We will have to wait for the publication of the Green Paper later today for full details of changes to personal Independence payment (PIP) and Universal Credit (UC).

But here are some of the main points of the speech.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

  • No vouchers
  • No means-test
  • No freeze.

But, from November 2026, claimants will need to score at least 4 points from a single descriptor to qualify for the daily living component of PIP, as well as scoring a total of at least 8 points..

So, if you select 4 descriptors scoring two points each, that will be 8 points, but it will not qualify for an award. 

But if you select one descriptor scoring 4 points and two descriptors scoring 2 points, that will be 8 points and you will qualify for an award.

There will also be review of the PIP assessment system led by disability minister Stephen Timms.

PIP existing claimants

The DWP says it "will work with Department of Health and Social Care to ensure that existing people who claim PIP who may no longer be entitled to the benefit following an award review under new eligibility rules have their health and eligible care needs met. The government is consulting on how best to achieve this."

This suggests that existing claimants will be subject to the new rules when their award is reviewed.

 Work Capability Assessment (WCA)

The WCA is to be scrapped in 2028 and a new single assessment system introduced. Under the new system, any extra financial support for health conditions (including PIP, ESA or UC health) will be assessed via a new single assessment which will be based on the PIP assessment – considering on the impact of disability on daily living, not on capacity to work.

There will be an increase in  Face-to-Face Assessments for PIP and the WCA.

Reintroduce reassessments for incapacity benefits, with exceptions for those who will never work and those under special rules for end-of-life care. Reassessments have largely been switched off since 2021.

A "Right To Try Guarantee" will be introduced which will guarantee that attempting work will never lead to a benefits reassessment.

Universal Credit (UC)

From April 2026, Labour will hold the value of the universal credit health top-up fixed in cash terms for existing claimants, and reduce it for new claimants, with an additional premium for people with severe lifelong condition

The Standard Allowance will be raised above inflation by 2029/30, adding £775 annually in cash terms for a single person aged over 25.

Access to the health element of Universal Credit will be delayed until a claimant is aged 22.

Existing claimants.  The DWP say “Those currently in receipt of UC health will benefit from the increased standard allowance and will not be affected by plans to reduce UC health in future.”


People with the most severe disabilities or with health conditions that will never improve will never be reassessed.


The DWP say they will bring forward primary legislation this session to enable delivery of the PIP additional eligibility requirement and UC rebalancing reforms from 26/27.

The Right to Work Guarantee will be delivered through separate primary legislation which will be introduced “in due course”. 


The DWP say the changes are expected to save over £5 billion in 2029 to 2030.


The Pathways to Work:  Reforming Benefits and Support to Get Britain Working Green Paper.

 Liz Kendall speech




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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    This doesn't seem too bad, but does have some red flags. 

    Firstly, the obvious thing is that they are doing the classic divide and conquer.  It's very easy to slip into an "I'm alright Jack" mentality, as I'd assume the majority of us are over 22 so it won't affect us.  But there are still people under 22 that need help, and that have severe disabilities. 

    Also, why will the payments be different for new claimants?  Are their needs less than ours?  What nonsense, it's again divide and conquer. 

    There are some positives, but we need to remain vigilant and protest these unfair changes to the new claimants and under 22s. 

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 21 hours ago
      @Alex Not too bad?  If you get 2 point in 4 categories so 8 points over all you will lose your standard care.  Thats an awful lot of people losing considerable support despite qualifying in the past.  Not sure how thats not bad.  Yes its terrible to do this to young people what difference does it make if you are under 22 do you become less disabled?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 23 hours ago
      @Alex It's not the age issue that's the problem, but the significant changes to criteria for getting PIP.  
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    What will this mean for Esa Contributory claimants ?

    i get Esa contributory based with a  top up of  income related.
    Why cant things be made clear instead of more uncertainty for some.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 21 hours ago
      @Michael I'm in the same position.  Worked for 42 years, and am now disabled.  On New Style ESA - means tested due to an occupational pension.  Looks like that's going to mean a loss of £280 per month.
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      · 22 hours ago
      @Vic They are looking a merging New Style ESA with JSA and time limiting it (6-12 months), after that it's UC or work.
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      · 23 hours ago
      @Vic Existing claims will be honoured, unless a reassessment is carried out which alters that claim.

      [54. Alongside levelling up the rate, this change would end the indefinite entitlement to contributory ESA for those assessed as having limited capability for work-related activity (for new people claiming).]
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 23 hours ago
      @Vic Same Vic. And I've migrated.

      So does anybody know what happens when the insurance element runs out (probably after a year) ? I presume you then claim income based, but thats been transferred to UC.....It would be unbelievably unfair if we have to then claim income based and its deducted from our transistional protection amount. I would lose £280;per month.

      Can anybody clarify?
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    Well, at least the announcement means that anything worse won't. happen. There will be nothing immediate and people transitioning from ESA to UC will still get protection it seems.

    The really hard bit for people currently on benefits is need to score at least 4 in one of the PIP assessment categories, although I expect that charities will fight that tooth and nail in the courts.

    And of course it will induce massively more Mandatory Reconsiderations (because in the past many people just accepted lower than proper points because they were happy to get lower rate personal care PIP) and appeals to tribunals.

    Also, no changes until November 2026 (at earliest), so if reassessed before then old rules presumably. 

    It's all worrying, but we don't have anything to worry about for at least 19 months (Nov 2026), and a lot can change via political and court pressures.

    I was really worried there would be immediate or very rapid cuts for current recipients, and that isn't going to happen.

    For people with conditions such as MS it might even turn out well with a promised increase for those with permanent conditions and no further reassessments.

    It's still very scary - but I should be able to sleep tonight.

    It will be a very good idea, though, for everybody to write an email to their MP, especially if its a Labour MP.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 20 hours ago
      @Ala And that will include self employment 
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      · 21 hours ago
      @PB Yes it really needs everyone to write to their mps
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      · 21 hours ago
      @PB Some people with MS can work.  My worry is, all will be treated as capable of doing some work..    And the same will apply to other callenging conditions. 
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      · 22 hours ago
      @PB My MP is Alison McGovern so no chance on hell there with that Liz Kendall fangirl
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      · 22 hours ago
      @PB You're observations are spot on. There will be so many legal challenges regarding the point system. I believe they have also said that needing help to wash below the waist will be removed from the descriptors. I think that is utterly ridiculous as most who are incontinent need assistance with that. I know I do! 

      I also agree with what you've said about having 19 months to fight these proposals, a lot can be achieved in that time. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    Hi, Under 'PIP existing claimants' where you write 'This suggests that existing claimants will be subject to the new rules when their award is reviewed.' 
    Is this to take place after November 2026 (or whenever new rules are expected/if to be implemented) or is it likely that a PIP review prior to November 2026 would be subject to the new rules? Really need clarifcation on this point, please.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 18 hours ago
      @SLB I think it'll apply to any current claim that expires after November 26.
      If a current claim is still in the system after November 26 it will be scored on the current criteria.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 18 hours ago
      @Anon No.
      The descriptor change will only apply on reassessment date.
      You won't be called in before your expiry date.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 20 hours ago
      @Anon Very similar, review 2030, after the next GE.... it's not good....
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 21 hours ago
      @Anon Anon...I can't see that being the case. They would have to wait for the current award to reach its review date. This is why I am asking, as my review is prior to November 2026!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 23 hours ago
      @francis1969 I was wondering this as well. My pip is made up of 2 points over a number of descriptors. My next review was scheduled for 2032 but I'm guessing this will be brought forward to any time soon.

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    What’s happening with light touch reviews for pensioners
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 22 hours ago
      @francis1969 Think any light touch given new rules don’t exist at this point would have to be under old structure but somewhat pointless ?
      If they did for any rapid cut …

      Unless the idea is to diminish anyone’s current totals under old count for future legislation changes to implemented much easier when time comes 

      Not sure if one can refuse assessments made earlier than planned light touch or not 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 23 hours ago
      @Oldie And all others who are to have light touch reviews...and as above will these be under current PIP regs/pre November 2026, or is this for reviews post 2026?
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    What will the change mean to those with Autism/ADHD and bipolar and depressiion that are existing claiments? Like for example their award ends 2029
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 22 hours ago
      @Clay that's not true, don't scare monger like this. autism, ADHD, bipolar and depression can be serious. the criteria is not based on what condition, it is based on how it impacts a person's life. the government surely realise that cutting financial support on the basis of mental health would be a form of disability discrimination.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 23 hours ago
      @Anonymus PIP isn't based on your diagnosis, it's based on how your disability affects you. You will still be able to claim PIP for autism etc if you still meet the descriptors but you will need a minimum of 4 points + 4 points from another descriptor to be eligible. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 23 hours ago
      @Clay I wished I could believe that. I'm autistic, had no good experience of work and employers and the DWP just can't be trusted based on my experiences. Disappointing when the education system was quite accommodating for me. The DWP don't know what it means to be compassionate. Just inexcusable and evil to make PIP even harder than before, all because of some misguided ideology. I currently get enhanced daily living, my whole award will now more or less ride on the one category I got given 4 points for. Ridiculous, there shouldn't even be a points based system in the first place! Also would love to know where the jobs are, let alone any accessible ones that are easy to reach by public transport. Everywhere I hear in the news, people are losing jobs in the 1000s!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 23 hours ago
      @Clay It doesn't say that at all? Mental ill health will qualify in these descriptors if the person gets four points in one section and two in the rest 
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      · 23 hours ago
      @Anonymus It depends how it affects you.  If you earn more than two points in any category, whether you have autism or bipolar/depression, you will qualify as long as you get the other points needed.  There is no distinction in what has been said between mental and physical health. (Apart from those who only qualify for two points across the board, then that will mean pip is not awarded.)
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    "The WCA is to be scrapped in 2028 and a new single assessment system introduced. Under the new system, any extra financial support for health conditions (including PIP, ESA or UC health) will be assessed via a new single assessment which will be based on the PIP assessment."

    Yet when the Tories proposed this, Labour were furiously against, but now they're proposing exactly what they were against less than a year ago!

    Hypocrisy combined with cruelty at its finest.

    I really wonder who would pass such a single assessment based on toughened criteria intended to fail claimants!
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago


    Yet when the Tories proposed this, Labour were furiously against, but now they're proposing exactly what they were against less than a year ago!

    Hypocrisy combined with cruelty at its finest.

    I really wonder who would pass such a single assessment based on toughened criteria intended to fail claimants!
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    So much for me writing yesterday hope it isn't too bad. Actually it is worse than I thought it would be. The Work Capability Assessment will be scrapped in 2028. So much for the health component of UC that was ESA being reduced, it is in fact being scrapped altogether! Just ordinary Jobseeker's/UC. And in addition they will bring in an "expectation to engage" alongside an offer of personalised employment support Kendall said. 

    So we will lose the health component of UC completely and they will pester us as well. Oh dear. I feel sick.

    PIP as the leaks predicted is now to be made harder to qualify. But with the above being scrapped if you don't get PIP and many won't now, I don't think I will qualify now, then we really are going to seriously struggle to live. 
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      · 22 hours ago
      @MJ We will have the same experience possibly as regular job seekers.
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    · 1 days ago
    This is absolutely barbaric if this goes ahead anywhere close to what was announced then the suicide rate in this country will go through the roof and I'm NOT scaremongering either
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    · 1 days ago
    "People with the most severe disabilities or with health conditions that will never improve will never be reassessed."

    Autism is lifelong and not going to improve, but autistics are the disabled group being targetted as fit for work. 

    Also if the WCA is scrapped and assessment is based on the PIP assessment, how does that affects the ones of us that only get ESA SG/UC LCWRA but don't claim PIP? Or has Labour not thought of that?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 21 hours ago
      @WorkshyLayabout "People with the most severe disabilities or with health conditions that will never improve will never be reassessed."
      The irony of Kendall saying this! Wiping out hope in one sentence for so many! And anyhow how will this be measured? Does she have a crystal ball? I cant imagine people with mental health issues ever qualifying …when did you ever hear a psychiatrist saying ‘ your condition will never improve’ ? As someone else mentioned … the result could well be in increase in suicide rates 😢
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      · 22 hours ago
      @WorkshyLayabout That is going to be heavily skewed towards severe physical disabilities.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 22 hours ago
      @WorkshyLayabout Exactly, spot on! I rolled my eyes and was frustrated reading that bit! I just know with my gut that sentence somehow won't apply to us who are autistic, or anyone with an invisible disability. It never ever applies to us! and they wonder why autistic people are amongst the least employed and have amongst the worst of life expectancies? Imagine if wheelchair users were forced to use the stairs every time, that's how inaccessible many aspects of the world feel to many autistic people. 

      As for your question, they would probably lose either part or all of their benefit. Would be nice to have a government that would just do the right thing for once, rather than obsess over saving money regardless of the individual consequences all the time. I get changing the welfare system is hard, but they tried the tough stance before, it never worked. How about making it actually fair? Either way, we can never trust the DWP ever.
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      · 23 hours ago
      @WorkshyLayabout I'm one of those on UC/LCWRA via an indefinite or recurring fit note what about those categories 
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      · 23 hours ago
      @WorkshyLayabout Yes they have - you (we) won't get anything more than basic UC if you don't qualify for PIP. It won't be until 2028 though it seems. 

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    · 1 days ago
    This means many people losing part of their PIP award or all of it. My last assessment got me 14 points total in daily living meaning I was given an enhanced award. However none of the individual categories scored more than 3. Under the new proposed regime that will be my Daily Living award completely gone. So many other people will be caught by this needing 4 points on one single category thing.  
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 23 hours ago
      @Hugo Does any category in the PIP assessment actually have 4 points available? I thought 3 points were the maximum 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 23 hours ago
      @Hugo We will legislate for a change in PIP so people will need to score a minimum of 4 points in at least one activity to qualify for the daily living element of PIP from November 2026.
      So has to be 4 points to at least one category 
      Apparently does not affect mobility part full stop 

      That is currently on gov web site if it helps anyone here  
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 days ago
      @Hugo I am not sure but I have a feeling that if you score more than 12 points across the board then you will already be seen as in need of enhanced rate and this focus on 8 pints and one disciptor aimed at 4 points I think is aimed at standard rates.  I could be wrong but I cannot see how they could legally not give someone pip enhanced if they scored way over 12 points regardless of which disciptor they got points for .. I think this is to get a lot of people off standard rates however I think this is going to be legally challenged 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Hugo It will mean a lot more people will demand mandatory reconsiderations and to go to tribunals.
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    · 1 days ago
    So, what now? I'm not going to bother describing how this will wreck my and my kids lives, but what practical steps can we take between now and implementation? 
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      · 19 hours ago
      @Clay @Clay aye OK. Let's just break that down for someone like me with 14 conditions ..I've severe ibs. I throw up as well as the obvious,  I collapse on my floor due to the extreme pain, i black out, I can be there up to 9 hrs, I need someone to get me up, get me into a shower and hold me there while they clean me. Usually my sister. I'm exhausted,dehydrated and wiped out.
      My migraines cause aura where I cant see, I get double vision, black spots, zig zag lines before my eyes,one sided facial numbness and arm numbness, I smell things that aren't there and taste odd things. I need to lie in a totally black room for hours on end, if the headache itself goes my head feels like it's been used as a foot ball afterwards, and I'm drained. 
      My asthma attacks are the worst in thirty years ,I've had six since Saturday, it's only Tuesday.
      I won't go on but you get the idea. So no not even part time.
      My lifes taken up just trying to survive daily. Throw in all my other conditions too. And I'm not the worst off. There are others fighting the same if not worse daily. 
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      · 19 hours ago
      @Clay As an agoraphobic of 30 years with 11 rounds of cbt exposure therapy having failed, that option us not open to me noone is going to employ someone who can't turn up on most days and needs heavy meds to turn up at all,I've lost 3 jobs and I was better then then I am now,the menopause has made it x10 worse and I'm currently unable to even walk around rhe block,I'm on contribution based esa and pip,no descriptor at 4 points although engaging with others should have been at least 4,I feel that I'm going to lose everything, I can't claim uc as hubby cashed in a pension last year to get the damp done ( every room ground floor) but i was too ill and still am after a breakdown over THIS,ironic I know! but I feared destitution,gave myself a breakdown and now it looks like my fears are indeed real,I can't work money or no money!!
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      · 22 hours ago
      @Clay Some of us aren't able to take on any work. And there are many of us who should be on higher rates of PIP, but aren't because of dishonest assessors deliberately marking us down.

      Appealing isn't something some of us are well enough to do either.
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      · 23 hours ago
      @abysmalmusings I would complain to your MP about this- there still has to be a vote on these measures. MPs must be aware these they are cruel and would be expecting angry responses from their constituents.
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      · 1 days ago
      @abysmalmusings Take on part time work, I guess, which is what they want us all to do (at the very least).  
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      · 1 days ago
      @David On further examination I think the £775 increase is by 2030. So no surprise there!
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    · 1 days ago
    Would B&W please come up with a template to help respond to the consultation with respect to ME/CFS and Long Covid, as having to score 4 points in one descriptor will particularly affect those with fluctuating conditions such as ME/CFS.

    It is already hard enough to qualify for PIP as it is now. This change would make it virtually impossible.
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    · 1 days ago
    Does this mean those with severe disabilities wont be re-assessed for UC but will be re-assessed for PIP (using the light touch review) ?

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      · 15 hours ago
      @coolday Is this from the new green paper regarding light touch reviews? 
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      · 22 hours ago
      @tony horse It appears that your pip assessment results will be used to determine if you get lcwra for ESA. The problem is, they are going to make pip harder to get, so I'm guessing if you don't qualify for pipunder the new criteria, then you won't get lcwra for UC.
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      · 22 hours ago
      @tony horse Improving communication with people receiving an ongoing award in PIP who are likely to remain on disability benefits for life
      168. In the current system, people receive an ongoing award in PIP if the impact of their health condition or disability is not likely to change in the long-term, or if they have the highest level of award and the impact of their condition is only likely to get worse. Ongoing awards can be given at any award level in PIP.

      169. Most people with ongoing awards are not formally reassessed. Instead, they have a ‘light touch’ review every 10 years which aims to maintain a minimal level of contact with people to ensure their details are kept up to date and adjust awards if necessary.

      170. By providing PIP awards for an ongoing period, we remove the need for people whose conditions are unlikely to improve to undergo more regular award reviews. Yet we still hear that people with lifelong and progressive conditions are concerned they are being put through unnecessary repeated assessments.

      171. We are considering making changes to improve communication around receiving ongoing awards in PIP. These include improving the information we provide when we write to people about ongoing PIP award decisions, what support is offered to people receiving ongoing awards between ‘light touch’ reviews and reviewing the length of time between ‘light touch’ reviews.
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    · 1 days ago
    Apparently contributory ESA and JSA will be merged into time-limited "Unemployment Insurance"? Isn't that effectively the end of National Insurance as we know it? which was an insurance policy that everyone paid in to and that protected you in the event that you could not work, whether that's for 6 months or for the rest of your life. This would be even more perverse than time limiting the state pension, since at least many younger pensioners can work!
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      · 23 hours ago
      @Veri For new people claiming?? What does that mean for New Style ESA/ESA CB (legacy).
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      · 23 hours ago
      @Veri This is what I have been wondering about as well. I currently receive Old Style CB ESA with IR top up and I will be migrating over to UC next month. My Old Style ESA portion will be transferred over to New Style ESA. If the new Health Insurance benefit comes into force, will there be a time limit for existing claimants, or will they be exempt? Or will the CB part be scrapped and I just receive all relevant portions of UC instead? 
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    · 1 days ago
    Pathways to work, page 17, para 54 "(for new people claiming)" What does this mean for existing claimants of New Style ESA (Contribution based ESA Support Group)?
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      · 1 days ago
      @Stephen I don't know Stephen, maybe it's a new system for new claimants and a phasing out over time for existing claimants as they retire/recover? Also people with LCWRA who also get PIP were no longer having WCA as of the end of 2024. I wonder if this still stands. Reassessments for WCA are apparently restarting.
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    · 1 days ago
    Hmmm, I wonder if there were some last minute u-turns, because this isn’t AS BAD as feared from the leaks. I’m in no way dismissing anyone who’s going to be worse of from this and genuinely feel terrible both for you and friends of mine who may be affected.

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