The DWP has finally caved in to pressure and published the secret report into the effectiveness of sanctions, slipping it out hours before the country shut down for the Easter bank holidays. It shows that sanctioned claimants take longer to move into paid employment and earn less than those who have not been sanctioned. There is no evidence that sanctions are effective in any way at all.

The report, which was written in 2020 and has been the subject of repeated freedom of information requests, is entitled ‘The impact of Benefit Sanctions on Employment Outcomes’.

Overall, claimants who have been hit with a sanction have 8% shorter UC claims than claimants who were not sanctioned.

But, very concerningly, the majority of those with shortened claims disappear– they do not move into paid employment and no research on moves into self-employment was carried out.

Claimants who are sanctioned and who eventually move into PAYE work actually take longer to do so than those were not sanctioned and earn an average of £34 a month less.

This is not what the DWP would have expected: experience across Europe is that sanctioned claimants are likely to move into paid employment more quickly.

So, if sanctioning claimants is supposed to help people move into paid employment it fails dismally.

However, the DWP argue in a ‘context note’ released with the report that the research cannot be relied upon because it did not take into account the value of the ‘deterrent effect’ of the sanctions regime. The theory is that claimants are more likely to meet their obligations because they fear being sanctioned and so, overall sanctions are an effective tool.

The DWP point to the fact that the sanction rate fell from 6% in August 2017 to below 3% in August 2018. This, they claim is evidence that claimants changed their behaviour and became more complaint because of the deterrent effect of sanctions.

However, no research has been carried out to demonstrate that this deterrent effect was actually responsible for the fall in sanction numbers. The DWP can turn sanctions on and off like a tap and it is entirely possible that it was changes in DWP procedures and the department’s fear of negative publicity surrounding sanctions deaths that caused the drop in the number of claimants being sanctioned.

Without independent research into the deterrent effect, which the DWP has had three years since the draft report to carry out but has chosen not to, there is not a scrap of evidence that sanctions are anything but ineffective.

The reality is that the sanctions rate was at a record 6.86% in October 2022 and the DWP are now planning to considerably toughen the regime without any evidence it will have any positive effect.

We can be sure, however, that a harsher regime will cause severe hardship and additional claimant deaths.

You can download the draft report and the context note from this page.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    I was sanctioned for 4 weeks before Christmas. Their evidence was completely made up and was rejected by the Judge at Appeal in 3 mins. Upon leaving court the Usher gave me a copy of his findings which although they in my favour they were not legally enforceable!?
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    · 1 years ago
    I honestly don't know where all these workshy ppl are! A new B and M store is opening up in our city recruiting 60 vacancies, I got an email yesterday asking to confirm my slot as interest is so great they have a reserve list! 
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    · 1 years ago
    So here we go the Conservative Government used it for Covid and admit they are using "FEAR" for sanctions!!  Having worked with DWP I can say that Sanctions work with some and not with others.  What do they do??  They cause more fraud/law breaking, as customers find other methods to live!  It causes more mental health illness, as customers worry and become very nervous, when they attend their work coach meetings.  Customers "fear" create illness or cause current illness to get worse.  What happens then..........they end up on ESA and claiming PIP!!!!!  Why is there so much unemployment under the Conservative Government for these very reasons.  Let's face it does a rich Tory, frauding the tax system or claiming expenses at ridiculous amounts, have a clue about the average person on the street, no they don't and never will!!!    
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    · 1 years ago
    Don't see how you can draw the conclusion you do, B & W.   The people who get sanctions may well  not be representative of the whole client group (probably not I suspect) and may be less likely to go on to leave benefits and move into paid work.  Any useful research would need to take statistical information about who gets sanctions into account

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    · 1 years ago
    I have never been sanctioned myself.I am never late for an appointment and I attend every interview they send me on.I don’t ever give them a reason to sanction me.I have always been well enough to make sure I attend my meeting.I don’t know what I would do if I was ill.They automatically think you are lying.
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    · 1 years ago
    I have been getting  P I P for some years now as I am mentally disabled and had to leave school early without any exam results. I am not capable of learning anything new. does this mean I will be sanctioned and lose my entitlement to it. 
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    · 1 years ago
    Even without Therese Coffey at the helm, any contact from the DWP makes my stomach churn & I feel sick. 
    These policy makers have no clue what they're putting us through, and they care even less. 
    That None of this is evidence based proves that, once again its a target meeting, money saving exercise. That they could get 100 times more by chasing rich tax evaders matters not a jot. 
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    · 1 years ago
    2026-2029 fair way off. Besides as law theres election due by dec 2024 .  SO  if tory conservativies  dont get in 2024- 2029 this may never happen .  
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    · 1 years ago
    'This is the amount the government have decided you need to live on'. Is this sentence still being used on benefit entitlement letters? It is a lie; the government have told me no less than three times, that no calculation has been made to determine such a figure. One DWP minister even said that it would not be helpful to calculate how much people needed to live on!
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    · 1 years ago
    conservative party more like a modern day nazi party, sick of the rich people thinking they know how we live when they have no idea and just live in a echo chamber bubble of there own kind. special palce in hell for all the people in the parliment houses.
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    · 1 years ago
    I would argue that sanctions do work, but not in the way the Govermnent are portraying. They work inasmuchas whilst sanctioned the beggars are not having to provide you with any income. So whilst they do not have the effect the Government seeks to pretend they do, they certainly save the DWP from spending more money. That, and that alone is the reason for sanctions. It's not to 'teach people a lesson' or to 'deter them from idleness' or to 'scare them into complying'. It is simply to avoid paying out money.

    Whatever happened to that phrase typed on your award letter about 'this is the amount the Government have decided you need to live on'. When you are sanctioned miraculously you can suddenly survive on fresh air!
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    · 1 years ago
    Lack of evidence OR PROOF this regime even works tells you everything you need to know about the DWP which is a discredited department in TOTAL disrepute & needs scraping along with this government.

    UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME is the next logical step. 
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    · 1 years ago
    We are right back to workhouse ideology. The Victorians made workhouses so brutal that people dreaded them, the Conservatives have done the same with our social security system. It no longer supports anyone, only punishes. It's disgusting that anyone votes for it.
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    · 1 years ago
    Further proof, if any were needed, that DWP sanctions are purely ideological. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Linda I totally agree with that , sanctions make the poorest suffer even more , having to seek help from family as they have nothing to live on , but it does save the DWP money which is all they want ! This system is getting so unfair to the most vulnerable. When they move PIP to Universal Credit people will lose money yet again 
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      · 1 years ago
      @David ideological and financial...... it's a money saving exercise. A morally repugnant one at that!
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