PIP appeal numbers have risen by 119% compared to last year, as the social security appeal system heads for massive backlogs, the latest appeal statistics show.

The July to September statistics show that the number of social security appeals lodged increased by 74% and the number of appeals that are outstanding increased by 96%.  However, the number of cases dealt with over the same period increased by only 18% compared to last year.

The number of PIP appeals increased by an astonishing 119% whilst UC went up by 28%.

Overall, the success rate for social security appeals that were cleared at hearing stands at 61%. 

However, 28% were cleared before a hearing.  In many of these cases the DWP will have made an improved offer which the claimant accepted, though it may not have been as high an award as they hoped for or were entitled to.

The success rate varies according to the benefit involved:

For PIP the success rate was 68%, similar to the same quarter last year.

DLA success rates are at 61%, down 6%.

ESA success rates are at  53%,  down 1%

UC success rates are at 49% an increase of 7%

The average wait time for a hearing was 31 weeks, which is 8 weeks down on last year, but it is likely that this will begin to increase over the coming quarters.

There were 63,000 outstanding cases at the end of September, an increase of 96% compared to last year.  This is far from a record high: there were 125,000 people waiting in 2018. 

But with PIP claims at record levels, it seems entirely possible that the previous waiting list peak will be rapidly surpassed unless extra investment in appeals is made as a matter of urgency.

Sadly, there seems little chance of that happening when there is no additional cost to the state in keeping claimants waiting for justice.

You can read the full appeal statistics here.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    Ive been on DLA high rate of mobility & middle rate care indefinitely for a few years. When phoning to say I had got worse & needed a career I had to apply to PIP & my DLA would cease. Well!!! I have now been given the standard care & mobility, meaning my car, my only means of mobility, will be taken off me.  
    How can anyone assess a person over a phone?? I told them how bad I was but none of this has been taken into consideration! Who the hell do these people think they are, playing with peoples lives! I’m at my wits end & now really depressed as to how I will manage. Yes I have put in an appeal & will go to a tribunal if I can get there!!! These people are a disgrace. 
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    · 2 years ago
    The DWP are disqualifying the pip awards of people with severe mental health difficulties. They are assessed by an ineffective scoring system, and put through the additional stress of form filling and an appeals process. Along with the cost of living crisis, this may well be the final straw for some. 
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    · 2 years ago
    Does autism qualify for Pip? My appointee already is waiting on the AR1, but has been dx ADHD  has been advised to take the ASD assessment. Therfore this is likely a adult female with an extremely late diagnosis (30s) which explains the root cause of all the issues mentally and physically that qualified them for pip to begin with. So- if their AR1 is rejected I now have a possible upcoming diagnosis as to why this candidate "has become" the way they are. Likely they were never able to live without aids, help and support and doing so had implicated their health mentally and physically. 

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @Anon I’m autistic and mine just got stopped 
      Took me 2 years to get it initially apparently I can’t be autistic cause I can play guitar and talk 
      Was scored zero, I now have no money for another 3 weeks and no food because of restricted eating I can’t use a food bank so I’m just wondering if starvation doesn’t get me depression will because my internet will be cut off soon and the electric isn’t going to last till the next voucher comes because of holidays 
      I think they want to force autistic people into working by creating a hostile environment 
      Then you’re far far less likely to get pip at appeal because you can do a job

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Anon Nothing including autism qualifies directly, how it impacts your life using the points system however can
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Dan so sorry to hear this. My husband has had his pip stopped too.  he has many conditions 2 spinal ops heart attack diagnosed with kidney cancer in May 2022. had to wait 5 months for his operation. takes over 22 tablets a dayx  we have just applied for a mandatory reconsideration . wonder how long this will take!!! hope you get your pip reinstatedx good luck 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Dan Well I hope he still has a job once you take it to tribunal AND personally go after him for misconduct bc he shouldn't be working if he wants to give his personal views on neuroddvelopmental disorders that only specialised neuro Psychiatrists are qualified to make an assessment ONLY and thats following the DSM, not by giving their personal fu***king opinion. So I doubt a *male nurse* knows what the eff he is talking about. Next he will be handing out leaflets in the call center for his religious beliefs no doubt bc what he believes is truth and other peoples lives need to be determined by it.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Anon I was told by the Assessor over a phone assessment that adults can’t have ADHD and that I survived alright for two and a half years through covid without them, oh and they have never heard of diabetes type 1.5. 
      This was a male nurse. Who was “thoroughly qualified to assess my case”
      I had twenty one points and he stripped me down to zero, I’m currently in a wheelchair thanks to diabetes. 
      But apparently I still don’t qualify as disabled. 
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    · 2 years ago
    Hi need help with my pip renewal but due to mental health problems also health issues need some help to fill the booklet out by the 4th of jan got very anxious help please 

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      · 2 years ago
      @Brenda I'm the same but only received the review form on 21st December even though dated 4th Dec but have to return by 4th Jan which I won't make. I've tried calling DWP numerous times this week and the options just disconnect and I keep trying but there is no other way to contact them its ridiculous, they know the amount of postal strikes before Christmas. I am researching to complete and have dug out my initial paperwork and tribunal papers as well to compare the booklets. Do you have your original papers? Deep breaths. 
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    · 2 years ago
    Because of MoJ budget constraints*, expect PIP/DLA appeals to take longer. These panels require Medical and Disability Qualified Members, both of which are 'fee paid' (expenses over and above the usual salary bill). A significant number of the Judges are also fee paid due to the lack of salaried Judges.

    We continue to be shafted by this government from all angles 😡

    *The only departments that have received increased income over the last 12 years are the Department of Health and the Home Office. MoJ currently running at over 20% less than 12 years ago.
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    · 2 years ago
    I think the system is geared toward the hope you give up. I have the same thing with CHC for my mother's care home fees.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Jacs Bear in mind that its not about the diagnosis, its about daily living tasks which if they can be completed with aids, adaptations or by taking medications then the DWP consider the person cabable of completing those tasks. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @The Dim Reaper 100% I've gone through 3 tribunals (Incapacity benefit as was then, JSA/ESA and PIP) and won every one of them, cannot even begin to imagine the amount of tax payers money wasted to get help and left waiting 18-36months in the meantime then back date. Its a joke. No business model would survive and would be reviewed and overhauled yet our government don't review any of them instead its the "that's the way its always been done" attitude.
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    · 2 years ago
    Is this new or existing claims? 

    As existing claims (if DWP decided - you know the issue with we can't alter a tribunal decision and the 6 month covid extension) seam to just being rubber stamped on renewal............
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    · 2 years ago
     reject the AR1, I now have a 2nd possible upcoming diagnosis as to why this candidate is way they are + its lifelong as likely they were never able to live without aids, help and support and doing so had implicated their health mentally and physically. 

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    · 2 years ago
    Things are only warming up, a year or two and it will be up by 200%   
    Dont expect much help from shrewd, Starmer & Co,   

    Power is the name of their game.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @MrFibro People forget it was New Labour as far back as 2008 well before the coalition govt who introduced work capability assessments and "subcontracted" ATOS and Capita to employ NHS staff with only two years post graduating experience, deliberatly attracting those who dont want to "care" for people, but want a Monday to Friday 9 - 5 job, with pension private health care and other perks. 

      Starmer stated "dont expect Labour to get out the big chequebook"...

      As we used to tell business students "Margaret Thatchers greatest legacy was New Labour... " at least she was honest unlike todays politicians of all colours. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @clearwater Hi Clearwater,

      Starmer, & Co are as it says on the Tin, only there for working people not disabled sick ill people.  Labours policies as in regards to ESA / UC - WCA & PIP assessments etc are basically the same.  Just worded differently thats all.  But come the next GE my vote goes to labour as living under 13 years will be 15 years of this tory benefits regime, has taken its toll on me.

      I think it's only fair now to put another party at the helm, oh and the lib-dems they are a waste of space too.  Don't forget they used to be in bed with the tories, so how could anyone trust them.

      But if the country wants lib dems then so be it, but the tories need to go.  And labour if they had any sense at all if they do get in power.Would  be to re-nationalize industries again, and crack down on these parasitical privatized corporations such as energy giants. 

      Only time will tell.  So i'm wishing for a devil i dont know, rather than the devil I do know.


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