There has been a big increase in the number of PIP and UC appeals, with the success rates for both holding steady, but DLA and ESA success rates are down according to the latest statistics from Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service.               

The statistics cover the period from January to March 2022.

There has been a 44% increase in PIP appeals and a 95% increase in UC appeals.

PIP appeals accounted for 67% of all new social security cases and UC for 16%.

The number of cases completed in this period fell by 34%, from 33,000 last year to 22,000 this year.  PIP made up 60% of all the completed cases.

Of the cases heard at tribunal, the overall success rate for claimants fell from 66% last year to 63% this year.

This success rate varied by benefit type, with PIP at 72%, DLA at 63%, ESA at 62%, and UC 55%.

Compared to January to March 2021, DLA and ESA success rates both decreased by 5 percentage points, while PIP and UC remained similar.

There were 48,000 SSCS cases outstanding at the end of March 2022, an increase of 8% compared to the same period in 2021.

The average length of time for an appeal to be completed was 26 weeks, 5 weeks shorter than a year ago.

You can read the full tribunal statistics here.


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    · 2 years ago
    Thanks to finding this website last year I was finally granted the higher levels of PIp daily living & Mobility. I had to go into the appeal process but without the knowledge I found here I don’t believe I would have been successful. Also because of this success I was re examined by Universal Credit for fitness for work and work related activities. I was found unfit and now in receipt of extra benefit from Universal Credit too as well as a large back payment from UC as it turns out from when I applied for UC in Feb 2020 I declared my health problems but wasn’t given the extra benefit to which I was entitled to as Limited capability for work. As a result I received a substantial back payment which has been of enormous benefit to myself and my husband. 
    Thank goodness I found your advice site. Thank you. 
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