The latest quarterly statistics published by the DWP show that the number of claimants having their PIP award reviewed has leapt by 68% compared to the same period a year before.  The number of new claims is also continuing to hit record highs.

New claims success rates

220,000 new claims for PIP were made and 220,000 were cleared in the quarter ending October 2023.  This is an increase of 11% in the number of new claims made, compared to the same time last year.

46% of all new claim received an award of PIP, with 53% of those who made it as far as an assessment receiving an award.

Award lengths

For new claims in the quarter ending October 2023:

76% of claims awarded were short term (0 to 2 years)

14% were longer term (over 2 years)

8% were ongoing

Planned award review outcomes

Planned award reviews are those which the DWP require the claimant to have, rather than a review requested by the claimant because, usually, their condition has got worse

110,000 planned award reviews were registered and 110,000 cleared in the quarter ending October 2023. 

The number of planned award reviews cleared has increased by 68% compared to the same period last year.

Planned award review outcomes for last five years to October 2023 are:

Award Increased              19%       

Award Maintained           51%       

Award Decreased            9%         

Award Disallowed            21%

Clearance times

Clearance times for new claims are 15 weeks from start to finish, down from 16 weeks a year ago. 

Once new claims are referred to an assessment provider, the waiting time has fallen from 11 weeks to 9 weeks from referral to a decision.

Mandatory reconsiderations

Over the past 5 years, 34% of mandatory reconsiderations (MRs) cleared have led to a change in award.

In October 2023, the average clearance time was 36 calendar days, down from the most recent peak of 79 in September 2021.

Over the past 5 years:

35% of completed MRs against initial decisions following a PIP assessment went on to lodge an appeal

24% of appeals lodged saw DWP change the decision in the customer’s favour before the appeal was heard at tribunal – known as a “lapsed” appeal.

Rising 16s

There is good news for claimants who transfer from DLA to PIP at age 16. 

52% of rising 16s who registered a DLA reassessment claim were awarded PIP at the highest rate (enhanced daily living and enhanced mobility components).

Only 8% of the same individuals received the highest rate under DLA.

You can read the full statistics on the .gov website.


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    Zoe Williams · 1 months ago
    Completed review forms which detailed change of needs in June 2023, received text acknowledgement and two other texts saying to wait. Then completed a change of circumstances form advising that they were informed of this in July 2023.

    In May 2024, had a text from the assessment company stating they would be arranging the assessment.

    And I have heard nothing at all.
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    Amanda · 2 months ago
    Submitted response to consultation, very interesting they probably won’t like my responses but to be honest when do they ever take notice they will always just do what they want
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    Anonymous 😥 · 3 months ago
    Help needed please, I applied in January 2024 had a text saying that it's with a medical professional 2 weeks ago and I'll contact you if we need too , does anyone know how much longer it'll be before I hear anything? Or if I do get pip how long for the first one as not being told anything and they are quite rude on the phone , thanks in advance 
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    Saplesswonder · 3 months ago
    Applied in January -- had my assessment in March.
    Got the text on the same day as the assessment that the DWP received my report and to allow up to 8 weeks for a decision
    Seems different time frames for others
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      K · 3 months ago
      @Saplesswonder Mine appears the same as yours, I applied Jan 24, I had my assessment last weds, git a text the same day saying DWP had my report and could be upto 8 weeks. Pleased I found your comment!
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    Littlemissworrier · 4 months ago
    I started my claim on 1st December 2023, I then had my telephone assessment on 29th February and received a letter today saying we now have the information needed to make a decision. Does anyone know how long it will be for the decision to be made? 
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      annon · 3 months ago
      @Littlemissworrier I did my sons on the 4th Dec he had a telephone assessment on the 27th of Feb, had the same letter as you saying they had all information needed. I phoned for an update on Thursday just gone and he had a decision made on the 19th of March. we've had no award letter yet though. so I'd call to find out 
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      A · 3 months ago
      @Littlemissworrier I applied for the forms in January got them the 8th had my medical assessment on the 15th of March have been etold ill get my letter in the next 3 weeks with decision 
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    Sal · 4 months ago
    I've sent mine back for the 11th recorded delivery I've not received a text saying they've received it should I be concerned 
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    Stephen · 4 months ago
    Sent Review paperwork back in November with no change to any section. Week 16 now and nothing other than txt to say it arrived. So much for the quoted 35 calendar days turnaround. 
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      Pidge · 2 months ago
      @Stephen Same here. Rec’d renewal/review pack December 2023, got a text 31 January 2024 saying they’d received the completed forms. As of 13 May 2024 no further correspondence by post or text and there doesn’t seem to be any way to find out how long one should expect to wait. My current award runs to  late October so it’s not a financial issue as much as anxiety, worried my claim could be jeopardised if I’ve missed something 
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      Gav · 3 months ago
      @Stephen Have you heard anything as of yet thanks in advance 
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    TrashedBySystem · 4 months ago
    After being on higher rate for PIP for several years, DWP decided I was not disabled anymore and awarded 0 points on everything. Nothing about my condition has changed. I was born with a hidden disability. After taking them to court they only made a decision on one aspect and awarded 4 points on that alone. The hostile application process and Capita blatantly changing words between assessment and wha they tell DWP is all a ruse to pretend they even listen to claimants.
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      Anna Thorkil · 3 months ago
      @TrashedBySystem I just had a review from capita, she was rude ,aggressive, didnt ask me about if i wanted it recording. She was rushing it, said she only had an hour, not true.. she missed put loads of questions which capita do are supposed to for the score system.. i have already started a letter of complaint about her. Are you appealing it. 
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    clare · 5 months ago
    my pip was up this year so i got the letter i had to reapply, i did sent it back off to them, its been about 4 weeks.  so i phoned them up for a check, can't remeber what they said to the t but. it was something like they are asking someone higher to look at my reapply form as my health has got worse.. i don't no if that's good or bad.. or weather they might up my rate? >.<
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    Julie · 5 months ago
    Advice pls  so anxious and frightened 
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    Julie · 5 months ago
    Do they still pay your pip if they have not assessed your new pip review    sent review form back 9 weeks ago  heard nothing   my existing claim ends ne t month  will my payments stop   so very scared 😨 
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      Lisa · 4 months ago
      @Julie No you will still receive your payments till it’s been reviewed 
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      Ev1984 · 4 months ago
      @Julie No they extend by year and continue to pay until assessed. Payments don't stop. You should have had an extension letter
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      Emily · 4 months ago
      @Gemma Hi sent my forms back in Nov 2022 I also had my review in January this year have you had your decision yet as I'm still waiting they said 6 weeks and it's been 8 so far coming up for 9 and noone will tell me anything just keep saying its being assessed wait for your letter 
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      Gemma · 4 months ago
      @Julie Hi Julie, try not to worry. I submitted my form in January 2023 and didn't have my review until January 2024. They will keep paying your PIP whilst you wait and if it exceeds your original renewal date they'll let you know it's been extended 
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    Lisabw · 5 months ago
    Hi I had to fill in my sons review forms in for may 2023 but was told his actual time was for march 2024 but I’ve not even received a text to say they have received or they plan to look at the forms eventually  I’m not sure what to do next 
    My son suffers from bad anxiety and this is adding to it bless him 
    Any advice? 
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    The Dog Mother · 6 months ago
    I'm very interested to know how many of you had indefinite dla before being forced onto pip, and how many got zero points upon being 'asked' to claim pip instead.?
    I had indefinite dla after a number of home assessments and when it came to apply for the dreaded pip I got zilch! I've had ,so far, three re assessments for pip. All of which were absolutely disgusting, I was treated like my entire life was a lie.
    The third reassessment being the worst ,so far,by a very junior female nurse. Who quite frankly was hard of hearing as I repeated an answer three times and still she wrote her take on it.
    The whole report was a farce .Even though it was being recorded.
     Two tribunals won and the third win at MR. Take away their bonuses and see the truth being told,it would be  a fairer system,It needs to come back 'In house'.
    We are set up to fail on purpose.
     Tribunals,MRs and the rest are costing more than it would to give us a fair assessment and award pip,esa,uc or whichever 'benefit' it may be. The blatant disregard for our health is beyond imagination.
    Small wonder so many of us are in a state of collapse and paranoia afterwards. That stays with us until the next horror show 
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    JR · 6 months ago
    I'm actually worried..I done a review form as my condition has got worse and today I got a text from DWP saying a decision has been made and to wait for letter to arrive within 2 weeks before contacting DWP. The time length from day they received the form to today informing me a decision has been made is 17 DAYS...yep you read that right...17 DAYS. Now that must be the quickest ever turnaround in history of PIP but it's also very worrying too.
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      Sarah · 4 months ago
      @JR What was the outcome? I’ve just sent mine off yesterday as my condition and what I can do has got worst and they said on the phone I’d hear within 6 weeks 
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      Bob · 5 months ago
      @JR When did you put in your review and hopefully you got it
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      Mark S · 5 months ago
      @Skat i Me too!
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      Skat i · 5 months ago
      @JR  That is quick ,I hope you get a good result 🤞. I've also had a text to say my decision letter will arrive in the post in 2 weeks, it's only been 2 days and I'm on edge already 🙄
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      Maria · 5 months ago
      @JR You will probably get the same as you were getting before mine was a year but that was what they told me no face to face or telephone interview just on my paper evidence but it stopped the same and my award was for 5years
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    Isabella · 6 months ago
    l sent mine back in July still have not heard anything even just to know. They are dealing
    With it or if l have to talk to someone . It worse not knowing what is going on. It's alright for them to say we are still paying you.but that's not the point the money be a big part of the house income . So you need to know if you could lose the payment
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      DL · 5 months ago
      @Isabella Hi lovely, I have been waiting for a review since they got my forms in September. Is this normal with current situations do you think? I feel for you as we all need to know 
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      titch · 5 months ago
      @Isabella Mine went in on 15th May.  Had a text that day to say they'd received it, and since then have had a further 3 texts - one every 12 weeks - to say they still have it and "will be progressing your review as soon as we can".  Now at more than 44 weeks since it was sent in!  My mobility has declined a lot and I really need to get a scooter/electric wheelchair/manual wheelchair and trike system but cannot afford to when I don't know if the income is going to evaporate :/
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    Asa · 6 months ago
    There is a mental and physical health crisis in Britain and all the Tories say is "get back to work". How about addressing this growing, this ever growing problem. It's not about "laziness" and "work-shy" this is a national crisis of health. 
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    Diddy Dinkie · 6 months ago
    I sent review paperwork back in April 23.  I received the usual text messages. Now granted extension of 1 year but told it could be 6weeks or 6 months before I get a decision.  I reach retirement age in April but dare not retire until I know the outcome. I am stressed beyond belief.
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      Sonia · 5 months ago
      @Diddy Dinkie Im only 44 I have the same thay told me thay are still paying me up to a year but not been told what's going one I have mental health and its stressful 
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    Claire · 6 months ago
    My son had a compulsory review of his PIP award at the beginning of April 2023. Having heard nothing by January 2024 he phoned the DWP, only to be told it could be another year (January 2025) before his review was looked ar! 
    That's almost TWO YEARS!!! - Surely not! Something is wrong there???
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      Ev1984 · 4 months ago
      @Claire Think mime was 18 months after my due date. Now taking to tribunal to fight decision 
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      Gail · 4 months ago
      @Claire Snap..... Mine is same,  I don't get why the dwp can be allowed to do this.... 
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    Malcolm · 6 months ago
    I had pip message me that on February 1 this year thy are going to to do video link after I told them in 2018 I am deaf.what these people do for a living lie all the time 
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    Richard · 6 months ago
    Blue badges can actually be issued to people with mobility issues NOT receiving PIP via their local Council. 

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