Strong evidence has emerged that the DWP is going to start migrating income-related employment and support allowance (irESA) claimants to universal credit (UC) this year, without any hoped for postponement.  The latest proof is in the government’s response to a report into UC by the Pubic Accounts Committee (PAC).

In the last few days we have highlighted growing evidence that suggests that any delay in the forced migration of irESA claimants to UC is unlikely to happen.

One clue was the DWP Touchbase newsletter, which said that the “correct level of support is in place to safely move customers over to UC”.  

We also highlighted that the DWP updated its “Move to Universal Credit if you get a Migration Notice letter” page on 30 August to include confirmation that “claimants who are moving to Universal Credit from Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) without a break do not need to provide fit notes if they meet the listed criteria.”

The latest evidence is in the response by the government to the PAC’s report into the DWP’s progress in implementing UC.

The original PAC report was written in April of this year, under the former Conservative government.  But the response, in the September Treasury Minutes, is addressed to “the new committee”, making it clear it was the current Labour government that wrote it.

The PAC argued that “With the move of Employment and Support Allowance claimants to Universal Credit now deferred to 2028, it will be vital for the Department to capture and act upon the learning from its current programme about how to migrate vulnerable claimants effectively.”

However, since that was written, the Conservatives decided to move the migration of ESA claimants forward.  So, in their response, the Labour government say:

“The department acknowledges the need to be ready for migration of the Employment and Support Allowance cohort in 2024-25 as opposed to 2028. This is in-light of the recent policy change to bring the migration of the Employment and Support Allowance cohort forward and deliver this element as part of the current Universal Credit Programme.”

This appears to make it clear that the Labour administration intends to stick to the new, accelerated timetable for migrating ESA claimants to UC.

The government also rejects the criticism by the committee that they should not be reducing the funding for the Citizens advice ‘Help to Claim” service at a time when more claimants will need advice.

The government argues that:

“The department is currently working with Citizens Advice to consider the impact on Help to Claim of bringing forward the migration of remaining Employment and Support Allowance claimants to Universal Credit and what steps are needed to ensure the right support is in place for these customers.”

ESA claimants who also receive child tax credit are already being migrated to UC.  It seems increasingly likely, but still not certain, that other ESA claimants will be following them in the coming months. 

The fact that the government is aware of how anxious claimants are about when the migration process will begin, but still chooses not to make an announcement, says a great deal about its attitude to people whose lives it has such an effect upon

You can download the September Treasury Minutes, which contain the government response to the PAC report, from this page.

Many thanks to Rightsnet, the website for welfare rights workers, for highlighting this document.


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    Y.C. · 21 hours ago
    I really do not see any difference between labour & the Conservatives. None whatsoever. They haven't made any significant improvements that separates them from the Conservatives. I didn't bother voting in the end for that very reason. I was going to vote labour. But seeing no difference between them and Conservatives & that they would u-turn on thier decisions. It wasn't worth my vote. I do not trust any of them! .
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    sara · 2 days ago
    MrFibro, in answer to your query, below, which I have just seen ("Sara what about if a claimant had their last WCA assessment in 2016 and went to esa support group. Once transition to UC is completed, would the claimant/s have to go through another WCA"):

    My understanding is that any reassessment would be according to the random schedule none of us understands. It is tempting to imagine that reassessment might be designed to coincide with migration and with the intention of reducing our support, but we do not know this.

    Obviously if you are reassessed before migration and put in a different esa group, then your uc group would be the same as that, unless (let's say until) you win your appeal and get back to support or lcwra.

    One step at a time, I say. No point going through it all unnecessarily, but I do like your idea of a mock form, which would help cut out errors the system does not allow us to correct when doing it for real.
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    A · 2 days ago
    In a keynote speech last month, Ms Kendall said: "People have been denied the chance and the right to participate in the world of work.

    "They've been excluded. Then labelled, and blamed for the position they're in. If this is what has happened to you, my message today is: We hear you.

    "We are on your side. And we will work day and night to put this right."

    In that case, if she has a shred of honesty, why not ask only those who are willing to work to come forward and leave the rest in peace, rather than generalising all ill and disabled people, as she parrots that millions of people were denied to work and were written off-sick, as if these were written off-sick without their consent!
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      MrFibro · 4 hours ago
      @A iv'e given you an up
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      MrFibro · 4 hours ago
      @A Kendalls coming the old labour rhetoric, stirring things up, and getting the media on the bandwagon all to make us all scroungers.  Labour hasn't learn nothing over the decades that the DWP kill.
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      A · 10 hours ago
      @A May I ask what wrong is with what I've said for three people to vote it down?
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    Fruitbat · 3 days ago
    I received my migration "invitation" to apply for UC, with a deadline of 17 October.  I claim Income Related ESA and child tax credit.  I completed the form but when entering my ID I realised that my passport was out of date.  BEWARE: You can't go back a page and enter a different form of ID. So I had to submit the form with only one form of ID.  They put an entry in my "UC Journal" saying I HAD to attend an appointment to give them my ID.  I told them I have difficulty in walking (the nearest car park is a long way away when you struggle to walk) but they STILL INSISTED I attend in person, or my benefits would stop. It's also a 50 mile round trip. I asked if I could resubmit the correct ID, but apparently the system won't allow them to do that.  Make sure you are extra careful when completing the form.  I am, but got caught out being confident my passport was up to date.  What a ridiculous system where you can't amend your info.
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      Jon · 2 days ago
      @Jas I was unsure how to upload I'd my job centre is round the corner so may present in person thanks
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      Jas · 2 days ago
      @Fruitbat The Jobcentre is not universal credit helpline they are there solely to get people off benefits and into work. ESA and Universal Credit are separate and rarely need to coordinate unless it's because migration. Also check MSE forum for helpful threads I can't put the Universal credit helpline number on here without it being removed.
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      Fruitbat · 2 days ago
      @Jas I did speak to the Job Centre but, as I said, they refused to do it other than in person.  They offered to have someone visit me to check the ID, but that would take 5 weeks for an appointment and because I had aready started the UC claim and the old benefits that the new UC covers cease from that claim date, and if the claim is successful the new payments are not paid for 5 weeks, effectively I would be without money until they sorted it out.  They'd got me all ways!
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      Jas · 2 days ago
      @Jon Hi some people manage to prove ID online using other sites it's all photo ID passports driving licence just to confirm it's you and your address.
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      keepingitreal · 3 days ago
      @Fruitbat Bl**dy unacceptable.
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    Arthur · 3 days ago
    The only certainty is that any migration to any new benefit is designed to take claimants benefit lifelines away.
    They lie and lie that we will be able to move seamlessly into work after we realise that they are right we were not really ill or disabled after all.
    The reality is that most of them don't care what happens to us they are too busy filling in expenses forms pretending to have important jobs to do as Mps or managing second jobs.

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    The Dogmother · 4 days ago
    Can anyone please answer this.
    When applying for UC ,Do you have to explain how any health conditions affect your ability to work. Even if you say you are migrating over from support group on Esa. Asking for my sister in laws friend. I know any info will apply to myself in due course. 
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      as · 3 days ago
      @The Dogmother you ut your health conditions but there is nowhere to put how it affects you and there is no need
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      The Dogmother · 3 days ago
      @T @T oh me too ,past two years, been gathering info. But there's always unanswered questions. My sis inlaw helps me a lot but even she was baffled by the health thing. Thank you. 
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      anona · 3 days ago
      @The Dogmother  you still have to list your health conditions  they are used for your nest WCA assessment 
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      The Dogmother · 3 days ago
      @Frances @Frances, we knew re no fit notes etc,but my sis inlaw said someone she knew put their health conditions and how they are affected.  Thank you. 
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      The Dogmother · 3 days ago
      @sara As I thought @sara but wanted clarification.  Thank you. 
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    Dum44 · 4 days ago
    As has been written in a blog post, the DWP, under the guidance of the new Labour government who pledged to do things "differently", could easily issue a statement with a detailed timeline of when ESA etc claimants will receive their migration letter and which areas etc will be targeted first. They should also have issued a mailshot to EVERYONE being "invited" to migrate to UC as soon as the go-ahead was given for this to happen. Instead, there will be thousands of people who genuinely still have no idea this is happening until they receive a letter stating "your benefits are stopping". Vulnerable people for whom every day is already an unbelievable struggle.
    The DWP could make it so that everyone currently in receipt of benefits is automatically transferred to UC.
    Instead of any of these things, they (the DWP under the Labour government) are carrying on with business as usual issuing zero information and making the experience as traumatic and stressful as possible for claimants as we wait for a letter which could arrive at any time between now and December next year. 
    This is treating seriously ill and disabled people like utter dirt. And, as they're clearly happy with this situation, then this is how the government want it.
    People will die because of this. I myself only found out about this accelerated migration a month ago. 
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      Anon · 3 days ago
      @MrFibro Reform uk are not interested in helping benefit claimants,their policy was actually worse,they wanted all support cut off after 3 months( or was it 4 months,can't remember now)that approach is the worst possible for anyone unfortunate enough to be sick ,disabled or made redundant in later life
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      Aw · 3 days ago
      @MrFibro I will never vote for those racist millionare grifters. They have ZERO interest in making life better for anyone but themselves.
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      MrFibro · 3 days ago
      @Dum44 Surely labour has lost the next general election in 5 years.  Looks like the only party to give it a go with, would be reform uk.  We have all tried the other parties, and even coalitions too, to no prevail.

      All this is going to do as already stated in other posts, is that's its going to cause countless thousands of deaths again.  Which will get buried as usual.
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      Mike · 4 days ago
      @Dum44 Dum44 Correct and well said 
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    ROBERT KOCH · 4 days ago

    Being a long-standing reader of your excellent bulletin and an active campaigner for the mental health community
     I have been on Income Support for several years and was forced to change recently to Universal Credit as instructed by the DWP; the result is that despite being told there was a guaranteed transitional protection period where I would not lose money and was what I understood to receive the same amount at least for this guaranteed period, turns out that despite disputing with the DWP has meant I have lost £75 a month, which when you do not work and receive these benefits to survive on is a lot of money to lose.

    Despite appealing to the DWP several times via this new portal, they have written back on the online account to say nothing can be done and there is no appeal process.

    Knowing this is wrong, can I please get some direction or assistance in dealing with this injustice? I know others are also in the same position, and I'm afraid that's not right. PLEASE HELP


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      Sophie · 2 days ago
      @Jon I like your thinking!!!
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      Jon · 4 days ago
      @ROBERT KOCH Can't we all chip in and hire solicitors and lawyers to take on the government there are enough of us it doesn't have to be slot of money
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    Nightcity · 4 days ago
    People with deadlines as soon as 3 weeks time?

    What do we have here?

    Is the DWP sneakily sending then out since July?
    Not adhering to the 3 months notice?
    Are some on tax credits also?

    Or are a few here trying to scare and stir? Like recently on the reform post, I highly doubt the huge amount of people who said they'd be voting for them are real claimants because that would be absolutely mad.

    I'm beginning to suspect at times we have a few here now who are potentially here for their idea of "lolz"
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      MrFibro · 3 days ago
      @Nightcity Whats the point changing claimants who are a few weeks or months from retirement ie 66 ?

      It would be reasonable to think and expect the DWP to simply put them on pension/ or pension credit.
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      anona · 3 days ago
      @Nightcity people are given 3 months then a reminder every month to claim UC then a visiting officer will go out to see them
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      HRH · 4 days ago
      @Nightcity i agree with you, as the confirmed dates to migrate to UC from ESA or ESA with HB have yet to be confirmed on the government move to UC.

      it says Autumn 2024 TBC

      ESA with child crdits migration  confirmed from July 2024 

      Income based JSA migration confirmed from September 2024

      check it out for yourself, scroll down the page to the table

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    Nuts · 4 days ago
    I'm extremely confused, as the information of a 3 month migration seems to be wrong for a few people on here. I've been on ESA for over 10 years does anyone know if you have to provide medical proof from your GP, because if so im stuffed as since covid my drs surgery doesn't really like to see you or you just can't get an appointment?
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      Hawk · 9 hours ago
      @Nuts Anyone who’s been on ESA for years, without a break,  doesn’t have to go back to their Doc for medical notes etc 👍 
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      Jas · 3 days ago
      @MrFibro No you're agreeing to do all you possibly can but if you are in the Support Group ESA that transfers across as LCWRA so effectively agreeing to do it if you wasn't unwell or disabled 
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      MrFibro · 3 days ago
      @Sophie Sophie, does it mean that migrating from ESA SG to UC, require no fit notes at all.  Also if you claim UC then the claimant is signing on the dotted line saying that they are fit for work in order to get UC.

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      Jon · 4 days ago
      @Nuts My doctor is always asking me if I'm working so wouldn't give me a sick note
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      Sophie · 4 days ago
      @Nuts I believe if you are in the support group ESA no letters or notes are required from your GP
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    Jas · 4 days ago
    Just remember to Quote Regulation 19 of the Universal credit law you can also Google search and screenshot that regulation. 
    "Regulation 19 provides that a claimant may be treated as having limited capability for work, or limited capability for work and work-related activity, for the purposes of an award of universal credit, if they were previously entitled to the work-related activity component, or the support component, of old style ESA." 

    If you’re moving from Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
    If you have been receiving Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), you will not need to provide medical evidence such as fit notes, or have a Work Capability Assessment (WCA) if all of the following apply:

    you move from ESA to Universal Credit without a break

    you have already completed a WCA

    you were in the ‘support group’ or ‘work-related activity’ group in ESA when you made your claim to Universal Credit

    You may need to have another assessment if your WCA is due for a review or your condition changes.
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      TD · 7 hours ago
      @Nuts walk into your surgery, ask for a SARS request form. [BY LAW THEY HAVE TO PROVIDE IT] Ask for medical records from dates: 'birth' to 'present day'. (or list particular details/evidence of illnesses/dates etc)
      They take 28 days, they either email you a pdf, text file, or a cd.
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      MrFibro · 2 days ago
      @Jas Jas thank you.
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      Jas · 3 days ago
      @MrFibro The forms they send out are prepaid. If you have more information than the envelope put it in a bigger envelope tape the FREE Postage envelope to it. Take it to a Post Office hand it over ask for Free proof of postage you're covered by that receipt with date and postcode on if it went missing.
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      MrFibro · 3 days ago
      @sara Sara what about if a claimant had their last WCA assessment in 2016 and went to esa support group.  Once transition to UC is completed, would the claimant/s have to go through another WCA.
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      MrFibro · 3 days ago
      @Jas How do you get free postage.
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    Rik · 4 days ago
    Some of these comments are concerning. Is the DWP really sending out migration notices will deadlines less than a month away? Even for the DWP these seems unlikely.
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      Jon · 4 days ago
      @Millie Millie the DWP will send you more than one letter if they don't hear from you regarding your claim I saw something online saying they send two or three letters
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      Millie · 4 days ago
      @Rik I only get letters delivered twice a week where I live and I get mixed up with another address, just last week I failed to get my birthday card my parents sent me. I am extremely concerned about what happens if I don't get the migration letter, they have my phone number will they text me when they send it or only if I fail to apply? I am going to need substantial help to claim and I am very worried I will lose my transitional protection if it's late.
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    Deb · 4 days ago
    I have just migrated over to UC from old style ESA and it has been very traumatic for me and my partner who is also my carer, he also claimed IS, I had to keep reminding them that I was in a support group, they tried to get me to fill out a UC50 out but i had to tell them a few times that because i am migrating my LCWRA status carries over, I had to provide fit notes while they were sorting it out and the last straw was when we received a letter frm from the council tax stating that the DWP had informed them that we don't qualify for UC !  yet again I phoned the UC help line who to be fair were excellent and sorted it all out for me and now it is all sorted, I don't know how it works for you on new style ESA but if you are on old Style and in the support group don't let them fob you off and make sure you get transitional protection so you aren't any worse off. 
    I found that the agents on my journal didn't really fully understand about migrating some one who was in a support group and from old style ESA so in my experience it is best to phone the UC helpline.
    Good luck every body.
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      mrfibro · 4 days ago
      @Deb Deb are they badgering you, trying to get you back grafting, even though they are fully aware you was in ESA SG, and cannot work.
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    Giggs · 4 days ago
        I'm on irESA and got this through I tribunal judge, and I've had the migration notice which sais I must claim UC by 5th Oct 24.  Does anyone know if I don't claim by this date, will the judgement I got still be valid and would those payments still go through, or would they stop dead.
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      Bananaboom · 3 days ago
      @Nightcity Exactly, that doesn't sound right.
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      Nightcity · 4 days ago
      @Giggs Sent in July?
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      Anon · 4 days ago
      @Giggs You must apply by the date on the letter, if you don't you will lose your transitional protection.
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      sara · 4 days ago
      @Giggs @Giggs, your payments will stop two weeks after your deadline (5th October, you say), unless you ask for, and are allowed, more time. There is an odd grey area where you get another month after your deadline, but I wouldn't be trusting that without confirmation. Best let them know if you're struggling to meet the 5th October deadline. 

      Just a note - when is the issue date of your migration letter? You're supposed to get 3 months to claim.
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      Jon · 4 days ago
      @Giggs You would lose your benefit if you didn't claim by October 5th then if you applied after that date would not receive transitional protection and receive less money
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    Bobbi · 5 days ago
    I’ve just been notified that I have to apply for universal credit by 2nd October.  I currently receive IR ESA (no end date), Child Tax Credit and Housing Benefit.  My concern is that they have told me that as soon i apply for UC my current benefits will cease!!
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      robbie · 5 days ago
      @Bobbi Something amiss there, Bobbi, if you've 'just been notified' and therefore have less than a month to apply. 
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      Anon · 5 days ago
      @Bobbi They have to give 3 months notice. How long have you had your migration letter for? 
      You should check the date on the letter because it may have been lingering in the postal system. You are given 3 months from the date on the migration notice to apply for UC
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      Jon · 5 days ago
      @Bobbi ESA will stop after two weeks of making a universal credit claim
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    Sophie · 5 days ago
    I receive ESA and am in the support group and also claim PIP for anxiety, OCD and depression. I have until the end of November to switch to UC. I'm dreading it, the thought of it is causing my OCD to go into overdrive. 
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    Ian Parkin · 5 days ago
    We have received ours, I am on ir-ESA support group and have until mid November to make our claim
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      Sophie · 4 days ago
      @HRH Lincolnshire 
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      Aw · 4 days ago
      @Ian Parkin That's only 2 months, it's supposed to be 3!
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      HRH · 4 days ago
      @Ian Parkin can i ask where you (and others who have migration notices) where you live as i imagine based on their past behaviour that the DWP & assessors are targeting specific areas so it would be good to know 
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    Reuben James · 5 days ago
    I have been on income related ESA and basic pip for 7 years. Am I likely to lose everything with this transition. ? I thought they'd decided that UC was not working ? I have a long term mental health disability with depression and anxiety and this is really worrying me. Do they have support for the number of people who will lose their benefits due to this transition ? 
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    Chris Wheeler · 5 days ago
    My friend who is in support group of ESA received her UC migration notice yesterday 
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    Dr, K Khan · 5 days ago
    Hello all, I have MS and other comorbidities and had to leave my profession due to my disability. I was originally taken off ESA without migration to UC, this was a terrible process and I was left without welfare benefits for two months and was in arrears of rent up to 3k , with a notice to quit applied by my landlord. Despite all the appeals, DWP never repaid me any back-dated payment. I have several family members who have autoimmune comments like me and the process of migration to UC has been terrible. I would have presumed the whole purpose of migration is that you automatically go from one welfare benefit to another without any hassle or inconvenience, but to my dismay, it looks like you are still treated as a new claimant and have to undergo some tedious process as a new UC claimant. I have had family members on ESA Support LWC secured still having to produce fit notes and prove their ID. Like some of the clients on this site, some of the family members due to their disability hardly leave their home without help and support and this has caused a huge problem in going into a JC physically to prove their ID and have not been paid for months. The whole process of the ESA migration is not fully sought out and the process as promised by the DWP is flawed and discriminates against disabled people. I personally think the government do this deliberately to discourage people for applying welfare and to force them back to work. The whole system is unfair and arbitrary.  
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      as · 3 days ago
      @Dr, K Khan thats just nonsense they do not try and put you off, DWP need to follow strict legal guidelines to get anew claim from a claimant and you do not need to get fitnotes and are not treated as if it was a new claim if that is the case then the   staff asking fro these need to be upskilled
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      mrfibro · 3 days ago
      @Dr, K Khan Dr Khan, i totally agree with you.  It's all about putting you off, so you don't bother claiming, so they can cook the books,  and more importantly save money in the bargain at the expense of the claimants.
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      Jon · 5 days ago
      @Dr, K Khan Are you receiving your UC payments now are you on the system
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