follows whatever the assessor says whether it's true or not, regardless of all the evidence that you send. Also, the DWP does not send the assessor all the information they have on you they only send the 30 pages of the review form... Which makes no sense. I asked my last assessor how much evidence they sent her, and she had 30 pages...I told her that I had to go to tribunal before and it was over 200 pages of evidence...that's when both of us twigged that the DWP was stitching us both up. As ill as I am I will take them to tribunal forever and ever if they claim I'm not disabled.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Leanne2730 Yes they do get bonuses and no matter how much they trumpet that they dont it's more lies. 
      I know a lady who did an assessors job for 14 mths until she could stand it no more, she's a very fair person and said the anount of ppl she assessed over the phone had her drained,she would often sob afterwards herself. And she told my sister in law, "No bonus is worth the stress".
      "I hated playing down the health conditions and disabilities of those I knew were genuine".
      Straight from the horses mouth.
      She now suffers from depression and anxiety that she never had before. She left just before the 14mths were up. Who'd blame her. 
      It's not the job for soft hearted ,right minded ppl. You need the heart of a swinging brick it seems 
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      · 5 months ago
      @Thank you @Thank you ,yeah.. but what they say on the report Is bond, the assessor plays down facts. Otherwise ppl would be awarded accordingly for their conditions.  If they didn't tell blatant lies then it would be fair.  What they say influences the DWP. Been through the system far to many times and understand it only too well to see the game they play against us.
      Dwp are going to read a fake report and believe it. They already have our pip form with medical evidence, so whys that not enough??
      The assessor twists our answers to suit an agenda. To stop our benefits. No other reason. 
      And that report is what dwp go by. 
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    · 5 months ago
    My daughters pip assissment in June when the pip accessor phoned we had it on loud speaker as I was sitting beside her well we could not hear the woman speaking I said this is an awful bad line she said I phone you back well the same thing happened again it was all echo and she couldn't hear us well this happened 5 times my daughter has the call log on her phone it wasted the first 20 minuites and when we eventually could hear her it was like a whisper omg it was awful we only got about 2 questions answered.
    My daughter and I was crying at the stress of it all.
    This was Capita
    I did ring and complain.
    However my daughter got the dreaded letter from them not one point was given to my daughter even tho I tried to tell the woman my daughter had just had a complete mental breakdown and other ailments it was just awful. 
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    · 5 months ago
    My Son was assessed with Capita
    The Assessor was a very polite and friendly general nurse
    She was fantastic she made her own observations and picked up a few
    things i had forgotten to put on the claim form
    we did not feel under any stress at all
    The outcome was exactly what we expected Enhanced for both elements.

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    · 5 months ago
    Some years ago I was in receipt of low rate DLA and worked part time. I was eligible for Access to Work programme and was supported until my GP advised that due to my health status I needed to call it a day. Around this time I had a home assessment for PIP as my DLA was going to be stopped.
    No longer working and refused PIP I did not have the will to battle through with the process, although I subscribed to B & W and studied what needed to be done. Six years on and a WASPI, I needed to try again before it was too late. My health had deteriorated further and my mobility issues have become extremely challenging. I completed the initial telephone call to request PIP and was advised to complete the process online for ease and speed. (June 2024). I completed all the courses by B&W and my brain was fried. I completed the pages required to the best of my ability. Capita sent me an appointment and a booklet to be read prior to my telephone assessment. The telephone assessment lasted 2 hours and 40 minutes. During this time I needed the toilet and to get a drink and to move around due to pain. I told the assessor this and she was seemingly very obliging and kindly. I received a text some weeks later to say that a decision had not been reached. Sometime later I received a text advising I had been awarded PIP. Ten days later I received the letter telling me I had 6 points for daily living and 10 points mobility. Therefore I am 2 points off receiving PIP for daily living. I telephoned the DWP and requested the written assessment be sent to me. They have agreed to do so. I want to know how risky it will be to challenge the decision. The letter states that because I have a long term progressive ill health but have not recently seen a health professional they do not have the evidence to make the award for daily living. I have not seen a health professional because they only speak to me via the telephone and say they do not need to physically see me.

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