If they win power, the Labour party would scrap any attempt by the Conservatives to make the work capability assessment (WCA) harsher, the Disability News Service (DNS) has reported.

The DWP are currently consulting on the Conservative’s plan to make it much harder to get into the limited capability for work-related activity group of universal credit.  Any changes are not planned to be introduced until after the 2025 election and thus could be vetoed by an incoming government.

When asked about Labour’s position on the plan, Vicky Foxcroft, shadow minister for disabled people, told DNS this week in Liverpool: “We won’t be following through on that. No.”

Whilst this will come as a big relief for many claimants, it is probably wise to treat the statement with a degree of caution.

Liz Kendall, shadow work and pensions secretary, has said absolutely nothing on the subject of WCA changes.  In fact, at the moment there is very little official Labour policy on any social security issues and the party has a troubling history of reversing earlier policy statements, even where they exist.

In addition, Foxcroft was much less clear when it came to the Conservative’s plans to abolish the WCA altogether.  Instead, she told DNS that Labour had not yet decided if it would follow the Tories and scrap the WCA and rely on PIP assessments.

So, the signs coming from Labour are, in the short term at least, positive.  But it would probably be unwise to rely on them entirely and conclude that there is no longer any need to campaign against the proposed cuts to the WCA.

You can read the full story on the DNS website.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    Scrapping two assessments would obviously benefit those of us who are put through the cycle of both repeatedly, but the Conservatives plans will lead to deaths, it's that simple.
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    · 1 years ago
    If Labour treat those who legitimately can't work with the respect and compassion they deserve then all credit to Labour.
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    · 1 years ago
    I'm glad to see the back of atos as well but dwp decision makers was behind a lot of it when they were failing the assessors assessments Im sure it won't make any difference who gets in at the next election everything will still be the same government parties say one thing then do the opposite when they win leadership I've got no time for any party now I've lost all confidence 
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    · 1 years ago
    So they SAY🙈🙉🙊
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    · 1 years ago
    I do wish that Labour would set out in detail its position, its attitude and its intentions about how it is going to look after and treat people with either long term disabilities and/or people with long term and refractory poor health. It seems possible that the Tory Parliamentary Party will soon lose confidence in Rishi Sunak which may trigger an election in early 2025, possibly within the next six months. While I understand that Labour needs to throw some red-meat in order to little Englanders and other UKIP/Brexit-voting types of voters, let’s hope that this element of its election strategy will not be at the expense of the very poorest and most defenceless members of society and I also hope it does not think that it has to become Nasty-Party-lite in order to gain a victory.
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    · 1 years ago
    While the caution about reversing policy positions expressed in the B & W article is justified, it's pleasantly surprising that a shadow minister has given such a clear cut answer about the descriptor changes. Labour has generally been reluctant to say anything clear cut, not just on the subject of benefits but on almost anything. Vicky Foxcroft would presumably not have made such a statement without approval from the leadership or Liz Kendall.

    Her statement that Labour hasn't yet decided on whether to follow the Tories in using the PIP assessment to replace the WCA is in one way a disappointment - it would be great if they could state now that they wouldn't go through with that either - but on the other hand it does give us a window of opportunity to try to get them to pursue something different and vastly better. If they haven't decided what to do on this issue yet, now is the time to contact Vicky Foxcroft and perhaps Liz Kendall as well, to make clear to them just how catastrophic the Tories' plan would be for us.

    I know the reaction of some will, understandably, be to say that there's no point because they won't listen to us. However, there is more chance of being able to have a degree of influence on their decision before they make it than there is of getting them to change course once a decision is made. No politician likes to reverse a policy decision if they can avoid it because it can be portrayed as a climbdown, which can be politically embarrassing. If there is even a chance that contacting them now could influence their decision for the better then it has to be worth a try, given how utterly disastrous the consequences would be if the Tories' plan were to ever happen. At least we would know we'd done what we could. God knows we have nothing to lose.

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      · 1 years ago
      @tintack I was thinking of doing this and addressing the letter to those most inclined a few weeks ago. So far, I have started a draft but left it after reading the previous Labour governments involvement in attacking welfare as can be read about via deathbywelfare(dot)com and the previous comments Rachel Reeves made about welfare. I may resume the draft regardless and see what happens.
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    · 1 years ago
    Really hope Labour get in.....
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    · 1 years ago
    Anything that people think that labour will do to help them they're basically voting for the white paper to go through. Labour created the Work capability and ESA the Torys just implemented their plan. When Iain Duncan smith said he would help disabled people into work. What he meant was cull the people on Incapacity benefit to ESA. Don't volunteer for nothing it's not good for your health. Just the Tory greater good to save money. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @george Why oh why do people think they have to vote for a party that really they just don't believe in, if you don't like what Kier Starmer represents then don't endorse him or his party by voting for them, you are not obliged to vote and if you think the policies of all the parties are wrong then at the very least spoil your paper, then at least they know what you think of them and why you cannot give them your vote, which is exactly what I will do, none of them are fit to govern, so none of them will get my vote.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Jace Really think in my opinion , that you have to do some research before voting , obviously people have djfferent values so different parties values ( well what they SAY are their values!)
      Marry with people ,  HOWEVER you have to be REALISTIC and realise other partys other than the Conservative and labour usually dont have enough voting support in numbers so you have to see that a no vote for labour ( if it looks like its between the conservative and Labour realistically) is only going to help the Conservatives , i myself am not  happy with keir starmer and didn't vote him in as leader  , so really for anyone who didn't like the previous labour party before keir i wouldn't worry as they seem to be a totally different party to the one i knew previously ! I dont really want to vote for keir and labour but i DEFINITELY  will not ever ever -vote for the  Conservatories,  so unless i see a party gathering MOMENTOUS support to compete against the Conservatives then . Labour will have my vote , and i shall  have to hope like everyone - they do better whether than the conservatives   , cant see any other way ahead .
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    · 1 years ago
    It's a no brainer, vote LABOUR.
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    · 1 years ago
    Don’t these governments know that disabled people all have full time jobs already which is looking after their disability’s struggling to cope physically and mentally all day and all night 365 days of the year with no days off at all x
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      · 8 months ago
      @diceman24 Well put. These numpties sat in offices waving wands about , cant cure everyone but somehow they have tarred us all with one big brush. Like we live priviledged lives. That would be the royal family ,not me. I havent slept without it taking 4-6 hours to nod off for over 30 years. I was put in lcwra group for a reason that reason was thag they assessed me, i  didnt assess myself !!! At the time all i knew is that i had gone crazy after assessment i was diagnosed with 2 lifelong disorders which medication has had no positive affect on. Ive gone through every ssri every snris now im working through tca's still no joy. I use to run my own business im not that same person now. I will also add i dont take drugs or drink alcohol so i have done all i can to get well. What more can i do unless they offer euthanasia !!!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @diceman24 Totally agree how many of us could really do with extra caring help it's bad enough living with these conditions and being your own carer living on your own but being made to feel so bad about yourself and where you get your income i feels like the last straw
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @diceman24 You’re absolutely spot on. These Governments who discriminate the disabled and force them to get out and work? It should be a case of if they feel able to do so, these in compassionate human disgraces don’t understand that if you are a suffering Disabled being, then you already work full time. Being disabled whichever form of incapacity that may entail? Surely managing to get up and out of bed each day not to mention going to bed is full time work?
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      · 1 years ago
      @diceman24 If they want me to work from home they may send someone out to help me stay awake they can bring a prodding stick lol
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      · 1 years ago
      @diceman24 Fact!
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    · 1 years ago
    I'm glad of any hope. No matter how remote. Please god they see sense and stop our endless worry. 

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