Benefits and Work has uploaded three the first three titles in our series of introductory PIP videos.

The free videos on the Benefits and Work Youtube channel now include:

  • Should you claim PIP?
  • The three minute guide to PIP points
  • Start your PIP claim today
  • Could you claim PIP for Long Covid?

There’s also an overview of our ‘Online disability benefits training for claimants, carers and professionals’.

The titles are all aimed at people who are very new to PIP.  Please do pass the link on to anyone who you think might find them helpful.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Hey MrFibro thanks for your feedback regarding my comments on Pip. At least your honest. 1001 reasons why your pip claim was unsuccessful.  Your never a day ahead of the devil when claiming benefits these days. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    @ woo, agreed, but 1001+ reasons is more like it, thus  not to give you any award.

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    · 2 years ago
    Great idea. Watch video then apply. Unfortunately you were bumped off in your assessment phrase and told you weren't intitled to any award. If you have any medical problems etc that effect your daily living or mobility the Dwp have 101 reasons why you didn't qualify. You then go the tribunal and every trick in the book is used to make sure your received nothing.  
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