MacMillan has now launched its campaign on PIP waiting times and they are asking Benefits and Work readers to help out by signing their petition and highlighting it on social media..

MacMillan say that:

Pay PIP Now is calling for the UK Government to reduce distressing waiting times for PIP.

“The current average waiting time for PIP for people making a new claim in England and Wales is 18 weeks. It’s unacceptable that people living with cancer are facing a such a long wait to receive the financial support they need, and are entitled to.   

 “Each week their claim is delayed, those affected can miss out on up to £156.90. This shortfall comes at a time when people with cancer face potentially catastrophic increases to the cost of living, on top of a significant financial impact from their diagnosis. 

 “We’re calling for the UK Government to reduce PIP waiting times to 12 weeks, so that people with cancer get this support when they need it the most.”

As well as signing their petition, MacMillan are asking people to like and share posts about the campaign that you see from @macmillancancer on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

Share the campaign on your social media accounts using the text:

I’m supporting Macmillan’s campaign calling on the UK Government to cut distressing waiting times for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) down to 12 weeks. PIP must reach people quicker at a time when they're struggling with the cost of living crisis. Sign the petition now:


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 10 months ago
    Why are the comments 1 year ago? 
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    · 2 years ago
    I agree with the aim, although even 12 weeks seems far too long to expect a claimant to wait after a cancer diagnosis. Surely this should be only an absolute maximum and PIP should always be fast-tracked to reach the claimant as soon as possible.
    But I don't agree with how this petition has been launched. If Macmillan wants to influence the government, then it should use the petitions system. 
    Its own platform demands every signatory's full postal address, which is wholly unnecessary; no charity should ever demand extraneous personal data. However good its promise not to abuse such data, no IT system is proof against abuse or hacking. The only safe way to keep personal data secure is to minimise its dissemination.
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    · 2 years ago
    Cancer is long term illness and treatment, mental health can be affected. My dad and my beloved cat passed away despite the best treatment given. I support cancer research so that more human and pet patients will be saved. I have mental illness and hidden disability that are incurable, have to deal with DWP for the last 20 plus years, with Tory they're brutal. I have lost my ESA (IP) disability related benefit (Have you claimed?) many times despite Tribunals and had to claim again and again. Think about stress, worry, debt could mount as I dealt with all alone.  Next time I will vote Labour. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Average waiting time is 18 WEEKS ? I waited nearly 11 months in the first instance for my partner to be paid, and I'm still waiting after nearly 6 months for a review for my claim to actually be reviewed... Yet again !! DWP is an absolute shambles and will continue to be unless these idiots are held to account... They seem to be totally untouchable.... Shame on them !!
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    · 2 years ago
     It's totally unacceptable for the DWP to delay payments of benefits which could make a huge difference to the lives of people who are struggling with disabilities. The Department needs to get a grip on its responsibilities and begin to fulfil its primary function as a public service rather than acting as a cost-cutting tool for a troubled government. 
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    · 2 years ago
    My son was diagnosed in April with cancer at age 21, he is still waiting for his PIP payment and they made him go for a medical assessment with Atos. It's been an absolute joke. He has struggled to pay his rent and bills also
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Deb The reason for this egregiously excessive delay in paying PIP is so very simple: namely, that the members of the Parliamentary Tory Party are, with only the very odd exception, entirely devoid of any human compassion. In it's place is a reverance for the acquisition of very large quantities of money, and the best sources of that largess are the weakest members of the fools who are Subjects of our monarch. Quite simply, disabled, sick and unemployed (even only briefly) people are fully expendible. The imminent cutting of 'red tape' will also, soon, bring this reality to even greater visibility!
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    · 2 years ago
    Twelve weeks is ridiculous, that's three months. You could have been evicted in that time and/or have run up huge debts. The payment needs to be within a week! I've just had the form through for my son's re-assessment although he has two conditions which will not improve and may get worse as he ages. If they stopped unnecessary re-assessments, maybe they would have the capacity to do this vitally urgent work in a timely manner.
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    · 2 years ago
    Lets hope they take notice. It is outragious that people in need of support have to wait 5/6 months!! 
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    · 2 years ago
    Hope they end PIP Assessments soon.....
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      · 2 years ago
      @Lynsey Make sure you appeal!
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      · 2 years ago
      @jason lee I was diagnosed with breast cancer January 2019, I applied for pip in June 2019 I was rejected pip jan 2020. I have suffered with anxiety, stress and depression throughout. I was applied once again in November 2020 and while awaiting my response/ assessment I was re diagnosed with reoccurring breast cancer 14th April 2021. My assessment finally came around the end of May 2021. I had a mastectomy 2 weeks later. Arrived home from hospital to a letter again being rejected. My report was a half a page long and reflected nothing what had been discussed. 

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