The DWP has announced that it is to carry out more WCA reviews ‘to ensure claimants who can work are supported to do so’.

The information was included in the 22 September edition of the DWP’s Touchbase newsletter, which is aimed at professionals who work with claimants.

In a piece entitled ‘Work Capability Assessments – update’ the newsletter stated:

“Although we continue to prioritise new claims for a Work Capability Assessment, we plan to conduct more Department-led reassessments as we recover capacity post-Covid.

“Reassessments help ensure claimants receive appropriate financial support and account for the fact that health conditions and disabilities can change and affect people differently over time. We want to ensure claimants who can work are supported to do so, and reassessments help us do that. If customers who use your services enquire, please advise them to complete their medical questionnaire if applicable and to attend their reassessment. If they don’t, their benefits may be affected.”

No further details were given about how many WCA reviews are currently being carried out or by what percentage the numbers will increase.  Nor do we know whether reviews will primarily be for employment and support allowance claimants, universal credit  claimants or both.

Benefits and Work has made a Freedom of Information request to try to get more details.  We’ll pass on anything we learn.

Visit our WCA Changes Latest News page for updates on what's happening to the WCA.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    What a surprise! After reading this today Feb 12 2024 I received a notification from the DWP that I would have to have a reassessment of my LCW that I was awarded in October 2019 on September 26th 2023 just days after the announcement. Its an attempt to get as many people as possible off benefits due to health issues. I'm livid.
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    · 1 years ago
    As quoted on the Martin Lewis show last night, uncertainty about income and an ability to pay your bills makes mental health conditions much worse. ITV are currently raising awareness about mental health conditions, clearly putting benefit claimants into a state of panic over these assessments is now high on the government agenda. I have multiple health conditions, some of which will never get better and some of which will steadily get worse and now I'm also having to act as sole carer for my 86 year old disabled mum who is developing dementia, do the government honestly think I have spare time to work now? Even if I somehow manged just an hour or two a day it wouldn't provide an income so I'd still need to claim benefit.
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    · 1 years ago
    Yes, well worth filling out that consultation as these peopel need to be made fully aware about all the technicalities they clearly over look when dealing with disabled people.
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    · 1 years ago
    Everyone who is concerned about how these changes will affect their benefits should follow the link to the government consultation site and leave comments.
    It doesn't take long, and they can't say in the future that they had unanimous support.
    More people should speak out against these idiotic changes, and quickly!
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    In the US there is little to no support for people with long term or serious conditions, especially those with mental illness. We have to make a decision as a country, do we want to allow governments to drag us further away from compassionate socially inclusive policies where the state seeks to look after the needs of all the people, or do we let them strip it all away with all the suffering, violence, homelessness and lack of healthcare that that will ultimately entail. I do not want to live in a mini USA. I will not vote for anyone who wants to take us there.
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      · 1 years ago
      @James h This would never happen in Britain... I'm not so sure.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Am Decisions need to be made now I agree it’s all heading in that direction having been to the USA myself I have seen it with my own eyes kids in wheel chairs living on the streets and I said the the little girl this would never happen in Britain?
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    · 1 years ago
    All they are doing is generating fear in those already trying to cope with MH and multiple physical conditions. We can't live our lives in a state of worry. I say this as that's exactly what I'm doing. It's ridiculous to think they will wave a wand and we will all be in work and thriving. I don't want to go into my conditions because we'd be here all day.But I will say I've never wished for pension age as much as I have done this year. This constant changing of the goalposts is far too confusing for words. I'd like to ask them how do you make adjustments for those of us with numerous conditions that plague us daily. It makes no sense. Its impossible. They can't even find work for the young and fit.
    I really do not know how any of it will actually work,or make any difference to the workforce. Fix the NHS then maybe those who left their jobs and are awaiting surgery might just get it done and return to work. Stop blaming us and eroding our rights.
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    · 1 years ago
    I am on Universal Credit, with limited capability for work. My job coach rang me out of the blue the other week and basically gave me an ultimatum. I either attend the jobcentre once a fortnight (despite originally having telephone appointments) or work with an organisation called the Shaw Trust. She asked which one is it to be? I was not too sure, but chose the Shaw Trust and have to have meetings with them every fortnight. They help people back into work apparently. I cannot see myself working in the next twelve months because of ongoing ill health. When I queried this, I was told " The government has said there are too many people on sickness benefits and job coaches need to be doing more with them to get them into work" I have not come across anybody else at present, having to do the same as me. Has anybody else on here had to do the same or heard of this happening to others?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @Eddie K As you are in LCW you’re required to prepare for work in the future so any organisations like Shaw trust that can help you gain employment they recommend put on the disengagement list. She shouldn’t have given you an ultimatum like that though, the courses/help is voluntary. I’m 12 months over due my wca review as well despite reporting and updating health problems. You may find the Shaw trust helpful but whether you can hold a job down even part time is another question. I couldn’t even do 10 hours a wk and was let go whilst on the work and health programme.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Eddie K Good luck as their a waste of time like the many others similar. Just a 3rd party being paid by gov for bums on seats =£. Been going on for years, and so many of these companies effectively cashing in on this situation of 'disalbed can be forced back into work as its all good for them and everyone else'.Thats the mentality we are all having to deal with, until the nasty party get thrown out. Hopefully in May 2024.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Eddie K Eddie K,   You having to go to The Shaw Trust ( or job coach Jobcentre) sounds like there  work Program  a few years ago either when someone in the Work Group as it was known on
      IB incapacity benefit before ESA ,    it was a two year program a claimant was mandated  or ordered to you had to go to their premises, after the 2 years it finished it was a law/rule/regulation you could not ever be mandated to the work program again.

      There were different providers just like the assessment providers ATOS etc  in area's around UK.   In those days making sure youre CV was uptodate was a the thing,   absolutely ridiculous when you had your own business for 20 years and have been to university and the dear person jobcoach or advisor opposite can hardly write.   Yeah,     
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      · 1 years ago
      @Eddie K People are on sickness benefits because they are not were enough to work. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Eddie K Next time they say there are too many people on benefits tell them there are too many millionaires, billionaires and mega corporations not paying tax. 
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    · 1 years ago
    I've been thinking about this for a while (worrying I think it is called) and have come to the conclusion that although at some point some paper pusher might find me capable of work, the reality would be quite different. No employer's insurance would cover me to fall and hurt myself if I'm honest at an interview and if I'm honest at an interview no-one in their right mind would employ me anyway. I do worry about it consciously but the stress is incredible and the fact that I am to all intents and purposes useless gives me a warm glow. I do not feel guilty any more. I had Polio as a child, it is not on my medical records, so I am basically at the beck and call of the fates. But like so many people I have no choice in the matter.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Wendy M Well said Wendy M. And thats the way to go with all this when being forced to do anything with these idelohgovcl morons.Just tell the employer the truth as you will want to know who to sue by them putting you in a very precarious position. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    I am on Universal Credit, with limited capability for work. My job coach rang me out of the blue the other week and basically gave me an ultimatum. I either attend the jobcentre once a fortnight (despite originally have telephone appointments) or work with an organisation called the Shaw Trust. She asked which one is it to be? I chose the Shaw Trust and have to have meetings with them every fortnight. They help people back into work apparently. I cannot see myself working in the next twelve months because of ongoing ill health. When I queried this, I was told "
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    · 1 years ago
    The fact that they warn shows they know the fear they make us feel
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    · 1 years ago
    I recently had a WCA and was placed back in the support group based on the paper evidence I sent. It wasn't any different from the usual WCAs. Obviously I'm worried about future changes to this assessment. I have a degenerative condition that isn't going to get better, so I do think these assessments are a waste of taxpayers' money. 
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    · 1 years ago
    Yes. Health conditions and disabilities can change. And it would be a considerable breakthrough - if not a miracle - if the new, “highly trained” work capability assessors could grasp the fact that many neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Motor Neurone Disease do NOT “get better” or “improve. They are progressive and a great deal of stress, anxiety and emotional distress could be removed if I conditions such as these were excluded from the politically motivated strategy of granting them the dignity that finding employment is supposed to offer. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @David Denholm And if they could look uo the definition of what life long conditions mean. There is a clue in the dictionary if they would like to read it, may help with any future assessments.
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    · 1 years ago
    Hope Labour stop assessments for depression and anxiety for over  50's etc....
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    · 1 years ago
    There are two solutions to saving the welfare state and reintroducing compassion to disability claimants: tax the rich hard and introduce new taxes, neither of which will ever happen. It's a slow, incremental deconstruction of the welfare state until it no longer exists for anyone. What we'll do when AI takes a lot of jobs I don't know. I'm worried we could end up with Brazil style favelas and a new class of impoverished citizens. The rich will hide behind their gated mansions as crime skyrockets in our cities. The future looks bleak and our politicians don't care. Look what Liz Truss tried to do: her focus was on socialism for the rich with tax cuts, the rest of us are irrelevant, negligible and undeserving. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Jess H Well said Jess H - trouble is most of the population are already so down trodden by debt and insecurity that they haven't got the time to even look up and see it, it's every man for himself
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    · 1 years ago
    Another cost cutting exercise by a cruel and heartless Tory government.
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    · 1 years ago
    I thought esa to universal credit was being delayed until 2028 and their was me thinking that could give me some time with my mental health after reading this then looks like I shall have to start changing my plans and listen out for the letterbox now it’s just constant misery and worry all the time had enough 
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      · 1 years ago
      @The dogmother @the dog mother thanks for the information I’m the same I think they going after the support group first I’m in the wrag group but my work coach hasn’t bothered since 2019 so I’m just keeping quiet 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Bob @Bob I'm like you. Already watching each day for what the postman will bring. When he passes by I am so relived I cry.Far as I see it won't be until 2028 for majority Esa claimaints but they are choosing people randomly as test cases. I'm praying for a miracle but fearing the worst.
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    · 1 years ago
    They have absolutely no interest in getting people back to work. Their overriding mandate is purely to get people off their hard to gain benefits. Once off they cut people off leaving them with no support.If they do remove someone from benefits they will not even speak to you other than to say appeal. Of course they don't tell you how to.
    They seem to have a great selection of people who do not care what becomes of you. Some

     seem to relish in telling you have lost your benefit and your only option is to Appeal. They are often truly awful people to deal with.
    What they Never tell you is that you can Reapply with new conditions or the worsening of your existing conditions. For example losing your only means of support and facing the appeal ordeal will in all likely make your mental health worse or trigger issues like Anxiety or Depression.

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      · 1 years ago
      @Sheila Well said. Changing the scoring system so fewer people end up in the support group/lcwra means their benefits will be cut substantially without and actual job offering work from home and time off for all rhe hospital trips etc.  If anyone is actually able to get a job offering this from the outset I would be very interested to know.  I suspect that anyone taken on with a disability would be expected to use annual leave to attend hospital appointment and procedures, effe timely mean8ng they would have to work wothout any holidays if they have multiple conditions.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Sheila Agree
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      · 1 years ago
      @Arthur Well said Arthur
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      · 1 years ago
      @Arthur Totally agree the excuses about getting people to work from home so they can manage their disability is rubbish the exercise is to get the sick off their list you will get assessed no points and then you will be left with no help and people that are genuine will suffer. This government have no morals as long as they get money aside so they can tell the public we did this and saved money and they are hoping that they are getting elected again by people that will and have suffered by their own hands 😡😡 it’s appalling it really is
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    · 1 years ago
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    · 1 years ago
    It took me ages getting the LCWRA and had first payment 2 months ago after the 6 + three month wait with no backdating.   My conditions will only get worse and will not improve.  How often do they review as it's loads of pressure going through the process?   
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      · 1 years ago
      @James @james usually it’s about every 2 years depending on your condition but covid did delay things for a while but if the dwp suddenly want to call you in then they can call you in when ever they feel like it 
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    · 1 years ago
    i took the heavily reduced wca  test that benefit and work put on their site which the dwp are looking to change and i failed this wca on the basis of the questions they are looking to remove.
    I think no matter how ill you are ,the dwp will find you fit for work no matter what .
    I am very worried about the changes that are coming because i have several health issues .

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      · 1 years ago
      @colcs I am the same I will get worse with what they are planning
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      · 1 years ago
      @colcs Elections are coming up. Expose your issues tell your MP. Use the media. 

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